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Regarding peace terms with TPF

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You missed the point, but azaghul (good god, could his name be harder to spell?) addressed it pretty well, we are seeing a lot of 'do what I say not what I do' coming from TPF and its allies at this point. You say you are not looking for sympathy, but the posting patterns would indicate otherwise, the fact that we even have a thread "TPF's Response to Terms Offered" is proof enough of that.

Lets be clear. You'd actually have some sympathy from me if it was warranted at this point, but a months worth of aid slots is not something to engender sympathy over. I've said it many times before, I'll say it again. Holding out for better terms only works if the terms are worse than staying at war.

What's wrong with posting a response clarifying why we turned down the reps? Once it was made public, clarifying our position was the logical thing to do. That's not a plea for sympathy. And OBM didn't ask for sympathy. He mocked the haters a bit, clarified why we entered the war and why we stayed in to this point, and then clarified why we rejected the terms. Nowhere did he ask for sympathy.


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Idea: For every post made by Sileath that could be considered anti-MK, another day of war is added to his war against MK prior to any peace discussions being initiated.

When have I ever said I would give you the opportunity to engage in peace negotiations? Eternal war for MK sounds nice.

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Idea: For every post made by Sileath that could be considered anti-MK, another day of war is added to his war against MK prior to any peace discussions being initiated.

It's taken me a year and a half, but I've finally succeeded in turning MK into a GOONS cell.

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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What's wrong with posting a response clarifying why we turned down the reps? Once it was made public, clarifying our position was the logical thing to do. That's not a plea for sympathy. And OBM didn't ask for sympathy. He mocked the haters a bit, clarified why we entered the war and why we stayed in to this point, and then clarified why we rejected the terms. Nowhere did he ask for sympathy.


That would be the bit where the "Listen to what I'm saying, Ignore what I'm doing." bit would come in.

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You know, if we all just ignored this bloke he would give up after a while and we wouldn't have to put up with him...

Tell that to the people who bring me up in threads not related to me.

It's a pretty standard tactic.. when you disagree with the idea, attack the presenter of it :P

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the behavior of TORN in starting this war (not just TPF helping interrogate the spy then honoring their treaty with NPO) and the epic disparity between the reparations payments demanded of each, juxtaposed against the C&G mantra of "friends before infra" as it relates to the time in war spent by each alliance.

Or, you can ignore my idea and insult me again, which obviously proves you the superior in the art of debate.

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Ahahahahhahah! MK's allies? Like TORN? You know MK is allied to TORN right? Remember, how TORN started the war then chickened out the next day?

How much in reps did TORN pay, you know, for starting the war? What's C&G's big motto.. friends before infra? Did TORN put friends before infra? I think they, kind of like your member Lord of Destruction, decided to switch sides based on the way the war was going.

Did TPF put friends before infra? You damn right they did, and still do. Oh, scorn on the evil TPF, who did things while Slayer (who is no longer in TPF) was leader. Oh, evil TPF, etc, etc, give me a !@#$@#$ break and gag me with a pitchfork.

If MK had half the honor of TPF you'd be so !@#$@#$ lucky you'd probably pee your Hammer pants.

How does that even remotely answer my question?

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Please do explain how our actions vary from our expressed motives.


I'd like to assume that you are deliberately playing dumb as part of the aforementioned PR strategy, becuase you can hardly admit your actions are different from your words at this point.

But then I think, You are keeping your alliance at war far longer than necessary for equally foolish reasons, so perhaps TPF as a whole really is that clueless.

For reference, I'm not going to go wading through 80 pages to pick out each individual post, if you seriously do not understand then I suggest you go and reread both TPF threads your self with an eye to how somebody who doesn't take "we aren't seeking sympathy' on faith might see the majority of the contents of both threads as TPF in fact seeing public support for their position.

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For reference, I'm not going to go wading through 80 pages to pick out each individual post, if you seriously do not understand then I suggest you go and reread both TPF threads your self with an eye to how somebody who doesn't take "we aren't seeking sympathy' on faith might see the majority of the contents of both threads as TPF in fact seeing public support for their position.

There aren't two TPF threads.

There's this one, which was posted by MK, and a response thread by TPF.

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I'd like to assume that you are deliberately playing dumb as part of the aforementioned PR strategy, becuase you can hardly admit your actions are different from your words at this point.

But then I think, You are keeping your alliance at war far longer than necessary for equally foolish reasons, so perhaps TPF as a whole really is that clueless.

For reference, I'm not going to go wading through 80 pages to pick out each individual post, if you seriously do not understand then I suggest you go and reread both TPF threads your self with an eye to how somebody who doesn't take "we aren't seeking sympathy' on faith might see the majority of the contents of both threads as TPF in fact seeing public support for their position.

I haven't seen a whole lot of folks arguing that these reps are terrible or that we're being oppressed. In fact, we've stated that the numbers are reasonable. We just don't want to pay PC a dime. That's our own personal choice. Nobody's oppressing us... We have simply chosen not to accept this proposal, as is our right as a sovereign alliance. OBM certainly made no bones about it in his thread. We are not pretending to be victims, and we do not want your sympathy.

Sympathy =/= public support, by the way. But even that is misleading, because we did not bring this here. I'm fine with MK's choice to do so, that's their right, but please don't pretend we brought this public in a plea for support.


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