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[quote name='Desert Ratz' timestamp='1281335999' post='2406928']
Your cute! <3

Please beat another drum already....

A single pair of drum-sticks can last a surprisingly long time.

[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1281336059' post='2406932']
It's directed towards all of NSO's allies that aren't barred from entering do to reparations. Roadie just responded to my comment.

I really don't see how you think they have an obligation to go to war when NSO explictly asked them not to. This is not a matter of allies bailing in the face of adversity, it is a matter of allies granting NSO's request. I'm sure that most of NSO's treaties have a similar provision as their one with The Phoenix Federation, about requests and what-not.

Nobody is being cowardly here, except perhaps GATO.

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[quote name='Kittyquel' timestamp='1281336847' post='2406963']
You only told GATO when Omni approached you guys.... i'm sure you had loads of time earlier that day to tell him or GATO and yet for some reason you didn't... i think it's a bit more than just the wee hours of the morning when your minds slip ;)
[color="#0000FF"]Actually I went to Omni as soon as I learned it was coming to war. I entered our channel, #globalsith, and then Omni tells me he already knew what I had come to talk to him about. So you see, Omni did not have to come to me. I came to him. He heard before, but I told him everything.

Also, we had no chances earlier. During the time this happened he was unavailable and we were quite preoccupied. Also, once again, you do realize that all of this took place in less then sixteen hours, half of which most of us were asleep for. GATO was told before our other allies, and we hid nothing from them.

So, once again, Omni knows this is garbage. He can lie all he wants, but he knows what he's doing.[/color]

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1281336258' post='2406945']
They have other allies as well, you don't see them canceling on NSO, do you? What makes you so important? Everyone is equally important.

Nobody from NSO thought it would blow over. Instead of saying they broke it and all that jazz.... answer this.

Why not wait until after the war? (Directed at Sir Sci)

Huh? Everyone is equally important? Sorry, I can't quite agree with you on that. I do ascribe to the concept that all men are created equal, but not all alliances are equally important.

...because they broke the treaty. If you're wanting something else, I'm sorry, I don't have it.

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[quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1281336915' post='2406965']
there's absolutely nothing that GATO did wrong with this.
Kev, no. GATO is all wrong here. Omni needs a way out and is pushing the NSO didn't inform him garbage. No matter when Omni was informed it would have been too late because Omni and GATO would never honor this treaty.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1281337014' post='2406970']
I agree that GATO should have canceled on NSO long before this, seeing as how NSO hasn't really changed much. But I wouldn't see the point in keeping the treaty and then canceling it after the war. If as NSO has said, they didn't want GATO involved, well then this cancellation does not make much of a difference, except now NSO knows that GATO does not like their FA path.
And the fact that GATO still canceled a treaty after the DoW. I mean seriously, how was NSO supposed to know RoK would get butthurt over a 4k NS rogue and DoW the next afternoon? Nothing they could do about it. So maybe GATO's cancellation was justified because they didn't like the FA path, but canceling a treaty after a DoW is just plain classless.

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[quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1281337130' post='2406977']
Huh? Everyone is equally important? Sorry, I can't quite agree with you on that. I do ascribe to the concept that all men are created equal, but not all alliances are equally important.

...because they broke the treaty. If you're wanting something else, I'm sorry, I don't have it.

You know, I'm pretty surprised to see you going along with this... Oh well. Hopefully the GATO rank and file will wake up tomorrow and outs the leaders responsible for this.

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I posted my thoughts in my blog...

NSO appears to be the victim here. I get that GATO had a "legit" reason to cancel the treaty, but it was pretty much a wuss thing to do. Ragnarok, I love you guys but this is ridiculous. The attacks on NSO aren't necessary.

/goes back to eating popcorn.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281336560' post='2406955']
[color="#0000FF"]We were under the impression that the situation was resolved at that point, or at least on the way to resolution. Also, considering it was four in the morning when we finished, can you blame us for wrapping things up quickly? You'd have done the same. How many things do you forget in the wee hours? I by no means have perfect memory then. But yes, once we got on we told GATO everything and more. Omni can spin this all he wants, but in the end we both know the truth.[/color]

Logdump it.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281336902' post='2406964']
Of course Lintwad was away. Heft however was not and had a first hand account of things. If he can't take five seconds to let me know what's going on then he's not a good ally.
Heft not making the best calls in this situation... :blink:

What a shock. Of course, you're more than capable of realizing what RV and Lintwad taking things up with you at their first opportunity meant, but you decided to use this as an excuse to cancel on us anyway.

Heft obviously didnt think it was a big deal. Thats why we're being rolled right now. Why should that impression have changed for an ally when he told his own alliance that it was gonna end there?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281337123' post='2406976']
[color="#0000FF"]Actually I went to Omni as soon as I learned it was coming to war. I entered our channel, #globalsith, and then Omni tells me he already knew what I had come to talk to him about. So you see, Omni did not have to come to me. I came to him. He heard before, but I told him everything.

Also, we had no chances earlier. During the time this happened he was unavailable and we were quite preoccupied. Also, once again, you do realize that all of this took place in less then sixteen hours, half of which most of us were asleep for. GATO was told before our other allies, and we hid nothing from them.

So, once again, Omni knows this is garbage. He can lie all he wants, but he knows what he's doing.[/color]

He still came to you first... regardless.... as it were... if :I: had been in your situation... :I: would have told my allies what was happening and that I was in talks with RoK about the situation, but that nothing would most likely come about it. Do I think it was a bit rushed of RoK to declare? yes.... However, I think NSO's mistake on aiding a warring nation was far worse. GATO has not lost respect by my view for canceling on such pompous "allies."

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In my mind, I've got a feeling that it went down something like this.
VE, GOD, RoK, RnR: Hey GATO, we're going to hit NSO, that cool with you?
GATO: Yeah, we don't like them anyway.
VE, GOD, RoK, RnR: You sure?
GATO: Yeah, We've been looking for a good reason to cancel our treaty anyway.
VE, GOD, RoK, RnR: Find a technicality.
GATO: I don't know why I didn't think of that.[/quote]

Would explain why GATO knew about it so early.

Edited by memoryproblems
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[quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1281337084' post='2406972']
It sounds like NSO is having communications issues. I hope they get through this rough patch with a new openness with their remaining treaty partners.
I'm sorry that NSO thought that the situation could be resolve this peacefully without a need to go to war. :(

NSO informed all of their allies as soon as we knew that war was coming.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281337100' post='2406973']
Oooh, clever.

[b]No, heft clearly didnt think that a war was going to happen as a result[/b], or else he wouldn't have dared to do it.

Perhaps thats why he didnt tell you? Because he thought it wasnt a big deal. His mistake. Afterwards, on our end it was apparently thought to be settled. You are lying and misrepresenting your butt off here.

So when Hoo said that it'll be interpreted as an act of war Heft thought he was just joking?

[quote name='rodrod' timestamp='1281337213' post='2406981']
And the fact that GATO still canceled a treaty after the DoW. I mean seriously,[b] how was NSO supposed to know RoK would get butthurt over a 4k NS rogue and DoW the next afternoon?[/b] Nothing they could do about it. So maybe GATO's cancellation was justified because they didn't like the FA path, but canceling a treaty after a DoW is just plain classless.

It could have been when Hoo told them he was going to if they sent aid.

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I hate arguments...you do know nothing really is going to come out of this, you are just going back and forth. It just goes on and on, why use big words and witty comebacks when you can all say it with a couple sentences..END OF STORY.

As you can obviously see, Omni doesn't look like he is going to change his stance on the issue...Just saying, I find this argument pointless.

Hate me if you like, I don't mind! :awesome:

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[quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1281337130' post='2406977']
Huh? Everyone is equally important? Sorry, I can't quite agree with you on that. I do ascribe to the concept that all men are created equal, but not all alliances are equally important.

...because they broke the treaty. If you're wanting something else, I'm sorry, I don't have it.
Ok, what makes you more important, or even better than the other NSO allies? From the looks of it, you guys are not anywhere near important.

You canceled your treaty because they broke it, that is all good. If you had any hint of [b]respect[/b] for them, you would have waited until this was all said and done. Not right in the middle of it.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281337508' post='2406996']
So when Hoo said that it'll be interpreted as an act of war Heft thought he was just joking?

Pretty much would explain why he decided to push his luck, yeah.

I mean, why else would he do so? Do you think Heft maybe wanted to get us rolled on purpose?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281337566' post='2407002']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, I will. Soon.

And Kitty, we told GATO everything. We hid nothing. I'm not going to bother with your spin anymore. Good night.[/color]

You told GATO everything alright... a bit too late once GATO basically knew everything. And hope you have sweet dreams ;)

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281337566' post='2407002']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, I will. Soon.

And Kitty, we told GATO everything. We hid nothing. I'm not going to bother with your spin anymore. Good night.[/color]

you told us when? after you let a rogue into your alliance? after you then gave that rogue aid after it was confirmed he was a rogue? You should have told us as soon as a whiff of conflict was in the air but you failed to do so.

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[quote name='Kittyquel' timestamp='1281337704' post='2407008']
You told GATO everything alright... a bit too late once GATO basically knew everything. And hope you have sweet dreams ;)
They knew we were getting attacked before we did.

I still don't get how you can say that's our fault. And Omni keeps saying we never contacted him about it when the actual events contradict his (various) stories directly.

[quote name='Masterchief777' timestamp='1281337774' post='2407010']
you told us when? after you let a rogue into your alliance? after you then gave that rogue aid after it was confirmed he was a rogue? You should have told us as soon as a whiff of conflict was in the air but you failed to do so.
Blame Heft for that, it wasn't one of his better nights.

But you really can't say we did it out of any malicious intent or purposeful neglect. We brought it up the second we became aware of the gravity of the situation. Your claims of our wronging you are entirely insincere.

Moreover, we don't expect our allies to keep us appraised of their applicant process, and we sure as heck don't intend to bother them with those kinds of minor details.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1281337686' post='2407007']
Pretty much would explain why he decided to push his luck, yeah.

I mean, why else would he do so? Do you think Heft maybe wanted to get us rolled on purpose?

It seemed like quite the serious situation to me. It's not the type of thing you read and say hahaha Hoo is being completely sarcastic this is so funny.

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[quote name='Masterchief777' timestamp='1281337774' post='2407010']
you told us when? after you let a rogue into your alliance? after you then gave that rogue aid after it was confirmed he was a rogue? You should have told us as soon as a whiff of conflict was in the air but you failed to do so.

AGREED... Enough said :)


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