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Under-Rated Alliance Leaders


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A lot of the alliance leadership positions really shouldn't need to be "big name" people. If you're in charge of any variety of internal processes it really doesn't matter how popular or famous you are outside of your alliance. Most of our best organizers, financiers, generals and other positions that deal with internal affairs never achieve recognition outside of our boards because they are too busy working hard to socialize with the rest of you. When I see a list filled to the brim with famous people and type A personalities that the starstruck suggester probably has never interacted with on any level to make a fair judgment, I chuckle to myself at how much of a disaster that alliance would be. Not only would most of those leaders be unable to tolerate the others for more than a few days, but they'd be such a mixed bag of political preferences, contacts, loyalties and approaches to foreign policy that the alliance would collapse in on itself internally even as the rest of the world fell madly in love with them.

Well said, Penguin. Well said. The fantasy line-ups are fun and all, but they're not overly practical nor do they necessarily take into account the lesser profile, but as (if not more) valuable players in this game (and this comes from someone who was mentioned a few times). Personally I'm surprised no one mentioned Trace in this thread or in the other one (unless I missed it) - for one, he was excellent with our protectorates and their development, notably FoB.

edit: fixed some of the wording

Edited by SirWilliam
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A lot of the alliance leadership positions really shouldn't need to be "big name" people. If you're in charge of any variety of internal processes it really doesn't matter how popular or famous you are outside of your alliance. Most of our best organizers, financiers, generals and other positions that deal with internal affairs never achieve recognition outside of our boards because they are too busy working hard to socialize with the rest of you. When I see a list filled to the brim with famous people and type A personalities that the starstruck suggester probably has never interacted with on any level to make a fair judgment, I chuckle to myself at how much of a disaster that alliance would be. Not only would most of those leaders be unable to tolerate the others for more than a few days, but they'd be such a mixed bag of political preferences, contacts, loyalties and approaches to foreign policy that the alliance would collapse in on itself internally even as the rest of the world fell madly in love with them.

I support this quote 100%. It's easy to become popular. Most of the people who really matter work hard behind the scenes. Also, the smart leaders are good at deligating to get a lot of the work done.

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I have to throw my hat in for the crew running RoA, Valdemar, Elfriede, and Sherman in particular... some of the most level headed and intelligent guys (and girl) I've ever worked with. If anything, they certainly showed it when they caught TGE spying... they had everything documented, they were professional, and at the end of the day when TGE's fate was in their hands they kept their head right and showed mercy.

I'll take RoA over most big names any day.

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fake edit: eh, my list looks more like a "CN zombie draft" than underrated draft. Oh well. Also destined for drama.

e 2: More like a list of just people I liked working with.

IA - Nintenderek. Dedicated, genial, hard worker, tops at academies WARNING: DO NOT allow near black ops

IA - This user http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=19796 WARNING: Do not allow near FA

FA - ChunkyMonkey

FA - BobJanova (accent a plus)

FA/IA - Biff Webster

IA - Kahn

Leadership: Zzzptm

Anywhere: Flonker

Anywhere: Jason8

Propaganda/Prose: Sarah Tintagyl

Propaganda/Prose: m_ivko

Propaganda/Prose: Zzzptm

Thongs - Oreo

I don't know if some of these people ever worked in the areas but I think they'd be cool there.

I'd say both banned member (I think she's filtered – long time GOON Black Senator)

The member in question: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=19796

That Cheyenne guy.

Most underrated at quitting hurrrrrrrr (I love you but it was easy; plus no one has seriously said that for months)

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Well said, Penguin. Well said. The fantasy line-ups are fun and all, but they're not overly practical nor do they necessarily take into account the lesser profile, but as (if not more) valuable players in this game (and this comes from someone who was mentioned a few times). Personally I'm surprised no one mentioned Trace in this thread or in the other one (unless I missed it) - for one, he was excellent with our protectorates and their development, notably FoB.

edit: fixed some of the wording

What's truly amazing about the original NPO councils (which are comprised of many "big name" individuals of today) is that they actually did do all the legwork way back when. Bakunin's Dream would be the best example of this, I would think.

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I'm going to cast my lot with Lusitan from TFD. Great diplomat, great at finance, game mechanics ... everything. Very underrated.

Also, I'll give a special shout to one of our Commanders at TSO - Sleepib. Most people have never heard of him. But, when it comes to in game elements (war, finance, etc) there is nobody better.

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FA/IA - Biff Webster

Love myself better than I love myself.

My pick would be M_a_C_a from the GPA. Hardest working man in CN period. Place him in charge of anything and he will succeed. The only weaknesses I can see are that he is prone to take things on himself instead of delegating, although once you've proven yourself, he has your back. He would need a little more personal vanity to truly become a world leader.

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Some of the best people I've worked for, with, or against:

JBone - he's always been the real master of defense for TPF, not TBB; an honor working for him

Greenacres - one of the best military minds, as well as a surprisingly effective internal leader

Jason8 - lead RAD through more than enough of its lulz-caused hurdles

Prince Arutha - always had the utmost respect for him as the leader of Nueva Vida, added plus that he was one of the best people I ever fought against in a war

Ramirus Maximus - everyone talks about Liquid Mercury, but this guy was a crucial part of the Karma war effort

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So it's not just the "boss" then eh? Well then, there are a few I could put here:

Atora (TOOL) - Finance genius. He's actually a big reason TOOL's where it is today.

Ogden Chichester (CCC) - Everyone should be blessed by the awesomeness that is Oggie. He is about the gentlest soul you'll ever meet in this game, and a great FA guy to boot.

PlanckBorn (TOOL) - Atora version 2.0.

Mirreille (AODB) - FA win and a true lady of CN. Who could possibly hate her? :wub: :wub:

Edited by Uralica
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