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Impressive alliances

Divi Filius

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FOK, Molon Labe, PC, TheZoo, tR and NSO are the standouts I can think of. The alliance I've been most impressed with though is NoR, those guys have kicked some serious $@!.

MK, obviously, but nobody can match MK for skill and everyone already knows they can perform amazingly well under fire.

TOP have handed out a lot of damage but it's hardly a surprise given the 3 years worth of nation building and relative peace they've enjoyed.

Special thanks go to Zeke, bast4rd and Atrocities of ML/DOOM. You 3 were by far my hardest opponents and the best I've fought for a long time.

EDIT: Almost forgot FAN. Just shy of 2 years of VietFAN and they're back as good as ever. Never can another claim for being a badass alliance ever hold a candle to that.

Edited by fant0m
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in my opinion, id like to say FOK and VE did the best. the guys in FOK whacked me down from 16k NS to about 5k NS and from 3300 infra to about 600 infra, VE also put up a good fight, but id also like to say GJ to every alliance and nation who participated in this war, it was nice having some action.

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I really do have to give props to IRON for what I've seen of them in this war. IRON was the only alliance to engage my nation, and each of the nations that attacked me were competent. From what I've heard this wasn't uniform through all IRON nations, and it seems I just had some nice luck in that. Heck, the last nation that hit me managed to stop me from hitting peace by hitting at 12:01 server time, that kind of timing is to be commended.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1267352189' post='2208088']
Whoever did the assignments on Polar's end did a fine job of it.

:huh: No shout out for the polar warrior who fought you 1 on 1. That was my best battle this entire war, especially after Mixoux jumped in. GOD really tore up my infra and I returned the favor :P

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[quote name='The Great One' date='27 February 2010 - 08:14 PM' timestamp='1267319873' post='2207213']
I never had the (mis)fortune of fighting them, but the top three FCC guys hit our top guys pretty hard. Had a nice tech advantage, but you guys still did a load of damage. One of our guys even broke into the top 5 NS lost over 7 days. Also props to Olivet of Toutatis who kept fighting back even when outmatched by far, I really appreciated you nuking me when the other guys I was fighting had 2k more tech :smug:

Also good job to Jhouserok of Azcrackistan, we traded off taking shots at each other and it was pretty even all in all. Although I'm sure that 18k infra vs my 12k helped a bit.

...You try warring with your own nation and Olivet's nation that you're sitting while you yourself are out of town. Plus I like nuking. A lot. :P

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[quote name='Marty McFly' date='28 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1267392476' post='2208813']
:huh: No shout out for the polar warrior who fought you 1 on 1. That was my best battle this entire war, especially after Mixoux jumped in. GOD really tore up my infra and I returned the favor :P

Heh, in hindsight I regret hitting you, as the other Polars on me were all coordinating and had me outgunned there for most of the war. :P

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I was impressed with how fast CSN and Fark working together brought my infrastructure down from 8,000 infra to nearly ZI. I declared two offensive wars on Fark coming out of peace mode which I got into after we white peaced FOK. Goose staggered me before update, then Jim Bob and Docmeister who had over 9,000 tech declared and nuked me most of the time doing a lot of damage. The closest I came to ZI was 150 infra, which I built up from to get up to 1000 only to full attacks again and nuked down to 250 infra later that day. I built back up to 1,000 again and bought nukes again, but I lost over 9,000 infra in my war with Fark and CSN. I had 9,000 infra at the start of this war and lost 1,000 infra fighting two offensive wars with FOK with one Defensive war during our battle with FOK until white peace was reached. I unloaded all my nukes on them on my down so all is good though, but in comparison I only lost 4,000 infra throughout the entire noCB war with six wars going.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Stalk' date='28 February 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1267297785' post='2206789']
Props to IRON for giving me my first Anarchy (although you could have done it faster if you coordinated more). Reisklok and enkhuush gave me pleasant surprises.

I surprised earlier this week when I saw you are still fighting. :P

And you're surprised me too.

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NSO: I don't care if we pretty much stalk you and taunt you; you guys took the odds and kept with it when a bunch of your "coalition allies", as one would call them, surrendered much earlier. Good job and I am glad I didn't see much, if any, whining coming from your bunch. As much as I don't care for your alliance ICly, from a gaming perspective, you guys were/are keeping it real.

STA: You bunch were great to fight. Nice and effective counter-blitz (damn info leak!) and I know with my opponents the damage dealt and inflicted were quite parallel.

NADC: A tad bit better than last time I must say; nice job showing signs of improvement, though much of those warchests were laughable (and I carried no more than a $100 million warchest the entire war), and the infra:tech ratios were most of your upper tier nations' downfalls. But again, with that all said, a big improvement from Karma War. Nice job.

GDA: You guys showed a ton of improvement from last time. You actually had us going in the lower tier because we were a bit [i]too[/i] top heavy for you. A few noticeable differences in terms of strategy, though wasn't overly impressed with the upper register nations from what I saw.

UBD: Never fought you guys, but you show some promise. I would strongly advise loading up on tech. Seriously, tech would have made the war a lot more difficult (that is a "duh" statement, I know this). It was largely because of your relative deficiency in tech that wrecked your upper-tier nations. However, in the mid and lower tiers, from what I saw in battle reports, you guys did a bunch of damage. Nice job.

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My alliance only fought Fark and Gremlins, and of the two, Fark was the biggest problem for us. I was actually a bit disappointed by the Gremlins that I fought because none of the 3 Gremlins that I fought had a very large warchest. They all were below a billion and I have to say, I believed the hype a bit and was expecting facing nations holding billions of dollars. They only had a bit more than me. Thorgum was a cool guy to fight and we had fun trash talking, but the other two Gremlins weren't as much fun. I had a really hard time hitting them due to their tech differential and they rocked me at update, so I certainly got my money's worth. I lost 5000 infra in the first week.

We were preparing for our second wave on Gremlins when Fark bandwaggoned on to us. We literally were not prepared for them and they totally bogged us down. They did a good job of pulling us out of Gremlins' hair and we were totally ineffective against Gremlins after that. We'd had a second wave planned against Gremlins, but it ended up being scrapped as we got as many nations as possible into peace mode. Fark was very good at getting our nations right before they could go into PM and I was kept at war for 19 days straight, the last 12 by Fark members.

So, Gremlins, there's a reason why you were able to downgrade us: we downgraded you. You weren't our priority anymore because Fark was giving us much more trouble. But if the war had gone on, we'd have had another wave to go in against you. But in the interest of honesty, those nations would have probably been mauled by Fark members, too.

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[quote name='Duncan King' date='01 March 2010 - 02:51 AM' timestamp='1267412078' post='2209292']
My alliance only fought Fark and Gremlins, and of the two, Fark was the biggest problem for us. I was actually a bit disappointed by the Gremlins that I fought because none of the 3 Gremlins that I fought had a very large warchest. They all were below a billion and I have to say, I believed the hype a bit and was expecting facing nations holding billions of dollars. They only had a bit more than me. Thorgum was a cool guy to fight and we had fun trash talking, but the other two Gremlins weren't as much fun. I had a really hard time hitting them due to their tech differential and they rocked me at update, so I certainly got my money's worth. I lost 5000 infra in the first week.

We were preparing for our second wave on Gremlins when Fark bandwaggoned on to us. We literally were not prepared for them and they totally bogged us down. They did a good job of pulling us out of Gremlins' hair and we were totally ineffective against Gremlins after that. We'd had a second wave planned against Gremlins, but it ended up being scrapped as we got as many nations as possible into peace mode. Fark was very good at getting our nations right before they could go into PM and I was kept at war for 19 days straight, the last 12 by Fark members.

So, Gremlins, there's a reason why you were able to downgrade us: we downgraded you. You weren't our priority anymore because Fark was giving us much more trouble. But if the war had gone on, we'd have had another wave to go in against you. But in the interest of honesty, those nations would have probably been mauled by Fark members, too.

Here I thought this thread was for shout outs and honorable mentions. You took more time pissing on gramlins but hey I'll take my personal shout out, I am cool, and yeah I had 100 plus days of bills going into the war but your right didnt have a billion. To bad you had to bring it down a notch DK and take some shots in what was otherwise an honorable exchange. At least now when and if you ever wonder why people, and alliances dont like you and by extension Zenith you'll have a reference as to why, lack of class.

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[quote name='Thorgrum' date='28 February 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1267413013' post='2209322']
Here I thought this thread was for shout outs and honorable mentions. You took more time pissing on gramlins but hey I'll take my personal shout out, I am cool, and yeah I had 100 plus days of bills going into the war but your right didnt have a billion. To bad you had to bring it down a notch DK and take some shots in what was otherwise an honorable exchange. At least now when and if you ever wonder why people, and alliances dont like you and by extension Zenith you'll have a reference as to why, lack of class.

My comments as to Gremlins were meant as partly a rebuttal and a clarification to this comment. I agree that it could have been phrased better.

[quote name='SynthFG' date='26 February 2010 - 04:54 PM' timestamp='1267225056' post='2205443']
Don't get me wrong here, I respect there stones for coming after us but after FARK hit them Zenith ceased to be an issue with us and ranked alongside DAWN as somewhere to send nations where there were no other targets in range. FARK did a hell of a job in keeping them off us in what was for the FARKERS a tertiary front

But as you said, this is a thread for shout outs and not for continuing the war of words. I gave mine and I will leave it at that.

Edited by Duncan King
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Ehem, well, we're all entitled to our opinions.

For my part, I had a blast fighting Boondock. He gave me a hell of a fight for quite a bit. Unfortunately, I came in on the tail end so got the upper hand at the end, but it was very exciting trying my limited skills against such a worthy opponent and he knocked me on my $@! the first couple of rounds.

Thanks for the great fight.

As for Fark, well, what can you say, they were just as fierce as I heard. I was pretty upset to be fighting a guy that had obviously just come down the ranks and out wondered me by like seven. There was panic in the streets of Kzoppistan cities as the nukes rained down! But to their credit, they were nice about it and we exchanged some pretty great messages.

Good luck you guys.

As for the most impressive, it's hard to say. Both NSO and TPF performed very well, imo.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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I shamelessly nominate myself. :P Seriously, I fought 4 wars in the \m/ Front, with 3 being defensive wars from FOK. On the other side, I have fought 4 wars against VE, and it was definatly fun to get nuked into oblivion.

Of alliances, I am impressed by, first and foremost, the FAIL and the GodEmperor Rebel Virgina, he defintaly helped save my skin against the FOK'ers.

Also, a shout out goes to NSO for their invaluable assistance and determination.

Both FOK and VE had really good coordination, unfortunatly they seemed to take more offensive wars than they should have, especially among multiple members. Overall though, they were still very competent.

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Ranking them as I fought them-


Diego from BAPS was the toughest cookie, Marx is doing very well considering the stage of the war we met, and Nightlight from TORN put up a respectable fight considering the amount of naitons on him/her. The others were either not there or didn't want to be there :awesome:

Would do again 10/10.

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I think that on our front IRON was the toughest opponent. The GGA and TUF weren't much an issue and NADC, Echelon and MCXA quickly showed that their preparedness wasn't enough for the task.
Of our allies I was most impressed by The Grämlins, which charged into IRON crippling nations left and right, and by Fark: their hit on some of the alliances that were attacking us had a big impact.

One alliance that performed better than what I would have thought is the MHA... If, prior the war, someone would have said that we'd have been assaulting IRON and then be countered by five other alliances I wouldn't have been much optimist. While it's true that their side was globally outnumbered and we would have eventually won anyway, I would have expected us to stagger under that blow, which we didn't at all.
(It's not that we've been actually "impressive", just not [i]depressive[/i]... ;) )

Edited by jerdge
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