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UJA Declaration of War on SDF


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The UJA hereby declares war on the Spartan Defense Force...

Do we need a legit reason? We're in ur base, stealing ur lulz

tl:dr We made new friends and they don't like you very much...

But it's a sekrit... so don't tell anyone. Or we'll DoW you.


The Speaker for the GreenHouse of the UJA

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Wow now that is sad. Fair enough for a 1v1 war between PU and SDF when we're already outnumbered and outgunned but now UJA wants to "look tough" and claim it as a simple war because of their allies. UJA and who ever their "Allies" are if anyone would even stoop so low to engage in a treaty with them are what they claimed WOLF to be so to make it easier for you to understand I'll explain it simply.

WOLF = "An idiotic bloc that is destined to ruin the TE world because they are so stupid, up themselves, stop wars and will make fighting them incredibly hard, plus other criticisms."


Then you go and form a coalition yourselves to stop WOLF (which is only a formal deceleration of previously established treaties), claim it's the best attack alliances with unmatched odds and then bring in more reinforcements.

Tournament is meant to be about learning how to war, not to prance around and so to speak stab a dead wolf and claim to be almighty. I am sorry but when I was thinking of making an alliance I didn't imagine the intelligence level of so many leaders to be this minute.

Edited by AndrewC202
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Wow now that is sad. Fair enough for a 1v1 war between PU and SDF when we're already outnumbered and outgunned but now UJA wants to "look tough" and claim it as a simple war because of their allies. UJA and who ever their "Allies" are if anyone would even stoop so low to engage in a treaty with them are what they claimed WOLF to be so to make it easier for you to understand I'll explain it simply.

WOLF = "An idiotic bloc that is destined to ruin the TE world because they are so stupid, up themselves, stop wars and will make fighting them incredibly hard, plus other criticisms."


Then you go and form a coalition yourselves to stop WOLF (which is only a formal deceleration of previously established treaties), claim it's the best attack alliances with unmatched odds and then bring in more reinforcements.

Tournament is meant to be about learning how to war, not to prance around and so to speak stab a dead wolf and claim to be almighty. I am sorry but when I was thinking of making an alliance I didn't imagine the intelligence level of so many leaders to be this minute.

I am wondering what has happened to this attitude expressed by WOLF but a mere 6 days ago:

"1) WOLF is ruining TE! - Answer: TE is a war game, if you want to change something in it, do something. Talking accomplishes nothing in war"

Seriously, JR is doing something and now i see WOLF members whining and crying over it.... if you are gonna post like you are some big bad tough guys, then at least act like it. but i guess ya'll ain't thug enough but merely:


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Wow now that is sad. Fair enough for a 1v1 war between PU and SDF when we're already outnumbered and outgunned but now UJA wants to "look tough" and claim it as a simple war because of their allies. UJA and who ever their "Allies" are if anyone would even stoop so low to engage in a treaty with them are what they claimed WOLF to be so to make it easier for you to understand I'll explain it simply.

WOLF = "An idiotic bloc that is destined to ruin the TE world because they are so stupid, up themselves, stop wars and will make fighting them incredibly hard, plus other criticisms."


Then you go and form a coalition yourselves to stop WOLF (which is only a formal deceleration of previously established treaties), claim it's the best attack alliances with unmatched odds and then bring in more reinforcements.

Tournament is meant to be about learning how to war, not to prance around and so to speak stab a dead wolf and claim to be almighty. I am sorry but when I was thinking of making an alliance I didn't imagine the intelligence level of so many leaders to be this minute.


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Well essentially this is the reason for my post, because most of you are hypocritical. You make a coalition after flaming us for making one "lolumad" then declare on an already beaten down alliance and "lolumad", I'd hate to see what you dip!@#$s bring out next.

"if you are gonna post like you are some big bad tough guys, then at least act like it. but i guess ya'll ain't thug enough"

Are you an idioit? I just posted a comment saying what you said to UJA. I guess Black must feel secure with all their buddies in their coalition that they now feel they can post like "some big bad tough guys".

Edited by AndrewC202
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Well essentially this is the reason for my post, because most of you are hypocritical. You make a coalition after flaming us for making one "lolumad" then declare on an already beaten down alliance and "lolumad", I'd hate to see what you dip!@#$s bring out next.

Are you an idioit? I just posted a comment saying what you said to UJA. I guess Black must feel secure with all their buddies in their coalition that they now feel they can post like "some big bad tough guys".

Of course we can. We just followed the 10 easy steps guide in Wolf's archive. Don't worry, we will give it back maybe.

Also you guys !@#$%*ed and moaned saying "do something about it." Somethings being done about it, and were being called hypocrites? Really? Make up your damn minds.

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Well essentially this is the reason for my post, because most of you are hypocritical. You make a coalition after flaming us for making one "lolumad" then declare on an already beaten down alliance and "lolumad", I'd hate to see what you dip!@#$s bring out next.

Are you an idioit? I just posted a comment saying what you said to UJA. I guess Black must feel secure with all their buddies in their coalition that they now feel they can post like "some big bad tough guys".

I gotta be honest with ya... we kind of just wanted to throw our hats into the ring. It's nothing personal. UJA is new to TE, so we're really not involved with all the popular kid politics. We wanted in the fray and this is the option that presented itself.

Best of luck to you guys! See you on the battlefield B)

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I see the same thing in every post.

Step 1: Post about JR beating on WOLF

Step 2: WOLF Member whining about getting beat on

Step 3: JR Members quoting WOLF's Declaration of Existence

Step 4: WOLF Member saying something about JR being an anti-bloc bloc.

Step 5: JR Isn't a bloc.

Step 6: Repeat

Anyone else thinking it's getting old already?

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UJA wanted in on some action and there was about 12 targets that were to high for us to hit. So I personally asked them if they could attack those targets for us and to have happy hunting on anyone else in SDF.

Hehe thanks Roo




O/ Purple Unity

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Well essentially this is the reason for my post, because most of you are hypocritical. You make a coalition after flaming us for making one "lolumad" then declare on an already beaten down alliance and "lolumad", I'd hate to see what you dip!@#$s bring out next.

Are you an idioit? I just posted a comment saying what you said to UJA. I guess Black must feel secure with all their buddies in their coalition that they now feel they can post like "some big bad tough guys".

hahahahahahahahaha. You don't know me too well. I would act this way if my alliance was being beaten to a pulp. Currently Black is engaged with SOS and AI but you do not see us whining and crying to our mommies like you have since we have 2 alliances on us now. In fact most of Black is ecstatic at having more targets to choose from. I guess that is the difference between our alliances. SDF are wannabe warriors whereas Black are true warriors.

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Wow now that is sad. Fair enough for a 1v1 war between PU and SDF when we're already outnumbered and outgunned but now UJA wants to "look tough" and claim it as a simple war because of their allies. UJA and who ever their "Allies" are if anyone would even stoop so low to engage in a treaty with them are what they claimed WOLF to be so to make it easier for you to understand I'll explain it simply.

WOLF = "An idiotic bloc that is destined to ruin the TE world because they are so stupid, up themselves, stop wars and will make fighting them incredibly hard, plus other criticisms."


Then you go and form a coalition yourselves to stop WOLF (which is only a formal deceleration of previously established treaties), claim it's the best attack alliances with unmatched odds and then bring in more reinforcements.

Tournament is meant to be about learning how to war, not to prance around and so to speak stab a dead wolf and claim to be almighty. I am sorry but when I was thinking of making an alliance I didn't imagine the intelligence level of so many leaders to be this minute.

Spartans dont cry..Spartan are a bunch of tough guys who dont care for the world but themselves... Dont you read up on your history... :P And we dont want your explanations, We want $^%*#$% WAR!

o/ UJA

Edited by mylife125
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hahahahahahahahaha. You don't know me too well. I would act this way if my alliance was being beaten to a pulp. Currently Black is engaged with SOS and AI but you do not see us whining and crying to our mommies like you have since we have 2 alliances on us now. In fact most of Black is ecstatic at having more targets to choose from. I guess that is the difference between our alliances. SDF are wannabe warriors whereas Black are true warriors.

You are joking right? SDF has two sanctioned alliances attacking them, whereas Black is fighting an almost 1:1 war with AI and SoA. Don't mislead people.

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hahahahahahahahaha. You don't know me too well. I would act this way if my alliance was being beaten to a pulp.* Currently Black is engaged with SOS and AI but you do not see us whining and crying to our mommies like you have since we have 2 alliances on us now**. In fact most of Black is ecstatic at having more targets to choose from***. I guess that is the difference between our alliances. SDF are wannabe warriors whereas Black are true warriors.

Hahaha Lol lets talk stats:

Black: 39 members/54,000 NS


Aeonic Imperium: 22 members/27,000 NS

SOS Brigade: 22 members/ 22,000 NS

SDF: 68 members/63,000 NS


Purple Unity: 91 members/108,000 NS

UJA: 69 members/87,000 NS

Black fighting an even war while SDF has less than HALF the members it's DEFENDING against (Taking out the disadvantage of surprise) and 1/3rd of the NS.

And attached is the amendments of your post:

*That just has fail written all over it

**You attacked them and basically fighting the same NS and member count as your own.

***Look at the statistics above because apparently you don't think before you talk.

Also note that I'm not upset about your little anti-coalition crap but rather the fact that UJA declared on us AFTER we have very bad odds. And used the Coalition as an example to show how hypocritical some people are.

Oh and @mylife125: Your right I don't care about the world either, I care about my members, my allies and other people I respect. I'm glad people in CN:TE have war hunger, I do too. BUT not to the point where it become ridiculously stupid and one side doesn't have a fair fight.

If you all where heroic and good fighters as you proclaim yourselves to be then why are the stats above like that?

To me the only responsible people in this topic is Tiberius he can actually see the truth for what it is and today I got a message from Gabryal informing me that he put his passion for this game and devotion for it on the line just so SDF and it's respective allies can walk free I could never imagine anyone else in Tournament doing that, including myself so if anyone talks !@#$ about Gabryal STFU you dip!@#$. I hope someone who's Anti-Wolf or Anti-SDF can take something away from this message because I'm sick of people talking !@#$, half the posts here can be proven wrong yet you find one post of mine in the topic and try to prove it wrong.

Edited by AndrewC202
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