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What alignment are you?


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Had to take that test out of morbid curiosity. I'm also getting the hang of the new digs, here. ;)

Lawful good, all the way. My "life theme" is Justice. ((I work for the courts, go figure. LOL))

AzN as a whole, though, I tend to think of as Neutral Good.

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(OOC) True neutral (force of nature variety, NOT the maintaining balance variety, NOT the hippy variety)

Which is to say I don't really care about other people's definitions of good and evil(where I fall on this scale depends only on whether you ask an ally or an enemy), and I use both law and chaos to achieve my ends. So it may be more accurate to say I'm Chaotic when up against an opponent with a bigger power base, and lawful when set against a less powerful opponent(this is true for virtually everyone).

I assert very few rights, have even fewer goals, and absolutely refuse to compromise them.

When the goals of others can be achieved without compromising my own, I'll help them. If their goals conflict my own, I'll change their minds or otherwise eliminate that threat(If people are unable to understand your goals, there's no point in trying to justify yourself, so you have to manipulate or divert them).

To sum it up:

I am a straightforward ally and a devious enemy, which you end up as depends as much on circumstance as intent.

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I think it's hard to place yourself into one of 9 categories.

I am chaotic good, as everything I do is for 'the greater good', but I also enjoy sadisticly inflicting pain on people and being evil and attacking peopl just for the hell of it, so I am chaotic evil.

Sure as hell aren't chaotic neutral.


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