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Questioning the Morality: AlmightyGrub


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I'm not sure if this has been said in this thread yet or not, but I'll go ahead and throw it out there...

iii. You will not declare war on a nation within an alliance. \m/ defines an alliance as any group of nations with more than 10 members.

So all I have to say is as follows, you question his morality when he offered an end to the war where all you guys had to do was follow your own damn charter, I mean come on. You made that charter because those are the rules you believe your alliance should follow, and thus were willing to follow.

Edited by TheListener
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None of this has any bearing at all on the DoW except as background colour. I declared on you because you are arrogant and rude and seek to throw your weight around without consequence. Welcome to the consequence.

Your previous incarnation cried the most tears since their mournful break-up, it is no surprise to see this incarnation, as poor and pathetic as it is crying just as hard.

When you want to end this, come and see me and we will end it, until then I will enjoy the delicious nature of this thread and treasure its contents always.

Also hello SF, need some directions to our nations?

The irony involved just slapped my face.

Oh, welcome back Grub, finally the mask you needed to hide behind (for whatever reason) is gone. :wub:

Edited by Baden-Württemberg
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I find this entirely amusing, this entire war is based off foolish actions a leader took from a previous, unknown alliance. Now a full scale war is breaking out in CN. The most amusing part of this is.... "Do you really make a difference?" Case is proved by the FoA's (yes former alliance.... but this has gone to out of hand) Leader who did not take immediate action upon hearing the news of the protectorate's cancellation. Thus the lesson of this should be learned is.... if your weak, make sure you will be protected or you will be causing wars that include a lot of involvement from CN. Lol.

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I find this entirely amusing, this entire war is based off foolish actions a leader took from a previous, unknown alliance. Now a full scale war is breaking out in CN. The most amusing part of this is.... "Do you really make a difference?" Case is proved by the FoA's (yes former alliance.... but this has gone to out of hand) Leader who did not take immediate action upon hearing the news of the protectorate's cancellation. Thus the lesson of this should be learned is.... if your weak, make sure you will be protected or you will be causing wars that include a lot of involvement from CN. Lol.

umm please refer to \m/'s charter on the subject of what a sovereign alliance is...

iii. You will not declare war on a nation within an alliance. \m/ defines an alliance as any group of nations with more than 10 members.

\m/ raided an alliance of 30 members, thus breaking their own damn charter...

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umm please refer to \m/'s charter on the subject of what a sovereign alliance is...

iii. You will not declare war on a nation within an alliance. \m/ defines an alliance as any group of nations with more than 10 members.

\m/ raided an alliance of 30 members, thus breaking their own damn charter...

Did you skip past the part where Triumvirs are allowed to declare war on other alliances during your in-depth reading of \m/'s charter?

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hmmm I must have skipped past that part while I was reading \m/'s declaration of war... oh wait...

\m/ declared war multiple times in game. Were those not satisfying enough proof for you of their intent to wage war?

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Starfox admits to being a lying opportunist, and then asks people to believe his nonsense anyway.

Give him the benefit of the doubt; hes telling the truth this time around :popcorn:

Haven't yu already discredited yourself by acknowledging that everything you spouted in vox was a load of crap used to manipulate the same mindless masses you want to wake up here?



I knew I was doin' it right :smug:

Edited by bill n ted
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looks like you scared vilien away for the time being TL, +1 for j00

Sorry, he was boring me.

so what exactly am I missing from these pieces of information you've attempted to give me then vilien?

Basically, it's ridiculous when people try to force other alliances to conform to their charters, especially when those persons have a poor understanding of those charters in the first place. Moreover, there's no rule, written or unwritten, that requires a Declaration of War to be posted in order to validate a war. Your arguments are hollow and specious.

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Haven't yu already discredited yourself by acknowledging that everything you spouted in vox was a load of crap used to manipulate the same mindless masses you want to wake up here?


Learn how to read into things, that's been explained already. It was an essay explaining how morals are a load of crap and there is only perspective. Congrats on missing the point just like everyone else on your side. Or perhaps, you just are purposely ignoring the point.


Get over yourself Starfox.

That was productive. Just like everything else you've accomplished...on the backs of others.

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Learn how to read into things, that's been explained already. It was an essay explaining how morals are a load of crap and there is only perspective. Congrats on missing the point just like everyone else on your side. Or perhaps, you just are purposely ignoring the point.

That was productive. Just like everything else you've accomplished...on the backs of others.

The point being that the load you spewed back then is the same sort that you do now. Got it.

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*puts on tin foil hat*

The first reply pwned Starfox;

Politics is politics is politics is politics. Even if you want to pin it all on Grub, at the end of the day there are plenty of people that want \m/ to stay dead for much more rational, less petty reasons.

As you yourself said in the OP, Starfox -

We presented you to many opportunities to hit us, and that was our mistake.

If an alliance acts honorably an enemy cannot attack with a moral highground. Opportunities are opportunities because they are things that aren't accepted in general by CN. Everyone knows (or should know) what the rules are, and if you break them you might have to suffer the consequences. Simply put; if \m/ was honorable, they would not be getting attacked now.

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Sorry, he was boring me.

Basically, it's ridiculous when people try to force other alliances to conform to their charters, especially when those persons have a poor understanding of those charters in the first place. Moreover, there's no rule, written or unwritten, that requires a Declaration of War to be posted in order to validate a war. Your arguments are hollow and specious.

While I can agree there is no rule requiring an alliance Declare War publicly, I have already proven why this is not a "War" but rather a simple tech raid. Thus it goes against the \m/ charter of no attacking any nation in an alliance of more than 10 members.

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If an alliance acts honorably an enemy cannot attack with a moral highground. Opportunities are opportunities because they are things that aren't accepted in general by CN. Everyone knows (or should know) what the rules are, and if you break them you might have to suffer the consequences. Simply put; if \m/ was honorable, they would not be getting attacked now.

You misunderstand. What we did was not without honor, as honor has nothing to do with this situation at all. Going by the history of politics here, I know what we presented was of use to Grub to make us look bad, and that was my point. That we offered him dirt that in the eyes of the common person, would demonize us. However, you are twisting my words as to some sort of an admittance that what we did was truly wrong, and that we are evil. What we did was not wrong. A very short battle with no terms, no nukes, no destruction.It's all perspective as to if we were in the wrong, and it worked to make us look bad to those on his side, but now people are seeing through his grudge match.

There are no rules of this world. There is no international law. There is no world police force, no matter how hard Polaris will try.

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Anyone who preys on the weak has no right to call themselves honourable in any way shape or form. And that is essentially what raids are, three strong nations beat the heck out of a small weak nation and take its stuff.

There is no honour or glory in that.

If you want a honour go against someone with the means to fight back, not some outnumbered and out-gunned beginner. The difficulty of defeating the opponent determines the honour won.

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You misunderstand. What we did was not without honor, as honor has nothing to do with this situation at all. Going by the history of politics here, I know what we presented was of use to Grub to make us look bad, and that was my point. That we offered him dirt that in the eyes of the common person, would demonize us. However, you are twisting my words as to some sort of an admittance that what we did was truly wrong, and that we are evil. What we did was not wrong. A very short battle with no terms, no nukes, no destruction.It's all perspective as to if we were in the wrong, and it worked to make us look bad to those on his side, but now people are seeing through his grudge match.

There are no rules of this world. There is no international law. There is no world police force, no matter how hard Polaris will try.

The only honor \m/ has that I'm aware of is that they 'honor' their treaties. If you play nice, and are respectful, no one will mess with you. I guarantee this. If you're a controversial alliance or hated alliance, it's especially important that you be respectable if you do not want to be attacked. I mean, it's commonsense really. \m/'s entire theme and persona is asking for it. You should have known you would be a target, and if you put dirt out there, it would be used against you.

Maybe you're so angry because \m/ failed so miserably? You know, it's very unbecoming of \m/ to whine about the war. Doesn't fit with your 'oh we're so cool & bad' style. Makes you look like a bunch of fake punks. Just sayin'

Edited by Canik
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You misunderstand. What we did was not without honor, as honor has nothing to do with this situation at all. Going by the history of politics here, I know what we presented was of use to Grub to make us look bad, and that was my point. That we offered him dirt that in the eyes of the common person, would demonize us. However, you are twisting my words as to some sort of an admittance that what we did was truly wrong, and that we are evil. What we did was not wrong. A very short battle with no terms, no nukes, no destruction.It's all perspective as to if we were in the wrong, and it worked to make us look bad to those on his side, but now people are seeing through his grudge match.

There are no rules of this world. There is no international law. There is no world police force, no matter how hard Polaris will try.

Common sense tells you that forcing war upon an alliance who cant protect themselves from your superior strengths is not really a thing one should do. And especially one shouldnt cry if some even larger alliance decides to pull the same stunt on you.

What you do is utterly immoral, dont try to make it look better by referring to a possible grudge on Grubs side. He did not attack a defenseless alliance, and he did not break his own charter by doing so.

If we let alliances like yours bully others this cyberverse is doomed to fail, because it will make people tired of creating new alliances and continue supplying us with new faces and ideas.

Edited by HellAngel
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Amount of FoA tech I raided: 0

Amount of tech Polar has raided from me: I don't know, but it's probably over 50 by now.

Also, as I said, we will face the consequences, and the war will be long. Does that mean I will not unmask your true intentions? Certainly no. These are my cruise missiles because I am completely outmatched on the battlefield.

So if polar had just hit those nations who declared war were tech raiding, would the rest of /m\ have come to their members aid? One would assume so, which gave polar no option but to hit the entire alliance.

Can't respond to the rest of the OP, because the sound of hypocrisy is driving me up the wall. I mean, "we raided an entire alliance, with multiple raiders on the defenders, but then we got attacked and that just isn't right!" is absurd in the true meaning of the word.

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