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[quote name='Cataduanes' date='09 July 2010 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1278657635' post='2364512']
:mellow: RV man, no need to dump on CMEA...let them do their thing and have some enjoyment, even if as you put it may end amid a realization of futility.
[quote name='DemonSpawn' date='09 July 2010 - 12:33 AM' timestamp='1278649981' post='2364342']
Rebel Virginia, thank you for one of your beautiful rants, that mean absoulutely nothing, to anyone. Back under the bridge. KTHXBAI

To everyone else, thank you for the well wishes.

This is a political discussion area. RV has a valid point and his past posting history hasn't got anything to do with the validity of this point. A recent example is CIS, there are lots of others.
Your better option was to counter RV's arguments with all CMEA's strong points (if there are any; I wasn't around).

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It's not CMEA without Hawk. On that note, welcome back. I look forward to opening relations with you guys. I will also help you guys with temporary protection if you need it. You know where to find me.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='09 July 2010 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1278694653' post='2364906']
This is a political discussion area. RV has a valid point and his past posting history hasn't got anything to do with the validity of this point. A recent example is CIS, there are lots of others.
Your better option was to counter RV's arguments with all CMEA's strong points (if there are any; I wasn't around).

Damn man your right, sorry RV.

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Congrats to some old friends attempting to revive something special to them. I hope it goes better than attempts in the past at accomplishing similar feats.

[quote name='mythicknight' date='08 July 2010 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1278649741' post='2364333']
What happened to Orion?

Obligatory [IMG]http://imgur.com/KDU9M.jpg[/IMG]
I killed it.

Edited by Micheal Malone
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='09 July 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1278649462' post='2364325']
[color="#0000FF"]Is CMEA really worth bringing back? It wasn't that remarkable when it was actually around, and it's absence hasn't exactly been noticed. I think that should say enough about the alliance. My point, not all alliances deserving resurrection. Some, such as NoR, added something to the world, and had a strong enough community to be able to return not just in name, but to actually return. NoR, the renewed one, is a fairly impressive alliance. It has a large membership and a solid government. Even GOONS managed to return. \m/ I am not so sure on, but VE managed to come back successfully. However, my point is, CMEA is not one of those alliances. Enjoy have a few members lingering on a small AA before realizing how futile this effort was.[/color]

Oh, shut the hell up we really do not give a sh!t what you think. Do you feel you have approve or disapprove every announcement?

Sorry about that CMEA but someone had to say it.

Good luck with your reformation.

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[quote name='Grendel' date='10 July 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1278766923' post='2365769']
Oh, shut the hell up we really do not give a sh!t what you think. Do you feel you have approve or disapprove every announcement?[/quote]

You know, you could have tried addressing his point, which was quite valid. CMEA [i]was[/i] unremarkable in its first iteration.

Although I suppose making yourself look like a crying child works, too.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='10 July 2010 - 01:34 PM' timestamp='1278783267' post='2365949']
You know, you could have tried addressing his point, which was quite valid. CMEA [i]was[/i] unremarkable in its first iteration.

Although I suppose making yourself look like a crying child works, too.

Does the fact that RV, or anyone for that matter, thinks that CMEA was "unremarkable" mean that is has no right to existence and/or rebirth?

I submit that no one not named Admin has the right to make such a determination.

I also suggest that RV (and his defenders) are intelligent enough to realize this.

Carrying this train of thought to it's logical conclusion, it's rather obvious that all RV was doing was trying to get a reaction, commonly referred to as trolling, if I am not mistaken.

Also, I can't help but wondering two things:

A) What exactly would make an alliance remarkable? Is there some sort of RV chart/checklist to help us determine such things? Or is that maybe a very subjective call, depending upon each individual's motives and experiences?

B) Does RV plan on informing all "unremarkable" alliances of their mediocrity, or is this reserved for the ones he has some sort of grudge against?

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='10 July 2010 - 01:34 PM' timestamp='1278783267' post='2365949']
You know, you could have tried addressing his point, which was quite valid. CMEA [i]was[/i] unremarkable in its first iteration.

Although I suppose making yourself look like a crying child works, too.

Boy you still are funny. LOL

I actually was trying to comment on RV's insistence to shove his opinion down, those who really could careless, throats. This was a DoE or re-DoE however you wish to look at not a discussion of the validity or significance of CMEA. I and many others tire of RV's diatribes and necessity to keep his post count up with his "astute" observations. Call it crying if you wish, does not matter really what you feel. I wonder why you came to RV's defense? Is it because he had nice things to say about you?

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[quote name='Cataduanes' date='09 July 2010 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1278657635' post='2364512']
:mellow: RV man, no need to dump on CMEA...let them do their thing and have some enjoyment, even if as you put it may end amid a realization of futility.
[color="#0000FF"]I am under no obligation to say nice things about CMEA. Nor do I really care if they exist or not, however, I do retain the right to say that the original CMEA was an unremarkable alliance, and that this latest incarnation will remarkably be even more unremarkable, serving the sole purpose of further cluttering the treaty web and stagnating the world. Things are much quicker and much for dynamic when there are fewer, and larger parties. Once we've got countless mini-groups things move like molasses. For those of you here who don't know what molasses is, let me just tell you that it is very, very slow.[/color]

[quote name='Grendel' date='10 July 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1278766923' post='2365769']
Oh, shut the hell up we really do not give a sh!t what you think. Do you feel you have approve or disapprove every announcement?

Sorry about that CMEA but someone had to say it.

Good luck with your reformation.
[color="#0000FF"]Everyone approves or disapproves of every announcement. I am no exception, but while others may simply hail or boo, I prefer to give some insights into what I am thinking, for I never say anything unless it is worth saying. If you don't like it, tough. Just ignore me.

I could care less if you do. In fact, I had no idea you ever existed before, and soon I will probably forget. But me, no, I linger on you. You cannot forget me even if you want.

And Blanstonia, yes, there is a checklist. Does the alliance have any ambition beyond just existing and collecting statistics? Does the alliance have unremarkable and unmemorable leadership? If you answer yes to either of those, then yes, the alliance is pretty worthless. Your welcome.

Also, I have no grudge against CMEA. The first time they existed the just lost a war and disbanded. Please, you know as well as I do that I am not a petty man. Those I harbor a deep and undying dislike for truly do deserve. They've earned. I do not give my love to just anyone. I'm not that kind of girl. So you see, my comments about CMEA are nothing special, and absolutely nothing personal. Just the truth. Just the unabridged truth.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Thank you everyone that said nice things about CMEA, we appreciate it. As for the ones that said bad things, it really doesn't matter. We are not letting anyone's opinion impact the way we run this alliance. RV, i intend to prove you completely wrong, but i like that you had the balls to state your opinion.

Edited by HeRo1
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[quote name='HeRo1' date='10 July 2010 - 10:07 PM' timestamp='1278817635' post='2366518']
Thank you everyone that said nice things about CMEA, we appreciate it. As for the ones that said bad things, it really doesn't matter. We are not letting anyone's opinion impact the way we run this alliance. RV, i intend to prove you completely wrong, but i like that you had the balls to state your opinion.
[color="#FF0000"]Good luck with that. You may polish a turd, but at the end of the day it is still a turd.[/color]

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