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An apology to the GPA

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I wish it was your alliance fought them <_<

My alliance did.. well, the one I helped found ended up fighting them, and ended up winning. Go me! I AM THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME! HAIL BE TO ASTRONAUT JONES, KEEPER OF SOULS, CRUSHER OF DREAMS, LOVER OF YOUR WOMEN AND DRINKER OF YOUR BLOOD!

Also, I think everyone should recruit from GPA now, just for fun, to see what happens. Think of it as a social experiment on planet bob!

Edited by astronaut jones
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You thinking there's a close bond of friendship between treaty partners, or "usually" a close bond between them is hilarious though. Really, really funny. Thank you for the laugh.

I am sorry for not comprehending how your alliance works. Its just were i come from we value our allies, will be glad to stand for them at any cost and do indeed carry a close bond and friendship with all of our treaty partners and judging by Valhallas current acts in the war they do the same.

My alliance did.. well, the one I helped found ended up fighting them, and ended up winning. Go me! I AM THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME! HAIL BE TO ASTRONAUT JONES, KEEPER OF SOULS, CRUSHER OF DREAMS, LOVER OF YOUR WOMEN AND DRINKER OF YOUR BLOOD!

Also, I think everyone should recruit from GPA now, just for fun, to see what happens. Think of it as a social experiment on planet bob!

Could you please clarify what alliance? MA? or your previous one? I don't usually tend to follow the history of people like you. And as for your GPA statement... Not Funny.

Edited by Emperor Brutus
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I am sorry for not comprehending how your alliance works. Its just were i come from we value our allies, will be glad to stand for them at any cost and do indeed carry a close bond and friendship with all of our treaty partners and judging by Valhallas current acts in the war they do the same.

My alliance? Every alliance. Stop pretending like you're any different or somehow superior to me, because you're not. Far from it. If you've been around long enough, you know that friendship is, well, it's not very often that it comes into play when signing a treaty.

Hell, valhalla got us a treaty with gga just by asking them, and we said "sure! why not!" because, $%&@, saved us the work. Never even liked gga. But astronaut jones loves you, though. babydoll.

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I am sorry for not comprehending how your alliance works. Its just were i come from we value our allies, will be glad to stand for them at any cost and do indeed carry a close bond and friendship with all of our treaty partners and judging by Valhallas current acts in the war they do the same.

Could you please clarify what alliance? MA? or your previous one? I don't usually tend to follow the history of people like you. And as for your GPA statement... Not Funny.

FIGURE IT OUT, HOMESLICE! Also, since I don't care about your opinion, and I do think it would be funny to recruit from GPA, I'm just going to stop replying to you.

I do applaud NSO for their apology though, I don't think sith should have to apologize, but it's nice that they did anyway.

Edited by astronaut jones
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My alliance? Every alliance. Stop pretending like you're any different or somehow superior to me, because you're not. Far from it. If you've been around long enough, you know that friendship is, well, it's not very often that it comes into play when signing a treaty.

Hell, valhalla got us a treaty with gga just by asking them, and we said "sure! why not!" because, $%&@, saved us the work. Never even liked gga. But astronaut jones loves you, though. babydoll.

I guess you do not put in enough thought when signing a treaty, proves your worthiness and cowardice. I have been around long enough and learned that bonds exist, but they get brooken easily when people like you sign them. I never said I am superior to anyone or acted so. Personal attacks are not needed here.

FIGURE IT OUT, HOMESLICE! Also, since I don't care about your opinion, and I do think it would be funny to recruit from GPA, I'm just going to stop replying to you.

I do applaud NSO for their apology though, I don't think sith should have to apologize, but it's nice that they did anyway.

Or I could just ask you. But tbh, I don't feel like wasting my time on that.

Edited by Emperor Brutus
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I guess you do not put in enough thought when signing a treaty, proves your worthiness and cowardice. I have been around long enough and learned that bonds exist, but they get brooken easily when people like you sign them. I never said I am superior to anyone or acted so. Personal attacks are not needed here.

Did you miss the part where he signed it to get off a diplomatic black list, and they signed it to use his upper tier and try to get him to go to his color?

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I guess it means NSO is really desperate. But nice to see this resolved in a peaceful matter.

Well that's not what I got out of it at all. Interesting.

It means his comparison to that timeless (ooc) holocaust (/ooc) poem failed.

It is a terrible poem. I am unclear as to why he chose to butcher it here, though. It sounds like he's saying they stopped us, which, well, they didn't. That's even more egotistical than us (which is rather impressive). At least we're only arrogant about things that we've actually done, or are at least related to in some way.

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It is a terrible poem. I am unclear as to why he chose to butcher it here, though. It sounds like he's saying they stopped us, which, well, they didn't. That's even more egotistical than us (which is rather impressive). At least we're only arrogant about things that we've actually done, or are at least related to in some way.

Meh.... Bring back the Sponge and Starfox show. Way more entertaining than the Brutus/Jones (or perhaps Astronaut Brutus) sideshow.

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Yeah, you were there for the first few months. And yes, I had (ooc) circumstances which necessitated my absence. I returned and the fight was renewed. So how about those Vox ideals? Which of them have I abandoned? Challenging the status quo and challenging arbitrary mores created by oligarchs to ensure the retention of power amongst a very few sure seem to be high among those ideals and I see those being challenged here. Tell me all about how wrong I am, Mister Keeper of The Vox Flame. I'll be very surprised if you can. The vast majority of what you did for Vox is what you're doing right now, sticking your nose into discussions that didn't concern you and making character attacks. It's no accident that when you stepped away we actually started making headway. Critical thought isn't one of your strong suits.

The fight is over, Sponge. What status quo are you fighting? You seem to be implying that by supporting NSO's recruitment attempts, you're fighting the hegemon. You're not. This one wasn't put in place by the NPO and co., it was put in place by everyone.

It's funny you say without me in government you made headway. Are you saying I hurt Vox? Without me, Mr. Sponge, Vox would have never even existed.

Who all in Vox would you say helped it? You seem to think you came in and picked up Vox and single handedly ran to the finish line.

Well make sure to give yourself a medal for hanging around for a few months treading water, and a few more months nearly entirely inactive. Some of us actually did material work to advance the cause, and not just thread crapping.

I was around every day. I still frequently showed up on these forums. I just wasn't too active on the Vox forums as I was locked out from everything that happened for the most part. Again though, are you implying I hurt Vox?

The other side of the world, eh? The side that had just gotten done riding rough shod all over anyone who dared disagree, an alliance that had spent nearly its entire existence extorting others using the power of its much larger allies? So because they surrendered to a superior force rather quickly they had all the sudden changed? What a joke.

Yeah, you've done the exact same thing to people, Sponge. So, really, how can you of all people hold that against them? They honored a treaty, just like I would have.

Fake how? Because someone insinuates themselves into a thread with the seeming express purpose of trashing me, and I respond bluntly? Again, unlike you I didn't run directly into the arms of the enemy once they were beaten. How long were you waiting to join them? Hypocrite. I continue to work against the hegemony, I continue to speak out for the things which Vox Populi spoke out for. That doesn't mean blindly thrashing about railing against whatever seems to be the fashionable thing to rail against, like you're doing here. If you really think about this situation, and the very core of what the controversy is, it's about freedom from having to live under the overbearing, capricious, and arbitrary expectations of others (who I might add can't supply an explanation of why recruiting from other alliances is wrong except a really dense recursive argument or "it just is because we all say it is"). You're aligning yourself with a subtle tyranny, Starfox, and you should ask yourself why you're supporting it. Again, critical thinking.

I never planned on joining the enemy. I was allied to Pacifica once and it was more than enough for a lifetime. It was a spur of the moment move. You act like I supported the hegemon and wished to be a part of them? I was one of their most annoying and hated enemies, earning an exclusive spot on the EZI list. This seems to be the only weapon you have against me, too bad it's a terrible one.

Allowing the recruitment from other alliances is not anything Vox ever fought for. You are carrying on nothing. You are so far in the wrong here, and yet you think you are crusading for justice?

There is no tyranny being exercised here. You are just quite simply wrong.

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The fight is over, Sponge. What status quo are you fighting? You seem to be implying that by supporting NSO's recruitment attempts, you're fighting the hegemon. You're not. This one wasn't put in place by the NPO and co., it was put in place by everyone.

It's funny you say without me in government you made headway. Are you saying I hurt Vox? Without me, Mr. Sponge, Vox would have never even existed.

Who all in Vox would you say helped it? You seem to think you came in and picked up Vox and single handedly ran to the finish line.

I was around every day. I still frequently showed up on these forums. I just wasn't too active on the Vox forums as I was locked out from everything that happened for the most part. Again though, are you implying I hurt Vox?

Yeah, you've done the exact same thing to people, Sponge. So, really, how can you of all people hold that against them? They honored a treaty, just like I would have.

I never planned on joining the enemy. I was allied to Pacifica once and it was more than enough for a lifetime. It was a spur of the moment move. You act like I supported the hegemon and wished to be a part of them? I was one of their most annoying and hated enemies, earning an exclusive spot on the EZI list. This seems to be the only weapon you have against me, too bad it's a terrible one.

Allowing the recruitment from other alliances is not anything Vox ever fought for. You are carrying on nothing. You are so far in the wrong here, and yet you think you are crusading for justice?

There is no tyranny being exercised here. You are just quite simply wrong.

Give it a rest Starfox. All you are doing is burning your bridges.

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Pardon me, but she is not a government official...she's an ambassador. Thus, she would have no say on the matter.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not a "high ranking official". Just a regular member now. ^_^

And thanks for fixing my gender. Last time i checked I'm not a dude...

Thank you both for fixing my error. I knew at one point she was part of the government and as I have admitted previously I do not keep up with the details of every single alliance in this world, especially the neutrals.

Also, you are welcome kahlan.

You mean like when they were in power? Yeah that was totally unpredictable...

Congratulations, now we get to see what you guys are like when You are in power.

. . .

What the $%&@. Since when does neutral mean not having an opinion? I, errantly it seems, thought it meant they stayed away from other alliances politics, not their own. This has to do with them entirely, so expressing an opinion or even declaring war over it is totally within the realm of their neutrality. That would be awesome, actually.

On topic: Oh drama. This kinda goes to show that Ivan is still a fantastic showman and able to stir up !@#$ even when apologizing.

I never said being neutral means you cant have an opinion, I mistakenly thought KahlanRahl was part of the official government of GPA and was coming out to directly make a statement going against the official stance of GPA. She is not such so it is a little bit different but obviously her government would like this done and over and her statement does not aid that at all. Anyways, it was a mixup.

Thank you for your consulting work. However, I don't see Valhalla kick/banning just because in your opinion they aren't good people.

Valhalla in my time there hasn't tried to be anything it wasn't. They are a warrior alliance and they stick by their treaties. Before you start, understand that what NPO was accused of doing (cutting and running and leaving TORN on the battlefield alone) is about the worst thing you can do in the eyes of a Valhallan. They stuck by NPO in the end anyway. There is a history there that goes back to the departure of noWedge and includes the Continuum treaty. Valhalla always knew that NPO wasn't a pack of choir boys and choir girls. So did otehr alliances that signed treaties with NPO including MA.

Valhalla is not without family fights, people who go off on to these forums and open their mouth when it was best left closed. In that respect it is no different an a lot of other alliances. If they were different in a significant way from TOP, PC, MA, Rok, or the others, it is that they were on the wrong side of the current fight. They paid for their loyalty in blood and fought with honor, never whining about losing. All of us who were part of the fight are still recovering and will be for several months to come.

You say that Valhalla is incapable of change under the current leadership. I say you're wrong...very, very wrong. I say that as someone who came to Valhalla to help because I knew what was to come. I have in my own way made proposals quietly to leadership that I felt that were necessary or could help Valhalla in the long run. Nothing is off the table, nothing isn't being re-thought except for this: Valhalla is an alliance of warriors. That will always be true so long as there is a Valhalla.

Did Valhalla bother to speak to NPO about that or did they just take the word of the big mouth running all across the cyberspace of CN (IRC) shouting to the heavens about NPO being the betrayer and thus giving all of NPO's allies the excuse they were praying for?

I know due to a past post of yours that you Know what happened. Do not use a false truth to defend your current alliance, it makes the rest of the points questionable due to your willingness to use a false truth.

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Just got online for the first time in two days to see all of this, got to say I'm pretty unimpressed. I don't find this whole "poaching" that upsetting, it certainly doesn't make the NSO the most evul alliance eva. As is pretty much standard this time of the year people are getting bored and are looking for drama, no matter how trivial it is.

o/ NSO

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I have other friends.


How many you got left that are willing to take you seriously? I mean, attacking Ivan because he has the balls to not hide behind a victim complex like you seem to do constantly is pretty specious logic there.

As Sponge said, critical thinking is important. If you think that the ones acting like tyrants are the folks who are being told to conform upon threat of violence...You seriously need to take a step back and try to use critical thinking.

Listen, to all of you who dont like the apology and say its insincere.

Take a hike. Just because this isnt the apology you want doesn't mean it isnt sincere. And frankly speaking, I dont see how any of you peanut gallery types are even relevant to the discussion. Especially in light of the epic Tangent Starfox began with his line about "disappointment in voxians in frostbite" etc, etc.

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You mean we prevent defenseless alliances from getting bullied?

Yeah what the hell were we thinking...

Because bullying occurred?

Wait, why should you be taken seriously anyway? Its not like you're in a position to set Citadel policy or anything of note.

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