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DoW on TOP for war crimes.


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[quote name='Baltus' date='10 February 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1265827012' post='2172876']
Great. Wonderful. Spectacular. Now, enlighten me on how you plan to defeat them all. lol
His sheer military might, of course. I doubt that even one member of TOP can hurt him.

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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='10 February 2010 - 02:45 PM' timestamp='1265831121' post='2172998']
Kijuna69 and his crack stash


I'm pretty sure that's an image from the time when Kijuna was grumpy (yet well-dressed) baker.

Edited by Barnaby von Farter
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Even if you doubt the validity of our now Imperator Emeritus cancelling the OoO when he was Emperor, it would have been made void at the signing of the Karma Terms of Surrender along with the MHA treaty that had a year long cancellation period (unless you think that is still active as well).

Edited by Bilrow
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[quote name='Bilrow' date='10 February 2010 - 04:25 PM' timestamp='1265837144' post='2173179']
Even if you doubt the validity of our now Imperator Emeritus cancelling the OoO when he was Emperor, it would have been made void at the signing of the Karma Terms of Surrender along with the MHA treaty that had a year long cancellation period (unless you think that is still active as well).
According to the OoO, which actually does have a cancellation clause if you actually bother to read it (but I supposed that's expecting too much from you), the only way for a signature to be removed is for a signatory to attack another, then be voted out by the other signatories. NPO cannot cancel their own membership. Only NpO can do that, interestingly.

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Even if the OoO did still exist, NPO would not be obligated to help Polar. Article II explicitly says military assistance is only required if both Emperors deem it to be a "just" war. Somehow I don't think Cortath or Ivan would be very interested in helping the NpO fight TOP.

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[quote name='flak attack' date='10 February 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1265830585' post='2172986']
His sheer military might, of course. I doubt that even one member of TOP can hurt him.
Are you implying that oyababy has a twin?

Good luck, bees.

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[quote name='Kijuna69' date='10 February 2010 - 05:38 PM' timestamp='1265823490' post='2172809']
The illegitimate pretender to Ivan Moldavi's throne indeed tried to cancel it, but seeing as he lacked the authority to do so the treaty is still in force, though sadly ignored by many these days. Even had he been a rightfully appointed Emperor, the cancellation of the OoO is contingent on both the approval of a legitimate emperor [i]and[/i] the end of time, thus it would still be valid anyway.
I like you

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[quote name='Kijuna69' date='10 February 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1265824598' post='2172831']
The argument for the OoO's validity is not based on the lack of a cancellation clause. It is two-fold. First, Moo the unholy bovine did not have the authority to cancel it. Second, the OoO has a perpetuity clause, so as long as time still flows the treaty stands.


Even if OoO was not canceled back then, it would have been canceled due to Pacifica surrender terms to the Karma Alliances.

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[quote name='Electron Sponge' date='11 February 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1265844398' post='2173365']
I like you

Kijuna, this probably marks the height of anything you will ever accomplish in life. It would be wise to kill yourself and end it on a high note.

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[quote name='Kijuna69' date='10 February 2010 - 11:13 AM' timestamp='1265822024' post='2172773']
As for stimulants, all Angry Bee warriors are fueled by a cocktail of amphetamines, cocaine and steriods. Our soldiers have started calling the mix, which is blended into a very tasty fruit smoothie, liquid rage.

How did you find the FAN recipe? If you take away the girly juice, that's what keeps us zombies going. It's a helluva drug, ain't it? [img]http://fangamers.net/brass.gif[/img]

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[quote name='R3nowned' date='10 February 2010 - 06:32 PM' timestamp='1265844775' post='2173383']
All aboard the bandwagon!

Seriously... You want to look good? Go attack the side with the numerically superior advantage. This just makes you look foolish.

Haha, attack the people who were only defending themselves, yeah!

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[quote name='Electron Sponge' date='10 February 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1265844398' post='2173365']
I like you
Highlight of the war right here.

[quote name='andre27' date='10 February 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1265844653' post='2173377']
Even if OoO was not canceled back then, it would have been canceled due to Pacifica surrender terms to the Karma Alliances.
Again, no one could cancel the OoO because neither order directly attacked the other. They may always disagree as to what constitutes a just war and the treaty may never be activated, but it still has not been legally cancelled by either party. Despite his assertions otherwise, Moo could not legally cancel the OoO.

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[quote name='Commisar Gaunt' date='10 February 2010 - 05:35 PM' timestamp='1265844929' post='2173392']
Haha, attack the people who were only defending themselves, yeah!
Seems overly logical to me. I mean, everyone in CnG loves war, so it's fun all around the table. But really, it's more important to defend those you want to further bonds with than destroy some of their infrastructure while they're at war.

Then again, this would probably seem like a brilliant move to the people who brought it upon themselves unknowingly.

EDIT: Oh god did I really get sides confused?

Edited by Rey the Great
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Wait, I thought an alliance were suppose to be two or more members to actually be considered as an alliance.

Have fun launching your ferocious ankle biter fury against TOP. I am sure that TOP would be concerned about a 300 NS alliance declaring water with all of the attacks TOP is receiving.

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