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Joint TFD/NATO/NADC Announcement


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Stumpy has been on the receiving end of an NPO beat-down, yes.

And tbqh- TE experience is irrelevant as the tactics and general warfare are largely different to that of SE. Having said that- most of the jokes about the lack of fighting ability have been aimed at NATO and the NADC :)

You're a wily one aren't you?

/brb going to get war knowledge from ODN

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Can we take that as assurance that there will be some in-game declarations in the future?

But such an assurance would lose us the element of surprise!

Besides, you're ODN, you don't fight. You hide in the shadows then strike when its most convenient and least likely to cause harm to yourselves. ;)

Maybe this round I'll actually fight an ODN nation, didn't get a chance during Karma. You guys let Dark Fist take all the fun (not that I didn't mind that, great group of guys them).

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Besides, you're ODN, you don't fight. You hide in the shadows then strike when its most convenient and least likely to cause harm to yourselves. ;)

And yet we never thought about this great strategy of declaring war but not fighting. It would have saved us a lot of trouble in the past. :v:

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And yet we never thought about this great strategy of declaring war but not fighting. It would have saved us a lot of trouble in the past. :v:

Least we're putting our rears on the line. Up until Karma I remember the consensus was you couldn't trust ODN in a fight, largely because you'd run.

But I digress, come, let's discuss this over nuclear and cruise missile exchanges while our fighters fill the skies, and the ground runs red with your mercenary clones' blood. We'll give you a proper NATO combat tour, complete with the destruction of your forces. I'm terribly sorry we couldn't do so during Karma, but as you must know, we were entertaining others. ;)

See you on the battlefield, maybe.

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As long as we have that settled then :P

Here is a great idea Joracy. Its called not clicking the "post" button. Really, it does work wonders. :rolleyes:

Oh Joracy, I always thought better of you than this. Ah well... -_-

I'm glad I have such a favourable reputation. I am sad it can apparently be destroyed by a couple of semi-joke posts. I shall now work feverishly to restore my trampled reputation.

In regards to Karma, we hit NATO at the request of our allies to deal with a number of specific nations, and none others. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to fight more of us :( I didn't realize you wanted it so badly.

Edited by joracy
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