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[quote name='DonVox' date='07 July 2010 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1278505363' post='2362354']
Just before the Legion-UPN treaty was cancelled.

Heh. I was there for those shenanigans, but alas I didn't see our main government guru online discussing things. He must always slip out as I'm joining and vice versa. Funny how those things work. And then it gives others the impression that you're not doing anything.

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[quote name='DonVox' date='07 July 2010 - 08:17 AM' timestamp='1278505050' post='2362350']
Only a short moment later, Legion cancelled. Either Hubb was telling what he thought was the truth, and he was outmaneuvered by his ministers, or Hubb was lying.

This will be the first and last time I say anything in this juvenile thread. I told the truth, and was not "outmaneuvered." When I told Peggy I didn't want to cancel with UPN, that was the truth. Unfortunately, as the conversation went on, and the discussions in our government continued, I later felt we needed to do so, and the vote was unanimous. I was sorry to see the treaty with UPN go, and I told Peggy that. No one "couped" me, either. That's laughable. If I had been couped, you can be fairly certain I wouldn't still be in The Legion.

As to my apparent inability to be online? Sorry, but that's wrong. I'm usually online late at night to early AM Eastern Time. Guess what? There are times when I can't be online since I have concerns in the mythical world of "RL." [OOC]As someone has already said, I have a family with another child on the way. I have a regular job and two private consultation contracts weekly.[/OOC] I simply did not have the time necessary to give to the position, and I saw that after about two to three weeks. I wasn't going to leave it all up to our consulate members, as that would not have been fair. Therefore, I stepped aside for the good of the Legion. Watcher is a competent leader, and that's why I named him to succeed me.

LMC- You PM'd me one time, bro. Once. You were upset about the BB Ban and wanted to appeal it. You also CC:d it to Watcher. Watcher responded to you rather quickly. I did not feel the need to do so, which is known as [i]delegating[/i]. I was pleased with Watcher's response to you, and did not see a need to respond with the same type of statement. You can bash me all you want, and you've done a fairly good job in doing so. That's fine. I'm not mad anymore, because this is a game. I guess I didn't respond enough to your comments about how to get a girl you've been stalking for three years to like you in our public forums. C'est la vie.

LF- Most of the time, I simply ignore you. Especially since everyone who sees you post knows you basically just want to cause trouble. The sad thing is this: I actually liked you. I respected you. I told you I wanted you to be my Proconsul. Then, when you went and did your "There will be blood" statement to our adversaries in the last war, along with the post you made on the BB's, I wasn't going to let that slide, so I fired you. Obviously your bitterness hails from that decision. Truthfully, if you would have kept a level head, you would still be Proconsul (had you chosen to stay in the Legion), or even Imperator by now. They were our adversaries for a reason, and I, quite frankly, didn't like them either. However, I did my best to respect them as adversaries, even when others did not. I had a conversation with Trinite during the war, and I can say I thought our talks were direct, yet respectful. I've not handled things perfectly by a long shot, I have no problem making that statement.

As for the rest of the haters, keep hating, I guess. That's what you're good at, and even when you score some cheap "lol's" for your boys, that's probably the highlight of your day. If anyone wants to PM me about anything I've said, please feel free (if you want to have a respectful conversation).


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[quote name='T.Hubb' date='07 July 2010 - 09:21 AM' timestamp='1278516043' post='2362439']
I guess I didn't respond enough to your comments about how to get a girl you've been stalking for three years to like you in our public forums. C'est la vie.

Completely unnecessary to bring up the guys RL to bash him OOC here on the OWF man.

Bad !@#$@#$ show.

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[quote name='magicninja' date='07 July 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1278516368' post='2362444']
Completely unnecessary to bring up the guys RL to bash him OOC here on the OWF man.

Bad !@#$@#$ show.

Completely agree, seriously poor showing.

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[snip long whine about how the legion done him wrong just like his ex girlfriend]

[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='06 July 2010 - 04:54 PM' timestamp='1278453264' post='2361525']
I encourage you to ZI me. Because this is just a game. You guys take everything far too seriously.

yeah, [i]they[/i] are definitely the ones taking things too seriously.

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I love these topics, the funniest part for me "airing dirty laundry is bad", I think telling the world how crap Legion are, would be the best thing to do when they let members like The Arbiter run around doing as they see fit.

then again Legion is just another lolpurple alliance.

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I can see why this argument is stretching out for so many pages; because both sides seem to have inconsistencies that the other is picking on continually.

The Legion reprimanded lmcfalcon12 for his unwarranted conduct on the forums which, after reviewing his posts, does seem like a fair choice, considering it wasn't a first time offence, although 500 tech seems a little bit harsh. Though, to my knowledge, similar action wasn't taken on other Legion members after their apparently worse conduct previously.

I don't know the full details, but this is what I've gathered from the thread. And because neither side is really spotless in this debate, the other will nitpick for as long as they have the energy to do so.

Carry on.

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[quote name='Watcher' date='07 July 2010 - 02:16 AM' timestamp='1278483368' post='2362202']
You mad

I'd encourage you to actually read my post. My first response is a sarcastic retort, my second is simply stating a commonly held belief that is circulating regarding the reasons for why Hubb left office, my third is addressing a non-Legion related question by Lonewolfe, and my final little monologue is simply offering a gentlemens bet to young master Jooshbox, since I've seen many like him in Legion, young fresh blood who is determined to improve the alliance and serve it well, but over my time there I saw everyone of those guys (minus Watcher) leave due to some reason or another, Madal, SiCkO, RyanM, Tora, AA, myself even, and various others. Back when I was but a young ambitious GACC member, I was talking to Longbowe and he encourage me to apply to TOP, I declined stating I felt I had work left to do in Legion, I wanted to bring it back to its former glory, rebuild its reputation and power. He kind of laughed and stated that's what they all tried to do, and they all failed, left, and moved on to join the club. History tends to repeat itself, I might as well make 50 tech off of an unfortunate recurrence. However, in any case, not once in my post did I comment on the OP, or offer a degrading remark against Legion, hence "You Mad" is at best a nonsensical answer and at worst just a stupid one.

[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 07:48 AM' timestamp='1278503265' post='2362335']
That story was fabricated by Peggy Sue because she just couldn't handle the fact that Hubb wanted to cancel on her. It is only logical to assume that Hubb's resignation was actually a top secret coup led by Watcher and myself. :smug: I'm pretty nefarious and I still don't have an idea how I could have possibly staged a coup on Hubb.

Fair enough. I still like the first story better, it seems like something you and I would have done back in our glory days of Legion trouble making. Keep on trucking Arb, just...try not to be so abrasive?

[quote name='T.Hubb' date='07 July 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1278516043' post='2362439']
LF- Most of the time, I simply ignore you. Especially since everyone who sees you post knows you basically just want to cause trouble. The sad thing is this: I actually liked you. I respected you. I told you I wanted you to be my Proconsul. Then, when you went and did your "There will be blood" statement to our adversaries in the last war, along with the post you made on the BB's, I wasn't going to let that slide, so I fired you. Obviously your bitterness hails from that decision. Truthfully, if you would have kept a level head, you would still be Proconsul (had you chosen to stay in the Legion), or even Imperator by now. They were our adversaries for a reason, and I, quite frankly, didn't like them either. However, I did my best to respect them as adversaries, even when others did not. I had a conversation with Trinite during the war, and I can say I thought our talks were direct, yet respectful. I've not handled things perfectly by a long shot, I have no problem making that statement.

Yes, it does. You sold me down the river because I wanted to continue the fight and didn't want to take !@#$%^&* from alliances who were extorting reps from us worth more than the amount of damage they took from all the alliances they fought combined. My "there will be blood" statement was when they posted peace without our consent and I told them there was no peace, you would have had me roll over like a dog instead and just accepted it? The only concession I will make is my statements after peace were rash and rather foolish (yet if you actually refer to the thread, over 75% of it is complimentary to Umbrella, Asgaard, ect, as far as trolling threads go it was horribly done), yet Feibelman and Arbiter during the Jacapo-Hydra affair said things far more damning and got off without a scratch, and yet again with this "racist tirade" had Legions name dragged through the mud on the OWF and still maintain their positions.

Perhaps more angering is the fact that Megamind and later myself as MoFA and Proconsul, spent countless hours attempting to move Legion away from its reputation of being a laughingstock. To basically do what Arsenal did with ODN and rebirth the alliance. And progress was actually made, new treaties with IRON and NATO and others, increased activity in PEACE, new contacts being made, decisive leadership amongst the war coalition, I was elected by representatives of all the governments to be one of the three triumvirs along with MCRABT and Frannie, we were in a position to reclaim a respect and a measure of authority. I recall I kept a thread in the Consulate forums where I would post comments I'd received stating how people had seen us made a change for the better and respected us more for it, an attempt to keep spirits high and offer encouragement to us all during the war. My crowning achievement during that was a conversation with Feanor, LiquidMercury, Dodoei, and a few other prominent alliance leaders wherein LiquidMercury stated that before the war he really had little to no respect for Legion, thought we were all a joke, but after he saw my/our collective diligence and actions he was impressed and his opinion was changing for the better, and nearly all the others echoed his sentiment. What have you done with that work since I left? Nothing, instead I see countless threads like this where Legions good name is dragged through the mud and it leaves me angered and embittered. One step forward two steps back indeed.

So yes, I am bitter, you took away the one place I've truly felt at home in this world while I sit on the outside and watch it get run into the ground. I've traveled far and wide to find a new one, I even helped found an alliance in an attempt to create a new place I'd be able to call home. But all my attempts have failed, and I won't rest until I've extracted my pound of flesh in retribution.

Edited by Lord Fingolfin
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[quote name='Lamuella' date='07 July 2010 - 06:49 PM' timestamp='1278521335' post='2362493']
in recognition of this thread, I have decided to bestow an ancient nickname on a new recipient. Legion, you absolutely deserve my new sig.

Shiny :D

Also Worst. Lamy. Ever :wub:

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[color="#0000FF"]I have old one questions to ask. What is it that is so attractive about being led by a bureaucratic hack that rules not through leadership but more through fining, enforcement of minor rules, and the exploitation of loopholes in charters and alliance law? I won't pretend to know Arbiter well enough to judge him, but he seems to employ some of the same tactics that Ram did to destroy Gremlins. Granted I don't believe Ram ever enforced fines, so Arby's may be a bit of a visionary in his own right. Nonetheless, my question remains. What is so appealing about the weasel?

Also, so much for purple unity. Tell me, where any of you ever really friends because ever since the NPO fell things seem to have gone way south. Take from that what you will.[/color]

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[quote name='Penkala' date='07 July 2010 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1278525232' post='2362548']
Legion is truly one of the worst alliances in existence.

Congratulations, you post adds [b]SO[/b] much insight and relevance to this thread. I commend you for your single-track line of thinking. Perhaps you should actually come over and talk to us a little before you make such judgments, rather than living in a past now 3 years old.

Speaking on the topic of BB Gags and "limits" to freedom of speech, if you actually look at our forums, we don't really censor what is said there, aside from excessive vulgar language, OOC attacks and general asshattery, which is what this thread has become. As a former Minister of Internal Affairs from pretty much immediately post-purplegate through the end of the viceroyship, I placed a few BB gags into effect. As has already been stated, and is quite obvious, The Legion does have a pretty bad reputation, particularly amongst those living in the past, and some of our adversaries in previous wars. Excuse us for trying to be respectful and better our reputation. Comments made boasting and putting down other alliances are simply unacceptable, as we in Legion don't typically like to think that we're better than others (sanction or no sanction), unlike the majority of the trolls in this thread. lmcfalcon12 was gagged because our leadership felt that his comments were inappropriate, and would stir up a !@#$-storm not unlike this thread. The action apparently backfired, because lmcfalcon12 became butthurt, resigned and then posted this thread essentially throwing a fit like a 2-year-old in a grocery store whose mother wouldn't buy him a Snicker's bar.

Understandably, there are a few in our alliance who should not make references to our Code of Ethics due to recent actions, however, that does [b]NOT[/b] change the fact that the Code of Ethics does exist and is one of our most rigidly enforced "laws". I for one, was of the opinion that Arbiter and Feibelman should have been punished more severely for their comments during the Gunnar Griffin debacle, but that decision was up to the Imperator, and whether or not I agree with the decision, I must support it.

Lmcfalcon12 has been an off-and-on member of The Legion for quite some time. He has left time and again due to differences with leadership and our charter, but still continued to return time and again. If he felt so wronged each time, why would he try to return? And upon returning, he never did a lick to try to implement changes; he waited until something happened that he disagreed with, or an insult from another member, blew it out of proportion and stormed out of the building like a jilted ex. I'm sorry you felt that the actions levied against you were inappropriate lmc, but there were other avenues for expressing your distaste than in this public way. You knew what this would do, and you did it to stir up more angst and drama against our alliance. On that note, I hope you enjoy your time in Hydra; I'm sure you and Jacapo will have a lot to talk about. Not that any of it will be of any quality or relevance.

That being said, it's really not fair to disparage an entire alliance for the actions of a few. If you're going to judge our alliance, get to know the other 99% before you come here and talk about things and make assumptions based off of nothing.

Also, Lamuella, I love your sig. It's good to know that you care :wub:

Edited by assarax
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[quote name='assarax' date='07 July 2010 - 11:59 AM' timestamp='1278529159' post='2362597']
That being said, it's really not fair to disparage an entire alliance for the actions of a few. If you're going to judge our alliance, get to know the other 99% before you come here and talk about things and make assumptions based off of nothing.


assarax, you still have your charm after all these years :wub:

Edited by SiCkO
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='07 July 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1278529824' post='2362605']
I probably speak for most of the detractors in this thread when I say I am making judgment based on four years of Legion's actions.

you're certainly speaking for me.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='07 July 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1278529824' post='2362605']
I probably speak for most of the detractors in this thread when I say I am making judgment based on four years of Legion's actions.

That's your prerogative then. Forgive me then, when I say that your opinion is one that doesn't matter to us in the slightest. If you're unwilling to overlook the past and try to move forward, then we shall leave you in your Stone-Age mentality.

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