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GCU merges in LSF


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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1290161327' post='2517280']
They spoke to Bizat behind the protections of closed doors. In fear that their collection of this band of misfits would be ridiculed by the populace of bob.

Well now, I wouldn't agree with this hard judgement on GCU. One of their ministers made an awful mistake. But there are active people there, people who can learn and grow, people that can one day, perhaps, offer to our community. And I believe that they have learned a lot from this incident. A hard lesson they were taught, but they took it. Their willingness to join the rest of the leftist family is a good indication that this adventure affected them. It's necessity that forges character. And necessity they faced.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290161929' post='2517284']
Well now, I wouldn't agree with this hard judgement on GCU. One of their ministers made an awful mistake. But there are active people there, people who can learn and grow, people that can one day, perhaps, offer to our community. And I believe that they have learned a lot from this incident. A hard lesson they were taught, but they took it. Their willingness to join the rest of the leftist family is a good indication that this adventure affected them. It's necessity that forges character. And necessity they faced.
You heard it here first, GOONS teaching hard life lessons to those they meet. A necessary service to the world of Bob.
You could teach them a lot about war though, their strategy is lacking.

Please send tutoring fee of 90m to GOONS asap. these lessons are expensive to coordinate and fund.

Edited by r00tn00b
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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290159461' post='2517264']
So, yeah, request lock.

Requesting a lock is like requesting time be turned back to 18 months ago (or so) when you [i]could[/i] request a lock. As it stands, if you are taking in people being pursued by GOONS you should probably, you know, speak with GOONS. They tend to be fairly accomodating in these things, but not when you try to take advantage of, or liberties with, them.

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1290162577' post='2517289']
Requesting a lock is like requesting time be turned back to 18 months ago (or so) when you [i]could[/i] request a lock. As it stands, if you are taking in people being pursued by GOONS you should probably, you know, speak with GOONS. They tend to be fairly accomodating in these things, but not when you try to take advantage of, or liberties with, them.

I repeat that, [i]there has been a discussion with GOONS gov.[/i], and that these people shall no longer be pursued, from the moment they join LSF.

I'll edit the OP and thank Biazt.

Now, if topics can't be locked any more, that's unfortunate.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1290163276' post='2517292']
I repeat that, [i]there has been a discussion with GOONS gov.[/i], and that these people shall no longer be pursued, from the moment they join LSF.

I'll edit the OP and thank Biazt.

Now, if topics can't be locked any more, that's unfortunate.

I hope Biazt gets a chance to speak with us soon. He has yet to make mention of this on our forum. Until then I would consider this OP cause for great concern and open for discussion.

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Firstly let me wish the best of luck to GCU, it is a shame you had to learn the realities of existence in CN the hard way. But what does not kill you makes you stronger.

Secondly we in the International took it upon ourselves to reach out to try ensure this situation was resolved quickly, and to this effect our FA guy took the time to speak Biazt...

[17:58] <Biazt[GOONS]> Alright
[17:58] <Biazt[GOONS]> After they've physically changed AAs to something protected we can tell our members to peace
[17:58] <Biazt[GOONS]> No reps
[17:58] <BaronTerror> just what I wanted to here (OOC edit: *Hear)
[17:58] <Biazt[GOONS]> great
[18:00] <BaronTerror> I will let LSF know this, also do u mind if I share these logs? just to make things easier
[INT] [18:00] <Biazt[GOONS]> Sure thing [/quote]

I hope that the information conveyed to Baron Terror was correct, if not I am available for the next 7-8 hours on irc for a wee chat if needed (infact i am lurking on #cybergoons as we speak :D ).

With respect,

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[quote name='ChimpMasterFlash' timestamp='1290163446' post='2517293']
I hope Biazt gets a chance to speak with us soon. He has yet to make mention of this on our forum. Until then I would consider this OP cause for great concern and open for discussion.

That's poor communiction on the part of GOONS, not LSF.

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1290165507' post='2517298']
Firstly let me wish the best of luck to GCU, it is a shame you had to learn the realities of existence in CN the hard way. But what does not kill you makes you stronger.

Secondly we in the International took it upon ourselves to reach out to try ensure this situation was resolved quickly, and to this effect our FA guy took the time to speak Biazt...

I hope that the information conveyed to Baron Terror was correct, if not I am available for the next 7-8 hours on irc for a wee chat if needed (infact i am lurking on #cybergoons as we speak :D ).

With respect,
Good to know I can continue to declare until they change AA's.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1290166124' post='2517301']
Good to know I can continue to declare until they change AA's.
[s]Indeed, that is the case as I understand it ;)[/s]

forgot about the 7 day protection thingy :lol1:

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1290166124' post='2517301']
Good to know I can continue to declare until they change AA's.

Provided your chain of command gives you a green light, you may attack anything I guess. However, this is now a protected AA. And as stated :

[quote]- No potential tech-raid target from an AA with treaties or protection will be approved. This includes applicant and POW AAs.[/quote]

My interpretation is that you won't be given a greenlight. If I'm wrong about this, I have not yet been informed. You may continue fighting until the wars expire, but no new declarations of war.

Edited by Trikoupis
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[quote name='Bloodjewel' timestamp='1290154896' post='2517233']
I don't think you can just harbor rogues and call it even.

I really dont care one way or another what happens here, but I have to ask, in all seriousness.... how an alliance with zero offensive wars on another alliance, can be considered "rogues.".... if there are offensive wars that have been deleted, consider this my apology in advance.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1290167107' post='2517310']
I really dont care one way or another what happens here, but I have to ask, in all seriousness.... how an alliance with zero offensive wars on another alliance, can be considered "rogues.".... if there are offensive wars that have been deleted, consider this my apology in advance.
It's simple, they have wars with GOONS, therefore they are rogues.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1290167107' post='2517310']
I really dont care one way or another what happens here, but I have to ask, in all seriousness.... how an alliance with zero offensive wars on another alliance, can be considered "rogues.".... if there are offensive wars that have been deleted, consider this my apology in advance.

come on man it is GOONS. it was even stated something about raids later on. plus, it appears their gov barely talks to one another. i mean CMF here started off implying GCU were rogues, then pulled this out.

[quote name='ChimpMasterFlash' timestamp='1290156016' post='2517241']
Curious to know if anything on the section "ending a raid" found @ [url="http://cngoons.com/Board/index.php?topic=4609.0"]GOONS[/url] was done?

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1290167107' post='2517310']
I really dont care one way or another what happens here, but I have to ask, in all seriousness.... how an alliance with zero offensive wars on another alliance, can be considered "rogues.".... if there are offensive wars that have been deleted, consider this my apology in advance.

The entire thing is odd. All I see is GOONS attacking them. And then LSF and this annoucement, says they cleared it with GOONS. GOONS claims they do not know anything about it, then LSF seems to clearly try to protect GOONS from making themselves look like idiots by ending this in public and taking it private. Then you see GOONS continue to claim they have no idea what is going on but, they want it public. Then INT comes in with logs and shows that LFS is indeed correct and it is GOONS that is confused. Maybe GOONS should take some time and talk to each other to figure out what is going on and then share with the rest of us. Since they have made it clear several times they want this open for the public.

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They're not rogues. Let's put that to bed right now. This is simply a case of someone that shouldn't have been in any government anywhere making a decision that basically threw his entire alliance to the wolves.

As for the discussion that took place with Biazt, we haven't heard from him in a while. I haven't seen him on IRC lately, and nothing was posted within our government section. Besides, as a GOONS council member, he doesn't have the credentials to make a decision on behalf of the entire GOONS alliance on his own, and I'm pretty sure he knows this. He stepped down from a high enough position to do this (as did I) due to responsibilities outside of alliance business. Something seems pretty damn fishy here. I may be wrong, but it certainly wouldn't be my first time.

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good move LSF, i saw all the raids goin on with them :)

[s](though please hit me up on IRC or in-game to talk about a ghost issue with this)[/s] deed is done :)

Edited by Lurunin
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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1290172379' post='2517343']
As for the discussion that took place with Biazt, we haven't heard from him in a while. I haven't seen him on IRC lately, and nothing was posted within our government section. Besides, as a GOONS council member, he doesn't have the credentials to make a decision on behalf of the entire GOONS alliance on his own, and I'm pretty sure he knows this. He stepped down from a high enough position to do this (as did I) due to responsibilities outside of alliance business. Something seems pretty damn fishy here. I may be wrong, but it certainly wouldn't be my first time.
Well I can assure you that for our part there is no fishy motive at play, I am happy to discuss the situation with someone with more credentials and resolve the situation in a suitably amicable fashion ;)

Edited by Cataduanes
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I would like to voice my approbation to LSF and INT for negotiating and handling this merger well. Bringing GCU members into your fold so they can learn the intricacies of CN politics is to be commended ... as is offering the hand of friendship, aid, protection, and defense to those who may need it that you can call friends.

Edited by Hogosha
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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1290176763' post='2517370']
Well I can assure you that for our part there is no fishy motive at play, I am happy to discuss the situation with someone with more credentials and resolve the situation in a suitably amicable fashion ;)

Please do not take offense to this question, as you know I have the utmost respect for you: What part are you playing in this issue? I realize that you're attempting to get peace for the GCU nations, but being the alliance leader of The International, how do you fit in to an issue regarding alliances outside of your own?

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