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Mea Culpa

Londo Mollari

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I have done a lot of things in the Cyberverse since I first arrived here 624 days ago. Some of them have been good, some of them have been awesome, and some of them have been bad. I decided last night that I owed an apology to some people due to some of my past actions. I realize that people will not be inclined to just let things go, it's the nature of this world, but I am going to say these things anyway. I have been doing a lot of reflecting since last night and have come up with a list of mea culpas. Here it is.

To the New Pacific Order and mhawk, regarding the GGA incident - I went off half cocked, and accused you of trying to get the GGA killed on circumstantial evidence that may well have been wrong, instead of withholding my judgement. For that, I apologize. It was wrong of me to believe that NPO was guilty of any evil laid at its door simply because it has been guilty of many.

To Shurukian and TSI, regarding the TSI affair - Again, I went off half cocked and leveled a serious accusation without having proof beyond all reasonable doubt. Shurukian is a fine person and TSI is a fine alliance, and it was wrong of me to accuse them of wrongdoing without proof. I may have done damage to Shurukian's reputation because of this, without caring in my anger. For that, I apologize. She should not be judged based upon that thread, in any way.

To Menotah and TOOL, regarding the Menotah incident - we were wrong to come to the very brink of attacking Menotah over a combination of old feuds between ex-DE members and our belief that you were mass recruiting from our AA, based on something Der Kaiser said that we ran with. I should have not even considered allowing it to happen, none of us should have. For that, I apologize.

To AirMe - I was wrong to fight with you, one of my oldest mentors, and I regret that it came to pass. For that, I apologize.

To RandomInterrupt - Petty threats and bickering in an Athens/NSO thread. For that, I apologize.

I have made other mistakes, and wronged other people, but those have been redressed or will be redressed in private. I do not blithely imagine that the personality and the attitude that made these mistakes will be forgiven or forgotten, and that is your right. I have not forgiven all of you for things you have done, either. But I am here to tell you that this aspect of my persona has already changed. I will not resort to unwarranted hostilities here, or smear campaigns, or any other such similiar mistake that I have made in the past. Do not mistake this action for weakness or truckling. I am not afraid for myself. But I now understand that there is wrong in attacking even an enemy without just cause, and that any amount of strength quickly turns to evil when the wielder of that strength fails to respect the principles of justice and honor. How easy it is with strength to disregard our high ideals.

That ends today.

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But I now understand that there is wrong in attacking even enemies without just cause

(bolding mine)


You've been around for a while, why has it taken until now for you to realise this? What was your understanding of this sort of issue before?

Edited by Voytek
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Absolutely pathetic.

This trite little Dr Phil moment is quite the 180 from the attention whoring, red face little man ranting and raving for all the world to see. He was so cute, holding the big boys feet to the fire, while his pals were standing behind him.

I would loved to have been in the room when Arch & co. pulled down your pants and tanned your bottom. Must have been quite the show. Perhaps someone with a sense of humor will publish those logs for all the world to chuckle at.

I eagerly look forward to your master castrating the rest of the fun bunch over there.

Is there a fee to see the glass jar that they now keep your testes in?

Some may see this as an honest attempt to rid yourself of the whole Napoleon image....I for one see the big bass I caught last weekend, flopping around trying to escape after you were caught.

Does this mean Jack will now be raining down rainbow skittles with every post as well?

Maybe I'm just cynical, excuse me while I go puke up a bit.

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You are a man with a true depth of character. Excellent move.

Sorry, but I'm not going to shove my nose up any ones arse for being forced to prostrate themselves.

Looks like you need something to wipe yours.

No my friend, you're not cynical, you're just a tool.

Perhaps I'm both, doesn't make me any less correct.

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Sorry, but I'm not going to shove my nose up any ones arse for being forced to prostrate themselves.

Looks like you need something to wipe yours.

It's almost as if you didn't read any of the threads that I posted in.

Perhaps I'm both, doesn't make me any less correct.

You're right. You're still completely out of line and completely incorrect, your being a tool has nothing to do with that.

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It's almost as if you didn't read any of the threads that I posted in.

I read every word of your drivel.

You should change your AA to The say what you think everyone wants to hear Front.

You're right. -snip-


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I read every word of your drivel.

You should change your AA to The say what you think everyone wants to hear Front.

You're quite the character. I'd refer you to my "drivel", but I'm beginning to doubt that you are actually literate. Please continue to cry in your corner about how there was no war for you to snicker at.

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That ends today.

I believe this post was sincere. I do not have to wait for actions before I believe.Due to anyone who makes an error and comes to a public venue to announce an error, and undergo the abuse that will ensue, has demonstrated his commitment to change.

You have my respect and have raised my opinion of your alliance considerably, because they are led my someone who recognizes true leadership; an ability to see error and make corrective action.

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You're quite the character. I'd refer you to my "drivel", but I'm beginning to doubt that you are actually literate. Please continue to cry in your corner about how there was no war for you to snicker at.

Actually I'm quite glad there was no war.

I would find no joy in seeing two alliances I am fond of fighting over a waste of space like Londo and crew.

There is more than enough here for me to snicker at on a daily basis.....due in no small way, coincidentally, to your aforementioned drivel.

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Actually I'm quite glad there was no war.

I would find no joy in seeing two alliances I am fond of fighting over a waste of space like Londo and crew.

There is more than enough here for me to snicker at on a daily basis.....due in no small way, coincidentally, to your aforementioned drivel.

As long as the snickering means that you'll post less, I'm happy to provide that service.

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I have done a lot of things in the Cyberverse since I first arrived here 624 days ago. Some of them have been good, some of them have been awesome, and some of them have been bad. I decided last night that I owed an apology to some people due to some of my past actions. I realize that people will not be inclined to just let things go, it's the nature of this world, but I am going to say these things anyway. I have been doing a lot of reflecting since last night and have come up with a list of mea culpas. Here it is.

To the New Pacific Order and mhawk, regarding the GGA incident - I went off half cocked, and accused you of trying to get the GGA killed on circumstantial evidence that may well have been wrong, instead of withholding my judgement. For that, I apologize. It was wrong of me to believe that NPO was guilty of any evil laid at its door simply because it has been guilty of many.

To Shurukian and TSI, regarding the TSI affair - Again, I went off half cocked and leveled a serious accusation without having proof beyond all reasonable doubt. Shurukian is a fine person and TSI is a fine alliance, and it was wrong of me to accuse them of wrongdoing without proof. I may have done damage to Shurukian's reputation because of this, without caring in my anger. For that, I apologize. She should not be judged based upon that thread, in any way.

To Menotah and TOOL, regarding the Menotah incident - we were wrong to come to the very brink of attacking Menotah over a combination of old feuds between ex-DE members and our belief that you were mass recruiting from our AA, based on something Der Kaiser said that we ran with. I should have not even considered allowing it to happen, none of us should have. For that, I apologize.

To AirMe - I was wrong to fight with you, one of my oldest mentors, and I regret that it came to pass. For that, I apologize.

To RandomInterrupt - Petty threats and bickering in an Athens/NSO thread. For that, I apologize.

I have made other mistakes, and wronged other people, but those have been redressed or will be redressed in private. I do not blithely imagine that the personality and the attitude that made these mistakes will be forgiven or forgotten, and that is your right. I have not forgiven all of you for things you have done, either. But I am here to tell you that this aspect of my persona has already changed. I will not resort to unwarranted hostilities here, or smear campaigns, or any other such similiar mistake that I have made in the past. Do not mistake this action for weakness or truckling. I am not afraid for myself. But I now understand that there is wrong in attacking even an enemy without just cause, and that any amount of strength quickly turns to evil when the wielder of that strength fails to respect the principles of justice and honor. How easy it is with strength to disregard our high ideals.

That ends today.

Extreme classiness itt :)

Takes a lot of strength to examine one's self honestly & objectively. Takes even more to admit fault, & commit (in public, no less!) to doing better. This wins a lot of respect from me. Good luck Londo.

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LOL Drl Phil!

Ima sorry I nuked KindestKid and am secretly sad I didn't have a nuke for Pickle.

Don Fernando had it coming tho, so did that Azaghyl dood. I'd nook him again just to make heem read my novel.

I can't hep it.

Also Jbone is a very sick man. You should nice to him.

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