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What will the next war look like?


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[quote name='Daeryon' timestamp='1280581667' post='2395934']

If I had to guess, I would bet that the next fairly large war will be a curbstomp put on by the powers that be on the first sizable bloc to begin to get to a threatening size. They'll provoke a war on the bloc before they get too big, and knock them back to a completely non-threatening level.


What do I win?

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281310576' post='2405147']
I think the NSO will accept and defend a rogue nation that has attacked a Ragnarok protectorate.

After that's it's a game of connect the dots. (Assuming NSO's allies actually care about them.)
How many of them are paying reps or recently completed paying reps? They might care, but I don't know that many will even be able to make war

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[quote name='karthikking' timestamp='1281314713' post='2405582']
I think RoK declares war on NSO?
Yep, and lots of RoK's allies and their protectorate (TETE) also joined the fun. NSO on the other hand has no one helping them...

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[quote name='DougZ37' timestamp='1281225465' post='2404122']
The kettle calls the pot black, or something like that. Crymson we sort of did the same thing when we helped to set up Continuum. What we'll have then is basically the same kind of drab, boring-ness that dominated CN from the BLEU / NoCB war through Karma.

We signed onto that bloc because we felt we had insufficient protection if Polar and Co---who were openly hostile towards us---decided to make a move against us; we felt that there would be a significant chance of us losing such a war, and Q helped eliminate that possibility. Attaining a *reasonable* amount of safety comes first, of course. However, Q was also a means by which we could accomplish some goals; chief amongst these was the eventual defeat of Polaris.

In other words, I don't think your comparison is valid.

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[quote name='rrkilledme' timestamp='1281325644' post='2406313']
NSO wants to go this one alone- does this mean that the RoK War isn't the next "Big One"?

Not tonight, at any rate. Until the peace treaty is signed, anything can still happen.

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[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1281320918' post='2406049']
1000 human sacrifices. Where do you want them?

sweet. Ship em to my island. I like blondes.

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[quote name='Sande' timestamp='1279303935' post='2374769']
I don't know which scenario will occur but I know 100% that it will begin with a 200-page topic where people whine over the CB.
After seeing some NPO members whine about the CB already, I could say Iwas right. Now they just have to keep going until they get 200 pages.

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[quote name='Sande' timestamp='1281329442' post='2406467']
After seeing some NPO members whine about the CB already, I could say Iwas right. Now they just have to keep going until they get 200 pages.
I think you will find that far more people than just Pacificans are not convinced by this CB Rag and co have cooked up. Perhaps using a solid CB for once, rather than "You may possibly have tried to spy 6 months ago during a war" or "You aided someone that we class as a rogue but we refuse to provide proof of them being a rogue", may preclude people from complaining about it.

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[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1281325911' post='2406327']
Not tonight, at any rate. Until the peace treaty is signed, anything can still happen.

That would involve the Sith actually putting their ego aside. Look how long that took last war over a joke term. Imagine how long it'll take when they actually end up with real terms.

[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1281382305' post='2408115']
I think you will find that far more people than just Pacificans are not convinced by this CB Rag and co have cooked up. Perhaps using a solid CB for once, rather than "You may possibly have tried to spy 6 months ago during a war" or "You aided someone that we class as a rogue but we refuse to provide proof of them being a rogue", may preclude people from complaining about it.

Yea, no proof at all, his warscreen full of wars on Rok's protectorate is totally not proof of anything.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1281382305' post='2408115']
I think you will find that far more people than just Pacificans are not convinced by this CB Rag and co have cooked up. Perhaps using a solid CB for once, rather than "You may possibly have tried to spy 6 months ago during a war" or "You aided someone that we class as a rogue but we refuse to provide proof of them being a rogue", may preclude people from complaining about it.

I'm sure you'd find a way to complain regardless.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1281383900' post='2408159']
Yea, no proof at all, his warscreen full of wars on Rok's protectorate is totally not proof of anything.
That's obviously circumstantial evidence. Just because he was full of wars on people that RoK protects, and RoK government said not to harbor/aid him, doesn't mean that he was really RoK's enemy! It's just a coincidence. The best plan of action here is to aid the guy anyway, and then act shocked and wonder what you did wrong.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1281383900' post='2408159']
Yea, no proof at all, his warscreen full of wars on Rok's protectorate is totally not proof of anything.
Because we all know that because someone is wearing an AA, they [i]must[/i] be a member of that alliance. Had Rag or TENE provided the information that was requested by NSO in the beginning, we wouldn't be in this situation.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1281394849' post='2408532']
Because we all know that because someone is wearing an AA, they [i]must[/i] be a member of that alliance. Had Rag or TENE provided the information that was requested by NSO in the beginning, we wouldn't be in this situation.

Wait "Hes at war with our protectorate" isn't confirmation enough of membership for you? Stick your head a little deeper into the sand why don't you?

I get you feel you have a duty to demonize us being the other side and all, but put some effort into at least.

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1281401352' post='2408735']
Wait "Hes at war with our protectorate" isn't confirmation enough of membership for you? Stick your head a little deeper into the sand why don't you?

I get you feel you have a duty to demonize us being the other side and all, but put some effort into at least.
Depends on the situation really, little AA's are often run incompetently. There was recently a situation where our MilCom contacted the gov of a small AA to see if a nation that was causing trouble was a ghost or not. They said it was a ghost, so the nation was cleared for attack and hit a day or so later was hit by one of our nations. Then, 3 members of the alliance that was being ghosted attacked our member. So when some alliances can't even decide if a nation is a member of theirs or not, I find it hard to fault NSO asking for proof, when the information about the attack was coming second-hand through Rag, not from TENE.

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