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The Dawn of a new era for Sparta

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Also, I lol'd at this:

ΕΒΔΟΜΟΝ [Poaching]

The poaching of Spartan members, whether direct or indirect, is strictly prohibited. Poaching is defined as any attempt to convince a Spartan member to join another alliance, and is considered an act of aggression against the entire alliance.

Heh yeah, good luck enforcing that literally, Sparta. Seriously, indirect? There's a whole forum here dedicated to indirect (passive) recruiting. I eagerly await your declaration of war. :P

I'd also like to take this opportunity to invite anyone reading this to join the Liquor Cabinet.

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Hmm I was hoping Sparta would get rid of that duel Monarch system as its just...ugh...it even contradicts the word Monarchy. Is it really that hard to have 1 King and some sort of regent? Aside from that and the excessive amounts of government positions (hey your almost as big as Athens now :P ) it seems to be a very complete system. Best of luck to Sparta.

They have a "Regent"......ME! They don't need two lol. I'm enough trouble in my own right.

Your government needs to correspond in size to the amount of nations you have in your alliance. That way one or two people are not being worked to death having to do it all themselves.

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Very very very cool. Good to see Wandmdave back in higher government and I can also say that I am proud to have served as an Ephor and was part of this great alliance at one point in time. I'm glad you guys are now at the top of the world. Good luck my former brothers.

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I'd also like to take this opportunity to invite anyone reading this to join the Liquor Cabinet.

What you did there. I see it. :P

Can you summerize the differences in this charter from the last?

A change in government structure (more spread out), dissolution of the senate, more and better defined rights of members, a revamped judicial system, and a multitude of other smaller things. I had a hard time reading the whole thing the the first time too. :D

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ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟΝ [sovereignty]

Noting the sovereignty of Sparta as an independent alliance, any document or agreement forfeiting Spartan sovereignty to any extent can be neither ratified nor valid. This includes, but is not limited to, pacts including mutual aggression, terms imposed on Sparta by a foreign alliance or allowing foreigners to directly affect Spartan foreign and domestic policy. Mutual Defense Pacts do not apply to this amendment, as they are not considered a forfeiture of sovereignty, but a vow of trust and wilful support in defense of another Alliance.

Very interesting. Congrats on the new charter!

Edited by JoshuaR
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Can you summerize the differences in this charter from the last?

A lot of it is purely the internal structure. It includes all SOPs, and defines each and every position very clearly. It is extremely well written, and has no obvious loopholes included.

I am proud to have signed this constitution, as I feel it is the most proper and clear charter in this game.

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