Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 (edited) [center][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [/center] Good evening. I am your but humble host Schattenmann, and this is [u]This Week in History: The August Revolution[/u], a special presentation of the Vox Resistance Movement. In our age of 8-second soundbites and short-sighted OWF one-up-manship, one might easily--even justifiably--bemoan the average ruler's ignorance of history. But it was 2 years ago that the average ruler brought about extraordinary events on our foundering Planet Bob. Thus, this week we remember the day that Digiterra changed. [b][color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Consonance as Combat:[/font][/color][/b] [quote name='Starfox101' post='821663' date='Aug 13 2008, 09:42 PM']Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call us, Vox Populi.[/quote] With these curious words, two years ago Vox Populi began a new August Revolution. Originally conceived as an 11-man trolling dream machine, this tattered group of trod-upons became a hegemony-punking machine inside 48 hours, and in the process changed the way generations of rulers thought about their role on Digiterra forever. [b][color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Bigger Than GOD[/font][/color][/b] [IMG][/IMG] It is no stretch to say that in the first hours of Vox Populi's reformation, the leaders and allies of our stated foes were more entertained than surprised, and probably were more afraid that their eyes might roll out of their heads than that Vox Populi would have any effect on anything. In fact, it was Vox Populi which would be most surprised in the immediate days. From 11 [url=""]Vladimir-described[/url] "rejects" and "aliens [to the Digiterran society]," Vox Populi began to grow almost immediately into a large scale popular movement. Rejecting the arguments of talking heads like ChairmanHal that Vox Populi was a non-starter, "founded . . . by people who are not 'fighting the man,' but by people who made mistakes . . . and either are too stubborn to admit it, too bored . . . to fix what's wrong through negotiations, or too tired to start over completely from scratch . . ." excited rulers across Planet Bob flocked to fly the Vox Populi AA. Convinced of the earnest intentions of Vox Populi by their rare action, rulers took up the banner and made it their own. In just [url=""]26 hours[/url], Vox Populi grew to 1,000,000 NS. New members, fervent in their faith that Vox Populi represented a new direction, rushed to spread news, and just 36 hours after its founding found itself in the middle of a meteoric rise to [url=""]100 members and 1,500,000 NS[/url]. Despite the scorn and sneering laughter heaped on Vox Populi, in 6 hours more Vox surpassed [url=""]2,000,000 NS[/url]. After just 52 hours, Vox was [url=""]bigger than GOD[/url]. Vox Populi had arrived, and no amount of witty retorts from Continuum goonies, or purple-faced essays from the brains of Continuum operations could turn the tide back. [b][color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]A Weasel in the Pants of The Man[/font][/color][/b] Realizing that he was eligible to run for Senate on Red, kingzog approached Vox about running a campaign. At this point, the transition from scattershot mob to focused machine began. Within a few hours, Vox members were transitioning to Red and casting votes in such great numbers that many accused them of creating second nations for the purpose of voting. The greatest victory in the campaign was that this theory was furthest from the truth--Vox Populi simply had the support of people across Planet Bob. In the next week, kingzog's vote count tripled Vox Populi's membership as members convinced friends all over to vote, and Vox rallied the support of Red unaligneds. Within hours of noticing kingzog's advances in the polls, the Continuum sanctioned him on every 7 spheres. After kingzog's overtures to peaceful coexistence as a popularly-elected Senator alongside NPO's Senators were refused, kingzog made public his stances, and began his long run of "putting a weasel in the pants of The Man" as he liked to put it. On Green, VE's Cylon quietly approached Vox leaders and volunteered to accept votes before joining. His campaign was noticed early, too, and soon VE and GGA leadership began a tirade that made NPO look classy. Finding their sea legs, Vox's growing membership hatched scheme after scheme, [url=""]destroying[/url] the statue of Lady Pacifica; and countering the [url=""]stale rhetoric[/url] of the decadent hegemony with new ideas, [url=""]and humor[/url]. Vox publications in the early days comprised an OWF blitz; impassioned cries from the long oppressed, [i]exposes[/i] from former power-brokers and grunts alike, ideological manifestos. As time wore on, the movement transitioned to constant sniping in every thread, blanketing the airwaves with our message, spreading our worldview. Later in the game, the Senate of Vox Populi found we had dozens of spies, but no means of communicating. A forum was created, and soon a legion of once-disparate part-timers was organized into an efficient information-stealing machine. This new age of Vox espionage created the two most remembered Vox publications: Electron Sponge's [u]The Tattler[/u] blog, and my own [u]This Week in Pacifica[/u]. [u]The Tattler[/u] focused on hard-hitting revelations, while [u]TWiP[/u] originally took material we generally considered reject stuff and sensationalized it, and later began to hit harder. For everyone's entertainment, I have dug up a few of my favorite screenshots. [img][/img] Iron Chef explains how useless GGA was. [img][/img] After a series of Vox releases of MHA screenshots, MHA insituted several anti-spy measures. They developed a system that placed three numbers on every post: One under the avatar, one under the join date, and one beside the "quote" button (top right corner). The numbers were generated by an equation that we reverse-engineered; I don't remember the formula, but it included either the viewer or poster's forum user number. So, we faked a few numbers on subsequent screenshots to make it look like it was MHA gov taking the screenshots, and just started blanking out the numbers. GGA also used this system for a while. [img][/img] Z'ha'dum explains that Vox Populi removed his nation from the planet, and if you don't believe him you can die in a fire. [img][/img] While NPO grunts complain about the wait for aid and tech deals, a FAN agent receives millions in aid. Boss Hogg made more than one TWiP appearance to uproarious applause. And of course when Vox [url=""]posted excerpts[/url] from the Continuum's highest forums, they were all funny. (I can't post any Tattler content because Sponge deleted it. Links to every TWiP [url=""]here[/url].) [b][color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]The Greater Evil[/font][/color][/b] When faced with an opponent so wildly beyond anything they'd encountered before, Vox's targets did what most do in the situation and began basically pulling stuff out of their butts. For the first time in years, the opposition to the NPO-led hegemony wasn't some screaming retard Farung or banned ruler SovietSindorin-type loony. One recurring theme went like this: "But as history shows, such movements have a disturbingly high tendency to become the greater evil. " [snapback]847994[/snapback] According to many, it was Vox's goal not to topple the oppressive hegemony of the period for toppling's sake or to achieve any high goal, rather we sought to put ourselves in power. Some claimed we intended to implement a new world order, to impose international law on all alliances, as in Vladimir's "Despotic Primitivism." These people were either ignorant of Vox Populi's own publications, or were spin docotors. True to Vox's word, as the Karma War made ruins of the Continuum's remaining members, we shrank into obscurity. Of the boogeymen 11 founders, 7 remain. Our goal accomplished, our fun had, our desire to be normal rulers again waxing, Vox Populi dissolved with our goals met. No populist beheadings, no international courts, no viceroys. Only solace. Only the hope that our sacrifices and [i]work[/i] had made a difference. I'm running long, friends, and I think I could talk you all into the ground if I do not stop myself, so I say this as our time draws to an end: Doitzel was Vox Dei--the executive of the Vox Senate--for several terms. On our final day, his [url=""]voice rang[/url] strong as ever, clear and beautiful: [quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1242858637' post='1543237'] Move on to where, to what? Those are the obvious questions. On to a world where a man can speak his mind without having to fear for his livelihood. On to a world where honest and frank discussion is treasured rather than trashed. On to a world where basic political opposition is not considered the most damnable of crimes, and where "security" is not held above humanity. On to a world where the future is uncertain but bright, where no single power operates unchecked. On to a world we have sweat blood to forge.[/quote] On this anniversary of our founding, I urge you all to keep this fire that Vox lit burning in your heart forever. Examine yourselves, and ask if the August Revolution in still alive in you. Live it. Never let power or revenge corrupt you. [b][color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Our Thanks.[/font][/color][/b] Many hundreds of rulers assisted Vox Populi; this is the closest I can come to a list of members. There were more than this list contains, most of those not listed were spies whose handles I won't reveal even now, and some that were regular members but whose status I can't determine due to the way the member lists are displayed on our two old forums. Each of you deserves the recognition of Vox's successes--if you should be on this list but are not and want to be, please let me know by reply in this thread (do not try to PM me, I have space for 1 more PM before my inbox is full). Though NoR merged with Vox for the duration of the war, I only have the names of those who registered on a Vox forum. 764527 Acamas Aiden Ford Alicia Alpha Psi American CLam Angrator animea90 AnonRev Anubis1 Armed Kali Aussie Autoeroticrat babsi Bart Simpson Bernard Chamberlain Billiam Bonus Lectio Boyle Brinoceros ButchA camerontech Captain Chaos Caveman72 Cheyenne Chickenzilla Chief Savage Man Chief Stubbs Coniuratos Crescendolls Cylon da monkey rat Dab Dadaflex Darth Andrew Deepthinker Defiant Deidara DJTJ7 DocHolliday DocOctane Doctor Forchy Doctor Who Dontasemebro II Dr Kshatriya drgumbofunk Duce duffman04 EddyVanElite electron sponge Eli Cohen (Francesca) emmanuel goldstein Emperor ß Family Jewles Finch flapjackers flowingfire ftwman Gatherum General Mazur Geno1138 Genosse Genre Geopet George The Wild grand emperor burka GrappeF Grimr Grinch Grugbug Hegemon Rob heike lunta heinz ketchup HeRo1 Hev HF Van Rensburg Ho Chi Win hunter15 Ickleberry Inarticulate Ivanelterrible J Edgar Jack is the Joker jackkelly Jaime Whitehouse Jan Henrik Nordin Jander Jenne JJ45 Jofna Johnny JackKNIFE Johnson101 Jonathan Brookbank Julianus Auras Junkalunka Kaiser Martens Kartoffel Kanzler Kassad KenoDurkster kevsterr king ameris King Homer King of the Water King Thirsty King Trao king_Srqt KingPenchuk kingzog Kiroky (KristenMarie) kushnir kyanize LadyDakota Laguna land o lakes Learz leftwingliberal Lewenhaupt Lex Lieutenant Worf Loodoyaye Lord Cyvole lord Isaac Lord Thomas Drake Lord_Arucard lord_logan Lord_THAC0 LordCaedus LordValentine Lt Routon Lukas von Buren Mach10chocobo Magnussoft manuelthekid Margrave Master Aryon Master Plo Koon mayans MegaAros MercyFallout Mobius 1 Moff09 Morath Moridin nadabethyname Nathan Hale Neptune Circle Niflhel Nintenderek octovanyo4 Ogodai Ortmonk Paint Your Target Penkala Person1 phatman pipal President Kent President S. QuickSurfer Raider Rebel Virginia RedRaider rightwingisgood rnegafan ronnie van zant Santo Ri Schattenmann Schild Schills SciHobo Scott Robb scroougee Scythis Seraku sga-ford Shaiker shig86 ShinRa Sig Sigma Sir Alex Sovereign Dixie spakistan spetton Stagger Lee star Starfox101 steodonn Stevepal Straittail supermandude Tarnae The Dream The One Free Man The Terminator TheLetterTwo theone22 Thunderforge Tibarn timmyd TJMthenation Tollin tommattox Trust UtgardsLoke valdes Valek Vellocet Vinzent Zeppelin voxpox Wa Mu Warden IV Weiss von Toten West of Eden XM222 Yevgeni Zardoz Zerk ZeroTheGreat One person on this list was a spy. His efforts were wasted. [b][color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Goodnight[/font][/color][/b] Friends, revolutionaries, geriatrics, what more can be said? Vox Populi was not perfect, we were not always right, and we did not play nice. We [i]were[/i] driven, we [i]were[/i] honest, and we [i]did[/i] what we said we'd do. There is more to be said, but this old man will let you say it: What did you love? What made you laugh? What made you cry? What did you hate? On this, the 733rd day since the [url=""]Declaration and Reformation of Vox Populi[/url], I am Schattenmann wishing you goodnight, and good luck. Edited August 15, 2010 by Schattenmann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 (edited) One of my favorite memories is VE trying to intimidate Vox with legal threats over our publishing of VE guides: [quote]from [The VE's webmaster] to date Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:33 PM subject Theft of materials on sub domain belonging to owner of hide details 5:33 PM (21 hours ago) Reply Dear webhost, I am the domain and copyright owner of all materials posted on and all subsequent subdomains belonging to Content from our site has been stolen and placed on Our main content can be seen at the following threads: I request that this material be removed. A mailed letter will be sent as well requesting action be taken. Any action not taken will require a DMCA notice to be filed and mailed and sent to the host as well. Thank you, Matt [last name removed] Owner of[/quote] It turned out Doitzel created IRON's flag waaaaaay back in the day, so we thought it would be funny to demand that the IRON flag be removed due to copyright wherever it appeared if VE went through with this. Unfortunately, it never got hotter than this, so one of the ugliest flags is still available. Edited August 15, 2010 by Schattenmann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 I'm going to pepper this thing with favorite memories, so everyone just get used to it early. Here's another one: We tried to get GPA to join the noCB War (or War of the Colaition) as harrrrrd as we could. Obviously, that didn't happen. In the course of discussions, I asked Doitzel to help me out because I suck at FA, so he joined the channel and proceeded to tell whichever GPA gov was there what a bunch of punk sissies they were. I watered things down to "well will you at least give me a member list so we can spam for senate votes" and was told no, but a few hours later flak attack sent me an OWF PM with the list. Cylon was soon a Green Senator. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 Operation Orange Crush is definitely up there in favorites and waaaayyyy up there in forgotens. Late in the movement, we decided it was time to get serious and actively infiltrate a major alliance gov. We had Francesca and several others in MCXA gov, but we wanted to really control an alliance. Boasts of so many ODN statesmen that that had gone from zero to hero in less than 6 months made ODN a prime candidate. So, we sent three men into ODN: Operation Orange Crush. ODN is a pretty liberal democracy and was never under any real threat, so it was easier than we thought. As active, interested, and interesting new members, our agents became trusted and in-the-know pretty quickly. If I recall correctly, one was made a deputy of some department. Unfortunately, we also simultaneously negotiated peace with ODN as we tried to de-isolate Vox Populi. One agent was pretty bad at being undercover, so ODN was pretty much aware of him, anyway, but the other two were (as far as I know) unknown until they both resigned for no good reason the day that ODN declared peace with us. I'll tell you this: Vox Populi kept its word. The day ODN peaced us was the last day we messed with them, and the same offer was made with more than just ODN. Worst memory is definitely the night we got totally punked by TPF. Unlike MHA and other alliances that devised and deployed all kinds of high-tech anti-spy measures, TPF went with the time-tested canary trap. Suspecting a spy (humorously because so few people were applying to TPF), TPF gave our agent a lot of access real fast. When the agent posted logs of a fight between Mhawk and OneBallMan I cried foul, but others wanted a big story bad so Vox posted it. Sure enough, it was a total scam and we looked like a bunch of horse's @#$%. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyriq Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 I was a new nation during this time. You guys were heroes, plain and simple. Quite the exciting time really, even though all I did was read your publications and cheer from the sidelines. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marneus Calgar Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 I had fun reading this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banksy Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1281860998' post='2416534'] Operation Orange Crush is definitely up there in favorites and waaaayyyy up there in forgotens. Late in the movement, we decided it was time to get serious and actively infiltrate a major alliance gov. We had Francesca and several others in MCXA gov, but we wanted to really control an alliance. Boasts of so many ODN statesmen that that had gone from zero to hero in less than 6 months made ODN a prime candidate. So, we sent three men into ODN: Operation Orange Crush. ODN is a pretty liberal democracy and was never under any real threat, so it was easier than we thought. As active, interested, and interesting new members, our agents became trusted and in-the-know pretty quickly. If I recall correctly, one was made a deputy of some department. Unfortunately, we also simultaneously negotiated peace with ODN as we tried to de-isolate Vox Populi. One agent was pretty bad at being undercover, so ODN was pretty much aware of him, anyway, but the other two were (as far as I know) unknown until they both resigned for no good reason the day that ODN declared peace with us. I'll tell you this: Vox Populi kept its word. The day ODN peaced us was the last day we messed with them, and the same offer was made with more than just ODN.[/quote] 4 agents in total. I believe only one was unknown in the end. 2 were actually complete unknowns for most of the general membership and never posted. One was vaguely known and was drafted in as a DSoD in April (we had ~6 in the build up to Karma iirc, it was a non gov spot) and he posted in the discussion areas a few times. The other is still a good friend of the ODN and we should thank you for sending him our way In the end, our own members were more effective at switching our allegiances. They almost did your job for you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R3nowned Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 Haha, oh the memories. I was a new ruler, and fantastically captured by this whole Vox resistance (even if they had tried to spy the alliance I was in >_<). Good stuff. Time to take down the new hegemony? hehe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Flinders Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 I am so very proud to have my name on that list. Vox was so much more than a place for the down trodden to take a shot back at their oppressors (though it was indeed that as well). It was a platform for real and amazing change and sacrifice and it got there with the help of the charismatic and committed leaders. My hat goes off to you all, and it always will. Certainly a day worth remembering. So many questioned and belittled us when NoR and her people officially joining Vox in their fight. And yet we were welcomed with open arms. Even those historic foes that I found myself with in Vox recognized that something bigger was happening and we fought proudly side by side. I've never seen anything like it and doubt I ever will again. I would not be here today, in the alliance I am in, in the sound standing I find myself, if it were not for Vox. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashoka the Great Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 "Putting a weasel in the shorts of the man" was actually Sponge's line. I just kept repeating it all over the place because I liked it [i]that[/i] much. The best part of the Red Senate campaign (to me) was that even after 'transitioning' to Red had begun, most Vox members stayed on their own Teams anyway. (An independent lot, after all.) And we kept on getting in those votes. The PMs from NPO members who said they supported us but were 'too afraid to leave' made me wonder what the heck went on in some folks' minds, but I (sort of) understood where they were coming from. The PMs from people I sanctioned were good, too. At first I sanctioned high-profile NPO members, but that got boring. These were people who were programmed to say that damn-near anything bad was 'an honor' if it was suffered in the name of the NPO, even though at least one of them (Zhadum) went on to later reveal the NPO's duplicitous role in a variety of conflicts and situations. No, I wanted to hear some genuine complaining. That's when I started sanctioning high-NS nations who were one or two days away from deletion through 'inactivity'. They were mostly back-collecting, of course. A few were legitimately on the way to deletion, but not many. That's when the fun began. In a few cases I was able to pre-empt the angry PMs by sending the sanctioned nations a PM of my own. In it I would quote, word-for-word, their complaint on some 'secret' part of the NPO forum. Often this would include some mention of how much they estimated they had lost. The really funny part? I didn't get the quotes from 'Vox spies' but, rather, from NPO members in good standing who found it to be hilarious to see people otherwise identified as 'tough guys' whining all over the place. I really should have kept the PMs. Most read something like: "I hate you. Very nicely done." But a few were filled with some of the best cyber-sobbing I've yet encountered in CN. One person declared our 'Internet friendship' to be over. I mean....really? Later on, I think a few people in Vox had trouble understanding why I pulled the plug on that project. I did my best to explain it to them, but I'm not sure I succeeded. The fact is that we'd made our point, namely, that the Moldavi and Revenge Doctrines were dead letters. It was only a matter of time before the NPO admitted this publicly. (Shame they had to get beaten to a pulp first, though.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShinRa Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 Good memories in there. Thanks for making it Schattenmann. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashoka the Great Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 And another thing.... Once the Red Senate campaign had started, I was the subject of numerous spy attacks against my nation. I had expected this, of course. However, the nature of the spy attacks that came in the following weeks gave me some pause. About half of the attacks were of the 'gather intel' variety. In other words, meaningless gestures, especially since my nation was in Peace Mode. The rest of the attacks targeted either my nation's government of religion preferences. The thing is, I had [i]both[/i] a Great Monument and a Great Temple at the time. So those attacks were also worthless. To this day I wonder if it was a matter of completely inept spying or, rather, that 'friends' in various Continuum alliances were actually trying to help by conducting spy attacks against me that wouldn't really do anything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venizelos Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 i've never liked shattenman, and i'm not sure how much actual results came from VP, but i definitely had a lot of fun reading your publications. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Believland Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 (edited) My favorite time in the game was getting on every Sunday night to read TWiP. I remember being masked on your forums, while it was complete anarchy, it was well managed. It was an alliance full of leaders, and it worked out great. o/ Vox Populi o/ Schatt o/ Doitzel o/ Jofna o/ ES o/ Mega Aros o/ Yev o/ KM o/ West of Eden o/ Nintenderek And the list goes on and on and on and on Thanks for all you've done for the community. Edited August 15, 2010 by Believland Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kzoppistan Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 So awesome. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petrovich4 Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 Your articles were amazing for the wit and humour [i]you[/i] put in them. Everyone enjoyed reading them. Some people just didn't enjoy the contents (I did!). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 (edited) [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281876374' post='2416601'] "Putting a weasel in the shorts of the man" was actually Sponge's line. [/quote] I thought that might be the case especially after I found it didn't appear in your senate thread once [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281876374' post='2416601'] I just kept repeating it all over the place because I liked it [i]that[/i] much.[/quote] But there ya go. Unfortunately, these forums do not display threads more than one year old through the "display user content" function. To find anything older, you have to know what you're looking for, so things that are hazy will stay that way. In this case, not a big deal. Unfortunately, it means bigger things are easily forgotten. Anyone that hit's "display content" on me, Starfox, Doitzel, zzzptm, MegaAros, etc and dose not already know about Vox simply never would due to this constraint. That's one reason in my mind that we have to dust off the Guy Fawkes masks twice a year. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281876374' post='2416601'] The best part of the Red Senate campaign (to me) was that even after 'transitioning' to Red had begun, most Vox members stayed on their own Teams anyway. (An independent lot, after all.) And we kept on getting in those votes. The PMs from NPO members who said they supported us but were 'too afraid to leave' made me wonder what the heck went on in some folks' minds, but I (sort of) understood where they were coming from. The PMs from people I sanctioned were good, too. At first I sanctioned high-profile NPO members, but that got boring. These were people who were programmed to say that damn-near anything bad was 'an honor' if it was suffered in the name of the NPO, even though at least one of them (Zhadum) went on to later reveal the NPO's duplicitous role in a variety of conflicts and situations. No, I wanted to hear some genuine complaining. That's when I started sanctioning high-NS nations who were one or two days away from deletion through 'inactivity'. They were mostly back-collecting, of course. A few were legitimately on the way to deletion, but not many. That's when the fun began. In a few cases I was able to pre-empt the angry PMs by sending the sanctioned nations a PM of my own. In it I would quote, word-for-word, their complaint on some 'secret' part of the NPO forum. Often this would include some mention of how much they estimated they had lost. The really funny part? I didn't get the quotes from 'Vox spies' but, rather, from NPO members in good standing who found it to be hilarious to see people otherwise identified as 'tough guys' whining all over the place. I really should have kept the PMs. Most read something like: "I hate you. Very nicely done." But a few were filled with some of the best cyber-sobbing I've yet encountered in CN. One person declared our 'Internet friendship' to be over. I mean....really?[/quote] The most entertaining PMs and screenshots were the complaining. Ohhhhhh the tears. It wa s basically a bunch of fatcats who'd grown so complacent to begin with, and were unable to deal with such a sideways-warfaring group like Vox, anyway. I was still getting piss and vinegar PMs in response to advertisements for a Red trade forum after Vox disbanded. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281876374' post='2416601'] Later on, I think a few people in Vox had trouble understanding why I pulled the plug on that project. I did my best to explain it to them, but I'm not sure I succeeded. The fact is that we'd made our point, namely, that the Moldavi and Revenge Doctrines were dead letters. It was only a matter of time before the NPO admitted this publicly. (Shame they had to get beaten to a pulp first, though.) [/quote] I don't remmeber being that upset at you personally, it was disappointing only because we knew it would be damn-near impossible to get someone new (and we never did). But we could have if we really tried Edited August 15, 2010 by Schattenmann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1281869496' post='2416575'] 4 agents in total. I believe only one was unknown in the end. 2 were actually complete unknowns for most of the general membership and never posted. One was vaguely known and was drafted in as a DSoD in April (we had ~6 in the build up to Karma iirc, it was a non gov spot) and he posted in the discussion areas a few times. The other is still a good friend of the ODN and we should thank you for sending him our way In the end, our own members were more effective at switching our allegiances. They almost did your job for you. [/quote] Hehe, yeah, Gatherum got so cozy it was hard for him to think of himself hurting ODN. They all did a great job even if it was cut short. For those 3 or 4, it wasn't like other spies who were using an anonymous account to contact us every few days, but they had to go from being part of Vox Populi and acting like someone different all day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schattenmann Posted August 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 (edited) By the way, if you were a masked member at the time we suspended operations, our forum is still operating Edited August 15, 2010 by Schattenmann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xoindotnler Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 Maybe if I dig around I can find a few tattlers if you want to. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boyle Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 Heaven's above that was a fun time in CN. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickenzilla Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 I miss these days. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chief Savage Man Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 [img][/img] Zha'dum's posting was classic. Reyne's too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashoka the Great Posted August 15, 2010 Report Share Posted August 15, 2010 [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1281915848' post='2417140']Zha'dum's posting was classic. Reyne's too.[/quote] I'd completely forgotten about that. When he came back I asked him if he'd spent his time away learning to count to twenty. Good times. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moridin Posted August 16, 2010 Report Share Posted August 16, 2010 Always fun to take a walk down memory lane. That first week was the most fun I've ever had in CN. I've tragically lost all my IRC logs from that era, otherwise I'd be digging through them for some of the better parts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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