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How much of your RL persona makes up your CN character?


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I try things that I'd consider too risky in RL because I know that messing something up won't have 'real' consequences.

My early attempts to roleplay more intensely didn't last a long time; I called generals "Sir" and tried to be like a private or trainee.

In RL my home is a haven of peace and I don't get in to any 'drama' with anyone.

Here, I'd rather be at war or preparing for war.

Mona Guerilla prepares a Nuke.


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Identical to be honest. I've always been fairly diplomatic by nature, so I figured I'd stick with that. Has served me pretty well thus far.

I'm not as abrasive when it comes to people's musical preferences in CN though.

Edited by Lord Serbitar
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I am totally different in CN, I tend to act as a bigot to say the least. I am also a hypocrite. I like to lead in RL but in CN I tend to follow. I like the same music in CN as I do in RL of course. I tried acting like me in CN but it didn't work well so I changed it up.

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I take a lot from my IC personality and apply it to my RL personality. If someone bothers me in the street I do two ground assaults, send them threatening messages, and appeal to the international community for assistance.

Edited by Ch33kY
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I am pretty similar to my IG persona,

I dislike bullies regardless of where I see them and I work with the system to change it from within when I see that it needs change.

So... You're an internet tough guy in real life, too?

When I pretend to be role playing, I'm El Cid, the masterminded mysterious mercenary menace of the moors.

This pertains to my real personality in many ways. El Cid's way of fighting against and then befriending the Moors in Spain reminds me of the time that I once fought against the nation of Islam, but am now on their pay roll, and they are far better employers than any europeans. I can also speak Spanish (sort of).

In game, I am a handsome rebel fighting for what he believes in: himself!

I do that in real life, too.

I also enjoy long walks on the beach, boxes of wine from my friends at E&J Gallo, and taking cybernations way too seriously.


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I dont roll play but I have to water down what I say and play nice to try as best I can to stay within the rules and not damage the people in my alliance through my actions. I guess here and in RL I dont trust/despise people who claim to be moral, honest and upstanding people and believe they are just hiding their true nature. I think I would be considered far more aggressive, ruthless and morally bankrupt in RL.

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hmm, I'd say that my CN character is mostly the same as my RL me, I'll have my little moments of acting like a total five year old... The only part that changes in my character really is me being addicted to OJ...

At the moment what I see as right and what I see as wrong, changes with time as I grow up and see new things. Thats why some week you'll see me agreeing then the next I'll be disagreeing with the same stuff...

Edited by Farore
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I don't believe in CN characters. To say anyone here is 'playing a character' is laughable. This isn't a RP community.

I would say that some people may be more reserved in RL because consequences are real there whilst they are not here but nevertheless it is the same person.

So essentially, if you are an !@#$%^& on CN you are likely one in RL or you want to be one.

Teh $@! is teh accurate.

Pretty much I am me. The only difference is in language and such. For instance, my vocabulary outpaces my spelling. So I tend to use different words and sentence structure in person. Also my close friends and the internet has somehow created somewhat of a weird dialect that I don't tend to bring to CN. I also have a pretty absurdist sense of humor, which translates to text pretty poorly. This causes said humor to be caged somewhat and therefore I appear to be pretty serious. In reality I am largely incapable of being serious.

Also as others have noted, this is still a game and we are but players in it. So in-game I have made strategic moves that have crushed enemies and political moves that have impacted events. I enjoy having a position of responsibility and power, and I like to make decisions that impact events. In RL I pretty much take the path of least resistance and let things be. I do the same thing in board games and when my brain is in strategy mode, I think accordingly. But in RL... I am pretty much a big hippy. "Be Like Water" and all that. I certainly can hold grudges over large things, but I don't sweat the small stuff. So if you piss me off in RL, I'm not going to egg your house or have you arrested, but if I won the lottery you'd be passed over. So I don't think it's so much that my RL and CN personas are different as much as my CN persona is exaggerated.

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