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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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His criticism is still valid, you wouldn't dare doing what you did to a well connected alliance.

Yet at the same time, you criticize us and put us down when you are not involved, the issue is over yet you feel the need to blab continually, for what? To make you feel important? To give you some sort of self-righteous joy in sitting back and going "Well you wouldn't do that to Other guys?" where do you get off on this, what exactly do you gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing except the rest of us thinking you're a massive tool.

That's my two cents, and I AM involved as I AM a member of the NSO and thereby am connected to this whole fiasco. Good day sir.

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Yet at the same time, you criticize us and put us down when you are not involved, the issue is over yet you feel the need to blab continually, for what? To make you feel important? To give you some sort of self-righteous joy in sitting back and going "Well you wouldn't do that to Other guys?" where do you get off on this, what exactly do you gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing except the rest of us thinking you're a massive tool.

That's my two cents, and I AM involved as I AM a member of the NSO and thereby am connected to this whole fiasco. Good day sir.

That's very nice, but when you say "rest of us", to whom are you referring?

Edited by Style 386
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Just for everyone's information, Ramneta and JesterXO do not speak for the entire TDO senate, and therefore whether or not we view what was said to be an acceptable apology has not been decided yet.

MY opinion- I think it is the same old "we did it, get over it, we won't continue the campaign, now shut up" that we got the first time, and considering the immense disrespect that we have received throughout the entire process, I'm looking for something with much more respect and sincerity. You tell another alliance that what you did was wrong and kiss their butts because they have allies. Then, you tell us you were not wrong and that if we don't like it, we can kiss your rears- because you stopped recruiting from us for now. That doesn't seem like an apology at all to me.

You are a sensible fellow, and it pleases me to see my fellow Aquans in TDO standing up for themselves properly.

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And in comes Bill n ted, the utmost example of "empowerment by Hegemony", with absurd criticism. Of all people... He has never dared to do anything of this sort, you know. He has been fairly quiet now that his big brothers are gone. I await his exploits with great anticipation, even when I have this feeling I will be - as usual - sorely disappointed.

Ive fought and nuked some neutrals in my time, blasted them openly for their incompetence here on OWF and had a ball in doing so. Ive never though sent recruitment messages to members of other alliances though, that really takes some gall or incompetence.

How many messages were sent to alliances that would stand their ground with you or simply slap you down? Your singling out of neutral alliances is commendable, I wish you good luck with those hippies though look forward to the day when NSO attempts to recruit from an alliance that would go toe to toe with you.


Also who in their right mind would recruit hippies? Why oh why would anyone other than a neutral alliance want to cram itself full of people unwilling/unable to fight?

Also Steelrat looks like hes angling for a recruitment message; hes too shy to ask for one so Ill ask on his behalf :popcorn:

Edited by bill n ted
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Just for everyone's information, Ramneta and JesterXO do not speak for the entire TDO senate, and therefore whether or not we view what was said to be an acceptable apology has not been decided yet.

MY opinion- I think it is the same old "we did it, get over it, we won't continue the campaign, now shut up" that we got the first time, and considering the immense disrespect that we have received throughout the entire process, I'm looking for something with much more respect and sincerity. You tell another alliance that what you did was wrong and kiss their butts because they have allies. Then, you tell us you were not wrong and that if we don't like it, we can kiss your rears- because you stopped recruiting from us for now. That doesn't seem like an apology at all to me.

Come find someone on the Darth Council on IRC.

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Yet at the same time, you criticize us and put us down when you are not involved, the issue is over yet you feel the need to blab continually, for what? To make you feel important? To give you some sort of self-righteous joy in sitting back and going "Well you wouldn't do that to Other guys?" where do you get off on this, what exactly do you gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing except the rest of us thinking you're a massive tool.

That's my two cents, and I AM involved as I AM a member of the NSO and thereby am connected to this whole fiasco. Good day sir.

Oh look at you go, and I'm the one trying to feel important? please.

Just because I'm not involved doesn't mean I cannot comment in the situation, it's also funny to see that you didn't try to address the argument and just went for the typical ad hominem attack, again, you wouldn't do this to a well connected alliance, wanna prove me wrong?

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I think the people who are saying "OMG try that against my alliance!!" or whatever are completely missing the point of what that message said. That is, that the targeted alliances are weak due to their neutrality. I'm not condoning it at all but let's try to discuss this honestly. They wouldn't send this message to some Citadel or Superfriends alliance for the very fact that those alliances aren't weak. It's not because the Sith are acting out of any weakness of their own, they are making an (ooc: obviously RP'ed) point according to their guiding philosophy. Sure, bad move and it's not one likely to be repeated. The chest thumping is kind of funny though.

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Yet at the same time, you criticize us and put us down when you are not involved, the issue is over yet you feel the need to blab continually, for what? To make you feel important?

Because some of us like to stand up for the little guy and dont like seeing neutrals pushed around like this! :awesome:

Edited by bill n ted
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Let me give you a summary here:

-NSO member 1: Hey let's pick on someone!

-NSO member 2: Who, should we pick on?

-NSO member 1: The neutral alliances, peace is a lie! Something I do agree on btw

-NSO member 2: Great idea, let's try to recruit them all! ALL at ones whaha roflolmaowtf.

-NSO sends recruitment message saying TDO is a !@#$%

-TDO tries to resolve things, NSO sort of pushes them around again and ignores them basically

-TDO does not like the handling of this affair by NSO and postures on OWF

-NSO says they did nothing wrong, yadayadayada. Still continue to make fun of TDO.

-Other Frostbite alliances except STA throw their weight around

-Aqua partners of TDO say they will help TDO

-NSO member 1: "Oh !@#$, Gramlins are gonna kick our $@! if TDO attacks us and we attack them back."

-NSO member 2: "Oh NO! OUR PIXELZZ AHHH. Quick let's try to work this out diplomatically."

Edited by kriekfreak
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I think the people who are saying "OMG try that against my alliance!!" or whatever are completely missing the point of what that message said. That is, that the targeted alliances are weak due to their neutrality. I'm not condoning it at all but let's try to discuss this honestly. They wouldn't send this message to some Citadel or Superfriends alliance for the very fact that those alliances aren't weak. It's not because the Sith are acting out of any weakness of their own, they are making an (ooc: obviously RP'ed) point according to their guiding philosophy. Sure, bad move and it's not one likely to be repeated. The chest thumping is kind of funny though.

Hmm. Politically weak? Sure. Militarily weak? Maybe. But at least they've got the strength to stick to their guns and to accept that their philosophy isn't the only acceptable one. I'd consider the closed-minded intolerance that the Sith are so keen on displaying (even if they are back-pedaling now) to be more of a weakness than simple isolation. A weakness, indeed, that has felled many empires.

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Yet at the same time, you criticize us and put us down when you are not involved, the issue is over yet you feel the need to blab continually, for what? To make you feel important?

Uhm, the international community does have a say and can criticize when they see actions that could harm the community as a whole. If you don't like it go read your own forums and tell yourself how awesome you are.

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This is a common debate tactic... stir up trouble as the aggressor, and then play the white knight card to spin the entire situation making yourself look like the good guy. That way, if trouble comes your way you can tell everyone you weren't at fault, when in fact the situation started from actions of your taking.

Just wanted to point that out for people who didn't notice.

Oh we noticed. We also see a crowd forming around the PR crash site, but for the most part you have Frostbite leadership in damage control mode and no real prospect for war. Neutral alliances don't declare alliance wars. They get declared on.

Which is probably why NSO figured at worst they'd have to formally apologize to TDO and be here in damage control mode with people venting at them for a day or so and at best, TDO would keep the hissy fit to their own forums, lodge a laughable protest with NSO and NSO would grab several bored TDO members.

But seriously, do you honestly see anyone talking about this after tomorrow? <_<

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Let me give you a summary here:

-NSO member 1: Hey let's pick on someone!

-NSO member 2: Who, should we pick on?

-NSO member 1: The neutral alliances, peace is a lie! Something I do agree on btw

-NSO member 2: Great idea, let's try to recruit them all! ALL at ones whaha roflolmaowtf.

-NSO sends recruitment message saying TDO is a !@#$%

-TDO tries to resolve things, NSO sort of pushes them around again and ignores them basically

-TDO does not like the handling of this affair by NSO and postures on OWF

-NSO says they did nothing wrong, yadayadayada. Still continue to make fun of TDO.

-Other Frostbite alliances except STA throw their weight around

-Aqua partners of TDO say they will help TDO

-NSO member 1: "Oh !@#$, Gramlins are gonna kick our $@! if TDO attacks us and we attack them back."

-NSO member 2: "Oh NO! OUR PIXELZZ AHHH. Quick let's try to work this out diplomatically."

I like Delta's bet-wait, where is Delta's?

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Uhm, the international community does have a say and can criticize when they see actions that could harm the community as a whole. If you don't like it go read your own forums and tell yourself how awesome you are.

I do that as well, but the view of the NSO by community as a whole doesn't concern me, that above my job description. But I will say this, your "criticism" is just you attempting to bump yourselves in the chest with the statement "Do that to OUR Alliance hurf durf"

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Let me give you a summary here:

No, your summary is inaccurate, especially where you assert that NSO attempted to push around TDO during discussions. I'd also dispute that any of us have been throwing our weight around. Polar and tLC have come out in favor of diplomatic resolution - for the slower people amongst us that means we favor NSO apologizing to the offended alliances.

At any rate it is my understanding that NSO and TDO are discussing things privately and that accomodations are being reached. Seems the tempest in this teapot is going to blow over. I am sure that will disappoint quite a few of you. Keep trying though!

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I only read the first 5 pages (can anyone really expect me to read all 32?), but no matter what anybody says, poaching members isn't going to be good for TDO nor does doing it for the lulz excuse it. This is an act of war and nothing else. I hope it doesn't come to war, but I also sincerely wonder who the participants in that war would be.

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