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Official New Sith Order Press Conference


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Shutup, you know exactly why there is ambiguity. We don't like you, your alliance, or your repeated following of us around these forums, as if we are some deadly monster infested with the bubonic plague. I don't understand why you consider to care about us, when we obviously don't care about you. It shows a large amount of immaturity on your part, I think. It is like a puppy biting at your shoe in an attempt to get you to kick as a reaction.

Seriously, go away.

Isn't this the sort of thing you would reserve for me?

Or am I not special anymore.


That hurts, NSO.


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We don't even allow raiding, please get your story straight.

To NSO, it was a simple question. The actions which I referred to, were waging two wars (excluding Karma War conflicts) which many would claim were unjustified, as well as recruiting from neutral alliances. I am not entirely sure why there would be any ambiguity as to what I was referring to.

So to re-iterate, is NSO going to continue committing acts of unwarranted aggression against other alliances?

Unwarranted aggression? Its safe to say that although we are not cowards; we do not launch unprovoked attacks on other alliances. The only thing unwarranted here is your continued obsession and harassment of us.

Isn't this the sort of thing you would reserve for me?

Or am I not special anymore.


That hurts, NSO.


I still love you man

Edited by willirica
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We don't even allow raiding, please get your story straight.

To NSO, it was a simple question. The actions which I referred to, were waging two wars (excluding Karma War conflicts) which many would claim were unjustified, as well as recruiting from neutral alliances. I am not entirely sure why there would be any ambiguity as to what I was referring to.

So to re-iterate, is NSO going to continue committing acts of unwarranted aggression against other alliances?

I know this is our press conference and we should be the ones being asked the questions but I'm wondering why you're so obsessed with us? I mean look at your signature. It's practically a shrine to the New Sith Order. It's a bit weird, really.

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I know this is our press conference and we should be the ones being asked the questions but I'm wondering why you're so obsessed with us? I mean look at your signature. It's practically a shrine to the New Sith Order. It's a bit weird, really.

Let him, next he'll be putting on the clown makeup and cutting into his cheeks B)

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Will you continue your trend of bullying smaller and/or politically weaker alliances while hiding behind Frostbite like cowards? Or have you realised that not even Frostbite will stop you from getting rolled if you persist with your present course of actions?

Never, we will always exploit the weak minded to further our own ends. That is why we are able to string you along so easily and can gauge the effectiveness of our actions by the level of crybabying you display.

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And to some of the others that seem to wish to harp on imaginary isolationist tactics I have to confirm your deepest, darkest fears.

We have gone out of our way to isolate 57th at every turn by forcing members of 57th to oppose our inclusion first in the Amber Accords and then by forcing them to post in our discussions here. We even went so far as to have them post disparaging comments about the NSO so that we could be the ones disparaging them. Right?

Stupid people are stupid.

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When will you guys roll those pricks that I've always wanted to roll for there conduct in the early days of NSO? (Protip for uneducated masses, it's not Bel-Air)

What is your opinion on former members? And lastly, who wins in dress contest; Ivan Or Doppelganger?

I don't wear a dress, Doppelganger does. So I guess he wins.

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Finally, an honest and clear answer, instead of silly NSO members trying to hopelessly deflect the question and making hypocritical claims.

What can I say, the strong will survive. Personally speaking, I look for equals in friends and allies, not in propping up weak individuals. If your alliance wants to surround itself with weakness, by all means that is your prerogative. I believe here at the NSO, we like to have friends and allies who are strong and determined, just as we are.

Also, hi SCM haven't talked to you in a while :)

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What can I say, the strong will survive. Personally speaking, I look for equals in friends and allies, not in propping up weak individuals. If your alliance wants to surround itself with weakness, by all means that is your prerogative. I believe here at the NSO, we like to have friends and allies who are strong and determined, just as we are.

Interestingly enough this doesn't seem relevant to my question? Unless you mean treat all non-allies as enemies or something.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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Well i dont have much to say to this other than that is completely false and baseless. Any nation is welcome to sign up for a trade circle; in fact we have formed many circles already.

You see for us there is no animosity to complicate things; despite CoIN and the 57th going above and beyond to try to impede our efforts, we soldier on and try to be as friendly and hospitable as possible. I can definitely respect you following in your beliefs; but myself being relatively new to the NSO those beliefs seem like biased and undeserved hate towards the NSO; who goes above and beyond to be friendly and welcoming to ALL brown alliances.

We have done nothing to "Isolate" the 57th, in fact up until a few weeks ago we continued to try to start talks that we lead to better and more normal relations; feel free to look over them on our forums and make your own judgment. Since those talks were beginning to become counter productive we decided a live and let live policy with little direct interaction was preferable. To this day we would welcome them as brothers, we just ask that they come with an open mind and friendly attitude; something they have never afforded us.

If you really think you are being excluded why havent you found me before this? Silence had no problem doing so and look where it has gotten them, they will soon be full partners in this venture.

But not, however, to help run said programme. Unlike the offer you've made to other alliances on Brown.

I don't recall us ever trying to impede your efforts on Brown, unless of course you count making the Amber Accords more open an impediment, then yes, yes we did impede you. Or perhaps you're referring to the Brown Econ boards? The only impediment there was something we all seemed willing to compromise on, until Heggo's actions threw the whole thing into the furnace.

A clarification to a point you made there, it was I who started communications between the 57th and NSO last time, and then that died off. The last time NSO talked to us in any official capacity was I believe when Spoil came talking to us over Heggo's actions, and that was over a month ago. Or when we were told that NSO were starting up their own trade thing, but were unwilling to offer us terms on equal conditions with other Brown alliances. Before anyone gets up in a huff, I'm not complaining that they didn't offer us equal terms, that's their prerogative, but to do so and then claim that they aren't excluding anyone to some degree or another is ludicrous.

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But not, however, to help run said programme. Unlike the offer you've made to other alliances on Brown.

I don't recall us ever trying to impede your efforts on Brown, unless of course you count making the Amber Accords more open an impediment, then yes, yes we did impede you. Or perhaps you're referring to the Brown Econ boards? The only impediment there was something we all seemed willing to compromise on, until Heggo's actions threw the whole thing into the furnace.

A clarification to a point you made there, it was I who started communications between the 57th and NSO last time, and then that died off. The last time NSO talked to us in any official capacity was I believe when Spoil came talking to us over Heggo's actions, and that was over a month ago. Or when we were told that NSO were starting up their own trade thing, but were unwilling to offer us terms on equal conditions with other Brown alliances. Before anyone gets up in a huff, I'm not complaining that they didn't offer us equal terms, that's their prerogative, but to do so and then claim that they aren't excluding anyone to some degree or another is ludicrous.

Actually, I started a thread in your Embassy on our boards and asked how things were going in 57th and your first post in that topic was rude. Something about how the Cyberverse doesn't exist IC, and therefore people that treated it as such were delusional. Which is completely ignorant since the Cyberverse as we speak of it in CN only exists IC.

Regardless, that was me trying to make simple conversation with your alliance and you couldn't make a single post on behalf of your membership that wasn't inflammatory towards those in mine.

So, no, we don't consider you an equal partner on Brown. You politicized the last economic talks by making our decision to recruit from neutrals into a contentious issue even though it has absolutely nothing to do with trading circles and have been complete jerks and jackasses in most of our topics here on the OWF, IC and OOC.

In regards to current relations with your alliance, I have simply stated that we are not having any. You make it a point to insist that we have them and that they be bad by following us around and poking your noses into affairs and issues that do not concern you. When we start doing the same in regards to 57th then you will have a point about isolationist tendencies. Until such time any comments from you in that regard are pointless and untrue.

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Well i dont have much to say to this other than that is completely false and baseless. Any nation is welcome to sign up for a trade circle; in fact we have formed many circles already.

You see for us there is no animosity to complicate things; despite CoIN and the 57th going above and beyond to try to impede our efforts, we soldier on and try to be as friendly and hospitable as possible. I can definitely respect you following in your beliefs; but myself being relatively new to the NSO those beliefs seem like biased and undeserved hate towards the NSO; who goes above and beyond to be friendly and welcoming to ALL brown alliances.

We have done nothing to "Isolate" the 57th, in fact up until a few weeks ago we continued to try to start talks that we lead to better and more normal relations; feel free to look over them on our forums and make your own judgment. Since those talks were beginning to become counter productive we decided a live and let live policy with little direct interaction was preferable. To this day we would welcome them as brothers, we just ask that they come with an open mind and friendly attitude; something they have never afforded us.

If you really think you are being excluded why havent you found me before this? Silence had no problem doing so and look where it has gotten them, they will soon be full partners in this venture.

So then I'm confused. Did you not say this?:

01[10:57] <14Evry-Silence> And, is this open to all Brown alliances?

[10:57] <14Willirica|NSO|> yes save the 57th

01[10:57] <14Evry-Silence> heh, ok

[10:58] <14Willirica|NSO|> not my decision; as much as i dislike them trades are trades

[10:58] <14Willirica|NSO|> but they have treated nso like crap from the get go so i have to respect my superiors decision

01[10:58] <14Evry-Silence> that's my way of thinking as well

[10:58] <14Willirica|NSO|> maybe i can convince them to change in the future; we will see

[10:59] <14Willirica|NSO|> you can give the link to 57th nations; just they wont be allowed forum access

[10:59] <14Willirica|NSO|> and wont be given a trade rep

I mean, that sounds a lot like exclusion to me. We can sign up but can't use anything? That's like getting the keys to a car but can't sit in it, drive it, turn on the radio, etc. And let's not even delve into the whole '57th was mean to NSO since the beginning' because we all have different takes on this and apparently not everyone sees this as truth.

As for this:

So, no, we don't consider you an equal partner on Brown. You politicized the last economic talks by making our decision to recruit from neutrals into a contentious issue even though it has absolutely nothing to do with trading circles and have been complete jerks and jackasses in most of our topics here on the OWF, IC and OOC.

I believe it was LintWad who made it quite clear that NSO saw Brown Econ talks as not just an economic discussion but one that had to involve politics. He made it known that trades and politics go hand in hand. Now before you go ahead and ask for proof, that is not something easily done due to certain board administrators removing our masks and as such we have no access to said proof. If you need that proof, just ask Silence, or CoIN, or GATO, who all were there and all saw the same thing. NSO equates trades/economics to politics.

As for the recruit from neutrals into an issue, no it was the fact that members of NSO sent out a mass recruitment spam to 95% of the 57th membership and when we sought to resolve the issue, Heggo, one of the people involved, was demoted from one rank only to find himself back in the same rank in a different area. That was the issue, as anyone can attest to, and a reason for us to stop trusting your desire to unite Brown.

But it's all moot now.

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So then I'm confused. Did you not say this?:

I mean, that sounds a lot like exclusion to me. We can sign up but can't use anything? That's like getting the keys to a car but can't sit in it, drive it, turn on the radio, etc. And let's not even delve into the whole '57th was mean to NSO since the beginning' because we all have different takes on this and apparently not everyone sees this as truth.

As for this:

I believe it was LintWad who made it quite clear that NSO saw Brown Econ talks as not just an economic discussion but one that had to involve politics. He made it known that trades and politics go hand in hand. Now before you go ahead and ask for proof, that is not something easily done due to certain board administrators removing our masks and as such we have no access to said proof. If you need that proof, just ask Silence, or CoIN, or GATO, who all were there and all saw the same thing. NSO equates trades/economics to politics.

As for the recruit from neutrals into an issue, no it was the fact that members of NSO sent out a mass recruitment spam to 95% of the 57th membership and when we sought to resolve the issue, Heggo, one of the people involved, was demoted from one rank only to find himself back in the same rank in a different area. That was the issue, as anyone can attest to, and a reason for us to stop trusting your desire to unite Brown.

But it's all moot now.

Oh, there must have been a mistake. I didn't demote Heggo at all.

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I also believe you to be pigheaded and willfully ignorant in matters pertaining to my alliance. Which is especially tragic because, unfortunately, you are actually relevant to my alliance's concerns.

Which does nothing actually answer his question, but I'm sure insulting him will make him feel better about it. <_<

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But not, however, to help run said programme. Unlike the offer you've made to other alliances on Brown.

I don't recall us ever trying to impede your efforts on Brown, unless of course you count making the Amber Accords more open an impediment, then yes, yes we did impede you. Or perhaps you're referring to the Brown Econ boards? The only impediment there was something we all seemed willing to compromise on, until Heggo's actions threw the whole thing into the furnace.

A clarification to a point you made there, it was I who started communications between the 57th and NSO last time, and then that died off. The last time NSO talked to us in any official capacity was I believe when Spoil came talking to us over Heggo's actions, and that was over a month ago. Or when we were told that NSO were starting up their own trade thing, but were unwilling to offer us terms on equal conditions with other Brown alliances. Before anyone gets up in a huff, I'm not complaining that they didn't offer us equal terms, that's their prerogative, but to do so and then claim that they aren't excluding anyone to some degree or another is ludicrous.

The only people who i have made offers to were Terra Cotta alliances. Silence and Browncoats came to me. The reason for this is because there is a certain level of trust and friendship required before i hand out access to the trade database. Also I wanted to fine tine the system before publicizing it. This system has been highly successful so far and i don't want to bugger it up now. If you have known about this system for so long, why haven't you come to me earlier if you wished to be apart of it, rather than air your grievances in a public forum in yet another wasteful attempt to slander and defame us.

So then I'm confused. Did you not say this?:

I mean, that sounds a lot like exclusion to me. We can sign up but can't use anything? That's like getting the keys to a car but can't sit in it, drive it, turn on the radio, etc. And let's not even delve into the whole '57th was mean to NSO since the beginning' because we all have different takes on this and apparently not everyone sees this as truth.

Again i will state; I will not give anyone access who i do not trust. You may not like me or my alliance; but given the level of hate you have harbored towards us, quite frankly not even a business relationship is possible at the present.

When have we not offered equal terms to anyone? Again we are friendly and hospitable to ALL brown alliances; regardless of whether these things are shown to us in return. So please if you are actually interested in the economic system i have been constructing; feel free to find me on #nso or our forums. However, if you goal is just the continued belittlement of us I will ask you respectfully, as my alliance leaders have before, to leave us alone; we shall do the same.

Edited by willirica
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Which does nothing actually answer his question, but I'm sure insulting him will make him feel better about it. <_<

The questions that certain parties are asking here have been addressed elsewhere on more than one occasion and simply because the recipients didn't agree or like the answers that were given they have a compulsion to ask them over and over, or state their opinions likewise.

There comes a point in any diplomatic discourse in which you simply say enough is enough. If a party chooses to remain ignorant or refuses to accept the answers provided and for some reason they believe that continuing to ask them will produce a different result I can not help them.

In regards to certain groups of nations, unless we see some significant change in their attitude towards us we will simply not include them in our decisions. We will not seek to obstruct them in any way, but we won't consider their concerns either.

Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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