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About ss2342

  • Birthday April 18

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    New Zealand
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  1. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1309243157' post='2743295'] Can you give an example of the complexity attempted and the complexity allowed? I currently have a mixed cap/uncapped/number/symbol password over 8 characters without issue. [/quote] The form itself tells you what is accepted, anything not on that is denied. The valid characters are: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzƒŠŒŽšœžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ0123456789-!@#$%^&*()-=_+?/.;'\ I've realised that this is more than just ascii, but a subset of ascii still. As an example of characters that aren't allowed, } and | are two very obvious ones. The idea of saying "screw you" to anyone who wants to use another language for their password is annoying too. Note: This limitation is in the Javascript only. It simply needs to be removed. Using other characters in your password is fine. (This is just to illustrate this isn't a technical problem, just a usability one).
  2. Currently, the password change form is broken, in that it only allows a minuscule subset of data to be used for a password. Not only is it limited to ascii only, but a subset at that. When I attempt to change my password, as I have done, I'm informed that I cannot do so. Being a developer myself, I can't understand the rationale to such a decision, and consider this a security bug. For reference, the forum software on the other hand allows this.
  3. [quote name='Xiphosis' date='29 April 2010 - 06:58 PM' timestamp='1272524318' post='2279634'] The server software being run by Hyperonic is called Apache. Apache is designed to run as a step-down from Root access so that if it is compromised, damage is limited. One of the things you can't do as Apache User [the step down] is edit access logs. Therein Tilton's whole argument is a bowl of !@#$. [/quote] Yes, this skilled person you see here is 100% right. The user apache runs as does NOT have access to write server logs, nor edit them, as that would be a security risk. Instead, Apache uses magical powers to get them written, and no one knows how they've done it yet, but suffice to say, it's not in any way to do with the process having the correct read/write permissions. Only a fool would believe that Apache would have permission to write it's own logs, a FOOL I TELL YOU It was I tell you, no lies.
  4. Darn, the first war where my targets haven't gone down without a fight and we get stop before my warchest is finished. Nice work GOONS.
  5. [quote name='orionsway' date='07 February 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1265518967' post='2166035'] well thanks john for the opportunities you've given us. Where would we be without your opportunities? But, last I checked, trying to dictate how things shake down isn't an opportunity, its dictating. And last I checked, your not the dictator of our alliance. orionsway nuhf, founder [/quote] [quote] [17:05:27] <Warbuck[ADI]> 1TF and NUHF have the option of agreeing as well, we want 1TF to peace with our other ally they are at war with. [17:05:27] <Auctor[NUHF]> but [17:05:40] <Auctor[NUHF]> any peace with yall has to include yall exitting the war [17:06:02] <Auctor[NUHF]> that'd be our only term as we can't allow you to fight our allies [17:06:27] <Warbuck[ADI]> Am I supposed to let you fight ADI's allies? [17:06:43] <Auctor[NUHF]> if you want peace [/quote] You lol me
  6. Awesome news! I look forward to dishing out ownage with your alliance
  7. *I like it when the red water comes out* /me giggles
  8. [quote name='Xiphosis' date='03 February 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1265176632' post='2155555'] Surprised you didn't fake some logs for a CB. [/quote] SLOWPOKE!
  9. /me giggles o/ ADI and company It's reading threads like this that make my days lulzy enough to continue playing XD <3 RoK, \m/ etc, you make my day Edit: Ah, I realized it sounds a little sarcastic (Oh what a wonderful word, I have to love it's disputed meanings, lets hope I escape persecution for mis-use here too ) so I just wanted to say, I do genuinely appreciate the lulz everyone gives me. Hope that makes it clearer.
  10. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=377443 Resources: Cattle, Rubber Which set and circle do you want to be in? No preference Are there any specific wild card resources that you want? No preference
  11. I think you'll all find this was the unedited log - http://&#33;@#&#036;%*.com/m46fb57cb
  12. Lolwut? I have no idea where you got that information from, but you're mistaken. I'm not gov in ADI. Not even close, in fact, most member's don't even know me. I have something like 4 posts on our forums lol. Also, I would contradict Warbuck if he lied about the logs, which basically means, if someone can change my mind, I would be happy to leave ADI. I'm willing to accept that he might've, but until I have proof, I'm thinking he didn't. Also, if someone convinced you that your alliance leader had doctered logs, would YOU stay with that alliance? It's not a lack of loyalty to an alliance, it's about honor of yourself.
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