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if you don't like it....well bad luck

Well i was not fishing for any change dear boy, simply voicing my own feelings so thanks nevertheless. I am a big boy so i can take ratings of 4 or lower :D

Yes. Just fun watching those views change opposite to mine. I'm a little curious to know what changed them. BnT maybe.

Among other things, sometimes the rhetoric from over there towards ODN was not always shall we say ''heart-warming''...also hi SpoiL.

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You're right- you don't. Why you think you would thus be qualified to comment on the NSO is beyond me.

As for the rest of that quote, did it ever occur to you that the NSO wasn't founded to be a 1 man alliance and that those responsible for its founding were competent enough to establish a basic infrastructure to ensure that the alliance wouldn't fall like a house of cards? Had the NSO been simply founded on a "cult of personality" then it would've fallen flat on its face, but it has instead thrived because those institutions that were created to ensure the viability of the alliance have proven to be the hallmark of effeciency and competency. But please, go ahead and attribute every last shred of success that we've had to this elusive "cult of personality" that apparently surrounds Ivan like some dark shroud; ignore the institutions that are responsible for our success and continued growth. After all, your actual argument isn't based on anything resembling facts or evidence, but rather on a mish-mash of misconstrued beliefs and platitudes that all seem to center around this vague "cult of personality".

hmm, were you talking there?

You can use your initial argument for nearly every post in this thread if you wish, for who qualifies to speak of other alliances if they haven't seen it from the inside? As for your second paragraph i really don't care enough to read it.

Opinions: every one has one, and that's all this is about.

Edited by Lord Levistus
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or perhaps you've just drank too much of the kool-aid.

I don't expect any standing member of any of the Orders to willingly admit to being a part of the aforementioned personality cult past or present, most people can't see it from the inside. This isn't a knock against you, Corinan or anyone else to whom it applies, it's just the way it works.

I will admit to having been a part of one in the past, but such a description no longer applies to me. And I feel confident in saying that holds true for the rest of the Sith. We are, as Corinan said, the real deal.

That being said, the first sentence is where you should have stopped if you were trying to be at all polite, I mean, that's just ludicrously inflammatory language right there.

LOL, we're cult members, Chron! We should all start wearing utilitarian gray jumpsuits and shaving our heads. If we're gonna do it we might as well do it right. There's no comets scheduled to pass by Bob anytime soon, is there?
Damn, we'll just have to fake one, then.

I need any excuse I can get for slurping down that kool-aid.


Thou dost protest too much methinks.

The Personality Cult built NSO by your own admission. The only reason it may no longer exist is because familiarity breeds contempt, and his image is tarnished by repeated exposure.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Back off our intellectual property.

Edited by Chron
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Actually Chron my bad i was refering to Cheyanne as bloated in his feelings of importance not NSO as a whole. He thinks hes relevant in other spheres and that his opinion means something to many there. I will apologize as it was not my intent to say NSO itself is bloated, but I stand by my statement that im dissapointed in there progress and they have underachieved with what they have.

We haven't begun to show what we are capable of.

NATO – 2 mostly because of my experiences with your previous leadership, but I hold grudges

The leadership you refer to are not in NATO anymore. You should check them out again.

A few notes: Regardless of what people say, there is not a cult of personality in NSO. If there was, we would not all be vocal about our feelings, instead we would wait for Ivan to state his position and then fawn over it. There has been many instances, and continue to be many, where not everyone agrees with everything. I for one came for the challenge. I stay for the home I have found, and the community. Not a cult personality.

Second, I would like to invite those of you who rated us low because of not knowing us to well, to visit our forums. You may be surprised (like many others have) at what you find.

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Opinions: every one has one, and that's all this is about.

The evidence shows you feel it's more then opinionated, if you truly felt that way you'd just have dropped it and moved on but you haven't which leads me to believe for some reason or another you think that what you said is an absolute.

Damn, we'll just have to fake one, then.

I need any excuse I can get for slurping down that kool-aid.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Back off our intellectual property.

Tyga gave you a bad twinkie? :awesome:

Also nice Obi-Wan quote :P

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I'll join the fun...

TOP - 10 There's an unknown stat that most people overlook. The ability to attract and retain membership. It is easy to attract, but very hard to keep members coming back for more. There is no alliance better in this aspect than TOP. Only a great community can provide that, but most people don't realize that.

MHA - 7 Unique theme indeed. Level-headed leadership.

Sparta - 7 Everyone thought they were a gimmick in the beginning. Look at them now! 3rd in the game cannot be denied.

NpO - 8 They have demonstrated the tenacity to success. Mucho respect for these folks.

IRON - 8 Strong leadership and smart members = recipe for success

ODN - 6 Better than in the past. They are headed to the right direction

FARK - 8 They have impressed me every day. This alliance is going to be a shining star soon.

GPA - 5 Yawn

NPO - 3 I have issues with the leadership

FOK - 7 Our baby brothers have grown up so fast! *sniffle*

MK - 4 There's a love hate relationship with MK. They swing from 1 to 8. What's going on MK?

WTF - 7 A quiet storm people don't expect

TOOL - 5

TDO - 5

VE - 5 Let the old dog rest in peace....

Legion - 6 They have not made any major mistakes. Only way is up!

RoK - 4 What's going on with these folks?

GATO - 5 The sleeping spanish cats....

CSN - 3

Athens - 4 Thanks to Jack, but he does entertain.

Gremlins - 8 Would have been a 9.5. What's going on Grems?

MCXA - 3 Fresh cannot be trusted.

UPN - 5

RIA - 5

STA - 8 I have grown to respects these guys in leaps and folds over the year. If anything, they are very consistent with their convictions and loyalty to their friends

Invicta - 5

RnR - 5

MASH - 5

NADC - 5

WAPA - 5

NV - 5

NSO - 2 Too much trash talking and chest thumping sitting in the shadow of NpO. Perhaps these veterans could learn a thing or two from NpO?

NEW - 5

MA - 5

Umbrella - 9 If I ever to leave TOP, I would join these guys in a heart beat. Umbrella, the best kept secret of Cybernations!

FAN - 7 There is no question about their tenacity and the ability to survive. It's fun watching their growth. There is no alliance with tighter knit than FAN, bar none!

LoSS - 5

TSO - 7 Let's hope you shred the stigma of the past and prove to the world who you really are

NATO - 5

Nordreich - 3 Never a fan of alliance raised from the dead.

GR - 5

Vanguard - 5

GOD - 5

FoB - 5

PC - 5

Valhalla - 5

GGA - 5

TPF - 5

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TOP - 6 Good group of people just the elitest model never really was something I could support.

MHA - 3 After leading them for countless months I am very disappointed with what they have become.

Sparta - 3 Nothing spectacular about them to be honest, poor fighters and a community that doesn't seem to have a direction.

NpO - Too bias to report

IRON - 3 No respect for the alliance, jumped from NPO servant to TOP servant. Grow a spine.

ODN - 3 Optional Defense Network, need I say more?

FARK - 8 Strong community, loyal to each other. I respect them more then most in this game

GPA - 3 May as well not even exist.

NPO - 6 In Cortath I trust.

FOK - 5 Strong community but the language barrier often creates a disconnect between their membership and the community.

MK - 7 Love their leadership some of their members can be a bit too eccentric for my style.

WTF - 3 Meh "independents"

TOOL - 4 What made them great was their meteoric rise from recruitment, they seem to have fizzled out since then but are still a good voice on White.

TDO - 6 Aqua neutrals that care about their sphere. I got to like that

VE - 6 One of my old alliances, A lot of love for these guys. Needs more Egore though :)

Legion - 6 I have trouble thinking of them outside their GWII-GWIII shadow.

RoK - 7 With Hoo back in charge, the sky is the limit.

GATO - 3 Stalled anyone?

CSN - 4 of All the superfriends they are the ones that I just never really clicked with. I blame GUARD

Athens - 5 Good group, makes me wonder at times about stability seems like different posters have very different messages. Plus Londo rated Polar at only a 5 :(

Gremlins - 7 Honor, loyalty, love what more could you want.

MCXA - 2 Agora... need I say more?

UPN - 5 Loyal to their friends not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.

RIA - 5 A bit to Random and a bit to Insane for me normally but still good group of guys

STA - 9 It's freakin Tyga <3

Invicta - 8 Again fiercely loyal to friends even in difficult situations. Tremendous respect

RnR - 2 Haven't heard much recently

MASH - 4 Important for Purple, not much outside purple though.

NADC - 0 WAE...

WAPA - 2 Courage without the means to back it up.

NV - 7 Strong allies and good friends to those who are lucky enough to call them friend. (Plus they work with NoV :P)

NSO - 8 Innovators and pioneers, working to keep the game entertaining.

NEW - 4 Welcome to the sanction race, look forward to seeing and hearing more from you.

MA - 3 MA without Kaitlin just seems lost... Hope you can change this feeling around.

Umbrella - 8 strong community united and loyal. I really do like these guys.

FAN - 7 A resolve second to none and a commitment to each other, their isolationist policies make me a bit frustrated at times but good group.

LoSS - 5 Former alliance that really has never made something of themselves since the CoaLUEtion

TSO - 1 Seriously? Take the worst of an alliance and put them in one alliance for the convienence of my dislike.

NATO - 7 A lot of respect, honorable and a bit lost, but good group of guys to find their new future.

Nordreich - 8 I love these guys, in whatever version they are in.

GR - 8 strong allies good community and loyal friends.

Vanguard - 4 Always seemed like trouble makers to me, but still loyal to each other.

GOD - 3 Xiph rated Polar low...

FoB - 3 Seem to be focused on their sphere of influence and that is it, nothing wrong with that just doesn't foster relations elsewhere.

PC - 4 I respect them but don't like them primarily for OOC reasons.

Valhalla - 6 Great group good fighters and wonderful community.

GGA - 1 Form your own identity and we'll talk.

TPF Mhawk - 8 Honorable man who is his alliance. I can truly say that he is a fine leader.

Disclaimer: A lot of these feelings may be out of date from what the current political atmosphere is, I am retired from Foreign Affairs and have focused myself on Finance. Doesn't really leave much time for me to socialize with other alliances. (Disclaimer not applicable to NADC who are really the WAE)

Edited by Remaliat
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TOP - 6 Good group of people just the elitest model never really was something I could support.

MHA - 3 After leading them for countless months I am very disappointed with what they have become.

Sparta - 3 Nothing spectacular about them to be honest, poor fighters and a community that doesn't seem to have a direction.

NpO - Too bias to report

IRON - 3 No respect for the alliance, jumped from NPO servant to TOP servant. Grow a spine.

ODN - 3 Optional Defense Network, need I say more?

FARK - 8 Strong community, loyal to each other. I resepec them more then most in this game

GPA - 3 May as well not even exist.

NPO - 6 In Cortath I trust.

FOK - 5 Strong community but the language barrier often creates a disconnect between their membership and the community.

MK - 7 Love their leadership some of their members can be a bit too eccentric for my style.

WTF - 3 Meh "independents"

TOOL - 4 What made them great was their meteoric rise from recruitment, they seem to have fizzled out since then but are still a good voice on White.

TDO - 6 Aqua neutrals that care about their sphere. I got to like that

VE - 6 One of my old alliances, A lot of love for these guys. Needs more Egore though :)

Legion - 6 I have trouble thinking of them outside their GWII-GWIII shadow.

RoK - 7 With Hoo back in charge, the sky is the limit.

GATO - 3 Stalled anyone?

CSN - 4 of All the superfriends they are the ones that I just never really clicked with. I blame GUARD


Two quick things, #1 what disconnect do you speak of with FOK? they *DO* speak english...

#2 if your dislike for CSN dates that far back, perhaps you should stop by the forums to see the new GUARD (cwutididthar?)

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Ahh yes but I have trouble associating with anything FA now a days, my realm has gravitated towards Finance. Either way I should add a disclaimer.... and my feelings with FOK are with the general membership not the leadership. Seems like I only ever see 3-4 FOK people talking and never any of their other members. Again that may be my fault.

Edit: Disclaimer added

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There is no personality cult in the New Sith Order.

Ok maybe there is but it's built around me. I mean look at me!

Whatever old man. Some days, I forget you even exist!

And yeah, I wouldn't be here if there was a cult.

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Ahh yes but I have trouble associating with anything FA now a days, my realm has gravitated towards Finance. Either way I should add a disclaimer.... and my feelings with FOK are with the general membership not the leadership. Seems like I only ever see 3-4 FOK people talking and never any of their other members. Again that may be my fault.

Edit: Disclaimer added

It really depends on where you hang out. Most of FOK members just lurk on these forums and c.b.a. to post. I think IRC and their forum is quite different. So yeah, it really depends where you interact with them.

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Among other things, sometimes the rhetoric from over there towards ODN was not always shall we say ''heart-warming''...also hi SpoiL.

When you leave your Allies cold, you leave their hearts cold.

Rhetoric? Hardly.

Cause and effect.

You're right though, you do have a very long way to go to scrub the tarnish from your image.

I really do hope you come out resembling something worthwhile. I truly don't see that happening until you can stabilize the flux in your government and cement something approaching actual leadership.


5 means i don't know that much about you.

TOP 9 great guys, but I don't believe in perfection, otherwise, there is no room for improvement. And there is ALWAYS room for improvement.

MHA 7 Great bunch. A bit disorganized, but I like 'em alot!

Sparta 5

NpO 8 From what I've seen, I'm impressed.

IRON Biased. So horribly biased.

ODN 1 it doesn't get any worse than backing down repeatedly from defending those you have sworn to defend.

FARK 3 I had fun in my wars with fark, and working with them on terms. Unfortunately, they went loopy at the end of terms and decided to badmouth us for no apparent reason.

GPA 5 heard a bit here and there. nothing worth repeating.

NPO 7 You don't hold a reign as long as they did and be chumps at the same time. Don't know alot about them, their comms were abysmal during my tenure on Bob, but their track record speaks volumes.

FOK 8 Great bunch of folk. I respect FOK quite alot. Shrewd players, and damn good businessmen.

MK 7 Don't know all too much about them, but they have a hell of a lot of fun, and that's what we're all here for. They've been solid in word and deed, and that means something, right there.

WTF 5 Can't say as i know too much about them.

TOOL 9 Great bunch o' people there! I <3 me some TOOL!

TDO 5 Ignorant on the TDO front, I'm afraid.

VE 6 A little interaction with them, and from what little I've had, I'd call it enjoyable.

Legion 8 I love the legion. From the name to the people, to everything about it. o/ One of our Council hails from Legion, and he's a stand up guy.

RoK 4 My wars with them were turtleicious and absolutely boring. Sniping tech farmers is what kept me engaged. Their dedication to the cause was impressive, even though they fell apart and their leader went crazy. Only reason I didn't rate them a 1.

GATO 5 Don't know alot about 'em.

CSN 5 See above

Athens 4 see above, add loud and sometimes obnoxious.

Gremlins 9 Some of the best Bob has to offer!

MCXA 7 fun to yap at, but I don't know too much about 'em really. Great concept!

UPN 5 No contacts

RIA 5 Minimal contact

STA 7 I don't like the message sometimes, but they stick to it doggedly. I admire them for their principals and their intelligence.

Invicta 6 Don't know a whole lot about them, I do love me some purple!

RnR 7 Great bunch here. Always a pleasure dealing with RnR.

MASH 5 Not much contact

NADC 5 No contact thus far

WAPA 5 see above

NV 5 Likewise.

NSO 7 An eclectic mix, but fun as hell to have around!

NEW 5 Can't say as i know 'em.

MA 7 Limited contacts, but what i see is consitent.

Umbrella 7 See above

FAN 8 Through Hell, and still kickin'. I can respect that.

LoSS 5 Dunno 'em, personally.

TSO 7 I like what I see from these guys!

NATO 8 great fun at parties!

Nordreich 5 meh No contact really, though i probably should one day, just to indulge in a little heritage talk.

GR 5 Can't say as i know 'em

Vanguard 7 They may not like us, but they do very well. They have been very smart so far. There are bright things in their future.

GOD 5 No contacts made by me, can't comment.

FoB 5 Same

PC 4 No contact, but haven't liked too much what I've seen and heard.

Valhalla 8 Scots and mead, FTW, let's have a go!

GGA 6 Can't say I've interacted too heavily with 'em.

TPF 9 For going to hell and back and never compromising their principals. These guys and FAN are psycho nutballs. My kind o' company. :)

Edited by PrideAssassin
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TOP 3 (base 1 +2 for Sky, +2 for Coursca, +1 for Zebedee, -3 for protecting TSO)


Sparta 4

NpO 11




GPA 5 for neutrality



MK 8 (-1 for MT)



TDO 5 for neutrality

VE 6

Legion 5

RoK 7



Athens 3

Gremlins 7




STA 10

Invicta 6

RnR 6




NV 9



MA 4

Umbrella 7


LoSS 5



Nordreich 7

GR 9

Vanguard 9


FoB 5

PC 5

Valhalla 1

GGA 2 (+1 for not being TSO or Valhalla)

TPF 2 (+1 for not being TSO or Valhalla)

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i think a lot of people dont like NSO because they think they are some renegade alliance filled with clashing personalities and ruled by some tyrant. people here are implying that members of NSO are following the cult of ivan, well ill say a lot of people who dont like NSO are following the cult of a few OWF people who dont like them, because its just the cool thing to do. get to know these guys, go hang out on their boards or invite them to yours. youll find that they arent these evil masterminds or stuck up @#$% that people think they are, that theyre just another alliance making its way in the world, one that is filled with some pretty cool people, even heft :P

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i think a lot of people dont like NSO because they think they are some renegade alliance filled with clashing personalities and ruled by some tyrant. people here are implying that members of NSO are following the cult of ivan, well ill say a lot of people who dont like NSO are following the cult of a few OWF people who dont like them, because its just the cool thing to do. get to know these guys, go hang out on their boards or invite them to yours. youll find that they arent these evil masterminds or stuck up @#$% that people think they are, that theyre just another alliance making its way in the world, one that is filled with some pretty cool people, even heft :P

Ivan and his cult zombies have spent many months manufacturing the stuck up evil mastermind image. Your post is going to create a lot more work for their PR department now.

Edited by Tygaland
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When you leave your Allies cold, you leave their hearts cold.

Rhetoric? Hardly.

Cause and effect.

You're right though, you do have a very long way to go to scrub the tarnish from your image.

I really do hope you come out resembling something worthwhile. I truly don't see that happening until you can stabilize the flux in your government and cement something approaching actual leadership.


haha i was wondering when one of your mob would make a comment, i do not resent Valhalla or even IRON members feeling pissed as that is a natural consequence of the past decisions which i for one believed both necessary and just. Rhetoric can still be spewed from those who nurture a grievance dear boy ;)

The whole process of scrubbing the tarnish has been ongoing and started when those of us who viewed IRON/1V and our links with it as less than salubrious emerged victorious in the internal struggle for consensus, of course we have a long way to go but we have been on the right path for a while now.

Your assertion regarding the 'flux' in our government is both unfounded and truly ignorant, Arsenal and the many pre-Karma govt figures have beaten a path to where we stand today for quite while now, infact a perusal of the senate and govt departments over the last 3-4 terms shows a remarkable continuity. And for our ranks and those whom we are on allied/friendly terms the overall results has been worthwhile and to me it seems obvious that your well rooted bias cannot begin to fathom that fact.

But thanks nevertheless for your observation and comment, i sincerely appreciate it (really), as it sure beats us being so irrelevant that absolutely nobody is willing to pass a comment whatsoever :D

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NSO - 2 Too much trash talking and chest thumping sitting in the shadow of NpO. Perhaps these veterans could learn a thing or two from NpO?


Check the middle two lines of my sig. Also, I have not altered my persona or stage presence in any way from pre-Frostbite to post-Frostbite signing so I fail to see how my antics illustrate a need to be in anyone's shadow.

I am the Tyrant. I always have been.

I always will be.

Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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Check the middle two lines of my sig. Also, I have not altered my persona or stage presence in any way from pre-Frostbite to post-Frostbite signing so I fail to see how my antics illustrate a need to be in anyone's shadow.

I am the Tyrant. I always have been.

I always will be.

You're mini me to your once dr. evil. You may even be a Mr. Bigglesworth now.

Edited by astronaut jones
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I honestly don't know why this is such a big deal, I mean surely it's not as though any of the scores are a huge surprise to the involved parties? Oh no someone (whom we know doesn't like us) gave us a bad score, clearly the best course of action is to bite back and raise a big fuss over it. :rolleyes:

I enjoy drama as much as the next guy but this just seems a little petty to me.

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From the peanut gallery, going on 2 years of observation!

5= neutral

TOP=7 +1 for bein in CIT, some fine people there

MHA =8 Harmlins!!!!

Sparta =5

NpO=7 -1 for friends +1 for coming back after nocb

IRON=3 meh

ODN=4 like it or not we are a sum of our past, present and future


GPA= 5

NPO= 2

FOK= 7

MK=8 Doing it right, class people too

WTF = 6 would be a 5 but +1 for having good tech sellers


TDO= 5

VE= 6 + 1 for a couple of friends there

Legion= 5

RoK=8 Wont say how much but a lot of EX MA people that helped the rating


CSN= 5

Athens= 3 meh…

Gremlins=8 Give it time



RIA=4 -1 for penkala although I find him entertaining (even if he isnt in RIA, -1 for penkala)

STA=8 I don’t care about the perception of attitude I fought them they were all cool

Invicta=3 -2 for Elawyering by whats his name?

RnR=5 not the same as when I was in SF



WAPA=7 underrated IMHO


NSO=3 Ivan is great, no point to reading anyone else there, just assume its “no u”

NEW= 5

MA=7 old home, whats the next step?

Umbrella= 8 pretty cool people

FAN=8 Jack par is pretty funny


TSO=2 would be a 4 but trolling Fran every thread she is in is unbecoming, let it go


Nordreich=3 meh

GR=5 would be a 7 if you still had sal paradise

Vanguard=7 not going to explain

GOD= 1 hope you win the next war for your sake, cute terms for everyone


PC= 6 would be higher but breaking naps,and the ridiculous “bus doctrine” knocked it down

Valhalla= 2 (see ODN)

GGA=2 so, what happens now?

TPF= 2 Has Mhawk come down off the cross yet?

Edited by Thorgrum
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haha i was wondering when one of your mob would make a comment, i do not resent Valhalla or even IRON members feeling pissed as that is a natural consequence of the past decisions which i for one believed both necessary and just. Rhetoric can still be spewed from those who nurture a grievance dear boy ;)

The whole process of scrubbing the tarnish has been ongoing and started when those of us who viewed IRON/1V and our links with it as less than salubrious emerged victorious in the internal struggle for consensus, of course we have a long way to go but we have been on the right path for a while now.

Your assertion regarding the 'flux' in our government is both unfounded and truly ignorant, Arsenal and the many pre-Karma govt figures have beaten a path to where we stand today for quite while now, infact a perusal of the senate and govt departments over the last 3-4 terms shows a remarkable continuity. And for our ranks and those whom we are on allied/friendly terms the overall results has been worthwhile and to me it seems obvious that your well rooted bias cannot begin to fathom that fact.

But thanks nevertheless for your observation and comment, i sincerely appreciate it (really), as it sure beats us being so irrelevant that absolutely nobody is willing to pass a comment whatsoever :D

Congratulations on your success, I must admit regardless of how I viewed ODN's behaviour in the Karma war you have done a decent job at carving out where you want to be. In that regards your government has been far more productive than it ever has been in the past.

"Sometimes we are pushed in a direction we ought to have found ourselves".

This may be true for ODN, although I really dislike being left to play toy soldiers by myself you seem to be happy in where your are and it seems a fitting place for you guys to be.

PA I would advise you to treat our former brothers in ODN with a little less hate. They are what they are. Live and let live.

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