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How much of your RL persona makes up your CN character?


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I am a far less aggressive person in the real world, hard as that may be to believe.


I am actually quite similar IC to my RL self, but my IC character is like a supercharge in some areas (OCD about following rules, punishing those in the wrong while openly praising those in the right, being srs bzns, stuff like that) and is actually more confident in himself :P Plus my IC character isn't afraid of dogs.

Politically speaking I'm slightly more right-wing than I am IRL - I'm more of a centrist.

I actually have a different 'physical manifestation' as well, and a different back story. (I love RPing, what can I say)

The real me was born in Nanaimo, BC, is 5'11 1/2" and 195 lbs., kinda tubby, balding but still some dirty blond hair, red beard, knows scant amounts of kickboxing, is Irish/Scottish/English/Finnish, is Christian, has a BA in Linguistics, is fluent in English and semi-fluent in German/French, and loves football (soccer) but sucks at playing it.

IC "me" (Jarkko Salomäki, that is) was born in Sointula, BC, is 6'7" and 293 lbs., quite well-built, completely bald, red beard, has mastered several forms of martial arts, has a Finnish father and a half-Irish, half Kwakw'ala mother, is also Christian, has an MLE in Linguistics from Uralikan Yliopisto, is fluent in ten languages (English, Finnish, Russian, Komi-Zyrian, Komi-Permyak, Plautdietsch, Udmurt, Hungarian, French, and German) and semi-fluent in several more, including Kwakw'ala, and I'm a professional footballer (left back) for Sikkivukarin Palloseura, which you Liga Mundo types know as "SiPS" :P

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You don't finish every statement by saying "hyphen Bama"? :P

No offence intended, but I've always wondered about that convention, too, Bama. I've heard of sigs on these boards, and on my alliance board I use one ('Signed, Qaianna'; I've not brought that over here due to concerns about size). Is that the general gist of what you do?

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Polar opposites for me. I'm named after an evil dictator and sometimes I act like one IC. IRL I'm actually much less aggressive, less vindictive and I have very few enemies. I love my family and everything revolves around my wife and children. IC (TE mostly) I find peace and harmony very boring and my goal is nothing short of armageddon. In SE I've grown to be nicer once I realized how much people actually love their nations. I'm not here to ruin the fun for anyone.

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I have always viewed WCR as a character, but obviously I cannot completely disassociate the "real" me. IRL I'm probably more left leaning and less restrained then here, I tend to at least try to hold my tongue here. But if Im occasionally prone to giving attitude, that's the real me speaking. When I was a Triumvir, I was responsible for the enjoyment of hundreds of other players, and that tends to place a degree of responsibility to one's actions. IRL Im fare more egotistical, vain, and sarcastic.

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On IRC I don't bother roleplaying an actual character who is different from me, as I doubt anybody does. Though when posting on the forums and doing other material related to the actual Jack Diorno character then I try to polish him up and present the ultimate nation leader as I envision him.

He has his own back story firmly rooted in the game. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Jack_Diorno

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Quite different.

I'm very nice irl (modest too!), but IC i'm in the NPO (mutually exclusive). I also have a job which involves arguing a lot irl. Which is possibly why I hate arguing regarding CN (although i appreciate good discussion). Hence being a nobody in the wider CN community, and whilst sometimes outspoken in my alliance, don't have the motivation or activity to follow it through and probably just come across as awkward.

I even try and stay 'IC' on IRC and alliance forums. Why would i want to RP myself?

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I don't believe in CN characters. To say anyone here is 'playing a character' is laughable. This isn't a RP community.

I would say that some people may be more reserved in RL because consequences are real there whilst they are not here but nevertheless it is the same person.

So essentially, if you are an !@#$%^& on CN you are likely one in RL or you want to be one.

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