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What is your most hated memory of CN?


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Going back to NPO after being in TOP for a week or two. Had I had stayed in TOP I have to wonder whether I would have been subsequently ejected from TOP at the behest of NPO.

Then again, had I not had been kicked out, then I wouldn't have been in MK for the noCB War.

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Mine are numerous:

The MHA/Argent split

The demise of the Grämlins/Härmlins

Having screenshots appear in the Tattler doctored to look like they were from my account and the subsequent fallout (including the guy who gave the screenshots to ES being the one told to declare on me to keep me out of peace mode, and having to change all of my freaking passwords)

Denzin & IMPALA

The end of The Citadel

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1281990481' post='2418198']
My time observing your behavior leads me to believe that this concept will be lost on forever, cookavich, but I'll note to you anyway that labeling people as morons doesn't objectively alter the validity of their arguments.[/quote]Yes, yes, even a blind sow finds an acorn every once and awhile, but this time the sow fell off a cliff.

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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1281999422' post='2418338']
Going back to NPO after being in TOP for a week or two. Had I had stayed in TOP I have to wonder whether I would have been subsequently ejected from TOP at the behest of NPO.

Then again, had I not had been kicked out, then I wouldn't have been in MK for the noCB War.

Are you really still trying to avoid responsibility for that? You were readmitted to TOP with the understanding that you would stay away from the NPO; we knew the issues you had with them, but we were always committed to giving a second chance to former members. You thereafter on more than one occasion broke your commitment to stay clear of them, culminating eventually in your posting of a real-life NPO flag that you had spilled food on. At that point, TOP's government---myself included---lost patience. There had never been much tolerance in TOP of OWF misbehavior, let alone trolling of our allies. You were given a second chance and you chose to make the least of it. The fault is yours.

If we were political lapdogs concerned more with what the NPO thought than with what we felt was right, rest assured that we wouldn't have given you that second chance to begin with.

Edited by Crymson
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Unquestionably the UJW and the decision to enter against GOONS is the obvious worst memory I have (I remember after a thread where I apologized to \m/ on the world forum coming back to NATO's forum and posting that I had to turn off my computer because my arse was starting to look like the Japanese flag).

The NATO cold/civil war of 2008 ranks up there, as does the inability to get NPO to listen about the crumbling of tC and attacking OV. That would be when I stopped trying to take this all so seriously. But alas, what happened happened, and observing is much more fun now.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1281990481' post='2418198']
My time observing your behavior leads me to believe that this concept will be lost on forever, cookavich, but I'll note to you anyway that labeling people as morons doesn't objectively alter the validity of their arguments.

A number of GWII/GWIII NAAC veterans consider Grub to be a rather poor leader and responsible for the drop in military readiness of the NAAC between GWII and GWWIII (namely their loss of the nuclear weapon edge they hold relative to a lot of other alliances). I won't name any names, but I heard a lot of !@#$%*ing from NAAC members during GWIII (Fark was getting military training from the NAAC so we had a lot of ties to the NAAC military). It isn't merely a couple people on the side opposite Polar that disliked him.

[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1281999422' post='2418338']
Going back to NPO after being in TOP for a week or two. Had I had stayed in TOP I have to wonder whether I would have been subsequently ejected from TOP at the behest of NPO.

Then again, had I not had been kicked out, then I wouldn't have been in MK for the noCB War.

Dude there was pressure to get you out the door before the NPO ever even knocked on it. That purposeful troll job on the NPO was just the nail in the coffin. You need to recall your behavior on our forums and the game forums, you almost ended up leaving the game if I recall correctly.

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[quote name='Wentworth the Brave' timestamp='1282002048' post='2418383']
No hated memories. It's a game. I even love the alliances I hate IC.

I'll definitely agree with you on the last part. And extend it to characters, because I don't know of anyone I really don't like on a personal level from the game.

/except Tristan of course :P

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1282001258' post='2418370']
Are you really still trying to avoid responsibility for that? You were readmitted to TOP with the understanding that you would stay away from the NPO; we knew the issues you had with them, but we were always committed to giving a second chance to former members. You thereafter on more than one occasion broke your commitment to stay clear of them, culminating eventually in your posting of a real-life NPO flag that you had spilled food on. At that point, TOP's government---myself included---lost patience. There had never been much tolerance in TOP of OWF misbehavior, let alone trolling of our allies. You were given a second chance and you chose to make the least of it. The fault is yours.

If we were political lapdogs concerned more with what the NPO thought than with what we felt was right, rest assured that we wouldn't have given you that second chance to begin with.
You threw him out for spilling food on an NPO flag. Nope. Not a lapdog at all. Not a bit.

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My most hated memory here on CN?

Had to be when I quit after the disbanding of the NAAC back in 2006, or so. You see, after they broke up any nation and their uncle decided to attack me. I was so close to going nuclear at the time too. Eventually, I got fed up with the game and quit until about two months ago. Let's hope round II goes better. ^_^d

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[quote name='Anu Drake' timestamp='1282011593' post='2418547']
I'll definitely agree with you on the last part. And extend it to characters, because I don't know of anyone I really don't like on a personal level from the game.

/except Tristan of course :P

hahaha, I'll let him know :P

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Most of 2009 following Karma. I had a good amount self-doubt and pessimism, but I think holding out paid off.

The TPF war also put a lot of strain on me so that's up there too along with how I left MK 2 years ago.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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No hate. But a lot of sadness from being asked to choose between groups of friends, then being forced into a decision by one of the groups as they pushed me away. Through that I lost friends and a home. And that was really tough. But the sadness and the stress and even ugliness is what led me to the best times and best friends I've ever had in this game. So no hate. Just a really big pile of gratitude.

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The moment I probably felt most disgusted was a few months ago when I was gov't in The Resistance. We were dealing with Christian Trojans going rogue on us, and asked our allies for assistance. Most of our allies didn't have anyone big enough to help. The exception was FOK. We asked OinkOink to help us, because we simply didn't have anyone in range. OO initially refused, then eventually declared war on CT. He then peaced out after a day of war-slot filling. Can't say I've ever been angrier than I was watching a government member of an ally in a bloc we considered to be an MADP treat us with such disrespect.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1281952754' post='2417773']
It doesnt need to be weeks before to be premeditated. It just needs to be before the TOP offensive. We've all seen the logs from grub.
[/quote]If you've seen [i]imaginary[/i] logs where Grub talks about fooling TOP into attacking MK so he can destroy them, then I think it's time for you to turn off your computer and take a break from CN.

Just saying.

Also another hated memory:

Supporting the coup of Sponge.

Yes it was the right thing to do and yes I would do it again if I had to. Actively supporting the coup, and trying to convince others to do the same, was, however, both emotionally and mentally exhausting for me, not because I viewed Sponge as some kind of god but instead because I liked, trusted, and respected him immensely, despite the flaws I knew him to have.

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[quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1282017690' post='2418657']
The moment I probably felt most disgusted was a few months ago when I was gov't in The Resistance. We were dealing with Christian Trojans going rogue on us, and asked our allies for assistance. Most of our allies didn't have anyone big enough to help. The exception was FOK. We asked OinkOink to help us, because we simply didn't have anyone in range. OO initially refused, then eventually declared war on CT. He then peaced out after a day of war-slot filling. Can't say I've ever been angrier than I was watching a government member of an ally in a bloc we considered to be an MADP treat us with such disrespect.

This is the funniest thing i've seen since the KARMA war.

You massive attacked one of his best RL friends, who were in your own alliance for the delay of 50 tech from aa tech deal. After that CT tried to talk you out of doing that cause he knew the person in question was afk for a week. You still went on and CT attacked the member in charge.

After your diplomatic failing you went crying to your allies cause CT was way bigger than your top 5 together. And asked if someone would throw himself into 15k tech nukes because of your lack of diplomacy. After 3 days of stalking me I asked our president what he thought and he thought the same thing "TR should handle their own mess" eventually I delcared on CT for 3 days and GA'd him succesfully for 6 times. (doing more damage than the 3 TR nations who were turtling from day one) DUring these days I came several times to TR government about a solution, cause CT didnt want war. He only wanted his buddy out of the fray. Every time TR gov declined and said that CT was senteced to ZI (but needed help from FOK cause TR couldlnt do it themselves.

I got log walls supporting my statement, i dont think you have.

IF you got a problem with me, contact me personally.

You are an idiot.



Logdumps of me trying to work the situation out:

[spoiler]00[01:28] <oinkoink12> i wanna get this CT situation worked out
[01:28] <ty345[TR]> I am upper gov :P
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> ahh
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> great
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> (i was away for a few months so i missed out on govchanges)
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> i wanna get this CT situation worked out
[01:28] <ty345[TR]> K
[01:28] <ty345[TR]> So do we :P
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> first
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> i wanna get all the storys straight
00[01:28] <oinkoink12> CT's story
00[01:29] <oinkoink12> so i heard it is the following
00[01:29] <oinkoink12> some noob does a tech deal
00[01:29] <oinkoink12> noob = late
00[01:29] <oinkoink12> CT asks for a few days extra
00[01:29] <oinkoink12> tr attacks noob
00[01:29] <oinkoink12> CT attacks TR
[01:29] <ty345[TR]> I believe that's his version.
[01:29] <ty345[TR]> We have the ISP's of said noob and CT, and they match on our forums.
[01:30] <ty345[TR]> So we believe them to be multi's.
[01:30] <ty345[TR]> We also have reason to believe that CT has taken over another one of our member's accounts.
00[01:30] <oinkoink12> he claims they are RL friends
[01:30] <ty345[TR]> Well, the mod staff wouldn't much care, so neither are we.
00[01:31] <oinkoink12> so whats the problem than ? :P
[01:31] <ty345[TR]> And based on the PM's we've gotten from the noob, he's CT.
[01:31] <ty345[TR]> Same grammar, same anti-TR message, etc
[01:31] <ty345[TR]> And CT tried to recruit some of our members after nuking us.
00[01:32] <oinkoink12> he's bitter
00[01:32] <oinkoink12> i can understand
[01:32] <ty345[TR]> Clearly.
[01:32] <ty345[TR]> Or sociopathic.
00[01:32] <oinkoink12> but now lets talk into solutions instead of problems ;)
[01:32] <ty345[TR]> K.
00[01:32] <oinkoink12> whatchawant
[01:32] <ty345[TR]> We have 2 of our guys on CT already, but we need help with staggers.
[01:33] <ty345[TR]> SilentFury has rogued with him as well, so we're trying to get guys on him too.
[01:33] <ty345[TR]> Anybody with a !@#$load of NS would be of great help.
00[01:33] <oinkoink12> thats not a solution
00[01:33] <oinkoink12> thats a beatdown
00[01:33] <oinkoink12> :P
[01:33] <ty345[TR]> Well, they're rogues.
[01:33] <ty345[TR]> Not much else we could do with em.
[01:33] <ty345[TR]> Plus, we don't much like either of them, sooo...
[01:34] <ty345[TR]> This solution will work just fine for now :P
00[01:34] <oinkoink12> why not just peace them out?
[01:34] <ty345[TR]> They don't want peace.
[01:34] <ty345[TR]> Regardless of what they may say.
00[01:34] <oinkoink12> let me go ask
[01:34] <ty345[TR]> We offered them peace several times.
[01:34] <ty345[TR]> K.
00[01:36] <oinkoink12> [01:36:10] <oinkoink12> why not peace them out
00[01:36] <oinkoink12> [01:36:10] <ChristianTrojans12> well we tried that
00[01:36] <oinkoink12> [01:36:24] <ChristianTrojans12> than a guy called smitty cam along and said no peace
00[01:36] <oinkoink12> [01:36:29] <ChristianTrojans12> we want to zi u
00[01:36] <oinkoink12> [01:36:30] <ChristianTrojans12> lmao
[01:37] <ty345[TR]> He attacked us without a justifiable reason.
00[01:37] <oinkoink12> you attacked his buddy on a thin line
[01:37] <ty345[TR]> So no, he's not going to get peace without some serious reps.
[01:38] <ty345[TR]> His buddy was a member of our alliance who happened to be an aid thief.
00[01:38] <oinkoink12> Aid thief, he was a few days late
[01:38] <ty345[TR]> He ignored messages from both our gov and the buyer for 3 weeks.
[01:38] <ty345[TR]> He was 3 weeks late.
00[01:39] <oinkoink12> did he pay allready?
[01:39] <ty345[TR]> Nope.
[01:39] <ty345[TR]> He still hasn't.
[01:39] <ty345[TR]> Hasn't even talked to us.
[01:39] <ty345[TR]> So no, CT isn't playing the martyr here.
00[01:40] <oinkoink12> well
00[01:40] <oinkoink12> im looking at his aidslots
00[01:40] <oinkoink12> it seems he's paying ?
00[01:40] <oinkoink12> strawberry 50 tech
[01:40] <ty345[TR]> He still owes one of our gov a full 100 tech.
[01:41] <ty345[TR]> And has literally ignored us for 3 weeks.
00[01:41] <oinkoink12> but os's s slots are full
00[01:41] <oinkoink12> were
00[01:41] <oinkoink12> mehh its just 1 big blown up situation for nothing
[01:41] <ty345[TR]> Well, he attacked us.
[01:41] <ty345[TR]> We're rolling him.
00[01:41] <oinkoink12> well good luck rolling him
[01:41] <ty345[TR]> That's about all we can say.
00[01:41] <oinkoink12> i wont be part of it :)
[01:41] <ty345[TR]> K.
00[01:42] <oinkoink12> we'll keep them in the target lists for volunteers though
00[01:42] <oinkoink12> cause its a formal allies request
[01:42] <ty345[TR]> K.
[01:42] <ty345[TR]> Good to know.
00[01:42] <oinkoink12> Mehh allies before individuals ;)[/spoiler]

After I finally made the deal that they would peace each other out, TR started demanding reps. The following query occured.

[spoiler]Session Start: Thu Jun 03 22:42:38 2010
Session Ident: OverlordShinnra[TR]
[22:42] Session Ident: OverlordShinnra[TR] (Coldfront, oinkoink12) (END-USER@coldfront-561D6BEF.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
[22:42] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> hello
00[22:42] <oinkoink12> sup
[22:43] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> just wondering if we can expect any help with our big problem
00[22:43] <oinkoink12> Maybe you can try to solve it diplomatically
[22:43] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> how is that?>
00[22:43] <oinkoink12> Cause I tried to resolve it with another gov member TJ912 or sometin :P
00[22:44] <oinkoink12> and he was like YEAH WE WANT REPS
[22:44] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> wait i feel like were talking about something different now
[22:44] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> im talking about rogues
00[22:44] <oinkoink12> Im talking about Christian Trojans
00[22:44] <oinkoink12> one of my buddies
00[22:44] <oinkoink12> :P
[22:45] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> so even though you have a treaty with us we cant expect any help because hes your friend?
00[22:45] <oinkoink12> we posted him in our target list
00[22:45] <oinkoink12> but nobody took it
00[22:45] <oinkoink12> we got only 5 people in his range
00[22:45] <oinkoink12> 3 inactie
00[22:45] <oinkoink12> me
00[22:45] <oinkoink12> and another guy
[22:45] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> just give me a yes or a no sir
00[22:46] <oinkoink12> im not gonna fall in that trap
[22:46] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> what trap?
00[22:46] <oinkoink12> you acting like we dont "want" to help you
00[22:46] <oinkoink12> As an alliance offcoarse we want to help you
00[22:47] <oinkoink12> But wait one second
00[22:47] <oinkoink12> I;ll talk with the rest of the gov
00[22:47] <oinkoink12> Personally i dont feel like attacking him, cause the dude wants to peace out
00[22:47] <oinkoink12> and you wanna ZI him, but dont have the means for it
00[22:48] <oinkoink12> And I personally dont wanna sacrifice half my nation for your pleasure
00[22:48] <oinkoink12> whats your opinion on it?[/spoiler]

And when I actually declared on the dude. I got this query.

[quote]Session Start: Fri Jun 04 20:28:36 2010
Session Ident: OverlordShinnra[TR]
[20:28] Session Ident: OverlordShinnra[TR] (Coldfront, oinkoink12) (END-USER@coldfront-561D6BEF.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
[20:28] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> you didnt have to do that man. I wasnt going to call you out or anything
[20:39] <OverlordShinnra[TR]> also were going to nuke within the next hour. If you want to cordinate.[/quote]

Edited by oinkoink12
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[quote name='oinkoink12' timestamp='1282048247' post='2419485']
This is the funniest thing i've seen since the KARMA war.

You massive attacked one of his best RL friends, who were in your own alliance for the delay of 50 tech from aa tech deal. After that CT tried to talk you out of doing that cause he knew the person in question was afk for a week. You still went on and CT attacked the member in charge.[/QUOTE]

That's factually incorrect. While I don't have the proof saved on my computer (new laptop FTW), I believe there are screenies on the tR forums of messages from the "friend" in question, where the "friend" threatens tR with destruction if we tried to punish him for his continuously late tech payments.

After your diplomatic failing you went crying to your allies cause CT was way bigger than your top 5 together. And asked if someone would throw himself into 15k tech nukes because of your lack of diplomacy. After 3 days of stalking me I asked our president what he thought and he thought the same thing "TR should handle their own mess" eventually I delcared on CT for 3 days and GA'd him succesfully for 6 times. (doing more damage than the 3 TR nations who were turtling from day one) DUring these days I came several times to TR government about a solution, cause CT didnt want war. He only wanted his buddy out of the fray. Every time TR gov declined and said that CT was senteced to ZI (but needed help from FOK cause TR couldlnt do it themselves.[/QUOTE]

Our lack of diplomacy? Ok, I'd like to see FOK allow another nation to dictate its foreign policy (Although SF does basically hold LEO on a leash). And sorry. Our top members were still recovering from a war where we backed you guys up. My apologies for that. The only sin we committed was that of Pride, because we couldn't kowtow to CT because he was bigger than us. We weren't asking for your help in "cleaning up our mess" or whatever. We weren't asking for your diplomatic help. We just needed you to knock CT down far enough for our larger nations to jump him, like we did with Silent Fury (who started around 100K NS and ended around 30K). Weren't you FOK's MoD? Why wouldn't our members turtle? CT was yards ahead of all the nations in tR that he was at war with, and we were trying to minimize the damage so we could attack him with full force when he lost strength.

[quote]I got log walls supporting my statement, i dont think you have.

IF you got a problem with me, contact me personally.

You are an idiot.


Pot, meet kettle.


So, you wanted CT to walk away scot-free after a) trying to dictate our internal policies to us, b) Spying on our forums (which we had IP proof of), and c) Going rogue on our members? Really? Also, for the record, when I was in tR, I would have taken 15K nukes every day for FOK, because that's what allies do. When we signed into LEO, we pledged to defend FOK, R&R and Int. However, today I would rather delete my nation than help defend FOK.

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My most hated memory is when I realized that TSI was not going to bother upholding its MDP with NADC in the last war, for fear that their military did not have big enough warchests. That was the day the alliance and everyone in it might as well have gone to hell, and it drove me to quit playing for 3 months, and thus deleting via inactivity my 2 y/o, 51k NS nation. :/

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