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The Resolution

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Is Sileath honestly at the center of another issue? Can this be the last time? Please?

You people always get to saying the good things before me, strength in numbers I guess. )):

But seriously, this isn't a Sileath thread. Make another one to debate about him if you must. I really can't count the number of threads that have been derailed to the subject of Sileath. :facepalm:

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You people always get to saying the good things before me, strength in numbers I guess. )):

But seriously, this isn't a Sileath thread. Make another one to debate about him if you must. I really can't count the number of threads that have been derailed to the subject of Sileath. :facepalm:

Actually, at this point it is a Sileath thread. This is pretty much entirely about him.

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Hopefully Sorum and tF don’t go back on their word again. Congratulations to FAIL for another victorious war.

I don't think they won. I don't think tF won either. A stupid war fought for little to no reason.

Congratulations on peace, although don't expect me at the party.

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Indeed, I surely won't acknowledge a winner in this war. Started for petty reasons with both parties in the wrong, that was my thought when I entered last nights debacle.

And last night did prove what I thought of Sileath, based off what others said. Thanks for being right, for I know he didn't belong in here.

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Since I have never said a word or taken an action against Polaris, I'll bite. What exactly would make me unappealing to an alliance? Be specific please.

I'm thinking Moridin was hinting at how you've become a nuisance, and an alliance hopper. You may have not done a thing to Polaris, but that doesn't mean you can't annoy the members with your actions.

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Sup Doitzel, why you talking about things you know nothing about? Have we ever been in an alliance together, or do you only know what you hear from people on the OWF? Here's a run down of reasons for leaving alliances.

NPO - Resigned following a rant in the Diplomatic Corps channel

/A\/A\ - Expelled for having +o in #blackstonecollusion

STA - Resigned to join NSO

NSO - Resigned due to citizenry not being informed of Frostbite treaty before it hit the OWF

Athens - Resigned due to Londo not caring that a member of MK and a member of Sparta were trying to bribe other government officials to get me expelled, also Londo's lying about knowing about me using NSO's recruitment parser

MHA - Resigned to fight BTA

CG - Resigned due to refusal to surrender to Dynomite Pact

tF - Expelled as part of peace deal with GDI

With this post and another post connected to this one, you just lost another person that was pulling for you. Now I know for sure that it wasn't bad luck that got you into this position....no you bring this type of crap on yourself. You are out-right lying. (regarding your other post:) Crimson Guard didn't agree to not recognize Dynomate Pact before you joined. You joined well before we even knew about the mess's entirety. As for the post I quoted, those are some pretty weak reasons to leave...a few of which are also lies.

Enjoy Planet Bob, Mr. Sileath.

Edited by Kevanovia
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I don't think they won. I don't think tF won either. A stupid war fought for little to no reason.

Congratulations on peace, although don't expect me at the party.

It would depend on your if you are strictly speaking of the physical war or if you wish to include the war fought on these forums. If it is the war of words, then RV thrashed the Family as many do not care much for tF at this moment. Thanks to Sorum, Blackjack, and other gov members; tF has lost at least 2 members, many in CN now do not trust nor like tF, and in general the Family has very poor public opinion thanks to this whole fiasco, that could have ended very easily, even before it began.

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Indeed, I surely won't acknowledge a winner in this war. Started for petty reasons with both parties in the wrong, that was my thought when I entered last nights debacle.

And last night did prove what I thought of Sileath, based off what others said. Thanks for being right, for I know he didn't belong in here.

that is quite a different stance than what you stated yesterday.


"Not that I liked getting peace, but blowing up stuff for petty reasons from RV and GDI side of things do seem more dastardly, imo. Sorum may have had a "vendatta", but honestly, you don't insult the man and the alliance in IRC and get away with it... especially from the Mafia. Pertaining to our theme... however sick and twisted that is."

seems you only thought RV/GDI were in the wrong and that Sorum was in the right. Amazing how your opinion has changed. seems i also did just what you said RV could not get away with. so glad to know that the Family is quite selective in who they allow or do not allow to get away with insulting them.

anyways congrats to RV/GDI for gaining peace.

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anyways congrats to RV/GDI for gaining peace.

Hey, !@#$%artaigh, you can lay off the trolling. Seriously, if you're gonna bring up "Oh I just insulted you where's my raid" every time you decide to post in a tF thread, don't type at all. Tanis has said to many people that his opinion has changed since last night, and that you weren't among them doesn't give you a reason to start mouthing off.

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Hey, !@#$%artaigh, you can lay off the trolling. Seriously, if you're gonna bring up "Oh I just insulted you where's my raid" every time you decide to post in a tF thread, don't type at all. Tanis has said to many people that his opinion has changed since last night, and that you weren't among them doesn't give you a reason to start mouthing off.

who is trollin? i am stating facts, sorry if you do not like it. though you turning my name into !@#$%artaigh is trolling and flaming. so you should beware of doing that.

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I have to wonder why I was attacked this morning by another GDI member, long after peace was declared and why Technician thought he should throw in one last blow before sending peace. Last time I checked, peace meant peace, not kick your enemy and hope no one is looking because you "think" you have the upper hand. Speaking just for me right now, but I'm not convinced that we've reached a resolution after all.








This guy will probably claim he didn't get the memo on peace being declared, but if that's the case, why did he send a peace offer only a few minutes after his strikes? I can see it now...he attacked and then visited the forums or irc where he found out and if that's the case, he owes reps either way.

And now...



Notice the times on these. I guess they got the big head and felt they own us so they can do what they want. If they didn't like something I had to say in the main forums and continued attacks on me for that reason, then that makes them no better than what Sorum did to kick this whole thing off.

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Or if people stop creating pointless threads about him, that would work as well.

The problem: If you build it, he will come. The only way to ensure a Sileath-free existence is to enforce global radio silence.

Until that blessed day arrives, we may bask in the enjoyment of watching him burn every bridge he crosses.

Congratulations, RV. You never cease to amaze me.

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Provide evidence of me saying that or take that back. You crossed a line there.

I'm arriving way late to this thread, but you should just shut the $%&@ up. You've spewed so much !@#$%^&* about Athens and me without even the slightest shade of proof I couldn't care less about anything bad that happens to you. It's basically impossible to slander you at this point; you're that repulsive.

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that is quite a different stance than what you stated yesterday.


"Not that I liked getting peace, but blowing up stuff for petty reasons from RV and GDI side of things do seem more dastardly, imo. Sorum may have had a "vendatta", but honestly, you don't insult the man and the alliance in IRC and get away with it... especially from the Mafia. Pertaining to our theme... however sick and twisted that is."

seems you only thought RV/GDI were in the wrong and that Sorum was in the right. Amazing how your opinion has changed. seems i also did just what you said RV could not get away with. so glad to know that the Family is quite selective in who they allow or do not allow to get away with insulting them.

anyways congrats to RV/GDI for gaining peace.

What I said last night was after the fact I did get the peace between tF, GDI, and FAIL. However in the 90 minutes following it, my exhausted brain and tried body watched all that work go into flames.

I've never liked the OWF for the webs it spins and I like posting up personal masks to hide my true opinion all the time. That's what I did when I brokered peace. I don't have much respect for GDI and RV from a private standpoint. But I talked anyway. I think I have a fair grasp of RV, and his power will only affect those who let him get under their skin. This is why I a) only scan OWF and post rarely and B) if I have to post, it's probably neutral in interpretation.

Pointing fingers to blame who did what doesn't help us... and what is done is done. What Sileath did after I got peace was insulting to me. Plus, being a man outgunned in the private channel working for a "politically correct" action, I didn't get much for backup.

Whatever you post to "enrage" me won't help, since my patience does surpass many in this room and not easily taken by bait. I am a man who is true to his word and I'll still pay on Sorum's behalf in the earlier dealings.

Thank you for you assumptions.

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