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Agenda: Lost...I Think


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[quote name='ishabad' timestamp='1289778526' post='2513134']
Your Agenda:
1.Go To Polaris and disband STA
2.Go To Polaris and disband STA
3.Go To Polaris and disband STA*
*Most important one

I'm not sure what my agenda is but I'm pretty sure that isn't it. :P

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Philosophers would say that your knowledge of your agenda implies its existence and civil engineers would say that the shifts in the agenda are the result of a lack of solid foundations. Unfortunately, I'm neither a philosopher nor a civil engineer so I can't tell you how to find what you seek. Nevertheless, I think you're onto something.

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Your agenda is to make many proclamations and statements in this venue, and spend vast amounts of time reading those of other national rulers, so that you, Crown Prince Miskha, may avoid going outside your palatial dwelling in the nation of Tygaland at all costs, but remain indoors at all times. :awesome:

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1289780536' post='2513161']
Your agenda is to make many proclamations and statements in this venue, and spend vast amounts of time reading those of other national rulers, so that you, Crown Prince Miskha, may avoid going outside your palatial dwelling in the nation of Tygaland at all costs, but remain indoors at all times. :awesome:

I've seen outside and I don't like it very much!

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[quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1289780093' post='2513154']
Philosophers would say that your knowledge of your agenda implies its existence and civil engineers would say that the shifts in the agenda are the result of a lack of solid foundations. Unfortunately, I'm neither a philosopher nor a civil engineer so I can't tell you how to find what you seek. Nevertheless, I think you're onto something.

The problem is, I'm not sure it exists. I am only referring to it because I'm told it exists by others. As the people telling me of my agenda are from various corners of the Cyberverse I can only hypothesise that it shifts quite often.

I'm hoping this discussion will shed some light on this issue so as we can put the pieces of the puzzle together. Once my agenda's existence is confirmed (if it exists at all) and I know what that agenda is, then I can then tailor all my words and actions accordingly so as to avoid further confusion.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1289782126' post='2513180']
I would say you have always been pretty consistent on things. Of course when you hit on something that is hard to defend then the best way to limit your input is to say you have an agenda. Also, hello Tyga.

Perhaps consistency is my agenda? Interesting.

Also, hello

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[quote name='SpoiL' timestamp='1289784812' post='2513205']
[img]http://www.tombraider4u.com/pictures/spongebob-pictures.jpg[/img] Your agenda is to convince the world that you have no agenda and your word is free from political bias in order to gain power through influence.

It doesn't seem to be working very well then.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1289814039' post='2513473']
Not talking about you particularly here but, when you push a (minor) point over and over again, it does makes you look like you have an agenda. Even if you don't mean to.

Seeing as the topic is about me, what point have I pushed over and over that would show an agenda? Or is it more likely that it is easier for those I disagree with to put it down to an agenda rather than take the criticism or counter-argument on face value?

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1289774935' post='2513078']
With recent mutterings I have decided to ask the citizens of the Cyberverse to help me locate something. My agenda.

I have been told I have one but cannot seem to find it. I don't recall ever owning one but with so many people telling me I have an agenda I'm calling on you all to help me find it.

Apparently, in the Cyberverse, every opinion is shaped by an agenda. If you criticise someone you have an agenda to push against that nation, alliance or bloc. However, that agenda dissappears or morphs into a new agenda if you happen to agree with the people you previously had an agenda against (apparently). This can go on and on for years and no one really clues on that perhaps there is no agenda and perhaps I'm just voicing my honest opinion on matters as they evolve.

No, not possible. Clearly I have an agenda that changes and moves from group to group quite regularly. When I agree with you that agenda is put on hold an switches to the party that disagrees with me at that time then resurfaces if I disagree with you later on. With such flexibility and a chameleon-like ability to change its appearance to blend in with the current surroundings it is no surprise that I cannot find my agenda nor even remember having one.

So, I'm asking you all to help me out. Can you let me know what my agenda is and where I can locate it? Your assistance is much appreciated.

The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence :P

Has it really ever been any different? Honestly?

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289824018' post='2513529']
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence :P

Has it really ever been any different? Honestly?

No, it hasn't. Which is why I was hoping some of the people who have claimed to have seen this mythical beast might come forward and assist me on my expedition. I'm a patient man.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1289819075' post='2513499']
Seeing as the topic is about me, what point have I pushed over and over that would show an agenda? Or is it more likely that it is easier for those I disagree with to put it down to an agenda rather than take the criticism or counter-argument on face value?

As I said, I wasn't talking about you. It was more of a general statement. And I have to admit that, even if I noticed it, I didn't follow closely enough your debate in that other thread.

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Good news! I found your agenda. It was between the couch coushions.

[font="Courier New"]
10:00 Wake up
10:00-10:30 Scratch yourself
10:30-11:00 Litter box
11:00-noon Breakfast
12:00-12:30 Complain about chronic twinkie shortage
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:00 Make litter box jokes
2:00-3:00 Afternoon tea
3:00-4:00 Nap
4:00-5:30 Dinner
5:30-6:00 Litter box
6:00-6:30 Brag about litter box exploits
6:30-7:30 Beating subordinates
7:30-9:00 Nap
9:00-10:00 Evening snack
10:00 Sleep[/font]

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