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The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills.

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Mia let me start off by appologizing. I know you probably hate me for what I did to you and TOOL and how I besmirched your image with my little game I played for about a week. I am honestly sorry for what I did and I hope in this new transition I can work towards a better future for myself and for TOOL. So here's to Mia being a great leader.


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Don't get too bored in the retirement home. :P Good luck wherever life takes you. The people of Uralica will be sure to rename something after you, although I don't think you'll get quite the treatment Sheldomar did when he stepped down at CCC after going a year. :ph34r: Who knows? The huge bridge they're building over the Volga near Sentervorri might be called the Graham Keatley Bridge ;)

By the way:

[quote]As I write this I wonder who will take over the mantle as the longest still standing Leader of an alliance. [/quote] I think Xiphosis takes the mantle now.

Mia, I know you'll do well as LCC.

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I have been a member of TOOL for most of GK's reign, a government member for most of that, starting back over 3 years ago. He has been such a solid leader, great in times of crisis, his diplomacy is second to none in my opinion and TOOL would not exist without him. Thank you for creating the community that you did otherwise I would have long quit this game when I bought a pc that could play non-text games.....

Mia, you know I :wub: you and I know that TOOL couldn't have been left any more capable hands. You've done a great job as HoFA, Bama's footsteps were hard to follow, but you've gone one further so here's to your new reign


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GK, you know the respect I have for you so I won't rehash it here. But I will wish you luck in your retirement and hope you will still stick around in the community.

Good luck Mia, in your reign of terr-... eerrr, I mean, Reign of Justice on this planet :P

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Sad to see the longest reigning leader finally throw in the towel. Always respected you, Graham, and when you were active you were easily one of the best leaders and diplomats in the game. I know this must have been hard for you and also a long time coming. Good luck to you and to TOOL in moving forward with their new leader, I'm sure Mia will do a...good job? :P Enjoyed the vast majority of my time in TOOL, always enjoyed working with you, Dodo and the Inquis team. You really did build something nice over there. Hopefully you will come visit sometime and not just fade away into the ether.

o/ GrahamKeatley
o/ Salmia

also, Muddy you left out the part about the underaged asian girls

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I have known these two from that "other world" GK speaks of, and although I can see we've never really seen eye-to-eye over there, I've always respected his work here with TOOL. It's a great accomplishment to forge an alliance and maintain it's prosperity for such a lengthy period of time. Enjoy the break, GK. Congrats, Mia. I know you'll do well.

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I don't normally bother with these but this really is the end of an era. GK has been the head of TOOL forever, and moved it from a laughing stock for its tiny ANS in its early days, through recruiting and growth and into one of the few alliances that managed to come through an alignment with Hegemony (and later ex-Heg) while maintaining respect from most of the other side.

From my interactions with Mia I'm sure you're leaving the alliance in good hands, though.

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