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CN Friendship


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Generally people you meet via a web-based game aren't going to be the people they actually are in the real world (there are exceptions) simply because there's a level of anonymity involved here (the so-called Internet Tough Guy/Gal). I've met a few people via the web who I consider/considered friends but, generally, I don't assume the person I'm speaking with is being honest with me unless I know they have nothing to gain by being deceptive. I tend to group people into this game (with a few exceptions) into the acquaintance category these days.

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Well, I can honestly say that I've met some of the best people that I've ever met on this game. The only difference is that we take the time to see each other RL too. For example, James Maximus and I always hang out between our birthdays, around christams, and whenever I get bored enough to make the three hour drive. I think that once you trust a person enough to meet them in person, your relationship, most of the time, only gets stronger, because you've spent so much time learning their personality. Not many people who meet IRL do this.

Note:: There ARE exceptions. Some people are just plain creepy IRL.

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There are several people within the NPO that I would consider calling a 'freind' or adding on facebook. There is simply a high enough volume of interaction that I think its true. I'm not sure anyone from outside my alliance, while I might consider them "CN Friends" or "contacts" I doubt I could really call them a friend, there simply isnt the necessary volume of interaction.

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Met a number of people in RL that I met on CN. I consider them friends.

In the game, as others have said, the people I started with, the TF'ers, I consider them friends, and most of them know more about me than probably my RL friends, simply becuase of the nature of our forums and the sordid, locker room, male bonding crap that goes on there.

Add in the RL drama caused by CN things that crossed over, well, yeah, us survivors have a certain bond.

3Z, always great to see you out and about. Come back to TPF someday. :)

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I've only ever met one person in CN in real life and thats was because we both happened to be complaining about being at the same lame $@! confrence on IRC.

As far as friends go, i don't think i know anyone well enough to make that call in this game.

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CN friendships are a childish idea. How in hell can anyone really be a genuine friend to someone they've (in most cases) never even met. The idea of friendship in this place is just silly and anyone who calls someone a friend after only chatting on irc doesn't know what an genuine friend is. Friends dont flip flop dropping one friend for another depending on what way the wind is blowing unless they have some serious character flaws. In CN friend just means strong treaty or paperless treaty as long as it suits the person in question and nothing more.

you'd be surprised. a friend of mine in RL dated some chick she met maybe... 3 times? fail internet relationship is fail. they honestly thought they were in love.

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Considering the fact that the PPF has no power on the political stage, and that it is currently in a perpetual state of smoldering wasted-ness, the only thing that keeps me here is the community at-large. I may not spend a lot of time in IRC or mixing it up in conversation anymore, but I can assure you I still keep tabs of those I consider friends, and look forward to seeing what they have to say.

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Several I considered friends stabbed me in the back as soon as the opportunity presented itself, so its hard to differentiate between those pretending to be a friend out of political benefit and those who would remain a friend regardless. I used to think I had quite a few friends in this game, now that I've resigned from the FCC I'm left wondering if I've formed any real friendships throughout my time in CN.

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There are people I have bonded with in my various alliances and people that I have thought are total idiots, destined to populate the Earth with more morons. Therefore I can't really talk on an alliance base, but there are some people I really respect at like in CN. It would be great to meet some of them.

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I don't make RL friends easily. Most of my RL friends, I've had for over 20years and it's a small group of very tight friends that would definitely be there, and has been, for the best and worst life has to offer.

I have 1 RL friend that plays CN, but I don't like him very much. (Hi DB!!)

I treat CN like work... although I have many folks at work that I dig and think are cool people, I prolly would not have them over for dinner... Crash on my couch after a nite of partying? Sure... but taking a smack-down for them?... not so much.

There a many folks in CN that I would love to have drinks/get smashed with, but prolly only 2-3 that I would take a RL butt-kicking for.

EDIT: for CALrity

Edited by Valtamdraugr
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I treat CN like work... although I have many folks at work that I dig and think are cool people, I prolly would not have them over for dinner... Crash on my couch after a nite of partying? Sure... but taking a smack-down for them?... not so much.

There a many folks in CN that I would love to have drinks/get smashed with, but prolly only 2-3 that I would take a RL butt-kicking for.

Pretty much my feeling also. The few players I've met with IRL, or otherwise those I've spoken with ooc-wise for years, I consider friends.

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Nueva Vida. Dude.

After almost 2 years in Nueva Vida, there's no way I can't consider the people I've worked closely with to be my friends. So they are my friends. We don't advertise our CN-ness on FaceBook, but there we are... friends. If they need a place to crash in my town, they know they can call me up.

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Mates are mates, it doesn't matter where they come from. I consider many people in CN to be mates, Londo, green muffins, Jgoods, Crushtania, I haven't met any of them in RL but I will once I travel around a bit.

It wouldn't bother me if I didn't meet them in RL, I can compare it to the many mates in RL who are traveling or moved overseas, they are still good mates and I keep in contact with them, just because I don't see them face to face doesn't mean they suddenly lose my friendship.

In the end, a lot of people in this thread are idiots, seeing someone face to face isn't the defining factor between a mate or an acquaintance.

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The only person from CN I've met IRL no longer plays, but we're still in touch. I would consider a very few people from here real friends, but then again I'm pretty terrible at defining the line between CN and RL because I can never shake the knowledge that there's a real person behind the keyboard. I find, though, that it's generally pretty easy to discern if someone is a jerk from talking to them a few times. Saying "well you really can't know a person" -- to an extent, that's true, but it's also easier to be more expressive via the internet, imo.

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