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About Zergling

  • Birthday 12/09/1990

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  • Location
    Southampton, UK
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    Air Strip One
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  1. Didn't /b/ already post a DoE? I don't know, but I did not like their "stealing CN's code" ordeal, that was low to say the least, but for the most part they were ok
  2. Lately a great many alliances have been remade. Not ALL have though. So what alliances would you like to return? And if they returned would you like them to have some changes made in them as in what type of govt., what sphere, and such?
  3. I am totally different in CN, I tend to act as a bigot to say the least. I am also a hypocrite. I like to lead in RL but in CN I tend to follow. I like the same music in CN as I do in RL of course. I tried acting like me in CN but it didn't work well so I changed it up.
  4. Well if NOIR ever needs an anthem I suggest using "A Little Time" by Helloween. Because you sure do need sometime to build up your alliance. Hope LKeller comes back, in the meantime good luck
  5. lol. The nuke heard round the world............good times. Now whos going to get nuked today Tyga?
  6. Good idea, also a great idea for any rogues or ghosts that attack you, don't use up your entire alliance just use a small group like this. Only downside to this is that it might make some small alliances disappear.
  7. Disband. Your alliance. NOW! You just made the most disgraceful post I have ever seen. It doesn't even make sense, the KARMA war is over, you have no reason to fight anymore so stop.
  8. Yea it should. None of you did anything wrong, it was mostly DoorNail's meddling it seems. Don't worry about Zealot, he doesn't want to lead. He might come back and might not. I hope he does. You guys should work out your problems right now and next round come back stronger then before. I'm currently working on a charter that I'll PM to the leader once NOIR has one, they can use it if they want or alter it or do whatever they think is best for NOIR.
  9. Definitely. Right now they won't be working well but I see them being powerful next round for sure!
  10. Good to see. I hope you guys get it all worked out so I can sneak in next round. lol. You won't know me but I'll be there
  11. I agree with that! As a GENERAL I didn't even know who we were allied to. Thats just crap. How can I plan a war if I don't know who's a friend and who's and enemy? I would like to be a leader in the alliance however that is CURRENTLY impossible. Next round NOIR may be dead. If it isn't I will try to get leadership under a new name then. As far as I saw the most active member left in NOIR is Shadow Lurker, and that isn't very active. They need help from people like you Gabryal, they have hardly anyone left. Their best members left or were destroyed. NOIR, follow this mans advice. TPF destroyed you but would probably be glad to help you stabilize. TBH wants to fix relations, and heck who knows they might even want to ally with you eventually. Let in outside help. I would help but you won't accept it, Zealot probably would have helped but you did the same to him now. You must fix your problems now.
  12. I was ghosting the AA, not an official member cos my nation was far too small for my liking.
  13. The elections are failing because no one knows who to trust, and there are not enough active people. I want to help NOIR, but you called out M*A*S*H to attack TBH, they need them to peace out so that they can peace out with you as well. They don't want another war. They want to mend fences and you are not allowing them to. I also want them to destroy you because LKeller banned me from the forums, good reason except he said the reason was "I disobeyed orders", thing is I never once disobeyed an order, we don't have a charter, and no one ever said "Don't Attack RE" or "Don't bash RE in the forums". So how was that disobeying an order?
  14. I did not KNOW what he was up to, but LKeller distrusted him so I kept a close eye on him. He was the one who said that the war with TBH was "a great success" when we did a terrible job. I knew he was not our man because he was not very active on the forums, strange for our second in command.........so with that I thought he was up to something big. The reason I went after RE is because I knew of our plan to "destroy" them. I knew that if someone were to leak this they would destroy us. Seeing as it was the plan of LKeller and DoorNail I thought it would be a good tactic to use their own plan against them. Irony. It made me look bad at first until LKeller slipped up and let it be known that not only was I in NOIR, but I was high ranking because he took out my Top Secret Clearance. I did not use either of your plans because no one else would support them, only generals knew of their plans so only generals could back me and I might have had one member back my story and that would be it, not very convincing if only two people can back it up. Why did I not release screenshots? For one screenshots can be photoshoped if one has enough time and not enough of a life. Two, it would be betraying people like Zealot who wanted to help as well as betraying the bad. All in all I did not KNOW what DoorNail was doing but I had an idea he was up to something. The only person who knew what DN was doing was LKeller, and I have a feeling DN lied to him quite a bit.
  15. I see, but he's referring to a coalition of members of one alliance going to other alliances for help in overthrowing their own government. Quite a different situation, in that case neither side would probably trust the other, it COULD work but it would require a lot of blind faith.
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