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Quick Announcement from Ordo Verde


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That's the second greatest gift I've ever gotten. I love you, Revanche. :v:

What was the first? :(

I don't think anyone but NPO and Karma is going to keep stats of all the aid transfers. Granted, it would probably have come out anyway, but in my opinion, classy move by OV in just releasing this, rather than not saying anything and hoping nobody noticed. They're taking some heat for the amount they're getting, but at least they're being up front about it.


If outside parties are so curious about the exact allocation of reparations, perhaps they should spend less time ranting on the forums and more time investigating issues that concern them. No alliance from Karma is hiding their share of the reparations - I mean, what's the point, considering the total is known and anyone can watch the aid screens? - most of us just did not see the point in a coalition announcement detailing the payment structure. The only parties that need to be concerned with said structure is Karma and NPO; both of which are interested in seeing the payments made as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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This is incredibly disappointing to read. I feel a little better about it after reading that the total reps amount was agreed upon and the individual alliances who fought decided to divy them up amongst themselves. That said, it's still beyond absurd that an alliance is about to quadruple it's tech via reparations.

This is not war reparations. This is war profiteering. Big old thumbs down to this.

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I lol'ed. :P

(Oh sorry, this had to be capitalized, right? ;) )

No, lol isn't an actual word; it's always recognized as an acronym. However, aid is and should be capitalized when being used as an acronym. I've noticed this across multiple threads.

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New question and I don't care how far off topic I'm knocking it. Capitalizing AID. Last I checked, aid isn't an acronym. Discuss.

Apparently, AID is an acronym for Assess, Improve, Decide (You learn something new everyday)

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This is easily the most ignorant post that I have ever read. Let me give you an analogy.

There is this one guy. Over there are 500 guys. He is sitting on the park eating icecream. The 500 guys want his icecream. They try to curb storm him. They toss his icecream into the the dirt and smash it. Some people see this and stop the bullies. They make him pay for the icecream and a bit more for being a...well you know.

A drunk guy sees this happening. He calls the one guy a bully and is laughed at by everyone.

Guess who the drunk guy is. I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

A bit more? A better analogy for this situation would be this: same guys, same ice cream. Instead of paying for his ice cream, they're forced to buy him a majority share of Dairy Queen.

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No, lol isn't an actual word; it's always recognized as an acronym. However, aid is and should be capitalized when being used as an acronym. I've noticed this across multiple threads.

I couldn't care less.

Have fun knocking this thread even more off topic. :P

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I couldn't care less.

Have fun knocking this thread even more off topic. :P

I live for it.

Knocking the thread back onto topic, I'd have to agree with Chimaera's analogy. $%&@ all I'm actually going to do about it though, I'm just a tech miner.

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There is always the option of....you know....reducing the reps if not everyone is taking them.

That's the reason why the reps figure was set as a total in the agreement; the negotiators wanted to make sure the reps weren't reduced.

Like I said at the time.

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Making the NPO pay 50k tech and 1 billion to the people who sparked this whole war and caused all the damage in the first place...I just love irony don't you?


No, as I'm sure you picked up I mean Ordo Verde. Wildly unpopular though it is, I have no problem saying that I place the blame for this war squarely on their feet, and their Karma allies who were slavering for revenge. I shall now stop posting because there is not point in turning this into another "who's fault is it" thread.

And here I thought you would stop posting because your posts were just ridiculous...

I personally can't wait for the day that sethb and Ordo Verde get rolled.

Well, with inflation it might cost you more than 1 billion and 50k tech the next time.

Therefore, I see no reason to send any reps at all, since Karma obviously plans to rig the game.

Hey, that's page 47 in the NPO playbook. Bet OV spied on NPO to get that information ;)

I'm going to save us all some time:

"Maybe NPO should have waited until negotiations were resolved one way or the other to declare war?"

"It was a trap laid by Karma. You didn't want peace."

"We were prepared to offer Sethb's ZI in exchange for the ZI of the person who gave you the information."

"That's a terrible offer"

"No u"

"No u"

"No u"

"NPO won GWI"

"Sponge was evil for his actions in the UjW"

"I hate you all"


Can we go home now?

Funny because it's true.

Are you interested in Pacifica being able to pay?

Sure. They would be crazy not to...But I don't think the terms are up in 6 months. Just that they last at least 6 months. So you guys take all of the time you need.

I actually thought we would be able to keep our word.From the reactions here I believe that OV has no intention of allowing Us to.You seem more inclined to make us unable to fulfill our terms.

Now wait, what page is that in the NPO playbook? Ahh, here it is on page 114. But they wrote it in invisible ink and you need a secret decoder ring too. Very tricky!

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Hopefully OV will be able to provide all the aid targets needed to receive these reps in a timely fashion in accordance with the terms.

And if they are not, then their reps will hopefully be diverted to another alliance so as to not needlessly extend the terms because of the recipient's inability to receive the reps.

Ahh, now Moo is slyly trying to take over the execution of the terms so that it is more convenient for NPO. Not really that surprising ;)

1 billion probably repairs the infra from about 4 nations. It is absolutely not excessive for the alliance that was singled out by the Hegemony for bullying, and then attacked aggressively to start the whole war – it almost certainly doesn't even cover the damage done to OV. The tech part of the reps is more punitive, which again is fair in the circumstances, although the logistics of actually sending it mean that the number is at the upper end of what is reasonable.

True dat.

If only you knew. It's no coincidence that Sethb and Wentworth are best friends. Wentworth, who is an operative for Citadel. Take into account that TOP initiated the negotiations between NPO and OV in the first place, destroyed Moo's connection so that he could not halt the orders to destroy OV, and garnered them huge reparations so that they might join Citadel.

If only you knew... :ph34r:

Well, releasing this now screws up the book I was writing.

A bit more? A better analogy for this situation would be this: same guys, same ice cream. Instead of paying for his ice cream, they're forced to buy him a majority share of Dairy Queen.

I think it's called "Pain And Suffering", or at least that is what my lawyer said.

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If the reps shares had come to a point where it would take significantly longer than the 6 months already written in the terms, then we very well might have.

Edit: That also runs into issues totally unrelated to the actual breakdown of reps. We tacked on additional reps in exchange for scratching the two weeks of war. Every alliance on the front would, at least in theory, would take part in the war, as in, nobody would refuse the war as they would refuse the reparations. So, by diminishing the reparations, we are lessening the trade for the two weeks of war, which is already a great deal for NPO, seeing as their costs incurred would be much greater than 3 bil and 50k tech from the two weeks of war.

You get to be featured on Karma's official EZI list, right under Alterego!

Sure, if you lack the testicular fortitude to enforce a set of just and well-deserved surrender terms.

Well deserved, sure, I'll buy that. Just? Hardly. No doubt that the NPO deserved some harsh terms but I would be a hypocrite if I didn't think or state that the NPO having to pay more tech than they actually have is ridiculous. Do not confuse testicular fortitude and having a heart. The first is something any idiot can have. The second it takes someone with some real balls to show instead of just going with the mob.

This is incredibly disappointing to read. I feel a little better about it after reading that the total reps amount was agreed upon and the individual alliances who fought decided to divy them up amongst themselves. That said, it's still beyond absurd that an alliance is about to quadruple it's tech via reparations.

This is not war reparations. This is war profiteering. Big old thumbs down to this.

But Pezstar, some alliances aren't taking reps! There for other people get more! I mean duh! /sarcasm

Edited by AirMe
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Oh, you managed to negotiate a nice cut for yourself. Quadruple the tech, very nice "reps" amount.

I guess it helped some alliances didn't took "reps", like FOK so there was more for the little guy.

Well, ehm, if this is a indicator of a trend now, if I can make a suggestion to the rest of the 18 alliances to post their cut in the "reps" in one thread because its going to be a lot of threads otherwise which really isn't needed.

btw. Good for you to set the new standards for the new world.

Edited by Branimir
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Well deserved, sure, I'll buy that. Just? Hardly. No doubt that the NPO deserved some harsh terms but I would be a hypocrite if I didn't think or state that the NPO having to pay more tech than they actually have is ridiculous. Do not confuse testicular fortitude and having a heart. The first is something any idiot can have. The second it takes someone with some real balls to show instead of just going with the mob.

But Pezstar, some alliances aren't taking reps! There for other people get more! I mean duh! /sarcasm

You're going at this from the viewpoint that alliances came up with numbers that they wanted, and then we summed a total from those. In fact, it was the opposite. As a front, yes this includes those not taking reps as well, we agreed that 10 bil and 350k tech was a right amount. Actually, myself, I felt that the monetary portion was rather light, taking into consideration that two weeks of war would do well over 3 billion in damages to NPO. However, beyond 10 billion, and especially because the packets of money and tech are separate, a practical limit was reached. Once we decided on the total amount NPO should pay, we then allotted it. How much goes to each alliance is immaterial, as long as the totals don't exceed a practical ability to pay along the time frame of the terms.

We decided what we wanted NPO to lose, not what each alliance wanted.

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We decided what we wanted NPO to lose, not what each alliance wanted.

I see. So why call them "reparations?"

Compensation in money, material, labor, etc., payable by a defeated country to another country or to an individual for loss suffered during or as a result of war.

Extortion would be a more fitting term.

Which is not to say that NPO hasn't done the same in the past, and might thus be deserving of this treatment. I just hate to see the English language abused by those that should know better. Cheers.

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