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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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Because the box saying who it is sent from totally doesn't identify the person. Are you really saying your members are that stupid?

What it boils down to is, they do not want to take responsibility for the their members' passive understanding of what is going on. If they are that easily fooled, it is quite simply the fault of nobody but their own leadership's inability to educate their members. If less active members of Athens made this mistake, I, for one, would view it as a failing of Athens education department (love you Medtech, this is a WHAT IF!).... And not as an act of war, a breach of soveriegnty, or any one of anothe dozen bad things you could call it.

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Because the box saying who it is sent from totally doesn't identify the person. Are you really saying your members are that stupid?

Frankly, I don't think that's the point. I'm not interested in the identity of the person who sent it; most of our alliances are quite large, and there aren't many people who know the names of every single member of Invicta, never mind all of the Purple Unity alliances. I'm interested in the alliance of the person who sent it, which isn't in the box.

It wouldn't be hard to put in the messages "Michiel de Ruyter is the Stickmen candidate for Purple Senate." It's not there.

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Frankly, I don't think that's the point. I'm not interested in the identity of the person who sent it; most of our alliances are quite large, and there aren't many people who know the names of every single member of Invicta, never mind all of the Purple Unity alliances. I'm interested in the alliance of the person who sent it, which isn't in the box.

It wouldn't be hard to put in the messages "Michiel de Ruyter is the Stickmen candidate for Purple Senate." It's not there.

It also wouldnt be too hard for your members to make a couple of mouse clicks, or send a PM to their own alliance leadership. Start with the man in the mirror.

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It also wouldnt be too hard for your members to make a couple of mouse clicks, or send a PM to their own alliance leadership. Start with the man in the mirror.

Yes, that's the basic counterargument.

We covered that a long time ago. Since then it's mostly been me making jokes that your buddies don't understand. ;)

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Yes, that's the basic counterargument.

We covered that a long time ago. Since then it's mostly been me making jokes that your buddies don't understand. ;)

So then, your little conclusion that this was an act of war was a joke? I am pleased you have seen the folly of your ways. Now take responsibility for your members' education, and dont try to pawn it off on the rest of the planet.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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Great Purple War?

I'd say the Purple Koolaid War would be more appropriate.


As for the rest. This thread was about creating drama. Unfortunately when you're arguing over a purple senate seat that shows just how hard pressed people are for drama. Perhaps the Brown Senate might be more exciting?

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So then, your little conclusion that this was an act of war was a joke? I am pleased you have seen the folly of your ways. Now take responsibility for your members' education, and dont try to pawn it off on the rest of the planet.

No, that happened before. Do get the timeline right. Or just track back my posts, I really can't be bothered to correct you once again about my statements on the night of the senate reset. Probably about a quarter of my posts in this thread contain some reference to that, shouldn't be too hard to find.

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No, that happened before. Do get the timeline right. Or just track back my posts, I really can't be bothered to correct you once again about my statements on the night of the senate reset.

Once you start contradicting yourself time ceases to remain a factor.

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If the messages clearly identified the source and described who the person they were advocating for was, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

I'm afraid, good sir, that your edition of cybernations (and to a larger extent your internet (and perhaps even your brain)) seem to be malfunctioning. If you are receiving messages that do not identify the sender, your edition of cybernations falls under our mandatory recall. you are hereby put on notice. you must immediately turn your edition of cybernations (including, but not limited to, your nation) in to the nearest Serious Liability Cybernations Board representative.

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The objection is to dishonesty in the messages themselves. Has always been. If the messages clearly identified the source and described who the person they were advocating for was, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

We don't object to information, but rather to disinformation.

So by campaigning for a senator, we're spreading disinformation?

First it was that we were sending messages in the first place

Second it was that we were "impersonating" other alliance government by the format

:: and now ::

we're not putting a full disclosure statement in the messages and this is what's REALLY ticking you off.

maybe in another 30 pages you'll come up with some other lame excuse. It would be so much easier if you just came out and admitted that you never wanted us here in the first place.

tl;dr? We're at 31 pages and Haflinger is still no where remotely close to getting it.

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Went, I love you. I also agree with most of your post. But on the section I quoted, you know better. Olympus signed two off-sphere treaties while we were in Pegasus. One of them was with your alliance at the time.

Pegasus is a protectorate bloc. It is true that the Flag Alliance that oversees Pegasus does not rubber stamp all treaties that are proposed to them by Pegasus members. That's their job. But the policy is not "no treaties outside of purple."

Yes, you are right. My apologies for that part of my post. I respect that the Flag Alliance has to approve, but it is not a policy I particularly like. But that is really neither here nor there.

I think that the next time there is a public thread like this, Purple Unity should just ignore it. Really, there is no reason to participate in these threads as they only serve to rile up the emotions in Unity, and that goal seems to have been obtained. Don't let them get under your skin.

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Frankly, I don't think that's the point. I'm not interested in the identity of the person who sent it; most of our alliances are quite large, and there aren't many people who know the names of every single member of Invicta, never mind all of the Purple Unity alliances. I'm interested in the alliance of the person who sent it, which isn't in the box.

Personally if I recieve a message that has anything to do with my alliance that hasn't been sent by a government member (or someone I know would have been asked to send it) I would be investigating the origins of the message before acting upon it wouldn't you? I mean surely your members know who their government is?

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No one is trying to control senate seats. Purple Unity has said from day one that Stickmen have every right in the world to run and win a seat. The only issue has been their methods.

Personally, I love there methods, what I'm waiting for and would lol if ever happened, that PEACE's candidate all of a sudden fell under attack and was knocked out of Senate range, that would teach em quite quickly, that these Senate Treaties are all BS, take a lesson

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Sweet Zombie Admin, why does this persist?!

Seriously each thread has the same damn progression.

Stickmen: WE IS RUNNING FOR SENATE!!!!!!!!!


Stickmen: We can message who we want, you don't control the senate!

PEACE: We think messaging our nations is disrespectful, and you have disrespected all of us since you've been here

Stickmen: You didn't welcome us!

PEACE: Yes we did, you just didn't try to get to know us!

for(pages = 0; pages < 11; ++pages)


Stickmen: NOU!



Then someone brings up how haflinger said Stickmen sending a message similar to theirs could be considered imitating gov, and thus a CB.

The PEACE says they were always fine with letting Stickmen voting for their own senator.

Did I miss anything?

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Sweet Zombie Admin, why does this persist?!

Seriously each thread has the same damn progression.

Stickmen: WE IS RUNNING FOR SENATE!!!!!!!!!


Stickmen: We can message who we want, you don't control the senate!

PEACE: We think messaging our nations is disrespectful, and you have disrespected all of us since you've been here

Stickmen: You didn't welcome us!

PEACE: Yes we did, you just didn't try to get to know us!

for(pages = 0; pages < 11; ++pages)


Stickmen: NOU!



Then someone brings up how haflinger said Stickmen sending a message similar to theirs could be considered imitating gov, and thus a CB.

The PEACE says they were always fine with letting Stickmen voting for their own senator.

Did I miss anything?

No, you pretty much nailed it.

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