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Announcement from the Grämlins


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Gosh, can't you let them be sovereign? I can just imagine all the bad things TOP is saying about Gre behind closed doors. It's quite pathetic how you treaty some of your allies when they are good little laptops.

It's quite pathetic when someone leaves an alliance to save his infra after releasing information from private doors twice. To nyone that takes in Steve, be well aware that he is a spying coward.

Steve you were the worst member TOP ever had, you are nothing but a pathetic bitter old man.

As to the Gramlins, this is their choice to make. I'm still a little confused about it, but they are indeed sovereign.

Edited by Kaiser
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Gosh, can't you let them be sovereign? I can just imagine all the bad things TOP is saying about Gre behind closed doors. It's quite pathetic how you treaty some of your allies when they are good little laptops.

You for one should know that in our Gre/TOP area on our forums nothing is held back, or maybe not because you are pretty inactive and when war comes you went in to peacemode every war alert. Refused to follow TOP guidlines and military guidlines. Good luck to the next alliance that accepts you.

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I have a question that nobody likely has the answer to. How long was Rish's multi in NATO? I understand it was actually the older of the two nations, so if it were in NATO before Rish was in RoK, wouldn't it seem that NATO was spying on RoK, not the other way around?

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It's quite pathetic when someone leaves an alliance to save his infra after releasing information from private doors twice. To nyone that takes in Steve, be well aware that he is a spying coward.

Steve you were the worst member TOP ever had, you are nothing but a pathetic bitter old man.

As to the Gramlins, this is their choice to make. I'm still a little confused about it, but they are indeed sovreign.

You do realize panfilo is in your alliance, right?

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I have a question that nobody likely has the answer to. How long was Rish's multi in NATO? I understand it was actually the older of the two nations, so if it were in NATO before Rish was in RoK, wouldn't it seem that NATO was spying on RoK, not the other way around?


I still can't tell if this announcement is serious or not.

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I have a question that nobody likely has the answer to. How long was Rish's multi in NATO? I understand it was actually the older of the two nations, so if it were in NATO before Rish was in RoK, wouldn't it seem that NATO was spying on RoK, not the other way around?

President Magee was a member of NATO for roughly a month.

To clarify further, he was never a full member, only academy/recruit or whatever you want to call it.

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All Grämlins treaties are non-chaining, either explicitly or by interpretation.
The Grämlins Charter specifically states it trumps any treaty where the charter and a treaty are in conflict.

And the Grämlins charter Specifically states that ALL treaties the sign cannot Chain THEM into a war.

So, to answer your question ALL of their treaties are non-chaining. Even if the treaty itself does not say that it is.

I suspected as much. Thank you for the clarification.

Edited by Lord Emares
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Very well. That makes me very disappointed in Rish. I know he was getting bored of the game, but he certainly put his friends in a bad spot. Being said, I don't think anyone can hold Ragnarok responsible for it. It's pretty clear Rish was just getting bored and trying to stir the pot. I am more than certain Ragnarok neither knew nor approved of his actions.

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SO if everyone on TPF's side uses The Rish's spying as a cb you will back them?

I think one really needs to look at the issue of spying. It is an aggressive act, people tend to use subjective logic with time frames and or context of when and how the acts were done, by whom and for what purpose. Spying is an act of war, period. One also needs to remember that the TPF and Rish issue are not linked acts but are only tied in by the people whom they effected.

You have 2 issues here and clarified in the op, not 1 issue.

Edited by Thorgrum
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It's quite pathetic when someone leaves an alliance to save his infra after releasing information from private doors twice. To nyone that takes in Steve, be well aware that he is a spying coward.

Steve you were the worst member TOP ever had, you are nothing but a pathetic bitter old man.

As to the Gramlins, this is their choice to make. I'm still a little confused about it, but they are indeed sovereign.

I hope you are willing to provide proof of those spying allegations. That's a pretty heavy thing to level against someone with absolutely no proof. Feel free to PM me. Stop buying all the crap Crymson tells you. He's never liked me.

And did you say the same thing about me when I was taking nukes for TOP from my BAPS target while Crymson and a lot of TOP was cutting deals with the enemy to not go nuclear. It seems it's TOP that is scared to lose infra, not me.

Leveling OOC attacks on me (do you even know my age?) is par for the course at TOP I guess. Classy as always.

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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I think one really needs to look at the issue of spying. It is an aggressive act, people tend to use subjective logic with time frames and or context of when and how the acts were done, by whom and for what purpose. Spying is an act of war, period. One also needs to remember that the TPF and Rish issue are not linked acts but are only tied in by the people whom they effected.

You have 2 issues here and clarified in the op, not 1 issue.

If you're telling me that Rish has committed an aggressive act against NATO etc and that he is at war with them as an individual, ok I'll agree.

I'm confused however as to why you're linking the actions of ex-government to those of the alliance. Do you consider Gremlins responsible for what Bob Janova does now that he is no longer government? (use another ex-gov still in the alliance if the fact that he's in VE changes your answer)

And thanks for correcting me AtheistRepublican, I had missed that.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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