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Agenda: Lost...I Think


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I have your agenda Tyga, and you must pay me $15 Millions + 250 tech should you want it back.

I expects the payment to be delivered by 11:59PM server time, the 31st of November, 2010. Should you fail to deliver, then I will interpret the deal as reneged and will respond accordingly. :smug:

Edited by gantanX
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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1289774935' post='2513078']
With recent mutterings I have decided to ask the citizens of the Cyberverse to help me locate something. My agenda.

I have been told I have one but cannot seem to find it. I don't recall ever owning one but with so many people telling me I have an agenda I'm calling on you all to help me find it.

Apparently, in the Cyberverse, every opinion is shaped by an agenda. If you criticise someone you have an agenda to push against that nation, alliance or bloc. However, that agenda dissappears or morphs into a new agenda if you happen to agree with the people you previously had an agenda against (apparently). This can go on and on for years and no one really clues on that perhaps there is no agenda and perhaps I'm just voicing my honest opinion on matters as they evolve.

No, not possible. Clearly I have an agenda that changes and moves from group to group quite regularly. When I agree with you that agenda is put on hold an switches to the party that disagrees with me at that time then resurfaces if I disagree with you later on. With such flexibility and a chameleon-like ability to change its appearance to blend in with the current surroundings it is no surprise that I cannot find my agenda nor even remember having one.

So, I'm asking you all to help me out. Can you let me know what my agenda is and where I can locate it? Your assistance is much appreciated.

Could I offer a suggestion of working some magic behind the scenes in starting a PB civil war :ph34r:

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I don't believe your agenda exists. Sure, it is a question of faith, but I just don't have that faith. I believe those that believe in your agenda are limiting their own free-thinking and are using your agenda as an excuse to do as they please, even if your agenda does not really approve of those actions. Sure, they will claim your agenda must exist because their posts say it exists. And their posts must be true because it is a response to your agenda. It is a circular argument that I do not wish to support. Granted, I am not a scholar on the subject and have only dabbled in a reading of an agenda-post here and there, so I could be way off and really regret my non-belief in your agenda when I am forced to spend eternity in Valhalla.

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I think your agenda is to actually [i]say[/i] what you [i]think.

[/i]....as for it being lost, most of the time it seems to be right there in plain sight, on rare occasions though I have seen it expressed like it was coming from your arse. :P

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1289825232' post='2513531']
No, it hasn't. Which is why I was hoping some of the people who have claimed to have seen this mythical beast might come forward and assist me on my expedition. I'm a patient man.

Having searched far and wide a [url=http://xkcd.com/461/]partial map[/url] has been discovered, we believe the original was destroyed by those that seek to keep your agenda hidden from you.

Unfortunatly the Spectral Wolf is a secretive creature, as such your only hope of success is to roll every nation with "Wolf" in it's name until you find the right one.

Or possibly what JBone said is accurate, but I like this version better.

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[quote name='Linden16' timestamp='1289775271' post='2513083']
Your agenda is to corner the twinkie market.

Way to kill a thread right from the start. <_<

I was going to say I can't help you find your agenda, because I already have one of my own, but between Linden16 and Bzelger it looks like this situation has been resolved. Now which one of those two is the secret agenda?

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[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1289776102' post='2513099']
Tyga! You really shouldn't be so forgetful. Now, next time you pack your bag, please be sure to keep your agenda with you at all times.

You know how i know you're awesome? :P

[quote name='ishabad' timestamp='1289778526' post='2513134']
Your Agenda:
1.Go To Polaris and disband STA
2.Go To Polaris and disband STA
3.Go To Polaris and disband STA*
*Most important one
You have this backwards my dear boy

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It's probably tucked between the crystal ball used to divine the crimes of one's enemies before they even commit them and the third rate dictionary where the words "crying" and "whining" and "tantrum" all mean "disagreeing with anything". Just some of the many items at the disposal of the rulers of this world with more enthusiasm than sense.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1289941154' post='2515037']
It's probably tucked between the crystal ball used to divine the crimes of one's enemies before they even commit them and the third rate dictionary where the words "crying" and "whining" and "tantrum" all mean "disagreeing with anything". Just some of the many items at the disposal of the rulers of this world with more enthusiasm than sense.

Now we have covered your agenda, do you have any comments on mine?

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1289951262' post='2515281']
Now we have covered your agenda, do you have any comments on mine?
Hm. Perhaps the tone of my post could have been conveyed better. Please read it again, but do not include yourself in the "rulers" I mention, and it should be more along the lines of what I meant to say. That is, as it has been established that you are not in posession of your agenda, you must obviously not be in posession of the other items I spoke of either.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1289953828' post='2515369']
Ok, although I'm confused why some keep basing their comments on some nebulous group of leaders in a discussion seeking out my agenda.
Well, it's probably because you speak of some nebulous group of leaders that are claiming you have an agenda. I see it as an empty argument tactic, as claiming someone has an "agenda" implies that their opinions aren't formed from a rational assessment of the situation.

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[url="The Uncertainty Principle"]The Uncertainty Principle[/url] explains all of this.

As applied to Tygaland, attempting to observe his agenda immediately causes it to change, therefore it is unknowable.

Don't ask me what would happen if Tygaland were placed in a box...you just don't want to know.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1289954388' post='2515388']
Well, it's probably because you speak of some nebulous group of leaders that are claiming you have an agenda. I see it as an empty argument tactic, as claiming someone has an "agenda" implies that their opinions aren't formed from a rational assessment of the situation.

You probably need only review a few recent discussions to see examples of what I am referring to. I was inviting those people to come forward and explain to me what my agenda is. so far, none have.

[quote name='ChairmanHal']
The Uncertainty Principle explains all of this.

As applied to Tygaland, attempting to observe his agenda immediately causes it to change, therefore it is unknowable.

Don't ask me what would happen if Tygaland were placed in a box...you just don't want to know.

I'm guessing I'd either claw my way out or suffocate in my own flatulence. Just theory at this stage as no experiments have been conducted.

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