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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1281944708' post='2417720']
Two years, buddy.

It is possible that he might be referencing Vox's disbandment instead, in which case, he is close, and I must concur with him.

[i]Lezrahi closed his eyes and shook his head in sadness.[/i]

Edited by Lezrahi
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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281934471' post='2417519']
Dear HeroofTime:

This thread has nothing to do with TPF, RoK or the NSO.

Please go piss on someone else's birthday cake.


And here we have this new world order prohibiting free speech on the OWF. Will there be[i] no end[/i].

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I really find this a weird thread with all these hails. I found the time Vox populi flourished by far the most boring time, as nothing of any significance really happened. We got a complaints thread from Nitenderek or Junkalunka every week with how evil the "despots" were and how they were killing CN, but that was about it.

My personal opinion on VOX:

I think you actually prolonged the time between the WotC and KARMA, as those who weren't really interested in letting that war happen had someone they could create an enemy out of. Those in favour of something like the Karma war didn't really needed any convincing, but were constantly fearful something they would say would leak out and so they became super careful about the things they talked about on IRC.

Yes TWiP was well written, but it didn't really had any valuable info and the issue about Reyne was seriously uncool. Tatler was more interesting, but also pretty counter productive when starting up a serious resistance.

Next to that I also still think publishing guides from other alliances is super uncool, people put a lot of time in writing those and I personally also was upset when my work ended up out there.

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[quote name='eyriq' timestamp='1281866378' post='2416564']
You guys were heroes, plain and simple. Quite the exciting time really, even though all I did was read your publications and cheer from the sidelines.
This. I strongly considered joining for a while...thanks for the memories Schattenmann :awesome:

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[quote name='thaone' timestamp='1281967439' post='2417896']
I really find this a weird thread with all these hails. I found the time Vox populi flourished by far the most boring time, as nothing of any significance really happened. We got a complaints thread from Nitenderek or Junkalunka every week with how evil the "despots" were and how they were killing CN, but that was about it.

My personal opinion on VOX:

I think you actually prolonged the time between the WotC and KARMA, as those who weren't really interested in letting that war happen had someone they could create an enemy out of. Those in favour of something like the Karma war didn't really needed any convincing, but were constantly fearful something they would say would leak out and so they became super careful about the things they talked about on IRC.

Yes TWiP was well written, but it didn't really had any valuable info and the issue about Reyne was seriously uncool. Tatler was more interesting, but also pretty counter productive when starting up a serious resistance.

Next to that I also still think publishing guides from other alliances is super uncool, people put a lot of time in writing those and I personally also was upset when my work ended up out there.

How woefully uninformed you are.

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[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=52222]Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits[/url] is a good example of that. I believe Reyne accused a number of Continuum members of being 'Vox sympathizers'. It was like McCarthyism but funnier.

edit: [img]http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc202/MostlyHarmfulAlliance/reyne/FoK001.jpg[/img]

My favorite.

Edited by Chief Savage Man
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1281944312' post='2417714']
And no, it's little to do with individual alliance strength. Back in Ye Olde Days it was, when there were like 15 alliances total in the world. But not in this modern era. It was their web of friends. And Vox certainly could have established a vast network of friends. Again, as I said, it is [i]to your credit[/i] that you did not, and it demonstrates the ideals behind the Vox movement.
Broseph! Vox had lots of cheerleaders on the Karma side, but very few friends. We were spying on Citadel, TOP, MHA, and VE, for one thing. We jumped down TSO's throat every minute of every day. We were not informed of any war mobilization and we were not included in the Karma forum or IRC. They liked what we were doing but they weren't friends.

As for personal paranoia that we were trying to place ourselves in power, you were drinking the kool aid. Pople started trying to paint us as powerthirsty ASAP after they realized we were serious, and we began declaring we would disband as soon as our goals were realized 5 seconds later. Anyone that didn't believe us had a personal problem; we did everything else we publically declared we'd do.

[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1281944708' post='2417720']
Two years, buddy.
JB thought it was one year, too lol.

[quote name='thaone' timestamp='1281967439' post='2417896']
I really find this a weird thread with all these hails. I found the time Vox populi flourished by far the most boring time, as nothing of any significance really happened. We got a complaints thread from Nitenderek or Junkalunka every week with how evil the "despots" were and how they were killing CN, but that was about it.

My personal opinion on VOX:

I think you actually prolonged the time between the WotC and KARMA, as those who weren't really interested in letting that war happen had someone they could create an enemy out of. Those in favour of something like the Karma war didn't really needed any convincing, but were constantly fearful something they would say would leak out and so they became super careful about the things they talked about on IRC.

Yes TWiP was well written, but it didn't really had any valuable info and the issue about Reyne was seriously uncool. Tatler was more interesting, but also pretty counter productive when starting up a serious resistance.

Next to that I also still think publishing guides from other alliances is super uncool, people put a lot of time in writing those and I personally also was upset when my work ended up out there.
I still think it's hilarious that people want(ed) to whiteknight on behalf of Reyne. What's uncool about showing the world what kind of person someone really is? It's notlike I cracked into her HD for IRC logs, we were approached by a spy with Citadel access who knew what kind of a problem Reyne posed as a vocal force in Citadel. What's bad about showing the world that, for example, the leader of a democratic alliance was admitting to- and bragging about kicking people out of the AA based on their political feelings?

Nobody ever cried when I showed the world what a jerk Z'ha'dum was--I guess nodoby was interested in his chest. No one got upset when I rifled through MaskofBlue's photobucket, I guess everyone knew she was taken.

Reyne was not a sympathetic character. She was--at the time--what I would call a screaming banshee or wailing harpy. OG declared war on Vox Populi over attacks on a nation that was flying "Grand Global Alliance"--an alliance we had declared war on--after deciding that the first jerk they encountered with a [Vox] tagin #vox_populi was qualified to speak on behalf of the alliance. So, war is war and all is fair in love and war. And I love Reyne Mordigan, and I was at war with her. So there ya go she knew what was coming.

Nowadays, she's a very quiet lady who I must assume is personable and kind in her retirement.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281951452' post='2417763']
And here we have this new world order prohibiting free speech on the OWF. Will there be[i] no end[/i].

[quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1281983342' post='2418085']
It appears he doesn't respect your authority to grant or deny permission. Good luck with your diplomatic efforts.

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1281983815' post='2418093']
Speaking of diplomacy

[quote]The World Task Force does not engage in CN Forum politics.[/quote]


[quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1281997590' post='2418316']
You are correct. WTF member are not supposed to even post on the OWF. My comments reflect my opinion not WTF's. I have offered my resignation to WTF and have changed my AA to None.

Do you still care to discuss this now that you have no rank to pull on me?

Brave New World, indeed.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282005064' post='2418418']
Well Bilrow sure showed us. An alliance choosing not to utilize their own free speech? Barbaric! We truly are worse than NPO ever was.

No I was pointing out the Merrie Melodies attempted to shut up someone.

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Still posting nonsense I see Bilrow, you never were very good at trolling. Im partially pleased and partially concerned that I go away for quite some time only to come back to the same old people posting the same old posts and complaining about the same old stuff. Doesn't it get boring after a while?

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1281985628' post='2418121']
Indeed. Remember how stirred up and paranoid Q was about spying? They killed themselves over it.
Weren't the only ones. Forgive me if I don't share the cake.

As I was in One Vision when Vox Populi formed, my opinions were ... biased. Still, as a relative newcomer to alliance politics (I made the mistake of reading the forums), I think what Hero of Time 55 is saying is that there was a perception of Vox Populi riding coattails to a place in the new power structure post-Continuum, and his acknowledgment that they did not. Remember, a point that you guys were making was not just the size of the Order, but also those who would hook on and use its strength, as a rather infamous past post once said.

Still feel like a fool for counseling restraint regarding Cylon's run at the Green senate tho.

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1281985628' post='2418121']
Indeed. Remember how stirred up and paranoid Q was about spying? They killed themselves over it.

They started to become paranoid when Gremlins left and what would latter be called Karma was in it's initial stages. Yes in the end they killed themselves over spying fears, but that was already after Sparta was planning to switch sides.

Before December, Q already lost its main purpose(killing NpO) but those who liked it could use VOX as a scapegoat of why someone shouldn't abandon ship.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1281989599' post='2418185']
I still think it's hilarious that people want(ed) to whiteknight on behalf of Reyne. What's uncool about showing the world what kind of person someone really is? It's notlike I cracked into her HD for IRC logs, we were approached by a spy with Citadel access who knew what kind of a problem Reyne posed as a vocal force in Citadel. What's bad about showing the world that, for example, the leader of a democratic alliance was admitting to- and bragging about kicking people out of the AA based on their political feelings?

Nobody ever cried when I showed the world what a jerk Z'ha'dum was--I guess nodoby was interested in his chest. No one got upset when I rifled through MaskofBlue's photobucket, I guess everyone knew she was taken.

Reyne was not a sympathetic character. She was--at the time--what I would call a screaming banshee or wailing harpy. OG declared war on Vox Populi over attacks on a nation that was flying "Grand Global Alliance"--an alliance we had declared war on--after deciding that the first jerk they encountered with a [Vox] tagin #vox_populi was qualified to speak on behalf of the alliance. So, war is war and all is fair in love and war. And I love Reyne Mordigan, and I was at war with her. So there ya go she knew what was coming.

Nowadays, she's a very quiet lady who I must assume is personable and kind in her retirement.

I think we all at some point thought not so nice things about Reyne, as she could sometimes assume a rather fierce posting style.
The reason I personally disliked that thread was because you took the screenshot CSM shows above you completly out of Context. That was probably the power of TWiP, but as someone who contributed to that same thread I knew that in the context of the thread it wasn't so far out of line.

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I never liked you or your methods (particularly when you were spying on allies I actually cared about like Citadel, MHA and TOP), and I don't think you did as much to change the world as some of you like to claim. (Continuum was always paranoid, at least since Kurushio leaked a bunch of stuff much earlier in the year; your spying made it worse but it was pretty bad already.) I actually think Tha_one might well be right that if anything you delayed the creation of a genuine contender to stop NPO, as several 'good' alliances (Grämlins, FOK, MHA, Sparta, and TOP depending on its mood, and quite likely the NPO allies in SF) didn't want to be seen to be on the same side as Vox, although I don't think Karma was delayed because that was the first time a Hegemony alliance tried to start a war and no-one was ever going to try an aggressive assault on NPO.

However, it was a fun time (when I wasn't trying to think of ways to catch spies <_<) and I did enjoy the journalism of TWiP and the Tattler (except the Reyne episode ... spying on Citadel is bad!).

[quote]I've always wondered why Vox Populi didn't go public in November? Wouldn't it be more fitting? [/quote]
Because they came together to complain about noCB which was in August. Besides, the obvious date is taken (Harmlin Day).

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