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Ultimatum to MFO

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This is how it works:

You were unaligned at the time, you were in his range, he raided you. While I do not actually support tech raids nor do I support his "raiding technique", as per our rules on tech raiding (and you'll probably find many other alliances have the same rules) he was not violating them, in this case at least.

You don't use CM's and aircraft in raids. He clearly had a bone to pick with, as he hit another Vox brother. Raiders only use ground battles.

And for the record, stating that my alliance needs to "learn a lesson" because a tech raider did something stupid will not make me think very highly of you.

Oh no. That sounds like something I really wouldn't want, would I?

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Looks like everyone is bored.

Since everyone else is declaring, I'll shamelessly trend-whore and say I support CoJ, if for no other reason than not doing it could well bring their deity's wrath down upon all our heads.

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All those nice warm feelings I just had about MFO being great diplomats that fix problems from reading about CoJ went straight out the window when I saw they support that guy killing Starfox for some kind of vendetta.

You are only as good as the company you keep.

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If every tech raid mishap was dealt with here, they'd have to create a new subforum. These things are very routine.


At the risk of sounding as vain as I am, not every alliance has me in it. The idea that we must fear the onslaught of (what you call) useless/meaningless communications simply because I've done it tonight is silly.

More silly is the idea that what matters to CoJ and MFO is not worthy of public discourse. I am rather glad that there is debate beyond the face-value content going on because I took our plight public. There are more alliances and people on Bob than just the ones you're allied to or at war with, and there are more things going on than just those that directly concern or even just interest you.

This communication area is for us all; I invoke the words of the Mod Atlas, whose adoration in my heart is second only to Justitia:

. . . an alliance is an alliance even though it's small, and has the right to announce their happenings . . .
Edited by Schattenmann
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Policies do not confer sovereign rights.


There may very well be good people in MFO. Good people that sit on their hands while their alliance mates engage in robbery.

Except that it's not similar to it at all. Believing something is right does not mean you are free to do it. If what you are doing is in fact wrong, no amount of believing is going to change that.

One in common sense, it would seem.

Well what is right and wrong as far as raids are concerned is clearly a matter of ones own opinion on ethics isn't it. I do not agree with tech raiding, and our policy may change in the future, but for the time being, we allow tech raids.

I am sorry if you think this is wrong and unjust, but evidently that is where our alliances differ.

You don't use CM's and aircraft in raids. He clearly had a bone to pick with, as he hit another Vox brother. Raiders only use ground battles.

Yes I am aware of this, the fact that he attacked Schatt and yourself does strike me as strange, as stated before, we will be taking this into consideration when we are dealing with him on this matter. If he himself has a problem with you two, then that is his problem with you. His individual problem, the majority of MFO however do no hold any grudges or vendettas against ex-Vox members. We can't do anything about his personal views.

I would be alot more sympathetic to your complaints if you had approached me in a more diplomatic and courteous manner, I am aware that you are angered by this grave injustice, but Schattenmann has been nothing but courteous and polite throughout why couldn't you?

All those nice warm feelings I just had about MFO being great diplomats that fix problems from reading about CoJ went straight out the window when I saw they support that guy killing Starfox for some kind of vendetta.

You are only as good as the company you keep.

Sorry, vendetta? Where was anything about a vendetta mentioned? And where did we support him because of this "vendetta"

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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Well what is right and wrong as far as raids are concerned is clearly a matter of ones own opinion on ethics isn't it.

Yes I am aware of this, the fact that he attacked Schatt and yourself does strike me as strange, as stated before, we will be taking this into consideration when we are dealing with him on this matter. If he himself has a problem with you two, then that is his problem with you. His individual problem, the majority of MFO however do no hold any grudges or vendettas against ex-Vox members. We can't do anything about his personal views.

I would be alot more sympathetic to your complaints if you had approached me in a more diplomatic and courteous manner, I am aware that you are angered by this grave injustice, but Schattenmann has been nothing but courteous and polite throughout why couldn't you?

Sorry, vendetta? Where was anything about a vendetta mentioned? And where did we support him because of this "vendetta"

I now support MFO and CoJ in this event. Johnny, I am only sad I have never had the pleasure of talking with you. Hopefully we can remedy that.

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If every time an alliance were tech raided by some ignorant newb, this forum would be nothing but threads like this for the first 5 pages.

This is simply the case of a small alliance vying for "airtime" with the big boys by making a spectacle of a very common mistake. A mistake that would have undoubtedly been addressed in a satisfactory manner, whether it was discussed privately or in public.

Let's just hope CoJ grows enough that some members make mistakes down the road, and we can make sure to parade around the forums shouting about those mistakes.

If every tech raid mishap was dealt with here, they'd have to create a new subforum. These things are very routine.


I am far more interested in this than 30 pages of hails for generic large alliance #3 signing their 8th redundant treaty with generic large alliance #4

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Well what is right and wrong as far as raids are concerned is clearly a matter of ones own opinion on ethics isn't it.

Yes, and because I'm not a coward I'm standing up for my firmly held beliefs. You, in your employment of that cop out defense "that's a matter of opinion", are obviously apathetic towards questions of morality.

I am sorry if you think this is wrong and unjust, but evidently that is where our alliances differ.

Don't be sorry. Stand up for yourself, or your alliance. Take your pick.

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Yes I am aware of this, the fact that he attacked Schatt and yourself does strike me as strange, as stated before, we will be taking this into consideration when we are dealing with him on this matter. If he himself has a problem with you two, then that is his problem with you. His individual problem, the majority of MFO however do no hold any grudges or vendettas against ex-Vox members. We can't do anything about his personal views.

I would be alot more sympathetic to your complaints if you had approached me in a more diplomatic and courteous manner, I am aware that you are angered by this grave injustice, but Schattenmann has been nothing but courteous and polite throughout why couldn't you?

What are you going to do to him? Slap him on the wrist and tell him not to do it again?

Besides, are you surprised? I am not, nor have I ever been a diplomat.

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I, benevolent dictator of Urmomzone, pledge my moral support to the citizens of Schloss Eggenberg. My nation has indeed fallen victim to such raids, in past lives and on different realms of planet Bob, and thus allows me to have empathy for what they must be going through. It is my hope that the mishap find a speedy solution, as I have faith that MFO are capable and benevolent people themselves.

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I believe this thread is very unnecessary, and thus I would like to state said belief. Now I fully acknowledge that my statement may too be claimed to be unnecessary, however I find myself holding strong views over the necessity of this thread, and thus I thought it was necessary for me to express those views about the necessity of this unnecessary thread. Furthermore, I genuinely believe that those views are in fact more necessary than this unnecessary thread.

I would also like to pledge support to MFO, and say that if it were my alliance, then we'd refuse to pay the reps in order to teach the Cult of Justitia a lesson about how to properly conduct their Foreign Affairs.

Schattenmann, I find this highly disappointing )):

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As JoshuaR is not available right now I would like to make the following statement:

Reparations are being sent to the nation of Schloss Eggenberg to repair any damages caused by Sunny Side King, the actions of Sunny Side King will be dealt with by the MFO Council and Cabinet as we see fit and he will be ordered to do his homework for his upcoming test :P


You were lucky this time, punk. :P If I had been on, I would have at least negotiated that YOU write the paragraphs (it would be an effective means of getting you back into the writing business, all of Bob would agree). That and I would have noticed that your nation is of the appropriate size to start buying tech from, and I could have used my 6th slot on you (okay okay, so that slot closed a few days ago...). It also looks like Johnny doesn't know how to negotiate. You're going to be RICH from this deal!

In seriousness, and to the world at large,

Our tech raiding rules:

You are free to raid or war against any non-aligned nation. (You may NOT raid BLACK nations as per Dark Vows!)

Beware, however, that MFO government will not take kindly to multiple MFO nations raiding the same target. In addition, in the case of any raid turning sour, you will get no official support from MFO. You will be on your own. Thus, raid nuclear capable nations at your own risk!

That means that, yes, raiding CoJ was against the rules. (Noticing that SunnySideKing is also raiding a guy under the AA "Contract," I will note that Contract is a one man AA, and I personally do not consider that an alliance. I'm sure Johnny already spoke to Sunny about watching out for alliances in the future.) Raiding Starfox is likely a coincidence, though I have not spoken to SunnySideKing. I don't see any reason for him to have a vendetta against anyone from Vox. As I understand it, he was former Black Moon, then PC protectorate White Tree (perhaps also PC), likely explaining his love of raiding but not creating grounds for any vendetta.

As far as public versus private matters, I'm actually in favor of all things being public, though I'm also strange in that I would enjoy closed negotiating rooms [OOC Closed roleplay, for say, surrender negotiations]. It's more fun this way, eh? You all get your two cents in (about what Shantamantan is owed, the devil), and fun things usually happen when silly people get angry, (though if you're not Schattenmann, a thread about a tech raid won't be entertaining at all, not that there was anything especially newsworthy here, just the promise, the hope!).

To Sal Paradise,

It seems your stance is against tech raiding in general. You will probably have to argue that one somewhere else. I simply give my nations sovereignty over their decisions, so long as they do not conflict with the interest of the alliance.

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If every tech raid mishap was dealt with here, they'd have to create a new subforum. These things are very routine.


If the only downside to having threads dealing with 'routine' issues out in the open (where negotiations, and by extension power abuses, are viewable by all) is a little more forum clutter, I'm all for these threads. They have the potential to be interesting and informative.

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