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VE congratulates im317 and Eledan!


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I believe, from reading the logs of Bilrow, that blue was going to be permanent but that VE was allowed to reform on green instead, and thus they did so. I could be totally wrong though. :)

Of course you're going to tell the one person keeping you off green that you don't plan on coming back

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I'm kinda wondering how many people are actually offended by this versus how many people just want a reason to get mad at VE/anyone else..

Well think back two weeks. RAD caused a little bit of a stir when they tried to have some fun with the rest of the OWF and even NSO...look at the people lined up ready to kill RAD. likewise IS, they stood up for their sphere and the line to kill them was a few miles long

less than a week ago Fark released IRON from their surrender terms and the outrage over a silly term have now spread to 20+ pages

Welcome to your current topic to hate, give it enough time and someone else will post something that swings the hate over there and this will be forgotten about

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Quite honestly I laughed.

BUT I AM STILL OUTRAGED. Outraged at the fact that this pool wasn't open to the rest of us, of course. I demand more pools of this nature in the future that we can all participate in. Next alliance should be those TYR guys. I for one don't think they stand a chance in hell.

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I believe, from reading the logs of Bilrow, that blue was going to be permanent but that VE was allowed to reform on green instead, and thus they did so. I could be totally wrong though. :)


Of course you're going to tell the one person keeping you off green that you don't plan on coming back

Yeah this. Bilrow wouldn't be the best source on that, most likely.

Edited by RandomInterrupt
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Except I don't see Cornelius or Solaris anywhere in the OP. So please tell me, how does this reflect on Viridia as a whole? Just like your opinion isn't representative of TOP, you should also know the actions of the above members isn't representative of Viridia as a whole.

I expected better of you, Kaiser.

According to his signature:

Minister of Economics Minister of Information

Deputy Secretary of State

Viridians of the world unite!

he indeed is a member of the viridian government.

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According to his signature:

he indeed is a member of the viridian government.

Parliament is the Government. Positions listed there are not position within the parliament.
I agree this is crass and mean.

My 2

Thanks for the 2, bro!
I believe only Parliament members represent 'official' VE policy.
Aww, yeah.
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New low, VE. This is what your members are. Scoundrels. Your members represent you, Viridia. You're nothing more than scoundrels. You make bets and try to influence when an alliance disbands, you take pride in this? Trying to benefit from the death of communities? You're so funny. Very funny, Viridia.

This doesn't represent VE? So when did your members stop representing you? Your members is what you are. Remember that time you disbanded? Funny times! I lost about 40K NS for you, back then. Scoundrels, you take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. This is what you stand for, Viridia.

You find my alliance dying funny? I have lost over 40k Nation Strength for you, Viridia, Francesca has lost about the same. I was put on PZI, for you, Viridia, for standing up for what was right during the Green Civil War. I fought, the rest of you cowards deserted. And you hope that misfortunes happen to my alliance so you get money? Honor! Such honor!

This is how you treat past members that have moral objections about your actions. You're so funny, VE.

Scoundrels. You poke fun at the misfortunes of others. You're scoundrels.

Heck, I'm certainly a scoundrel. However, Hellscream, I hope you do know we're not -all- laughing at you. I don't keep up on politics much, I'm not even sure why/when you left Viridia, but you were a good warrior and brother-in-arms while you were here - Francesca was the same, in my book.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way. Don't categorize us all by the actions of a few - regardless of how tasteful or distasteful they may be. VE is a very broad community, that opens its doors to competent people from all corners of Planet Bob. Just because some of us are gambling on the misfortunes of others doesn't mean that all of us are.

Goldie's not really a veteran of VE leadership - he's one of our rising stars, and from what I know of him, he's a good soldier and officer. Admittedly he ****ed up here, but I don't believe his intent was to mock you (I'm afraid I can't say the same thing for all Viridians, we both know there's some deep tensions here).

My apologizes, mate.

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Regardless of whether Goldielax and the rest of the people in Viridia who are mocking me in this thread are in government or not, I will say this: they, like their government, are representatives of their alliance. They define the culture of their alliance. Of course there are going to be screwups, but given the large number of people involved in this, it is fair to say this reflects badly on Viridia itself. I think that betting on when an alliance is going to disband is bad enough. But to bring it to the Cyber Nations Forums for the sole purpose of humiliating me, and my alliance comrades? How pathetic.

Edited by Francesca
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Regardless of whether Goldielax and the rest of the people in Viridia who are mocking me in this thread are in government or not, I will say this: they, like their government, are representatives of their alliance. They define the culture of their alliance. Of course there are going to be screwups, but given the large number of people involved in this, it is fair to say this reflects badly on Viridia itself. I think that betting on when an alliance is going to disband is bad enough. But to bring it to the Cyber Nations Forums for the sole purpose of humiliating me, and my alliance comrades? How pathetic.

15 out of roughly 260 people in the alliance. A large number? These fifteen define the culture of our alliance? Says you, a traitor. We've had the Lord of the Entente who rarely posts here say this was not sanctioned by the government and that he's uncomfortable with this. He's also posted on our forums his disappointment. There's also been several other government members who have declared that this was not sponsored by the government and that this was in poor taste. But, this is what you do - spin, spin, spin to make yourself look like the victim. Admit it Fran, you love this. You love being the center of attention and we are providing it for you. Maybe you can use this to get Planet Bob to forget your "humiliating" comment about IS.

I'd also like to add that when it came out that you were a Vox spy, I and many others defended you. What did you do? You threw it in my face by aiding a nation we were at war with and then leaving in the middle of that war. So should we really get into what's really pathetic here?

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15 out of roughly 260 people in the alliance. A large number? These fifteen define the culture of our alliance? Says you, a traitor. We've had the Lord of the Entente who rarely posts here say this was not sanctioned by the government and that he's uncomfortable with this. He's also posted on our forums his disappointment. There's also been several other government members who have declared that this was not sponsored by the government and that this was in poor taste. But, this is what you do - spin, spin, spin to make yourself look like the victim. Admit it Fran, you love this. You love being the center of attention and we are providing it for you. Maybe you can use this to get Planet Bob to forget your "humiliating" comment about IS.

I'd also like to add that when it came out that you were a Vox spy, I and many others defended you. What did you do? You threw it in my face by aiding a nation we were at war with and then leaving in the middle of that war. So should we really get into what's really pathetic here?

Oh, please. I destroyed my nation for the Viridian Entente. I lost over 90% of my NS in your wars and took 16 nukes. I expected no reparations and received none. My nation is still feeling the effects. I left because my conscience no longer permitted me to remain in Viridia, *after* all the hard fighting was done. I took on three of MCXA's government simultaneously- two of their Chancellors and their Minister of Finances. I fought them by myself as there was no backup until Nueva Vida arrived. And guess what? NV pitched in because I asked them to! They even switched targets from IRON! I then went on to fight so many Pacificans I lost count, including Moo, Bilrow and Mary. I ZIed Bilrow and Moo, and did everything I could in the war. Stop trying to make me out to be a traitor to the Entente, because really, I'm not.

Strangely enough, I don't enjoy being the centre of drama in Cyber Nations because I get grief for it. You think I enjoy the hate-filled queries I get all the time on IRC? The aggression on these forums? Drama just seems to follow me, for example I never expected the Popcorn War to get so much publicity.

Yes, those fifteen highly active members constitute part of VE's culture. Every single member does.

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15 out of roughly 260 people in the alliance. A large number? These fifteen define the culture of our alliance? Says you, a traitor. We've had the Lord of the Entente who rarely posts here say this was not sanctioned by the government and that he's uncomfortable with this. He's also posted on our forums his disappointment. There's also been several other government members who have declared that this was not sponsored by the government and that this was in poor taste. But, this is what you do - spin, spin, spin to make yourself look like the victim. Admit it Fran, you love this. You love being the center of attention and we are providing it for you. Maybe you can use this to get Planet Bob to forget your "humiliating" comment about IS.

I'd also like to add that when it came out that you were a Vox spy, I and many others defended you. What did you do? You threw it in my face by aiding a nation we were at war with and then leaving in the middle of that war. So should we really get into what's really pathetic here?

I think supporting NPO in their "evil" acts, then joining a coalition that is fighting NPO for those "evil" acts is treachery, but I don't know. She called our VE's hypocracy, and she's a traitor for that? o/ Viridian logic

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I think supporting NPO in their "evil" acts, then joining a coalition that is fighting NPO for those "evil" acts is treachery, but I don't know. She called our VE's hypocracy, and she's a traitor for that? o/ Viridian logic

The Christmas Accords treaty was canceled months before the Karma war. You know this.

And why did she join VE if we were hypocrites? o/ HS logic.

Edited by Bill Wallace
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Regardless of whether Goldielax and the rest of the people in Viridia who are mocking me in this thread are in government or not, I will say this: they, like their government, are representatives of their alliance. They define the culture of their alliance. Of course there are going to be screwups, but given the large number of people involved in this, it is fair to say this reflects badly on Viridia itself. I think that betting on when an alliance is going to disband is bad enough. But to bring it to the Cyber Nations Forums for the sole purpose of humiliating me, and my alliance comrades? How pathetic.

Are you going to argue you don't deserve the humiliation?

Frankly you made just about every mistake you possibly could as an alliance leader, short of declaring open war on someone larger than you. That people all saw you were doomed to fail isn't their fault.

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This is almost as pathetic as the RAD nuke raids...
Not that I'd support an idea of a public "haw, haw, we saw this coming" joke, I wouldn't regard it as pathetic as government sanctioned nuke raiding.

But of course, you're entitled to your opinion.

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