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To those who say that this thread has no purpose, I can retort that one unexpected result from this would be the list of alliances we can cleary mark off our "possible" future treaty partners. I had no idea that MK held such contempt for Invicta.

As Jorost said in the OP, we have encountered alliances that have said they would not deal with us if we continued being friends with NPO. This also will serve to tell those alliance that we will not drop our friends to gain new ones. Even if those news ones are now the ones caling the shots and determining the penalties.

Invicta and NPO roll together thru thick and thin.


O/ Invicta

O/ New Purple Order (nPo)

O/ Purple meat shield

Edited by Amonra
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I remember when people joked like that about GGA :awesome:

Don't remind me. Even if Invicta jokes around with titles like "meat shield" and "colony" they grow old really fast for any proud and self respecting alliance.

I know the GGA has those qualities and I'm confident Invicta (although i do hardly know them) has them too.

Enjoy the joke for now, It's like a glass of beer: good at first but it becomes stale when you leave it standing for too long.

Edited by andre27
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It was 8 alliances actually.

More interesting is how I said at the beginning of the Karma War that Karma was going to impose reparations reminiscent of Versailles, and every one cried "NO, NO, Karma will never impose anything more than a white peace." I said, We'll see. We all saw.

Secondly, I remember when TOP came in and how they were all about making sure everyone got fair and equitable terms, good to see how that went.

These are all interconnected because in all these cases it was fair weather friends all over the place. I think that part of the reason Invicta is willing to remain friends with the NPO is because we know that they will stick with us no matter what, unlike some other "friends" and alliances that I'll not name, but everyone knows who they are...

You are clearly delusional. Karma was not a white peace movement, or a minimal reparations movement. It was a movement to punish certain parties for their multiple years of abusing power. The only ones that suggested that Karma would give everyone white peace was Karma's enemies. Until you recognize that you will continually look like a fool who has very little grasp on history.

Edited by Ragashingo
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You are clearly delusional. Karma was not a white peace movement, or a minimal reparations movement. It was a movement to punish certain parties for their multiple years of abusing power. The only ones that suggested that Karma would give everyone white peace was Karma's enemies. Until you recognize that you will continually look like a fool who has very little grasp on history.

Ragashingo, you just may want to re-read that post. Tim said that people were saying Karma would be the one imposing harsh terms, and that he said they wouldn't. Then he mentioned TOP as one party which tried to push white peace, which if I remember correctly was the source of a bit of drama. He never said that Karma as a whole pushed for white peace.

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Ragashingo, you just may want to re-read that post. Tim said that people were saying Karma would be the one imposing harsh terms, and that he said they wouldn't. Then he mentioned TOP as one party which tried to push white peace, which if I remember correctly was the source of a bit of drama. He never said that Karma as a whole pushed for white peace.

Are you sure?

He said that he said* Karma would impose something like Versailles. Then he goes on to basically say he was right. The Treaty of Versailles was not a happy lenient treaty. It was a bad treaty that was overly harsh and is generally agreed to have helped lead to the second World War.

He goes on to say that TOP promised a fair peace to everyone and that we see how that went, implying that TOP failed to fulfill it's promise.

*Heh, the first of that sentence hurts my head with the "he said he said" part but I went with it anyway! :P

Edited by Ragashingo
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Are you sure?

He said that he said* Karma would impose something like Versailles. Then he goes on to basically say he was right. The Treaty of Versailles was not a happy lenient treaty. It was a bad treaty that was overly harsh and is generally agreed to have helped lead to the second World War.

He goes on to say that TOP promised a fair peace to everyone and that we see how that went, implying that TOP failed to fulfill it's promise.

*Heh, the first of that sentence hurts my head with the "he said he said" part but I went with it anyway! :P

I re-read it again and...well, now you know why I wear glasses.

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And I quickly learned that this view was an extension of how one of our oldest allies, NPO, was viewed. We were, it seemed, being judged by the company we kept. Which brings me back to the idea of changing Invicta's image.

Well, you have a long way to go. I think it's appropriate to note that if you think this is your foreign affairs problem, you can look forward to chasing shadows.

In a certain flavor of irony, this very thread is an illustration of this.

Edited by deja
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Well, you have a long way to go. I think it's appropriate to note that if you think this is your foreign affairs problem, you can look forward to chasing shadows.

In a certain flavor of irony, this very thread is an illustration of this.

Feel free to contact me on IRC and tell me exactly what your problems with our foreign affairs are.

As the new MoFA, I'll do my best to fix them for you =D

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You are clearly delusional. Karma was not a white peace movement, or a minimal reparations movement. It was a movement to punish certain parties for their multiple years of abusing power. The only ones that suggested that Karma would give everyone white peace was Karma's enemies. Until you recognize that you will continually look like a fool who has very little grasp on history.

But yet half of the alliances in Karma held MADP's with Pacifica, sat back in the Continuum and watched the NPO do what they did, in some cases even helped them commit these "Crimes ", The MADP's show clear intent that they would back them up if anyone blind sided NPO. Then they have the nerve to form a coalition named Karma and punish those for years of abusing power? Most of you as their allies either sat back and let them do it, or in some cases helped them, Then you have the nerve to call the ones who remain friends with them after the war meat shields...........................This is just wow.

This shows that this war was never about punishing anyone, it was just all about crapping on the NPO for the years that they stayed on top of the game and destroyed anyone who threatened they're title. And before you even call me an NPO lover note that I was Anti-NPO for 3 1/2 years (Basically My entire nations existence). In fact you could name me chief flamer of NPO DoW threads. But then I noticed there was something worse than tyranny, Apathy then Hypocrisy. And even after you win the war, Grinding NPO and their allies to dust you still harbor hate for them and anyone who still likes them, flaming every thread that the NPO or it's friends make.................this is also wow.

Don't get me wrong I always wanted the NPO to mess with the wrong people and get back slapped, I just didn't expect it from some of the people who also deserved it.

Though I give respect to MK even though they're acting !@#$% bags.

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But yet half of the alliances in Karma held MADP's with Pacifica, sat back in the Continuum and watched the NPO do what they did, in some cases even helped them commit these "Crimes ", The MADP's show clear intent that they would back them up if anyone blind sided NPO. Then they have the nerve to form a coalition named Karma and punish those for years of abusing power? Most of you as their allies either sat back and let them do it, or in some cases helped them, Then you have the nerve to call the ones who remain friends with them after the war meat shields...........................This is just wow.

This shows that this war was never about punishing anyone, it was just all about crapping on the NPO for the years that they stayed on top of the game and destroyed anyone who threatened they're title. And before you even call me an NPO lover note that I was Anti-NPO for 3 1/2 years (Basically My entire nations existence). In fact you could name me chief flamer of NPO DoW threads. But then I noticed there was something worse than tyranny, Apathy then Hypocrisy. And even after you win the war, Grinding NPO and their allies to dust you still harbor hate for them and anyone who still likes them, flaming every thread that the NPO or it's friends make.................this is also wow.

Don't get me wrong I always wanted the NPO to mess with the wrong people and get back slapped, I just didn't expect it from some of the people who also deserved it.

Though I give respect to MK even though they're acting !@#$% bags.

WHile no doubt you were anti-NPO in words your nation does not show the scars of putting that motivation into action...at least judging by your casualty count, i mean no disrespect but anyone who claims to be a chief flamer of the NPO DoW threads surely should have seen more action in the field against Pacifica?? :ehm:

Also while i see your point regarding former TC alliances siding with Karma not every Karma alliance was directly tied to TC in the past, you also generalize far too much about what people who fought for Karma wanted; sure some fought for principle others fought for vengeance. Karma was never uniform in its agenda bar the defeat of NPO/1V and any other comers therefore generalizations regarding the end goal of Karma are not really applicable.

As for the hate the precedence for that was set a long time ago and one little war will not wipe the slate clean for anyone (not just NPO but anyone who has messed in some way, bad rep follow you like your own shadow) and to berate people for having an opinion no matter how negative is plain silly.

Edited by Cataduanes
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WHile no doubt you were anti-NPO in words your nation does not show the scars of putting that motivation into action...at least judging by your casualty count, i mean no disrespect but anyone who claims to be a chief flamer of the NPO DoW threads surely should have seen more action in the field against Pacifica?? :ehm:

Also while i see your point regarding former TC alliances siding with Karma not every Karma alliance was directly tied to TC in the past, you also generalize far too much about what people who fought for Karma wanted; sure some fought for principle others fought for vengeance. Karma was never uniform in its agenda bar the defeat of NPO/1V and any other comers therefore generalizations regarding the end goal of Karma are not really applicable.

As for the hate the precedence for that was set a long time ago and one little war will not wipe the slate clean for anyone (not just NPO but anyone who has messed in some way, bad rep follow you like your own shadow) and to berate people for having an opinion no matter how negative is plain silly.

Well just because I didn't commit suicide by throwing myself against an 800 nation alliance doesn't make me less anti-NPO than the next guy. I was in the GDA for 3 1/2 years, when I finally decided to check the GDA forums for the 2nd time being my first year in the alliance I saw the treaty list. I saw the New Kids On The bLock pact. I was not a amused, but at the same time I was happy where I was, I liked the position I was in, and cared about the alliance I was in, so I wasn't going to run off on them just to attack the NPO knowing it would be an epic fail, though I respect Vox for trying. and being a flamer of NPO threads doesn't constitute attacking their alliance in-game.. Though I respect you for bringing fourth an opinion in a formal manner ( unlike some people) I wanted to correct that misconception. And by the way, my first ever casualties came from Pacifica when I was unaligned and my nation was only a little over a week old 2 NPO nations jumped me, guess who got them to back off? The GDA, No way in hell I was going to back stab them just to fight NPO and lose.

"not every Karma alliance was directly tied to TC in the past"

I don't remember saying they were. Karma's purpose was to punish the NPO for it's "crimes" and any other who "abused" their powers in the past. When a whole coalition attacks you for that purpose it's pretty much easy to generalize what their goal is whether it's new found principle or vegeance for something they attempted to do to the NPO but got beat to the punch.

And finally I'm not berating people for having opinions"

"You are clearly delusional. Karma was not a white peace movement, or a minimal reparations movement. It was a movement to punish certain parties for their multiple years of abusing power. The only ones that suggested that Karma would give everyone white peace was Karma's enemies. Until you recognize that you will continually look like a fool who has very little grasp on history."

That wasn't an opinion, that was carefully re-wording facts and a pretty blunt insult. Which I felt to then need to defend the person that it was meant for. It's funny everytime NPO crushed someone I've hardly ever seen it act this way like the post war Karma Coalition is now. I remember NPO celebrating there victories and even impose the "harsh" terms. I don't recall harsh disrespect that that alot of people in Karma have shown after their victories. They crushed an allaince and moved on. What I see here are the victors , completley decimating the other side, and now the few people who come out to shake hands with their weaken destroyed friends and start anew are being berated and flamed for it. If you want to go after people for berating you should start with them instead of starting with the people on the people you think are your enemy.

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:blink: no harsh disrespect?? are you kidding me? have you been on the same CN forum as me for the last 3 years or is there another one no one told me about? You really think the odd shroomsters quip in this very thread is worse than the verbal lashings of victorious Pacificans back in the day? :blink: . ''Crushing and moving on'' is not how i would put it not in reference to people like GATO for example...''crushing and coming back to crush again'' is how i remember it.

As for the insult your issue there is with Raga not 'Karma', you should take it up with him rather than spouting generalizations about all and sundry. As for me i am happy to see everyone pitch in with an opinion (even the ones i do not agree with), i can remember a time on these boards when such actions were rare...the fact that everyone can speak their mind is a bonus in my eyes.

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But yet half of the alliances in Karma held MADP's with Pacifica, sat back in the Continuum and watched the NPO do what they did, in some cases even helped them commit these "Crimes ", The MADP's show clear intent that they would back them up if anyone blind sided NPO. Then they have the nerve to form a coalition named Karma and punish those for years of abusing power? Most of you as their allies either sat back and let them do it, or in some cases helped them, Then you have the nerve to call the ones who remain friends with them after the war meat shields...........................This is just wow.

This shows that this war was never about punishing anyone, it was just all about crapping on the NPO for the years that they stayed on top of the game and destroyed anyone who threatened they're title.

The Viridian Entente is the only Karma alliance to have ever held a MADP with NPO.* The treaty was canceled a full month before the war started.

And how is crapping on someone not punishment? :lol1:

*edit: I suppose you could argue for NpO as well

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The Viridian Entente is the only Karma alliance to have ever held a MADP with NPO.* The treaty was canceled a full month before the war started.

And how is crapping on someone not punishment? :lol1:

*edit: I suppose you could argue for NpO as well

If you accept that WUT was an MADP, that brings TOP in as a former MADP partner of NPO too.

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