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STA Official Statement


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An apology at this point, would be disingenuous at best. I was unaware, prior to this, that so much distaste existed within STA for Athens, but, I am fine with it. It is just disappointing to see, because its a fact, you never see any negativity towards STA coming from us, unless of course, I missed it. Either way, my allies love you guys, so we are kinda bound to one another. We will do what we must.

I don't believe this for one second. No person in the entire Cyberverse could possibly be so ignorant as to not know as an absolute certainty, that Athens is universally disrespected and dislike for their butthattery by all except for their closest allies. And I'd be willing to bet even one or two of them are not exactly enamored with underwhelming Athenian Idiocy as of late.

Edited by Roadie
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I don't believe this for one second. No person in the entire Cyberverse could possibly be so ignorant as to not know as an absolute certainty, that Athens is universally disrespected and dislike for their butthattery by all except for their closest allies. And I'd be willing to bet even one or two of them are not exactly enamored with underwhelming Athenian Idiocy as of late.

Wow, someone needs a hug. We are actually quite cuddly.

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I don't believe this for one second. No person in the entire Cyberverse could possibly be so ignorant as to not know as an absolute certainty, that Athens is universally disrespected and dislike for their butthattery by all except for their closest allies. And I'd be willing to bet even one or two of them are not exactly enamored with underwhelming Athenian Idiocy as of late.

Chron-esque response goes here I guess.

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You said Roll STA. So why shouldn't I say bring it? Interesting that you would throw a fit over such but that which has fallen out of your mouth and right onto the page is interesting enough that I will reply to it.

How is this for an inflammatory statement: I do not care that you ALMOST rolled twice(see what I did with switching which word was all capitalized?) for us due to whatever ties you had with another alliance. Also about the fact that you threw NSO into your statement as if that is going to make me go "Oh yeah! He is right, they DID want to help us despite NSO and because they don't like NSO that should matter to me!" well I am sorry but you are wrong in that regard as well. NSO was the only alliance to come to our aid and they did that without a treaty so basically your alliance(among others) was part of the reason for two allies of ours to NOT come to our support. So you will have to pardon me when I say Go $%&@ Yourself when you bring up the two almosts.

Realize that I do not care if you have a treaty with an ally of ours and that such almost drew you to our aid, that is your problem not ours. Realize that I need not adjust my attitude to your liking either.

He also said Roll Checkmate. last night when we announced. You don't see me getting my panties in a crease over it.

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An apology at this point, would be disingenuous at best. I was unaware, prior to this, that so much distaste existed within STA for Athens, but, I am fine with it. It is just disappointing to see, because its a fact, you never see any negativity towards STA coming from us, unless of course, I missed it. Either way, my allies love you guys, so we are kinda bound to one another. We will do what we must.

For what it is worth and I can only speak for myself, I don't have any major issues with Athens. The thing is though, Athens and STA really don't have much of a relationship and that is fine. Lots of alliances do not have relations with each other. Those that try to have too many friends often find they end up not having any Good friends. It is alright that MK and Vanguard have decided to state that Athens are their good friends and we are just their friends. That is ok and I know that statement might not sit well with some but in the end when we hold treaties above all else then it is those that determine who are your good friends and who are just friends and acquaintances.

So for any STA member to say they don't care if Athens gets hit, it is not a statement of we want you to get hit it is a statement of it is none of our business.

He also said Roll Checkmate. last night when we announced. You don't see me getting my panties in a crease over it.

Well, I suppose if I went past opening up the thread to see what it is about then I might have seen your comment and been able to realize he was kidding. I didn't think your announcement was all that important so I did not read beyond just looking at the OP to see what it was about. My bad.

Edited by HeinousOne
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For what it is worth and I can only speak for myself, I don't have any major issues with Athens. The thing is though, Athens and STA really don't have much of a relationship and that is fine. Lots of alliances do not have relations with each other. Those that try to have too many friends often find they end up not having any Good friends. It is alright that MK and Vanguard have decided to state that Athens are their good friends and we are just their friends. That is ok and I know that statement might not sit well with some but in the end when we hold treaties above all else then it is those that determine who are your good friends and who are just friends and acquaintances.

So for any STA member to say they don't care if Athens gets hit, it is not a statement of we want you to get hit it is a statement of it is none of our business.

Enh. Most of STA's government doesn't care much for Athens. It's not Athens the alliance, it's Athens as in Londo. He's fine as a person, but as a leader, he's dangerous in quite a few of our opinions. That being said, this has weighed on my mind for much of the day and I wish we hadn't said it. But we did. It was said as a "Here is an alternative to hitting our direct allies" thing, but it was also true in that if someone hit Athens, we wouldn't have been upset about it. That didn't mean it needed to be said out loud. I posted it here originally in the interest of full disclosure, as STA doesn't like to hide things, but I'd still like to say that I'm sorry we said we expressed that we didn't care if you got rolled, Athens. We really don't have any problems with your membership, and actually like quite a few of you.

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Enh. Most of STA's government doesn't care much for Athens. It's not Athens the alliance, it's Athens as in Londo. He's fine as a person, but as a leader, he's dangerous in quite a few of our opinions. That being said, this has weighed on my mind for much of the day and I wish we hadn't said it. But we did. It was said as a "Here is an alternative to hitting our direct allies" thing, but it was also true in that if someone hit Athens, we wouldn't have been upset about it. That didn't mean it needed to be said out loud. I posted it here originally in the interest of full disclosure, as STA doesn't like to hide things, but I'd still like to say that I'm sorry we said we expressed that we didn't care if you got rolled, Athens. We really don't have any problems with your membership, and actually like quite a few of you.


Londo can be a good guy. He cares about his alliance and his allies. He could sometimes get carried away with things which means making a few mistakes along the way, but hey, hes only human. Also, SKIPPY, SUP?

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boooo STA

With the downfall of TOP there is nobody left to stop us excersising our right as Athenians to be the global hegemon.

Your dislike for us is noted, sadly there is no room for people who dislike us or disagree with us even slightly in our new order.

Get out of CyberAthens. <__<

I invite the world to summarily ignore the rantings of my comrade. He is not well.

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boooo STA

With the downfall of TOP there is nobody left to stop us excersising our right as Athenians to be the global hegemon.

Your dislike for us is noted, sadly there is no room for people who dislike us or disagree with us even slightly in our new order.

Get out of CyberAthens. <__<

You really do need to stop running your mouth off.

Edited by MagicalTrevor
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Enh. Most of STA's government doesn't care much for Athens. It's not Athens the alliance, it's Athens as in Londo. He's fine as a person, but as a leader, he's dangerous in quite a few of our opinions. That being said, this has weighed on my mind for much of the day and I wish we hadn't said it. But we did. It was said as a "Here is an alternative to hitting our direct allies" thing, but it was also true in that if someone hit Athens, we wouldn't have been upset about it. That didn't mean it needed to be said out loud. I posted it here originally in the interest of full disclosure, as STA doesn't like to hide things, but I'd still like to say that I'm sorry we said we expressed that we didn't care if you got rolled, Athens. We really don't have any problems with your membership, and actually like quite a few of you.

Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

EDIT 2: When Tyga was planning on going to war due to the Kronos rogue incident, STA had my FULL support, even though it caused problems at the time with some of our other allies. Even though it meant us burning our nations to the ground fighting TOP in a losing war, most probably. I can see now what a mistake that was and I can assure you that it will not be happening in the future.

Edited by Londo Mollari
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Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

Or you could take a page from that book I lent you and realize the context of the situation. I am in no means condoning what they said but given the situation you should relax a bit.

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Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

EDIT 2: When Tyga was planning on going to war due to the Kronos rogue incident, STA had my FULL support, even though it caused problems at the time with some of our other allies. Even though it meant us burning our nations to the ground fighting TOP in a losing war, most probably. I can see now what a mistake that was and I can assure you that it will not be happening in the future.

Don't act as though we owe you any favours. We have never once asked you to support us in anything.

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but as a leader, he's dangerous in quite a few of our opinions.

Oh, and if I'm "dangerous" as a leader, what does that make your good buddy Grub? I mean, he runs around threatening and attacking his allies allies, and clearly STA has no problem with him. What have I done that is so much more "dangerous", or even comparable at all, to what Grub has done? Lol.

Don't act as though we owe you any favours. We have never once asked you to support us in anything.

I don't think STA owes Athens any favors... but not egging people on to attack an ally's MADP partner on no CB doesn't fall under the category of "favor". It falls under the category of something like, oh, say "common decency". But I'm the jerk here. I'm the dangerous one. Lol.

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Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like memhawk is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

EDIT 2: When Tyga was planning on going to war due to the Kronos rogue incident, STA had my FULL support, even though it caused problems at the time with some of our other allies. Even though it meant us burning our nations to the ground fighting TOP in a losing war, most probably. I can see now what a mistake that was and I can assure you that it will not be happening in the future.

fixed it for you Londo. QQ

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Oh, and if I'm "dangerous" as a leader, what does that make your good buddy Grub? I mean, he runs around threatening and attacking his allies allies, and clearly STA has no problem with him. What have I done that is so much more "dangerous", or even comparable at all, to what Grub has done? Lol.

I don't know, londo, maybe you rolled an alliance for a 6 month old cb?

I don't think STA owes Athens any favors... but not egging people on to attack an ally's MADP partner on no CB doesn't fall under the category of "favor". It falls under the category of something like, oh, say "common decency". But I'm the jerk here. I'm the dangerous one. Lol.

I agree with your last 2 points.

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Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

EDIT 2: When Tyga was planning on going to war due to the Kronos rogue incident, STA had my FULL support, even though it caused problems at the time with some of our other allies. Even though it meant us burning our nations to the ground fighting TOP in a losing war, most probably. I can see now what a mistake that was and I can assure you that it will not be happening in the future.

Not that I support STA either, but...

u mad

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Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

EDIT 2: When Tyga was planning on going to war due to the Kronos rogue incident, STA had my FULL support, even though it caused problems at the time with some of our other allies. Even though it meant us burning our nations to the ground fighting TOP in a losing war, most probably. I can see now what a mistake that was and I can assure you that it will not be happening in the future.

During your last two "near wars", STA mobilized to defend you, as well. Now stop it. It wasn't about Athens. It wasn't even about disliking Athens. It was about "Good god, this is a horrible situation. How can we achieve these goals without having anyone preemptively attack my allies?" Attacking Athens made sense. So we said it.

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During your last two "near wars", STA mobilized to defend you, as well. Now stop it. It wasn't about Athens. It wasn't even about disliking Athens. It was about "Good god, this is a horrible situation. How can we achieve these goals without having anyone preemptively attack my allies?" Attacking Athens made sense. So we said it.

And this is what happens when you align with hegemony alliances. You chose to fight alongside Valhalla, GGA, Legion, TPF, FEAR, TOP, then wonder why you're stuck in a horrible situation. Well $%&@, it's not hard to figure out.

You have a lot of gall calling Londo a dangerous alliance leader with Grub's dick in your mouth.

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And this is what happens when you align with hegemony alliances. You chose to fight alongside Valhalla, GGA, Legion, TPF, FEAR, TOP, then wonder why you're stuck in a horrible situation. Well $%&@, it's not hard to figure out.

You have a lot of gall calling Londo a dangerous alliance leader with Grub's dick in your mouth.

Now THAT is classy.

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