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ADI Declaration of Support

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What's wrong, is the truth giving you the hiccups?

OOC: His webs probably hiccuped, or something >_>

Edit: Or not, yet again.

Why is it that every time I try to give someone a little credit for intelligence they go and show they have none at all?

Edited by Aurion
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Except I have no problem saying any of that and have many times in public and in private. I doubt that any alliance I dislike is unaware of how I feel about them and why as you have seen first hand. No one really took umbrage with anything else I said for this very reason.

I have been log dumped many times and with far worse commentary yet have never disputed any of it previously ... funny how that works.

Of course, unless the log that comes out actually incriminates you to a new low, and shows that you support a practice that is extremely frowned upon. But no worries, you have a sufficient brigade of mindless posters that will post the untruth often enough until it becomes the perceived truth. Your words and actions now only support your words and actions then.

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Hello ADI,

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. Your time will come. Oh yes it will. Hey, even Hoo may let you go sometime, hes a softy like that. Of course some others, they are much more of !@#$%^&* than him and will never ever let it be.

All ADI, right, since you guys were a democracy, right?

Have fun with this.

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/me giggles

o/ ADI and company

It's reading threads like this that make my days lulzy enough to continue playing XD

<3 RoK, \m/ etc, you make my day :D

Edit: Ah, I realized it sounds a little sarcastic (Oh what a wonderful word, I have to love it's disputed meanings, lets hope I escape persecution for mis-use here too :P) so I just wanted to say, I do genuinely appreciate the lulz everyone gives me. Hope that makes it clearer.

Edited by ss2342
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4 times, seriously?

Would it be irelevant for me to point out that he's just doing exactly what RoK & Friends are doing for the past pages of this thread?

Mindlessly repeating themselves. It's ok, we get it. We don't have any comprehension problems.

Edited by ratonbox
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Its totally amusing at the sheer arrogance of RoK in this thread, trolling something they don't even have to comment on. As for Hoo you're just proving all of us against you in MHA right. Over zealous arrogant war mongering leader. RoK is a shadow of what it was in the past and its a shame to see it really fall this low. Frankly im glad we dropped our treaty there is no friendship to be had with an alliance like yours.

As for ADI, good show guys enjoy your position o/

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ADI until you manage to rock up on this OWF with an actual DOW no one will do anything but roll their eye's at your many many declarations of "support".

Words are cheep (yours arguably more so then others)... show up with actions or nothing at all.

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Hell no you weren't. :P

Pretty sure im first in line..and since im Kronos, you guys will have to wait..or team up

So those two rogues were not really rogues then. I will remember this for the future.

Edit: If ADI chooses to have a couple "rogues" leave our AA and choose one of you guys to nuke, I assume that this is ok too, right?

Please dont forget, ill even help remind you

and please, go try it and find out ;)

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