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Official Independent Republic of Orange Nations Announcement


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I dont know you Rab but im sure i will soon good luck sir.

Peron it was always a pleasure to speak with you and i wish you luck in that other realm and hopefully it will return you to us. Enjoy retirement.

I think Rab took the first step in this thread any bets on how many take him up on his offer. I think ill probably take the under on this one.

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Yes good luck to Peron and McRabt in his new position.

I must say the last war for IRON was a disaster. Is there anyone here who would not agree. And why? Because of very poor judgement from Peron and his ruling clique.
Better for you boys to look at your Alliances. Take it from the top, who's been good and who's been bad for you. Only meat-heads are meat-shields.

A unified Orange Sphere is possible.

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[quote name='Volgan' timestamp='1285269786' post='2462373']
Yes good luck to Peron and McRabt in his new position.
I must say the last war for IRON was a disaster. Is there anyone here who would not agree. And why? Because of very poor judgement from Peron and his ruling clique. [/b]
Better for you boys to look at your Alliances. Take it from the top, who's been good and who's been bad for you. Only meat-heads are meat-shields.

A unified Orange Sphere is possible.
Not sure what this has to do with anything at all considering Peron was named President of IRON following the ESA though prior the end of the Gramlins conflict. Now Peron was prominent during talks cause Finsterbaby had faded away into RL, but he'd not yet assumed the mantle of power.

These are the facts which you and your clique are more than welcome to learn and comprehend at some point, or you can go on singing the same old tired song:


P.S. As for your final comment, good luck with that.

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[quote name='Volgan' timestamp='1285269786' post='2462373']
Yes good luck to Peron and McRabt in his new position.

I must say the last war for IRON was a disaster. Is there anyone here who would not agree. And why? Because of very poor judgement from Peron and his ruling clique.
Better for you boys to look at your Alliances. Take it from the top, who's been good and who's been bad for you. Only meat-heads are meat-shields.

A unified Orange Sphere is possible.
Finster was in charge of IRON at the beginning. Peron took over at the end. MCRABT was in charge of IRON's military throughout the entire thing. If you want to blame someone for IRON's piss poor performance, go for the president before or after him, not Peron. Peron is one of the three people IRON has that can even act like they have a brain.

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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1285205273' post='2461627']
I would have liked to see Matt Miller as President, I find it puzzling that he's never been tapped on the shoulder for a job, always a very respectful, reasoned, and dedicated member from what I could tell. Oh well, I'm sure RAB will do a fine job, Triumvir buddies ^_^ good luck IRON

He has a new gorilla to take care of, if you know what I mean ;)

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[quote name='Dom Zak' timestamp='1285293491' post='2462864']
He has a new gorilla to take care of, if you know what I mean ;)
Little Tarzans can be quite time consuming..

Best of luck IRON. May MCRABT be as good a leader as he is vocal ;)

Congrats to NAH and may you enjoy your retirement Peron :)


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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1285238063' post='2462047']
Alas! I'm am but a puppet of NAH's will have no fear!

Thank you to all the well wishes I have received, to the expected nay sayers I say this:

Upon accepting the job it had occured to me that your reception to this announcement would be rather coasy, indeed I have not been disapointed, so thank you for living up to my expectations. I however do not intend to live up to yours. Quite to the contrary while I understand that your perception of me in the past has been one of hostility, I re-affirm that I hold no ill bearing toward you. I may not always agree with your points of view but I would like to stress that I am open to friendly communcation with anyone who is genuinely interested in moving forward from what has been a sour past.

I expect that most of you will likely pass on this offer but it remains nonetheless. As President of IRON I will seek reconcilliation not hostility where it is not neccesary. I see no benefit in the festering of old grudges (including ODN) and will strive to increase positive communication with those who may view us negatively for our past, our appearance on these boards or otherwise. Those of you who are interested I extend the hand of IRON friendship.
Are [i]14 year old children with small dick syndrome trying to act cool on the Internet because they jack off so much they don't have time to socialise with their peers[/i] eligible for reconciliation?

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1285278702' post='2462529']
Finster was in charge of IRON at the beginning. Peron took over at the end. MCRABT was in charge of IRON's military throughout the entire thing. If you want to blame someone for IRON's piss poor performance, go for the president before or after him, not Peron. Peron is one of the three people IRON has that can even act like they have a brain.

"Great Minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people".

While I completely concur of your appraisal of Peron's Presidency I would point out that you do an awful lot of talking about other people to be claiming intellectual superiority over a community 300 members strong.

[quote name='Venizelos' timestamp='1285313691' post='2463148']
good job crabby.

you've earned leading that horrible alliance!

i hope you got the approval of TOP first tho

Veni you really need some new material.

[quote name='James I' timestamp='1285316457' post='2463166']
Are [i]14 year old children with small dick syndrome trying to act cool on the Internet because they jack off so much they don't have time to socialise with their peers[/i] eligible for reconciliation?

My problem with you guys has always been the totally unneeded hostility which you project onto anyone out of your sphere of influence. Like I said I am willing to work with anyone who is interested in healing a scarred past.

[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1285318068' post='2463172']
This will do wonders for our relationship, I'm sure.

Well that depends on whether or not you are interested in reconciliation, I'm not holding any prejudices. As for our relationship as it is at present, for all the praise I have seen for Perons presidency, the "BOOO IRON are incompetent" posts have continued, so while I would like to improve the state of things as they are at present I am not in anyway expectant of this being reciprocated.

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you guys aren't incompetent, you're just very determined in being someone's puppet. it has been your policy for years and years. the master doesnt even matter that much. all that matters is that you have someone to think for you.

are you willing to change that? then you will be the greatest president IRON has ever seen.

also, jesus christ get rid of some of the serious bussiness attitude anyone working for council has and make the forums more fun. IRON was the most depressing alliance i've ever been in.

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1285320964' post='2463181']My problem with you guys has always been the totally unneeded hostility which you project onto anyone out of your sphere of influence. Like I said I am willing to work with anyone who is interested in healing a scarred past.[/quote]
TOP is outside our sphere of influence and we don't project much hostility onto them at all so there.

lol at you being so gracious and kind enough to be "willing to work with" people btw

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1285329588' post='2463212']
lol at you being so gracious and kind enough to be "willing to work with" people btw

At least someone is willing to try.

You all say that this will do wonders for our "relationship" and then you go right on trolling us. The term hypocrisy springs into the mind.

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