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[quote name='Blanstonia' date='10 July 2010 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1278784152' post='2365960']B) Does RV plan on informing all "unremarkable" alliances of their mediocrity, or is this reserved for the ones he has some sort of grudge against?[/quote]

If you are unremarkable, RV will tell you so. So will many others. And, as far as I know, RV has no grudge against CMEA. An alliance that lost one war, flopped about like a fish on a pier and then threw in the towel (merging to form Orion, which was abandoned by its founders and then disbanded) is an unremarkable alliance.

[quote name='Grendel' date='10 July 2010 - 02:05 PM' timestamp='1278785099' post='2365970']I actually was trying to comment on RV's insistence to shove his opinion down, those who really could careless, throats. This was a DoE or re-DoE however you wish to look at not a discussion of the validity or significance of CMEA. I and many others tire of RV's diatribes and necessity to keep his post count up with his "astute" observations. Call it crying if you wish, does not matter really what you feel. I wonder why you came to RV's defense? Is it because he had nice things to say about you?[/quote]

A public announcement got a response you didn't like. Boo hoo.

I would hardly call my statement coming to RV's defense. Rather, I was chastising you on not addressing his point but instead attacking him personally. (He and I could not be further apart in terms of the treaty web.)

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I can't believe I only just saw this, and that I wasn't invited to come back into CMEA.

And for all of you naysayers and "unremarkable" criers of the peanut gallery. It is time to admit a sad yet well known truth. Many allinaces do not actually "DO" much in this game. However their charm, and their beauty is in their rich community life, and the interaction of their members. In honesty CN is not exactly the most exciting of games. Only people with an ego the size of RV actually manage to find the political side of the game, devoid of any "community" (or people who actually like you) enough to justify their time.

CMEA was exactly what does make CN fun. A close knit community of people, who outside of the game would have never met. Endless hours of discussions, dreams and just idle sexual harassment (Dramafreak).

I would also point out that quite a few of its members, went on to other gov't roles in other notable alliances..

o/ CMEA - Happy to see a treasured flag wave again!

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='10 July 2010 - 10:01 PM' timestamp='1278813676' post='2366460']
[color="#FF0000"]The old CMEA was, by anybodies meausure, insignificant. Demonspawn was also a fairly unremarkable, and incompetent leader.[/color]

This makes me LOL. Your just pissed off that I banned you from our IRC room already.

Thank you for all the kinda comments from our old friends. Please don't forget to stop by our IRC at #CMEA, or stop by the forums: thecmea.com/forums

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[quote name='DemonSpawn' date='11 July 2010 - 11:15 AM' timestamp='1278864910' post='2366994']
This makes me LOL. Your just pissed off that I banned you from our IRC room already.

Thank you for all the kinda comments from our old friends. Please don't forget to stop by our IRC at #CMEA, or stop by the forums: thecmea.com/forums

[color="#FF0000"]No, I actually went to your IRC channel, just to remind you of how incompetent you really are. Though I do have to admit, RV has done quite a good job of pointing that out.[/color]

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[quote name='Blanstonia' date='10 July 2010 - 11:49 AM' timestamp='1278784152' post='2365960']

B) Does RV plan on informing all "unremarkable" alliances of their mediocrity, or is this reserved for the ones he has some sort of grudge against?

I certainly hope so, it is a service Planet Bob could use. Perhaps RV could take on the role of forums merc? Pay RV 3 mil, and he'll inform target alliance of all their shortcomings, and possibly in a unpleasant tone.

Joking aside, you've created an alliance from members from your previous alliance, weakening the parent alliance and further burdened it by requesting it act as a protectorate. I fail to see the wisdom in this, unless there was some major ideological split among the membership. Regardless, everyone deserves a shot at success, so I wish you well.

Edited by Methos
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[quote name='Methos' date='11 July 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1278885800' post='2367285']
I certainly hope so, it is a service Planet Bob could use. Perhaps RV could take on the role of forums merc? Pay RV 3 mil, and he'll inform target alliance of all their shortcomings, and possibly in a unpleasant tone.
[color="#0000FF"]Is that all you're willing to pay? Not that I do not already do that, but if I can charge for it, why not?

And Hero1, I truly do hope that you will prove me wrong. I do hope that CMEA becomes more than just another alliance, and does things to stir the part, reach for the top, and isn't afraid to break norms and taboos or use dickery to do it. But, are not all hopes but dreams? I will not say I'll hold my breath while you do what you say you're going to do, and nor will I be disappointed when do you fail. How can I be disappointed when I expect nothing? I am able to tell, from the moment an alliance forms, whether or not it is going to achieve, or even reach for, greatness, or if will simply hoping for mediocrity or less. At this moment, I cannot tell if you even want mediocrity. Right now, it is still very possible you're willing to settle for less, and that is probably just what you will get.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='11 July 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1278888788' post='2367327']
[color="#0000FF"]Is that all you're willing to pay? Not that I do not already do that, but if I can charge for it, why not?

And Hero1, I truly do hope that you will prove me wrong. I do hope that CMEA becomes more than just another alliance, and does things to stir the part, reach for the top, and isn't afraid to break norms and taboos or use dickery to do it. But, are not all hopes but dreams? I will not say I'll hold my breath while you do what you say you're going to do, and nor will I be disappointed when do you fail. How can I be disappointed when I expect nothing? I am able to tell, from the moment an alliance forms, whether or not it is going to achieve, or even reach for, greatness, or if will simply hoping for mediocrity or less. At this moment, I cannot tell if you even want mediocrity. Right now, it is still very possible you're willing to settle for less, and that is probably just what you will get.[/color]

Can you show me the formula you use to determine if a alliance tries, hopes, or strives for more than mediocrity? Can you see inside our minds and know once we reach such a small stone that we will settle for nothing more? As most new alliances, we are determined to do as great as we can. But unlike most new alliances, we have the experience to expect everything a new alliance will endure. With that said, we assume to break past that mediocrity level. Of course, an assumption is just an assumption, but you can't get anywhere without assuming anything first.

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[color="#0000FF"]The formula I use is my own gut, and what a gut it is. I'm never wrong. And I am sure you will think your alliance is hot stuff, but that's just the rose tinted glasses you got on. I'm an unbiased third party, and I am telling you that you're not going to amount to much. I've seen it before, I'm seeing it now, and I'm sure I'll be seeing it again soon.[/color]

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