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ADI Declaration of Support

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An Official Aqua Defensive Initiative Announcement

A lot of things have transpired on a global stage recently, and ADI feels the need to provide the world with our official stance on things, and our feelings on recent events. We all know the common thoughts on Polaris being called the World's Police, and \m/'s complaints on taking their own medicine, and I know that what I have to say will not change anyone's dogmatic beliefs on the subject, but I will be stating what I and ADI feel on the matter just for clarification.

The Premise of the Conflict

Almighty Grub has made a move based on his own beliefs and how he feels on the issue of any alliance not following their own code of ethics. Many argue that this is an attack on \m/'s sovereignty, but I feel that sovereignty has limits, and when you deny the rights of others, you have crossed that line. \m/ has taken pride in that fact that they are here to "ruin the game" and their conduct has proven to conflict not only with their own charter, but has also threatened to pollute the community that holds Planet Bob together.

Almighty Grub took a stand against this behavior, and is holding \m/ to their own standards, which have been communicated to the world via \m/'s charter. \m/ has shown that there is no limit to where they are willing to go in questioning the sovereignty of alliances that are smaller than they are. One should not have to ask an alliance to abide by it's own charter, and when that alliance threatens to not only harm poorly defended alliances, but also conflicts with their own stated purpose, I believe that a stand should be made.

Grub made that stand, and I commend him for standing up for what he believes in. Any decision that one makes will fall under scrutiny in the eyes of the rest of the world, and sticking up for what you believe is right is truly the best way to conduct oneself. I support Polaris, even though ADI has no direct relationship with them via treaty or any other contact. I believe that their crusade is honorable and that their terms given to the other side are just.

Our Stance

ADI is a humble alliance in the grand scheme. We are not comprised of a overly large amount of members. We contribute just over 1.1 Million total strength. We may not be looked upon as anything special, but we have resolve and a definiteness of purpose. We pride ourselves on our ideals, and we know that the community we possess outweighs any material possessions that we hold. We are not afraid of any foreign threat, as we know that of the things that can be destroyed, our bonds with each other are not one of them.

The Aqua Defense Initiative has good friends that are in this conflict, or that are predicted to be involved. Namely, Invicta, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics. These alliances have been forthcoming in their requests of ADI, and have presented things the way that they truly are. Polaris has launched an offensive against \m/, and their allies have chosen to help them. The Aqua Defense Initiative is being asked to support the aggressor's side of this conflict.

ADI will grant the requests of their allies in NATO, Invicta and FEAR, and will provide public support, financial support, and military support if our allies choose to call on us. We will wait on our allies to call upon us when we are needed, and we will respond to their call. Regardless of anything, we will fight valiantly for what we believe in- win, lose, or tie. We also wish all the alliances involved in this conflict the best of luck. You are defending your friends, and that cannot be held against you, regardless of whether ADI agrees with your position or not.


ADI really likes beer, and among the somber tones of war announcements and Declarations of Support, we wanted to share a keg with you all. Here you go!


Signed and sealed for the Aqua Defense Initiative,

John Warbuck of New Aligned States- Lord High Sentinel

Yuurei of Exedore- Judicator

Hamil of Kaplechistan- Arbiter

Archon Daverin of Caridos- Arbiter

Kingly of Quaaraaq- Lord of Defense

Lord Tri of Tribathia- Lord of Foreign Affairs

Magister Populi of Latium- Lord of Internal Affairs

Nathan Grant of Elgin- Lord of Finance


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ADI will grant the requests of their allies in NATO, Invicta and FEAR, and will provide public support, financial support, and military support if our allies choose to call on us.

Please, please, please. Can either of you three please make sure that ADI enters this war? Please?

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Ahhh, we all know how reliable ADI is with their support, don't we RoK?

We all know how reliable your treaty with \m/ is don't we Balder?


Any day now.


# MDoAP with Athens

# MDoAP with CSN

# MDoAP with GOD

# MDoAP with RIA

# MDoAP with RoK

# MDP with PPO

You've treaties with people who have already entered the war. Why don't you try acting on at least one. Maybe, if it's in your own self-interest of course. :smug:

Edited by The AUT
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That is an ODP.

ADI had an MDoAP with RoK if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, and it was optional aggression. But that is a topic for another day. Just don't play the optional card against another optional card. In the end, the cards cancel out and you have nothing.

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# MDoAP with Athens

# MDoAP with CSN

# MDoAP with GOD

# MDoAP with RIA

# MDoAP with RoK

# MDP with PPO

You've treaties with people who have already entered the war. Why don't you try acting on at least one. Maybe, if it's in your own self-interest of course. :smug:

And if we did activate one you'd !@#$%* about us dog piling on alliances. Make up your mind.

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Yes, and it was optional aggression. But that is a topic for another day. Just don't play the optional card against another optional card. In the end, the cards cancel out and you have nothing.

Thing was, it wasent optional as it wasent aggressive. But hey, we all know the story, after all you made such a lengthy post about it, as you decided what was aggression and what was defense. All this announcement is showing is that your willing to bandwagon >_>

What I do find funny, is that ADI is saying the moves by invicta and FEAR are just and non-aggressive.

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Ahhh, we all know how reliable ADI is with their support, don't we RoK?


Yes, and it was optional aggression. But that is a topic for another day. Just don't play the optional card against another optional card. In the end, the cards cancel out and you have nothing.

Oh, he already covered that. My bad.

Why don't you tell them about the fact that you said you would support us? Oh, right, that may put you in a bad light.

Usually, I am opposed to Aqua on Aqua violence, but in your case, if you enter the war, I will be damn certain to make an exception

The Corporation is waiting for NATO to enter. Then we activate with ADI and RoK pops a boner :P Did I get that right?

If you do that, I may give Anu a head start in our upcoming duel :smug:

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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