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IRON's terms end

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Sorry to hear things didn't go swell. Guess that happens between former enemies sometimes. We often see former enemies tossing about words of love and happiness to the point that it sickens so I guess its almost refreshing to see this instead.

That being said, forcing people to drink alcohol isn't exactly something you can hold over them if they dont want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some suds myself from time to time but holding the fact that some of them were not pleased with such against them seems a bit much. I guess they did agree to that though.

I would like to mention that the forcing of drinking alcohol was never done. IRON was given the opportunity to review bacon, for whatever reason they didn't want to review alcohol. In one case a gov member of IRON reviewed indie games, and we accepted it. I even found this to be on of the better reviews, because he WANTED to do it and it showed in his review.

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So, they don't post beer reviews, so that makes them bad people? Why did you put that in terms to begin with..

I think the primary complaint was some initial slowness in dealing with other issues. However...

However, I have no desire to tar all of IRON with the same brush, for without the work of some extremely dedicated individuals IRON would not have reached this day so quickly, if at all. It should also be noted that IRON as a whole and our main contacts specifically have been extremely diligent in these last few weeks. As for IRON's general membership, I should hope that their willingness to shrug off a nuke and send back some banter is a more enduring image than the recalcitrance of a few.

So it all worked out in the end. I think perhaps that is enough said.

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So, they don't post beer reviews, so that makes them bad people? Why did you put that in terms to begin with..

There were 100+ violations of sending/receiving aid

We have 60 or so from [ooc]screenshots[/ooc] and we only started documenting after about a month or so

But thanks for playing Jump to Conclusions!


Edited by Ruler with Plan X
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how is being indignant throughout the period of terms somehow maintaining dignity? frankly, it does show more childishness and makes IRON look like amateurs (especially since gov was doing this).

If you want serious response, don't put in lulz terms. If you put lulz terms in you should expect either a lulz reponse, or having those terms not to be taken seriously.

It will be interesting to see what IRON does now that they are free.

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While the focal point is going to be on the reviews because we used it as fodder for our election announcement, the sentiments expressed in the OP are not limited to that - there were a large number of terms violations to deal with which were not always met with expedient responses. As Quad noted in the second to last paragraph, in the past couple weeks, IRON's response time stepped up immensely, and they should be lauded for that. But for a fair portion of the terms, there did not appear to be much self-policing going on to ensure compliance.

As part of the terms Fark was among one of many alliances that were obligated to defending attacks on IRON (which was effectively demilitarized ),

I know from my own experience that in the first couple of weeks that it was difficult to get yous to respond to attacks on IRON and sort out the defence so matters sometimes had to be taken into their own hands, until IRON and the alliances it surrendered to got used to the proper actions or methods to use. So the fault doesn't only lie with them.

Also see my earlier post about celebrations.

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Classy. Your putting a dampener on the atmosphere. It is after all a celebratory time. :awesome:

What damper? i fought ONE nation who had his MP, and countless others who had crap like Space Program and FAC yet no MP. top 5% worked really well for about a week

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There were 100+ violations of sending/receiving aid

We have 60 or so from [ooc]screenshots[/ooc] and we only started documenting after about a month or so

But thanks for playing Jump to Conclusions!

Ah, thanks for not clarifying your points in the OP

Edited by Jacapo Saladin
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So, they don't post beer reviews, so that makes them bad people? Why did you put that in terms to begin with..

OOC: Poking my head out of retirement for a sec here..

I think the objective was to make light hearted terms and to bring Fark and IRON closer together through opening up a fun form of communication. I think Fark felt a bit saddened IRON wanted to put up resistance to the idea and in many ways rejected their plea for just kind of enjoying one another's company through comradery.

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So, they don't post beer reviews, so that makes them bad people? Why did you put that in terms to begin with..

Apparently yourself, and many others, needs to learn reading comprehension. The beer reviews were but of one problem. They had problems policing themselves for most of the terms, up until the last couple of weeks. If we wanted to, we could've resumed a war with them with a legit CB.

Either way, we didn't take such actions, and we felt that one war was enough for IRON to endure, and they soon started getting a hold of the situation.

Good luck to IRON in the future :)

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The character of this announcement is so a-typical I don't really know how I can respond, or how anyone can. Perhaps it's because it seems like pure honesty without an agenda, at least without a very clear one.

Congratulations to IRON on their liberation. I remember the feeling when our terms finally ended, and it is rather wonderful.

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Honestly we were under the impression that the beer reviews were largely a joke and I seem to recall even being told not to take them seriously. It's not that we were avoiding doing it so much as it wasn't exactly high priority. First we heard of them actually being serious was an angry post on the OWF. As for Bay's one, he's just grumpy like that :P Some of us also had other RL delays on top of that (I had some computer problems and was pretty sick, only just now recovering.)

I would like to mention that the forcing of drinking alcohol was never done. IRON was given the opportunity to review bacon, for whatever reason they didn't want to review alcohol. In one case a gov member of IRON reviewed indie games, and we accepted it. I even found this to be on of the better reviews, because he WANTED to do it and it showed in his review.

To be perfectly honest I don't really care for either substance but I worked out a solution. Not that I could afford to spare the money for either really.

Regardless, I'm very happy to be free of terms, and thankful for those who worked with us to get out of this smoothly.

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I would like to mention that the forcing of drinking alcohol was never done. IRON was given the opportunity to review bacon, for whatever reason they didn't want to review alcohol. In one case a gov member of IRON reviewed indie games, and we accepted it. I even found this to be on of the better reviews, because he WANTED to do it and it showed in his review.

Understood, due to the amount of Fark responses to that statement of mine, I can see you guys take such seriously and that it was not the intention to do what I stated. If you guys would like I will go back and amend that portion of my statement. I can see where it might be inflammatory.

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As part of the terms Fark was among one of many alliances that were obligated to defending attacks on IRON (which was effectively demilitarized ),

I know from my own experience that in the first couple of weeks that it was difficult to get yous to respond to attacks on IRON and sort out the defence so matters sometimes had to be taken into their own hands, until IRON and the alliances it surrendered to got used to the proper actions or methods to use. So the fault doesn't only lie with them.

Also see my earlier post about celebrations.

As the person who dealt with such cases, i assure you every incident they brought to our attention was dealt with by one of the alliances enforcing terms or was handed back to IRON for them to deal with in-house. not one instance that was brought to our attention was overlooked or ignored

Since we're on the subject why dont you ask IRON why it was so difficult to control their members? it took the threats of more attacks to get them to start to decom their military per the terms..and this was a week after terms were signed

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IRON is perhaps the most "foreign" alliance to me. I've never made an effort to even communicate with them because to be honest, I've never cared for them...they've just always been kind of there. I look forward to giving you a fair shake however, good luck in all that you do IRON.

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I think the objective was to make light hearted terms and to bring Fark and IRON closer together through opening up a fun form of communication. I think Fark felt a bit saddened IRON wanted to put up resistance to the idea and in many ways rejected their plea for just kind of enjoying one another's company through comradery.

Or, putting it more bluntly, the objective was "to make light hearted terms" to create the groundwork for IRON shifting to a possible ally in the future, or at least not an enemy, and Fark "felt a bit saddened" when IRON did not want to play ball and pursue the appeasement of the victors for the sake of political expediency, which when added to actual and legitimate problems of term enforcement only ended up in reinforcing feelings of bitterness and result in a furthering of the very rift that this policy sought to close in the first place.

Regardless, congratulations IRON on having your freedom at last.

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Or, putting it more bluntly, the objective was "to make light hearted terms" to create the groundwork for IRON shifting to a possible ally in the future, or at least not an enemy, and Fark "felt a bit saddened" when IRON did not want to play ball and pursue the appeasement of the victors for the sake of political expediency, which when added to actual and legitimate problems of term enforcement only ended up in reinforcing feelings of bitterness and result in a furthering of the very rift that this policy sought to close in the first place.

Regardless, congratulations IRON on having your freedom at last.

Exactly. We were in no way hoping to foster the good will we had achieved during war, but in peace time. I mean, that's completely insane. Fark is exactly the type of alliance that would use and abuse an alliance. I should know, I'm in government.

I really want to see how long it takes for people to realize this was sarcasm.

Edited by fireguy15207
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