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Oh nos!


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Abruptly Port Dranagg cracks off the Ross ice shelf and sinks into the Antarctic Ocean. Port Kurast mysteriously turns into a jungle, which cannot sustain on the coast of Antarctica and dies immediately in a fire. The capital city is suddenly lost under the megablizzard power of planet bob, and everything else somehow reverts back to a state of complete untouched nature.

Similarly all the Dranaggans in the country vanish.

OOC: Including me, peace out :v:

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When Barney Stone heard of Dranaggs demise he jumped for joy around his cell before being sedated,


The Canadian Empire is saddened and shocked by Dranaggs collapse.

Private no2

"Send the fleet down to Antarctica and get some land claimed, I want a goddamn research station and a naval base down there" said Bonaparte when he heard the news
"And international opinion?"
"To hell with them, get it done man"

Public no2

The Canadian Empire is sending the fleet, 2000 soldiers and 3000 engineers, builders and scientists to the Antarctic shelf to build a naval station and a research base that will be focusing on space and the Antarctic tundra and its wildlife. The research center will be open for all to use once constructed.


Highlighted in Green

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NTR is deeply saddened that so many people lost their lives, at least we think they did.

We are claiming Roosevelt Island as a Research Base. We do not want to lose this opportunity to miss out on any research of Antarctica.

[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roosevelt_Island,_Antarctica"]Roosevelt Island.[/url]

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[/b]Upon word of the demise of Dranagg, an expedition was hastily formed, of approximately 100 individuals, eighty of them being soldiers--they landed upon Atarctica's Icey shores a fair distance from any claimed land, and headed south toward the capital. [i]Officially[/i], it was their mission to determine what had really happened...

Port Dranagg saw the arrival of approximately fifteen soldiers and five scientists who would conduct a similar investigation there.

The primary mission of these expeditions was not far removed from the stated purpose, of course, though more limited--to locate any Australian citizens that might have been trapped in the territory of their hated enemy.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote][center][b]Announcement from the Athenian Federation[/b][/center]

The Athenian Federation is deeply saddened by the fall of such an ancient and promising nation, the blatant land grabbing has not gone unnoticed either. As such we have no choice but to protect one of the few nature reserves left as there is no local power there to do so.

As such the Athenian Federation hereby considers the unclaimed and in the future empty areas of Antarctica a protectorate of the Athenian Federation. We also welcome fellow nations who think alike to protect this continent. In regards to the 2 recent claims we are discussing internally to include them in the protection or not.

No soldiers will be deployed as it would be contrary to our purpose.[/quote]

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='24 March 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1269461180' post='2235491']
"Such protection is of course, an admirable sentiment, though wouldn't it be more practical for the nations in closer proximity, such as Australia, Transvaal, and the HAE, to protect this land?"

"They are welcome to join"

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='24 March 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1269461832' post='2235507']
"I will have to, of course, confer with the Queen on such a matter...but some of these nations would prefer to do it themselves. Really, why extend yourself for a territory almost opposite the globe from you?"

"Antarctica is one of the last pieces of serenity in this world. When it is converted to an extension of the rest of the world someone has to act. The major powers in the neighborhood weren't fast enough to block 2 nations, we had to jump in before more could follow"

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='24 March 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1269421411' post='2235084']
When Barney Stone heard of Dranaggs demise he jumped for joy around his cell before being sedated,


The Canadian Empire is saddened and shocked by Dranaggs collapse.

Private no2

"Send the fleet down to Antarctica and get some land claimed, I want a goddamn research station and a naval base down there" said Bonaparte when he heard the news
"And international opinion?"
"To hell with them, get it done man"

Public no2

The Canadian Empire is sending the fleet, 2000 soldiers and 3000 engineers, builders and scientists to the Antarctic shelf to build a naval station and a research base that will be focusing on space and the Antarctic tundra and its wildlife. The research center will be open for all to use once constructed.



Col. Nova III ordered the launch of 1 medium range ballistic missile. It was to land a mile from the fleet as a warning to turn back.


"The Canadian Empire should turn their fleet around and leave this land in peace."

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[i]- Public -[/i]

"Though I never knew much of the Dranaggians, I believe it is appropriate to say that, if many of your are worried about the colonization of Antarctica, why not a compromise? Let nations settle there, but come up with a treaty that strictly prohibits habitation for uses other than scientific research, and perhaps a [i]very[/i] strict term on military usage?"

- Queen Cybil de Blanc, live from Lillia Palace

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"Disparu is quite...perplexed that Dranagg has fallen into anarchy due to odd occurrences. We suspect foul play. Nevertheless, we are saddened to hear that another nation has fallen into anarchy and chaos."

[quote name='kitex' date='24 March 2010 - 05:35 PM' timestamp='1269466501' post='2235594']
"The government of Blue Heaven is disgusted with these nations that seek to take advantage of the demise of the ancient nation of Dranagg."
-Roger Smith (BH Prime Minister)

"Disparu echoes its Arctic allies' sentiments. It is rather unhonourable that the Canadian 'Empire' and the Nos Tre Republik have decided to take advantage of the fall of Dranagg by expanding their lands, claiming that the new lands would be used in the name of science."

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NTR is not meaning for anything rude, we are simply expanding our research to other enviroments. We will pull our group back, but we will be deeply saddened not to experience Arctic enviroments in person.

Edited by Fizzydog
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Novak, your missile missed.
I respectflly advise that you keep your missiles in the silos, for we dont want to look after them for you.

We wont be bullied into turning around and going home.

If the world wants proof of our intentions, you are all free to send teams of investigators to our new land so still your anxiety.

Your send missiles at our ships, you condemn us as common criminals and land grabbers.
And yet the Athenians seek to place the Antarctic under their own protection, we have not claimed the continant as they have.
I dont see missiles being fired at Austrailia, the Kingdom of Cochin and the many other colonies or research outposts.

Queen Cybil de Blanc has had the best compromise from all of you.
We will be more than happy to de militarise the outpost once construction is complete, seeing as military engineers and builders are ebing used to build.

We shall also sign, if permitted, the treaty the Athenians suggested if it becomes a world protectorate.
If the world wishes to make Antarctica an International reserve, then we shall leave the continant and never set eyes on it again, but if we leave, we belive all other nations should aswell.

We are willing to negotiate to avoid war.

From the Palace of St Michael
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I

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