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The New Grämlins


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[quote name='Matthew PK' date='15 May 2010 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1273965623' post='2299150']
Do yourself a favor: if you're not going to have any progressive dialogue here then don't bother posting. If you are going to make wild accusations at least present some evidence, lest you diminish your own position.

I think i'm not alone here when I say maybe you should take your own advice.

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[quote name='RustyNail' date='15 May 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1273965837' post='2299153']
I think i'm not alone here when I say maybe you should take your own advice.

Your quip is ill placed.
I think I've demonstrated a willingness to discuss this matter with [b]anybody[/b]

dvdcchn's post was clear-cut posturing. He didn't make any effort to progress with any of the topics on the table.
You disagree with that?

Edited by Matthew PK
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Serious question Matt PK...

Who will want you after this fiasco is done?

Is eventual deletion the grand plan of the remaining GRE nations?

You guys going to continue this folly and then go off and delete your nations?

After this who will take you seriously or have any respect for you or want what you bring to an alliance?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='14 May 2010 - 11:30 PM' timestamp='1273905023' post='2298423']
[color="#0000FF"]So, if you admit you did wrong, tell me, will Gremlins be restituting themselves? It would only seem fair that they answer for their criminal and terrorist acts.[/color]

I don't admit I did wrong; I'm not in GRE anyway, I'm MHA.

I don't agree with what GRE is doing, but I do somewhat understand it, and don't see it to be the evil that most people here seem to think it is. I think they're doing it in the wrong way.

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[quote name='Fernando12' date='15 May 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1273967579' post='2299181']
Serious question Matt PK...

Who will want you after this fiasco is done?

Is eventual deletion the grand plan of the remaining GRE nations?

You guys going to continue this folly and then go off and delete your nations?

After this who will take you seriously or have any respect for you or want what you bring to an alliance?

Are you assuming that everybody thinks GRE is "wrong?"

Personally, I don't intend on disbanding [OOC]deleting[/OOC] my nation and I know plenty of people who respect my position and what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure there are many people who'd be glad to have me.... I guess I don't understand your question?

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[quote name='Cornelius' date='15 May 2010 - 02:50 PM' timestamp='1273949382' post='2298941']
You're right, the longer this war lasts, the more damaging this war becomes to their opponents. Those that are calling for action, though, don't want IRON to lose as much as they are sitting in peace mode.
Remember that when the war finally ends, IRON has to pay reps. The question then becomes whether IRON's losses to peace mode are greater than the strain that will be inflicted on their nations by making reparations payments.

I doubt it. Frankly one of the biggest problems with reps is getting your number of banks up to be able to pay them out, as the defeated alliance usually has a large number of nations in priority need of assistance due to war damages. If they do this right, and they stretch the Grämlins war out for say six months, they should be able to pay the reps off in record time.

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[quote name='Matthew PK' date='15 May 2010 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1273967864' post='2299187']
Are you assuming that everybody thinks GRE is "wrong?"

Personally, I don't intend on disbanding [OOC]deleting[/OOC] my nation and I know plenty of people who respect my position and what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure there are many people who'd be glad to have me.... I guess I don't understand your question?

Can you name three alliance who supports GRE [b][u]decision[/u][/b] please?

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[quote name='Matthew PK' date='15 May 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1273966277' post='2299158']
Your quip is ill placed.
I think I've demonstrated a willingness to discuss this matter with [b]anybody[/b]

dvdcchn's post was clear-cut posturing. He didn't make any effort to progress with any of the topics on the table.
You disagree with that?

The quote from YOU was basically that if you aren't willing to have progressive dialog then kindly zip it. I do disagree that you have had anything progressive to contribute to this. It's a shload of pages that have gone absolutely nowhere because it cannot progress. Your unwillingness to yield your stance has ensured this very thing. So I say again, unless you have something new and 'progressive' to say then kindly go on your merry way and live with the consequences of your (Gre's) actions.

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Arguing about who would take Matthew PK in is also silly. I suspect a number of alliances would; he has a number of attributes that alliances look for. Specifically, he's active and he has a pretty decent nation. Yes, maybe he's crazy, but I've certainly met lots of people who were crazier but who were good, loyal members of their alliances.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='15 May 2010 - 08:51 PM' timestamp='1273971071' post='2299242']
Arguing about who would take Matthew PK in is also silly. I suspect a number of alliances would; he has a number of attributes that alliances look for. Specifically, he's active and he has a pretty decent nation. Yes, maybe he's crazy, but I've certainly met lots of people who were crazier but who were good, loyal members of their alliances.

I think that by this point his loyalty to his alliance is beyond question.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='15 May 2010 - 07:52 PM' timestamp='1273971156' post='2299245']
Then tell your allies to release us from terms.
whats stopping you? (from asking to be let go)

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='wickedj' date='15 May 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1273974938' post='2299318']
whats stopping you? (from asking to be let go)

Nothing stopPED us from asking.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='15 May 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1273971156' post='2299245']
Then tell your allies to release us from terms.

Have you actually asked anyone in the Silent Viridian Coalition of Royal Allied Randomly Insane Alliances to release you (in a manner conducive to a positive response)?

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='15 May 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1273977720' post='2299382']
Have you actually asked anyone in the Silent Viridian Coalition of Royal Allied Randomly Insane Alliances to release you (in a manner conducive to a positive response)?

A girl never kisses and tells now does she?

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[quote name='wickedj' date='15 May 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1273974938' post='2299318']whats stopping you? (from asking to be let go)[/quote]
As Janax said, nothing stop[b]ped[/b] us from asking.

[quote name='Lord Brendan' date='15 May 2010 - 09:42 PM' timestamp='1273977720' post='2299382']Have you actually asked anyone in the Silent Viridian Coalition of Royal Allied Randomly Insane Alliances to release you (in a manner conducive to a positive response)?[/quote]
Yes. I asked both ~5 weeks ago and ~1 week ago. Edit: I kiss and tell, Rusty. Well, sometimes.

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='15 May 2010 - 10:44 PM' timestamp='1273985023' post='2299516']
As Janax said, nothing stop[b]ped[/b] us from asking.

Yes. I asked both ~5 weeks ago and ~1 week ago. Edit: I kiss and tell, Rusty. Well, sometimes.

Shhhh, people will think we're easy. :smug:

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Matthew PK, I have a question that I don’t think has been asked before. Since you seem to want to avoid answering my other question perhaps you would be so kind as to answer this one. I would like to know if the Gramlins have voted on what ever it is that The Gramlins are asking IRON and DAWN to do to start the process you say is required to end the war. After all nothing is official till voted on by your entire alliance. If this has been voted on by the entire Gramlin alliance and accepted perhaps you could post the exact wording of what was voted on here in this thread so we could all see what Gramlins want. We know that nothing you, Ramirus Maximus or any other Gramlin says is official and is subject to change till it is voted on by all Gramlins. If this has not been voted on then what is to prevent Gramlins from just withdrawing it if IRON and DAWN actually complied? Ater all Gramlins did this with your earlier peace terms that your government’s representative gave and then withdrew then gave again and withdrew again after they had been accepted.

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[quote name='Grayshadow' date='16 May 2010 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1274011543' post='2299716']
Matthew PK, I have a question that I don’t think has been asked before. Since you seem to want to avoid answering my other question perhaps you would be so kind as to answer this one. I would like to know if the Gramlins have voted on what ever it is that The Gramlins are asking IRON and DAWN to do to start the process you say is required to end the war. After all nothing is official till voted on by your entire alliance. If this has been voted on by the entire Gramlin alliance and accepted perhaps you could post the exact wording of what was voted on here in this thread so we could all see what Gramlins want. We know that nothing you, Ramirus Maximus or any other Gramlin says is official and is subject to change till it is voted on by all Gramlins. If this has not been voted on then what is to prevent Gramlins from just withdrawing it if IRON and DAWN actually complied? Ater all Gramlins did this with your earlier peace terms that your government’s representative gave and then withdrew then gave again and withdrew again after they had been accepted.

May be I'm wrong but I don't think that GRE is a direct democracy.

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[quote name='Grayshadow' date='16 May 2010 - 07:06 AM' timestamp='1274011543' post='2299716']
Matthew PK, I have a question that I don’t think has been asked before. Since you seem to want to avoid answering my other question perhaps you would be so kind as to answer this one. I would like to know if the Gramlins have voted on what ever it is that The Gramlins are asking IRON and DAWN to do to start the process you say is required to end the war. After all nothing is official till voted on by your entire alliance. If this has been voted on by the entire Gramlin alliance and accepted perhaps you could post the exact wording of what was voted on here in this thread so we could all see what Gramlins want. We know that nothing you, Ramirus Maximus or any other Gramlin says is official and is subject to change till it is voted on by all Gramlins. If this has not been voted on then what is to prevent Gramlins from just withdrawing it if IRON and DAWN actually complied? Ater all Gramlins did this with your earlier peace terms that your government’s representative gave and then withdrew then gave again and withdrew again after they had been accepted.

not everyone in the entire alliance votes on terms just the conclave

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Yep technically the
the 3 conclave members vote
and the Dark council and Council of Archons have veto powers

the rest of the alliance has no say in what occurs

But being as Von Droz does whatever ram tells him, 2 members of the DC are fully backing ram and the CoA is largely defunct, Gre does whatever Ram decides, and Ram will keep this charade going for as long as he is able to, no matter what the rest of PB thinks

Edited by SynthFG
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Dear Diary,

Today, Gramlins fell under 2 mil NS. While they've lost several nations and are down to only 35, their BS level doesn't seem to have decreased a bit.

The NS line appears to be at about 53k NS. Reginmund was at 53k and is now being drug down by IRON/DAWN. ARESLAND, at almost 58k NS, would appear to be the next nation in line.

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[quote name='D34th' date='16 May 2010 - 09:20 AM' timestamp='1274016021' post='2299761']
May be I'm wrong but I don't think that GRE is a direct democracy.

Its not but, I would say its members have been voting with their feet. Pretty rare you see an allaince drive so many of its members not only away but into deletion. I wonder if anyone in Gramlins knew how big of a disaster this would be. They had to know no alliance would ever take those terms, if they did not they are the biggest fools on Bob. Knowing they would not take the terms they had to have some sort of plan. I am just wondering what that plan was?

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='16 May 2010 - 01:51 AM' timestamp='1273971071' post='2299242']
Arguing about who would take Matthew PK in is also silly. I suspect a number of alliances would; he has a number of attributes that alliances look for. Specifically, he's active and he has a pretty decent nation. Yes, maybe he's crazy, but I've certainly met lots of people who were crazier but who were good, loyal members of their alliances.

Real question is, who will take Ramirus after his alliance is down to 5 people and he ups and leaves :x

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' date='15 May 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1273985023' post='2299516']
As Janax said, nothing stop[b]ped[/b] us from asking.

Yes. I asked both ~5 weeks ago and ~1 week ago. Edit: I kiss and tell, Rusty. Well, sometimes.

well. i suppose we can put that to bed now.

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