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There are too many alliances and some of you should disband.


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I believe the inherent assumption that most people on CN find drama and controversy to be exciting and that drama and controversy make the game better is actually quite flawed. Possibly people who are active posters or active followers of events on the OWF may find that exciting but I'd have to say that growing one's nation or fulfilling one's duty to an alliance takes priority for most nations. At the extreme maximum, there may be 4 or 5 thousand active forum members (for comparison, the largest number of people online on the forums was 1800 or so ). There are around 24000 nations on CN. As you can see, most nations probably do not follow events on the OWF. The standards used to create this list are based on incorrect assumptions. As such, the list in invalid.

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[quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1280381054' post='2393628']
NSO- Tries too hard. Disband.

Flooding the OWF with your pathetic cries for attention doesn't count as actually doing something.
Says the alliance that did this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89794 :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1280385287' post='2393681']
Says the alliance that did this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89794 :rolleyes:

No u!

Does what by the way, write treaties? We could do whatever we want, we aren't the ones coming out with these dumb lists. A bunch of big coward alliances trying to blame smaller alliances for lack of drama, rather than the fact that they have no balls themselves to do anything. Why not just go to war and force mergering with the alliances you don't think should exist? Oh yeah, because the treaty web that all of the alliances THAT SHOULDN'T DISBAND created would never allow for such a thing.

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[quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1280386261' post='2393686']
No u!

Does what by the way, write treaties? We could do whatever we want, we aren't the ones coming out with these dumb lists. A bunch of big coward alliances trying to blame smaller alliances for lack of drama, rather than the fact that they have no balls themselves to do anything. Why not just go to war and force mergering with the alliances you don't think should exist? Oh yeah, because the treaty web that all of the alliances THAT SHOULDN'T DISBAND created would never allow for such a thing.
Imagine a brave alliance trying to cast off the notions of treaties and ties to the web. They'll blaze their own trail, independent of all, and forge a--uh oh, looks like someone picked their colour for raiding today. Nice knowing you.

But wait, they're pleading their case in the world forums. Aid us, they say. The response?

I think we all know how this ends.

You could just as easily say that large powerful blocs and their member alliances standing close together cause stagnation. If, say, the members of Complaints and Grievances fight as one, then you have to somehow be on a close or even footing with a WHOLE LOT OF ALLIANCES to really have anything other than a good old-fashioned curbstomp. Treaties breed treaties. Even the paperless ones. And the smaller alliances will, and will keep on, making treaties as long as it's needed for survival.

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[quote]1) Mostly Harmless Alliance: Being the largest alliance doesn’t give you a free pass. I can’t think of anything that you add to the game so you’re out. Disband.

2) New Pacific Order: Considering many alliances in the game define their very existence based on opposing this alliance, it goes without saying that they stay.

3) Green Protection Agency: I realize some players just want to be boring hippies and buy infrastructure. We only need one neutral alliance, however. GPA stays, all others should disband.

4) New Polar Order: Brings drama from time to time. Starts huge wars. Definitely stays.

5) Sparta: Classic cookie cutter. Disband.

6) World Task Force: Does nothing. Disband.

7) Viridian Entente: Stays

8) Fark: Stays


10) The Democratic Order: Disband. Join GPA.

11) Mushroom Kingdom: Not my favorite alliance but they certainly bring drama and their own flavor to the game. They stay.

12) Orange Defense Network: Followers. Not interesting. Disband.

13) The Order Of The Paradox: Drama occasionally revolves around them. Stays.

14) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization: Stays

15) FOK: Stays

16) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations: Stays

17) United Purple Nations: Meh. Disband.

18) Ragnarok: Stays

19) Nueva Vida: Stays

20) The Order Of Light: Boring. Disband.

21) Umbrella: Stays

22) Random Insanity Alliance: Stay.

23) RnR: Boring. Disband.

24) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: Boring. Disband.

25) Federation Of Armed Nations: Used to be interesting, but now the NPO isn’t picking on you anymore and you’re just another alliance. Disband.

26) Athens: This alliance gets a wild hair up its $@! every once in a while which results in massive drama. Stays.

27) Nordreich: Well even the “German Nationalists” need a home too. Stays.

28) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations: Stays.

29) The Foreign Division: Who? Disband.

30) Poison Clan: Occasional drama. Stays.

31) Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism: Drama. Stays.

32) Siberian Tiger Alliance: Brings teh HONOUR. Stays.

33) The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons: Boring. Disbands.

34) Nusantara Elite Warriors: Everyone talks about what great fighters they are but I hear nothing from them. This game thrives on drama and intrigue. Disbands.

35) LoSS: Stays, I guess.

36) Guru Order: Boring. Disband.

37) IFOK: Struggled with this one. On their own they are an utterly worthless alliance, but then again, who am I to deprive FOK of their vassal alliance? To the victor go the spoils, after all. Plus I would like to keep them around if for no other reason than to laugh at them. Stays.

38) Global Order Of Darkness: Drama bringers. Stays.

39) New Sith Order: Even if I wasn’t a member of this alliance I’d know enough to know that they should stay. The Cyberverse needs more alliances like us. I’m serious.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[b]DISBAND[/b]

40) Nato: [b]DISBAND[/b]

41) The Phoenix Federation: Stays

42) The International: Aren’t they commies or something? Meh. Disband
43) Valhalla: Stays

44) Imperial Assault Alliance: I guess being the second best Star Wars themed alliance is enough to get to stay. Stays.

45) North Atlantic Defense Coalition: Boring. Disband.

46) The Templar Knights: Boring. Disband.

47) Asgaard: Boring. Disband.

48) World Federation: Boring. Disband.

49) We Are Perth Army: Boring. Disband.

50) The Conservative Underground: Boring. Disband.

51) Argent: Boring. Disband.

52) Phoenix Rising: Boring. Disband.

53) Global Democratic Alliance: Boring. Disband.

54) Silence: Boring. Disband.

55) Greenland Republic: Boring. Disband.

56) Christian Coalition Of Countries: WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? Disband.

57) Regnum Invictorum: The game would honestly be better served if you just joined NPO. Disband.

58) Ubercon: Boring. Disband.

59) Genesis: Boring. Disband.

60) The Brigade: Boring. Disband.

61) Green Old Party: GPA plus Reagan. Disband.

62) Carpe Diem: I like you guys but you're inactive. Disband.

63) Monos Archein: Boring. [b]STAY[/b]

64) AGW Overlords: Boring. Disband.

65) \m/: Drama generators. Stays.

66) Union Of Integrated National Entities: Boring. Disband. [b]LAWL UINE[/b]

67) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics: Boring. Disband.

68) The United Front: Boring. Disband.

69) =LOST=: Boring. Disband.

70) United Sovereign Nations: Boring. Disband.

71) United Blue Directorate: Boring. Disband.

72) Veritas Aequitas: Boring. Disband.

73) The Resistance: Boring. Disband.

74) The Dark Templar: Boring. Disband.

75) Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States: Boring. Disband.

76) 1 Touch Football: Boring. Disband.

77) WOLFPACK: Boring. Disband.

78) Alpha Omega: Boring. Disband.

79) The Order Of The Black Rose: The hardcore RPers need a home, I suppose. Stays.

80) Knights Of Ni!: Never heard of you before the Athens thing, haven’t heard from you since. Disband.[/quote]

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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Olaf Styke, I just wanted to go on the record as saying that in my opinion you only rank second to AlmightyGrub for PR performance (for the war against everyone gaffe in the last great war), meaning.. every time you open your mouth, someone is hating on you a little more. Not me though, I just find it hilarious. Maybe you will eventually match the NPO on levels of people personally disliking you even if you don't succeed on the alliance level.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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There are a few alliances on that list I'd disagree with, but keep NATO? Really?

[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1280376264' post='2393509']
I think you've made a mistake, you've switched NSO and Sparta on your list, NSO goes and Sparta stays.

Convenient that the most successful alliance in opposing NPO & Pals should be on a wishlist for disbandment written by an ex-NPO NSOer, but as long as the mistake is corrected there should be no problem.

Also iCare

Olaf do you ever get tired of reading what you type? I got that feeling after reading your first post in this thread. And every post after that just added to it.

Edited by relyt92
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Olaf, people don't like Sparta because you guys were my personal puppy dogs for years, and eventually got adopted by someone else. It's cool, not everyone in this game can have an original idea. The world needs followers like Sparta. Just not too many. Therefore, disband.

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Good luck with this crazy plan. You realize they'll never disband and unless you start creating wars I don't think you're really motivated. Politics is the nature of the game. You want a lot of war, go play Modern Warfare.
And quite frankly, even though I know you're bias, NSO could disband. Its just Ivan's new little project, and rip off of NPO with a little Star Wars twist.

Edited by Caleb279
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[quote name='Qaianna' timestamp='1280386926' post='2393692']
Imagine a brave alliance trying to cast off the notions of treaties and ties to the web. They'll blaze their own trail, independent of all, and forge a--uh oh, looks like someone picked their colour for raiding today. Nice knowing you.

But wait, they're pleading their case in the world forums. Aid us, they say. The response?

I think we all know how this ends.

You could just as easily say that large powerful blocs and their member alliances standing close together cause stagnation. If, say, the members of Complaints and Grievances fight as one, then you have to somehow be on a close or even footing with a WHOLE LOT OF ALLIANCES to really have anything other than a good old-fashioned curbstomp. Treaties breed treaties. Even the paperless ones. And the smaller alliances will, and will keep on, making treaties as long as it's needed for survival.

I love how you think that this idea is completely unfathomable. WTF (an alliance that should disband according to these knuckleheads) seems to be doing okay last I checked.
I am not opposed to treaties. I'm not the one complaining about it, I'm simply pointing out that it's not the "boring" alliances fault for the lack of drama. It's the dramatic alliances being not so dramatic. I could care a less about the lack of drama to be honest. I'm having fun regardless.

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1280393085' post='2393733']
Olaf, people don't like Sparta because you guys were my personal puppy dogs for years, and eventually got adopted by someone else. It's cool, not everyone in this game can have an [b]original[/b] idea. The world needs followers like Sparta. Just not too many. Therefore, disband.

Wow, because the New (Blank) Order has never been done, nor has the Star Wars theme. Where do you guys come up with this stuff?

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[quote name='the masheen' timestamp='1280393563' post='2393739']
Wow, because the New (Blank) Order has never been done, nor has the Star Wars theme. Where do you guys come up with this stuff?

You have no idea why I called them my puppy, do you? Sparta has never had an original idea in their entire history. They've always followed the lead of another alliance.

Go back and check your history, son.

Edited by Dilber
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"The world won't change with pretty words alone"
-Dilbers sig

Why don't you start doing something about the political climate instead of complaining about it with pretty words.

oh wait.. You can't! Therefor, this thread, disband.

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[quote name='Enzos' timestamp='1280394293' post='2393752']
"The world won't change with pretty words alone"
-Dilbers sig

Why don't you start doing something about the political climate instead of complaining about it with pretty words.

oh wait.. You can't! Therefor, this thread, disband.
This is win. Also, the masheen is right. Enough with the orders. If any disband it should be the Sith. NPO is the one and only true order. NSO is just a rip. Granted, NpO was just a side project, but it has evolved and I loved being there.

Edited by Caleb279
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[quote name='Enzos' timestamp='1280394293' post='2393752']
"The world won't change with pretty words alone"
-Dilbers sig

Why don't you start doing something about the political climate instead of complaining about it with pretty words.

oh wait.. You can't! Therefor, this thread, disband.

If it happens, it'll be nice to know that for once Sparta won't be able to turn it's cloak. Sparta manages to be one of the least interesting alliance, and one of the most hated. Congrats on achieving multiple goals!

Also, I invented the "Do something about it" phrase. Just sayin'

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1280383349' post='2393662']
lol, my alleged failure to recognize NPO's "greatness" as an indivdual shows how much Sparta fails as an alliance? Any alliance that doesn't believe NPO is a good alliance is automatic failure? Is your criteria for a good alliance 'any alliance that sucks up to NPO'?

You sounds pretty mad, bro.

No, your failure to recognize what make a successful alliance is what make you(among others things) a bad leader of an even worse alliance.

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So basically the OP is blah blah blahing about what he knows which clearly is quite limited. Certainly some alliances like to post on the OWF but this does not mean a lot does not happen for the medium/smaller size alliances that you, with your head stuck in the clouds, does not know about. Your childish/attention seeking/ADHD behavioural want to disband all but one of the last 45 alliances clearly indicates the extent of your knowledge.

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