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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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Actually, I'm not really against logdumps in the abstract. Check my blog on the subject. Usually they aren't justified, but in many cases they can be used to highlight when people use private channels for the wrong reasons, and then later on lie about what was said in them.

With that said, I would not have logdumped in this case had they not first logdumped me and then, well, lied directly about what we did when they came to Purple.

It'd be wise to change your policy on logdumps before it gets to the point where nobody will converse with you or your alliance mates because they can't trust you.

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So they have to ask permission to campaign? That's a new concept.

The senate, by the nature of their design, isn't a campaign in the sense that you're electing someone to lead you like in an alliance election. The senate seats are more of a tool of war to weaken those nuke rogues/act as leverage to prevent your members from getting sanctioned by unfriendly senators/etc. Alliances with a greater member base/organization/more allies get the seats. That being said, the benefits of a senate seat are so minimal in the larger scale of things it's not really worth fussing too much over. So yes, what you're saying is a new concept.

Edit: grammar

Edited by FreddieMercury
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Have you read anything in this thread? Because I advise you to if you want the answer to your question, it has been stated many times.

I don't feel like trawling through 19 pages of what could be absolute garbage.

because we aren't going to let other alliances dictate to us where we can and cannot go.

Dictating where you can and cannot go? I thought they just didn't like you.

I would've thought judging by your calls for a free senate that the ideal choice would be to go join a sphere where the senate seats are free, instead of disrupting the way they do things. I mean if you're not happy with it; go somewhere else, is it that much of an issue is it. The majority of the purple sphere are happy with the way the senate seats are controlled. You however are a minority, this does not mean your views are not relevant at all, it does however mean the majority rule is more important that 3 small alliances making demands for a purple senate seat.

There are many other spheres with open senates, why did you choose to go to Purple when you knew of the situation with the senate control?

Just for the record I don't agree with controlled senate seats, but if that is the way that the majority of the purple team like it, why enforce your views on them? Looks to me like you're just out to cause a bit of trouble.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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I don't feel like trawling through 19 pages of what could be absolute garbage.

Dictating where you can and cannot go? I thought they just didn't like you.

I would've thought judging by your calls for a free senate that the ideal choice would be to go join a sphere where the senate seats are free, instead of disrupting the way they do things. I mean if you're not happy with it; go somewhere else, is it that much of an issue is it. The majority of the purple sphere are happy with the way the senate seats are controlled. You however are a minority, this does not mean your views are not relevant at all, it does however mean the majority rule is more important that 3 small alliances making demands for a purple senate seat.

There are many other spheres with open senates, why did you choose to go to Purple when you knew of the situation with the senate control?

Just for the record I don't agree with controlled senate seats, but if that is the way that the majority of the purple team like it, why enforce your views on them? Looks to me like you're just out to cause a bit of trouble.

How are we enforcing our views? We took a senate seat, simple. There is no forcing going on.

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no, im guessing its stickmen hoping to have us say or do something stupid to have a CB and then get the big boys (i.e. Fark) to help them beat us up since they cant ^_^

poor show

btw can you stop messaging us? yeah thanks! :P

While we have a treaty with iFok, Farkistan has no interestin purple politics. Have fun with whatever it is you're doing in here though.

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The majority of the purple sphere are happy with the way the senate seats are controlled.

How can you claim this with any certainty? I'm not aware of any alliance actually asking the membership this, nor am I sure that membership would feel free to honestly express their opinion. There's a lot of history behind demands for senate seats on purple, the worst example coming from a minority alliance.

You however are a minority, this does not mean your views are not relevant at all, it does however mean the majority rule is more important that 3 small alliances making demands for a purple senate seat.

I'm not sure any such demand for a seat is actually being made, a call for a free vote is what I'm hearing and supporting. Your general point about a minority stands though, which is why the current situation- where around eighteen or so government members of PEACE alliances decide the entirity of the purple senate between them, is being brought into question.

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How can you claim this with any certainty? I'm not aware of any alliance actually asking the membership this, nor am I sure that membership would feel free to honestly express their opinion. There's a lot of history behind demands for senate seats on purple, the worst example coming from a minority alliance.

How can you claim otherwise? My claim that the majority of purple is happy with the senate has about as much evidence as your claim that they aren't happy with it. If you want to state my claims have no certainty, prove them wrong with some evidence, I'm interested in this history of which you speak. Enlighten me. It's all well and good having your allies back you up on whatever you do, but there are some of us who don't know the full situation and aren't going to hop on the bandwagon and rally behind the side which is more popular/powerful.

I'm not sure any such demand for a seat is actually being made, a call for a free vote is what I'm hearing and supporting. Your general point about a minority stands though, which is why the current situation- where around eighteen or so government members of PEACE alliances decide the entirity of the purple senate between them, is being brought into question.

Okay, I apologise no demand is being made, I phrased myself wrong there.

What's the problem with actually attempting to make diplomatic links with PEACE in order to get a senate seat? As far as I know it's just economic co-operation, team unity and optional defense. What seems to be the problem? I know they made you feel unwelcome, but did you attempt to sway them, or did you just go "lol screw it, let's make their lives hell" no offense or anything, but threads like this seem to suggest previous provocative actions on your behalf.

I do recall a selection of screenshot dumps of iFOK saying some rather unpleasant things about Purple before making their move there. That might have something to do with them not being so happy with your presence.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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I don't know about you guys but im voting for the Purple Unity approved candidates.

No way! Never would have guessed a Legion member would vote for the candidate the bloc they're in endorses.

I, however, endorse Michiel de Ruyter. Michiel de Ruyter sticks to the issues. Michiel de Ruyter supports all the things you do. Michiel de Ruyter opposes all of those things everybody hates.


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What's so great about Purple Unity anyway? Or colour unity for that matter? I see no inherent benefits in members of a sphere all getting along. As long as none of them are deleting their trades with each other. 'Cut off your nose to spite your face' etc.

Purple Unity was born because of a common historical enemy, namely Valhalla under NoWedge rule. Originally it began as an underground organisation to address what was Valhalla's increasing domination of the sphere. Once NoWedge was removed the danger was removed, however folk felt insecure about it until Valhalla became a part, which they have been for a while now.

However what started as a secret defensive bloc has evolved despite it being outdated now. It provides an odd equality where none is due as it's clear which purple alliances are worth their salt, and which aren't. IMHO it now holds those good alliances back, typically by the poorer alliances.

hope this helps...

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Purple Unity was born because of a common historical enemy, namely Valhalla under NoWedge rule. Originally it began as an underground organisation to address what was Valhalla's increasing domination of the sphere. Once NoWedge was removed the danger was removed, however folk felt insecure about it until Valhalla became a part, which they have been for a while now.

However what started as a secret defensive bloc has evolved despite it being outdated now. It provides an odd equality where none is due as it's clear which purple alliances are worth their salt, and which aren't. IMHO it now holds those good alliances back, typically by the poorer alliances.

hope this helps...

Yeah I knew all that, I wanna hear from Locke or Haflinger or someone. :v:

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Why not? Seriously, why should they be denied the right to be on a sphere just because the people already there don't want them to be?

They aren't being denied the right to be there.

Plus, as I stated in a previous post, several screenshots from iFOK show several unpleasant remarks being made about purple alliances and causing a fuss.

If your moving to purple to cause trouble, why the hell should you be made welcome. It's like turning up to a co-workers house, taking a dump on their cat and expecting to be invited in for a cup of coffee.

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I don't feel like trawling through 19 pages of what could be absolute garbage.

Dictating where you can and cannot go? I thought they just didn't like you.

I would've thought judging by your calls for a free senate that the ideal choice would be to go join a sphere where the senate seats are free, instead of disrupting the way they do things. I mean if you're not happy with it; go somewhere else, is it that much of an issue is it. The majority of the purple sphere are happy with the way the senate seats are controlled. You however are a minority, this does not mean your views are not relevant at all, it does however mean the majority rule is more important that 3 small alliances making demands for a purple senate seat.

There are many other spheres with open senates, why did you choose to go to Purple when you knew of the situation with the senate control?

Just for the record I don't agree with controlled senate seats, but if that is the way that the majority of the purple team like it, why enforce your views on them? Looks to me like you're just out to cause a bit of trouble.

No one owns a sphere, no one has to play by the colour blocs' rules, if they don't want to. These people obviously don't want to, and since the senate is democratically elected, they decided to democratically put one of their guys into the senate.

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