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IRON's terms end

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The 90 day period of surrender that followed the end of IRON's part in the Karma war has come to a close. As of today they are free to go their own way once more. However, as the primary alliance in charge of the enforcement of their terms, we have a parting message.

When we first learned that we were going in against IRON, we figured we were in for an easy fight. IRON was big, sure, but as a close ally to the NPO it had been a long time since they'd faced a losing fight, or even fair odds. Having fought GGA in the Unjust War, we expected much the same from IRON: for them to be clumsy and soft, their members uncoordinated and quick to give up. Any large alliance has some dead weight and IRON certainly had its share, but we found underneath a solid core of dedicated fighters. We may have been on opposite sides, we may not have agreed with what they were fighting to defend, but there is little that impresses Farkers more than resilience; and we were impressed.

As the war came to its conclusion and IRON surrendered, a number of us looked forward to interacting with them without bombs flying overhead. Some remembered our time under surrender terms to the GOONS and the common ground we found once the bullets had stopped flying. With our new and unexpectedly positive image of IRON, we had some hope that we would find them as easy to work with in peace as we did in trading recipes across the battlefield.

Unfortunately, quite the opposite was true. We found them time and again to be unwilling to police themselves and exceedingly slow in correcting issues. For those of you who have read the beer tasting threads, you may have noticed the amount of time and pressure it took for them to follow what was, in essence, a mandatory PR exercise, and even then not without one of their government members spitting in our face.

Whether truly warranted or the reflection of a handful of loudly uncooperative members, the image of IRON in Farkistan today is not the one we ended the war with. It is one of a churlish and uncooperative group, who, rather than accepting defeat with grace and using the opportunity to start anew, cast aside what good will they might have gained out of childish petulance. It's a rare thing for us to be so disappointed.

However, I have no desire to tar all of IRON with the same brush, for without the work of some extremely dedicated individuals IRON would not have reached this day so quickly, if at all. It should also be noted that IRON as a whole and our main contacts specifically have been extremely diligent in these last few weeks. As for IRON's general membership, I should hope that their willingness to shrug off a nuke and send back some banter is a more enduring image than the recalcitrance of a few.

IRON, regardless of the issues we've had, this is a time for starting fresh, both in the end of your terms and the aftermath of the Karma War. While we may not soon forget our experiences working (and fighting) with you, we bear you no ill will. In that spirit, we wish you luck wherever your path may take you.

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Congrats to IRON

This is well deserved



Fark lost a lot of respect in my book

its ok, because nobody has even heard of you

Also, congrats on peace IRON...let this be a lesson that not everybody is as kind as Fark is.

Edited by wickedj
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o/ IRON congrats and God's speed recovering! :awesome: I agree with Dwight and feel the same way about the ring leaders of Karma and regret my role in fighting for them as I have found that Karma is full of it and just as bad as if not worse than the Hegemony... :ph34r:

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Congrats to IRON

This is well deserved



Fark lost a lot of respect in my book

Thank god your opinion isn't worth a damn.

Also congrats to IRON on your completion.


Edited by Joe Stupid
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Sorry to hear things didn't go swell. Guess that happens between former enemies sometimes. We often see former enemies tossing about words of love and happiness to the point that it sickens so I guess its almost refreshing to see this instead.

That being said, forcing people to drink alcohol isn't exactly something you can hold over them if they dont want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some suds myself from time to time but holding the fact that some of them were not pleased with such against them seems a bit much. I guess they did agree to that though.

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