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Unlike many people believe, not all alliances have 100% knowledgeable active members.

wF seems to think UED does.

Just some slight double standards there. We will see if they have stopped ordering attacks soon.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Yo Il Impero Romano - you still haven't answered my question. Would it be okey if Dark Fist attacked World Federation for 2 weeks? I mean, according to you, this is not the kind of thing VE cares about - right?

No one was incompetent here, both sides acted exactly as they should have given the information they were being fed. I hope KDII contacts WF immediately so we can get this rectified.

Oh, so now you admit that UED was not incompetent to cover up your own incompetence? Hilarious.

It was obvious to everyone with half a brain from the beginning that there was something not right about your CB. A few minutes of investigation easily showed why it wasn't. Additionally, if you weren't trigger happy gun nuts and actually calmly investigated this yourselves, you would have known the rogue was a reroll of a former wF leader amongst other things, and this entire fiasco could have been avoided.

Yes, you ARE incompetent!

False information was spread all around. Research was done. The link was followed. As stated - WF did research and was told that that 404 error comes up upon deleted messages. Clearly they'd have had to follow the link to know it lead to a 404 error. Dumbass.


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you would have known the rogue was a reroll of a former wF leader amongst other things, and this entire fiasco could have been avoided.

It was a multi of a current (now former since Mod shed some light) wF government member.

Our intentions have been stated by Viridian Gov. wF is working with UED to rectify. We will support the outcome.

There's no need for further trash or baiting from you.

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It was a multi of a current (now former since Mod shed some light) wF government member.

Our intentions have been stated by Viridian Gov. wF is working with UED to rectify. We will support the outcome.

There's no need for further trash or baiting from you.

Indeed, and the resolution has been met.

VE your members tried a bit too hard to defend WF imo, but good for you to stick by them.

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Quite right. I'm waiting to see the vitriol directed at WF for their faulty leadership in this regard.

VE, I'm looking at you.

As you should know, I am not one to educate my men or my allies in public for your entertainment. What happens in the comfort of our private spaces will remain to be our business, and our business alone.
Indeed, and the resolution has been met.

VE your members tried a bit too hard to defend WF imo, but good for you to stick by them.

I'm quite confident we can procure precious learnings from this experience, and glad that rational people have remained calm thorough this ordeal.
Yo Il Impero Romano - you still haven't answered my question. Would it be okey if Dark Fist attacked World Federation for 2 weeks? I mean, according to you, this is not the kind of thing VE cares about - right?
Why would you fish for unwarranted displays of agression such as "yo try that and see what happens", when you perfectly well know that initiating military activity against allies of the Entente has seldom bode well for the affiliation with which the agressors are indentified with.

If you want answers, stop asking questions that can't be regarded as anything else except questions of sub-normal intelligence. Sufficed to say, if you were to initiate military agression against our allies, we are certain we can reach a solution, that we will be able to regard as acceptable.

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Why would you fish for unwarranted displays of agression such as "yo try that and see what happens", when you perfectly well know that initiating military activity against allies of the Entente has seldom bode well for the affiliation with which the agressors are indentified with.

Because last night, Impero implied that it was perfectly okey to wage a 2 week war on a flimsy CB.

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Yo Il Impero Romano - you still haven't answered my question. Would it be okey if Dark Fist attacked World Federation for 2 weeks? I mean, according to you, this is not the kind of thing VE cares about - right?

Oh, so now you admit that UED was not incompetent to cover up your own incompetence? Hilarious.

It was obvious to everyone with half a brain from the beginning that there was something not right about your CB. A few minutes of investigation easily showed why it wasn't. Additionally, if you weren't trigger happy gun nuts and actually calmly investigated this yourselves, you would have known the rogue was a reroll of a former wF leader amongst other things, and this entire fiasco could have been avoided.

Yes, you ARE incompetent!


Enjoying trashing the alliance that went to bat for you and yours when you did something stupid?

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Enjoying trashing the alliance that went to bat for you and yours when you did something stupid?

If I was not met with such hostility by VE - or more specifically Impero, I highly doubt that I would be as hostile. I don't know why people tick you off and then wonder why you dislike them. Furthermore, as much as I used to like VE in the past, that is no reason to overlook any current grievances.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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If I was not met with such hostility by VE - or more specifically Impero, I highly doubt that I would be as hostile. I don't know why people tick you off and then wonder why you dislike them. Furthermore, as much as I used to like VE in the past, that is no reason to overlook any current grievances.
So Impero hurt your feelings. Poor baby, I'm sorry. Now, take care and good luck!
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Your entire counter claim is based on a screen shot. Your entire argument before was based on a screen shot. Now your trying to say that a screen shot that looks exactly like the one you provided to show that you did not order the attacks is fake? How predictable.

If you notice, the other OP does not say that you definitely ordered the attacks, only that you and your whole alliance is a dangerous mess. What it does say is that you defiantly lied,. If you can prove the screen shot that they were given by the nation in question was a fake, then I would contact WF and do so immediately. If you cannot, understand that you calling that screen shot a fake is the exact same thing as calling your own screen shot a fake, as they are the exact same in quality and nature.

Also, you could have easily deleted his account on your forums, so that's nothing to stick on.

(Also for the rest of you crying about this without even naturally considering the things I stated above, never wonder again why people get so fed up with this game)

People get fed up with this game becuase of the same display you are putting on now "might = right" the core reason everyone hated NPO.

IF UBD was backed by the likes of NpO or even Sparta, VE would have done everything they could to talk wF away from war and try to sort the issue out, but becuase UBD is not backed you are willing to sit back and let wF roll UBD.

The biggest issue that has always been in CN, is those with out backing are left to get rolled for no reason.

then again this is CN who the hell cares if you have a vailed reason for war or not, as long as you have the biggest backing, you have the right after all Might = Right does it not.

I would even go to say if it was not for the amount of support OV had in Karma, VE would have easy folded and backed out. as once again might = right.

So get off your high horse about why people get fed up with this game, becuase your actions alone would be one of them.

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So Impero hurt your feelings. Poor baby, I'm sorry. Now, take care and good luck!

So let me get it straight, when someone from your alliance (a government member I might add) acts like a complete jerk it's me getting my feelings hurt, but when I hit back it's my fault for trashing your alliance. Right, gotcha.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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People get fed up with this game becuase of the same display you are putting on now "might = right" the core reason everyone hated NPO.

The biggest issue that has always been in CN, is those with out backing are left to get rolled for no reason.

then again this is CN who the hell cares if you have a vailed reason for war or not, as long as you have the biggest backing, you have the right after all Might = Right does it not.

I would even go to say if it was not for the amount of support OV had in Karma, VE would have easy folded and backed out. as once again might = right.

So get off your high horse about why people get fed up with this game, becuase your actions alone would be one of them.

Might = right is a situation on Bob and many other planets at the moment. The difference pre Karma was the perception that all of this was solidified in one host. Now the world is generally argued to be multipolar (although I suspect it's more uni-polar with citadel as the one pole).

Heck make TOP roll WTF/GPA/TDO. People would baa, and say it was wrong, but nothing would be done. If you had an alliance whose entire membership was willing to put it's money where it's mouth was, consistently, over a moral code then some action might happen more, even if it was an increase in beat downs.

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People get fed up with this game becuase of the same display you are putting on now "might = right" the core reason everyone hated NPO.

IF UBD was backed by the likes of NpO or even Sparta, VE would have done everything they could to talk wF away from war and try to sort the issue out, but becuase UBD is not backed you are willing to sit back and let wF roll UBD.

The biggest issue that has always been in CN, is those with out backing are left to get rolled for no reason.

then again this is CN who the hell cares if you have a vailed reason for war or not, as long as you have the biggest backing, you have the right after all Might = Right does it not.

I would even go to say if it was not for the amount of support OV had in Karma, VE would have easy folded and backed out. as once again might = right.

So get off your high horse about why people get fed up with this game, becuase your actions alone would be one of them.

As we have seen, "Might = Right" can become "Might = Trap" if you aren't careful. That OV would not immediately back down should have set an alarm bell off at NPO, but it didn't. C'est la guerre.

Might I suggest though that you are gripping a bit hard at the moment? Phoney/trumped up war reasons, alliances backing down in the face of superior numbers, and people picking targets out of boredom happen. It's what you make of the situation that is interesting and what brings many of us back to Planet Bob every day.

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People get fed up with this game becuase of the same display you are putting on now "might = right" the core reason everyone hated NPO.

IF UBD was backed by the likes of NpO or even Sparta, VE would have done everything they could to talk wF away from war and try to sort the issue out, but becuase UBD is not backed you are willing to sit back and let wF roll UBD.

The biggest issue that has always been in CN, is those with out backing are left to get rolled for no reason.

then again this is CN who the hell cares if you have a vailed reason for war or not, as long as you have the biggest backing, you have the right after all Might = Right does it not.

I would even go to say if it was not for the amount of support OV had in Karma, VE would have easy folded and backed out. as once again might = right.

So get off your high horse about why people get fed up with this game, becuase your actions alone would be one of them.

It was a one on one war .... no one was getting rolled ..... FAN got rolled .... NPO got rolled ...... UED was not getting rolled , they were being engaged in "diplomacy by other means" . A one on one war should be something embraced by all of CN , simply because it's not the norm anymore like it should be. If anything it would get rid of some of the poser alliances and clean up the treaty web.

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As we have seen, "Might = Right" can become "Might = Trap" if you aren't careful. That OV would not immediately back down should have set an alarm bell off at NPO, but it didn't. C'est la guerre.

I wouldn't say that, prior to the Karma War there were alot of other alliances who'd been doing the same. People actually standing their ground against Pacifica and getting rolled either way, just textbook stuff for a curbstomp in the days of the old Hegemony. Which is why NPO probably didn't think anything of it. There were alot of things they didn't think through though.

anyway, not to derail or anything.

Carry on.

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It was a one on one war .... no one was getting rolled ..... FAN got rolled .... NPO got rolled ...... UED was not getting rolled , they were being engaged in "diplomacy by other means" . A one on one war should be something embraced by all of CN , simply because it's not the norm anymore like it should be. If anything it would get rid of some of the poser alliances and clean up the treaty web.

Yeah, much like TOP vs NATO would be a one on one war. No use clamouring for alliance vs alliance wars in the nam eof equality when one is clearly vastly superior.

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Timeline, you should read the whole thread before casting aspersions on VE's integrity – if you did so, you'd see that we and WF have acknowledged that a mistake was made and no 'rolling' is happening after all.

You would also know that VE could not attack UED with out a back lash unless The Mafia in fact attacked wF.

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Indeed, and the resolution has been met.

VE your members tried a bit too hard to defend WF imo, but good for you to stick by them.

Indeed it has. We're happy our friends have been able to sort this out. It's sad the turn of events of Raj. We'll help them work out methods to avoid such situations in the future.

We will stand behind all our allies with all our might possible. We don't fold to anyone. We aren't afraid to take on larger forces if the situation warrants it.

The events of this war; the sudden orchestrated and definitive attack on their nations, the fact that a government-level member of UED was involved, that they took orders from a supposed ghost (what gov member is stupid enough to take orders from a ghost?), the heavy attack that wF took - it sparked a huge emotional response. We weren't to leave them out to dry alone. We were beside them through the investigation - we were going to stay behind them through carrying forth their decision. And we're going to remain behind them in the aftermath. We do not abandon our allies and friends under any circumstance or external force.

o/ wF

o/ UED

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You would also know that VE could not attack UED with out a back lash unless The Mafia in fact attacked wF.

And why would we want to attack UED? Where is this posturing coming from?

We found out about the attacks on wF nations the same as everyone else - through the OWF post that LRA put up.

GTFO - peace is made, mistakes admitted. Your going to find nothing further here.

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We will stand behind all our allies with all our might possible. We don't fold to anyone. We aren't afraid to take on larger forces if the situation warrants it.

The events of this war; the sudden orchestrated and definitive attack on their nations, the fact that a government-level member of UED was involved, that they took orders from a supposed ghost (what gov member is stupid enough to take orders from a ghost?), the heavy attack that wF took - it sparked a huge emotional response. We weren't to leave them out to dry alone. We were beside them through the investigation - we were going to stay behind them through carrying forth their decision. And we're going to remain behind them in the aftermath. We do not abandon our allies and friends under any circumstance or external force.

That's all well and good, there's nothing wrong with standing by your allies, but perhaps in future rather than blindly arguing your allies corner, try and listen to reason. Up until the point where Allan A Dale said it was Raj, anyone who questioned the validity of the CB with facts or logic, were called liars, unstable or basically told they were idiots and they were wrong.

Sometimes trying to look at things from a third persons perspective rather than beating your chest or seeing who can shout loudest is a good idea is all I'm saying.

Anyway, this thread really has ran it's course. The matter has been resolved, there really is no point in people continuing to go on about it in here.

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