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Official Twinkle Announcement


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1,103 days of CN with this nation, and unfortunately I’m finished. In short, I have no interest or time for this game anymore. Those closest to me know I have been planning this for quite a while, and I believe the people of RoK deserve an active leadership, thus I am standing down as Triumvir and walking away from this game that is CN. In reality only the community and people have kept me here for the last few months, and I haven’t been taking it as seriously as before (If I was ever truly taking it seriously at all, haha) Something, a few of you peeps have come to realise is that I do have a life outside of CN. (If I spent half the time I spend getting !@#$-faced on CN, I probably wouldn’t be making this announcement) And I really should start spending my time more productively, and maybe, just MAYBE, I just might start looking for a job again. (Sorry Cable/Mecha, no more late night horticulture talk, I’m done with that job)

I’ve done a lot of !@#$e over the three or so years on Bob, so here’s a little recap for you. I started CN when I came over with some real life mates (<3 Pres. Magee, Luther, amiles) and fellow NS players started on ‘none’ like any n00b and had some fun basically destroying stuff. After a couple of weeks of this I co-founded ISCO, gained a load of government experience there, met some awesome people (<3 UBD), raised some hell, and had a load of fun. In May of ’08 when I realised ISCO had run its course I left for Ragnarok, where a load of my homies had been kickin’ it.

I chilled for a month or so at RoK, until Hoo dragged me back into government life, I served a handful of government positions slowly rising through the ranks, cruising, talking !@#$ on IRC each night, until last December when Hoo appointed me Triumvir. (By far the most handsome, and loved Triumvir amongst the masses to date btw. ;)) This began a crazy time in CN for me, by far the most chaotic, and challenging, enjoyable none the less. But unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and for at least the foreseeable future, that end is now.

No shout outs because, well too many people to list and a fair few have already deleted. (!@#$%^&*.) But by rule of thumb, if you’re allied to RoK/SF/TT you’re probably !@#$@#$ solid in my books.

Admin/Mods, you’re a solid bunch of people and I appreciate the work you put into this game, but dayum sometimes some of you can be just a tinch uptight, chill out dudes. Go out for some drinks on me, and leave those RAD guys in charge of CN for a couple of nights ...

Message to people who frequent the OWF: You’re all fools, take a note out of my book, and chill the $%&@ out.

Long live the Bumvirate!


Twinkle, out.

EDIT: Alf, I love yah man. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do more. I’ll be kickin’ it on IRC with mah homies for a few more days so query my $@! for one last good time.

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Goodbye Rish... you're a great guy and one who always helped me out whenever I needed someone. Prolly taught me as much, if not more about CN than most of the leaders I talk to.

Everyone needs to follow their own path, so choosing your life over this is respectable.

Good luck.

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Rishnokof, you are probably one of the most down-to-earth, genuine people to play this game. Indeed if I had an alliance of a couple hundred Rish's I could probably win it in about 6 months.

You were one of the main reasons that Ragnarok made it through the post-Hoo era. My apologies if your peace making efforts between TailsK and myself did not bear fruit for as long as it should. That was a relationship however that was destined simply not to work.

It was fitting that you should be the last of the original three Rok Tris to retire. You therefore have earned an exit on our own terms and while I would rather you stick around, I am happy to have had the pleasure of getting to know you better. Don't be a stranger.

Side note: Rish had planned to retire from CN in January. But duty called and he served for an additional 9 months. He will be missed far more than I think even he realizes.

Take care my friend.

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Well crap...

Rish, you were one of the most approachable people I have ever met.

Very early on, when, as a noobling, I entered the halls of RoK, you spoke to me as if I were one of yer buds from way back. That went a long way towards my sense of belonging. Wish we had more like you, and RoK's taking a hit with your departure.

But fear not, RoK is in good hands...I'm sure a few of us can put the bottle down for long enough to get some work done.

Take care, mang...good luck out there.

In frith,


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This is a sad day for Ragnarok.

Rish, it has been a pleasure serving with or below you for well over a year. You have been one of the most approachable government leaders we've had since Hoo and I never have failed to marvel at your outstanding dedication to the alliance. You are a true Rokker and always will be to everyone who has known you. I wish you farewell and happiness as you venture into the future.

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1,103 days of CN with this nation, and unfortunately I’m finished.

It was about right here when I started to cry and scream "POR QUE!"

Though you and I didnt get a chance to talk much, from the times we did though one thought comes to mind, Ima miss u.

Good luck in your future endeavors.(big word +10 points for me)

o/ rish

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